February 11, 2025

Democrat Activists Wear Black

Timothy Birdnow

Does this surprise anyone?

Federal Judge Threatening Trump Admin With Criminal Charges Over Spending Freeze Used To Be A Major Dem Donor

This jackass (named McConnell, is everyone so named a Trump-hating creep?) threatened criminal contempt charges over the Administration not restoring funding to DEI in numerous states.

He needs to be impeached.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:47 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Denmark Wants to Buy California

Timothy Birdnow

Sold to the man with the curly locks! (Sorry Bill and Mike!)

Denmark citizens offer to buy California.

Of course this is not an apt comparison; California is one of the actual states in the union while Greenland is an independent territory of Denmark, like the U.S. Virgin Islands is to America. And of course California has a much, much higher economic ratting than does Greenland. Denmark's total GDP is 404.2 billion, and they are suggesting they would buy California for a trillion dollars. They don't have it and can't get it. But if they could and if California would prefer to join the Danish Kingdom then so be it! Oh, and they can defend the Golden State while they are at it.

California's domestic product is $3.9 trillion, so the Danish offer is not serious. I hate real estate bargain hunters who lowball and waste everyone's time!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:39 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Pope Francis Stuck on Stupid

Timothy Birdnow

Pope Francis strikes again, sending a letter out to America's Catholic Bishops whining about Trump's deportations.

The man is stuck on stupid.

After admitting America has the right to defend itself he moves on to attack us:

"That said, the act of deporting people who in many cases have left their own land for reasons of extreme poverty, insecurity, exploitation, persecution or serious deterioration of the environment, damages the dignity of many men and women, and of entire families, and places them in a state of particular vulnerability and defenselessness,”


"I have followed closely the major crisis that is taking place in the United States with the initiation of a program of mass deportations ... The rightly formed conscience cannot fail to make a critical judgment and express its disagreement with any measure that tacitly or explicitly identifies the illegal status of some migrants with criminality.”

What does that paragraph even mean? It's a word salad in ANY language. This is like something Kamala Harris would say.

What does this pinhead Pontiff think is happening here? We've had officially 10 some odd million aliens come here illegally (beaking the law) according to very low-balled sources. (It's interesting that the same numbers being used now are identical to what they were years and even decades ago; clearly they aren't being updated and the number of illegals is being hidden. We've all seen the caravans.) The reality is it's much higher. In fact I have little doubt the number of illegal aliens in America tops 30 MILLION. A study done by Yale and MIT (not exactly right wing sources) found 22 million illegals in this country - and that was in 2018, before the floodgates REALLY opened under Biden.

Argentina's entire population is just 46.65 million (Frankies home country) and the population of the country in which he currently resides is 764 souls. Maybe he should volunteer to take a million of them or so!

So Francis needs to walk a mile in our shoes but of course he won't bother. And he needs to quit running his mouth.

I would add Frankie apparently doesn't understand we are prioritizing illegals who committ serious crimes like murder and rape. But I guess we are supposed to just accept that as part of a "moral" society?

The first duty of any government is to maintain order and stability. We are being invaded and the fact is most of our problems stem from that fact.

Francis also said:

"What is built on the basis of force, and not on the truth about the equal dignity of every human being, begins badly and will end badly"

What does he think any government does? It's ALL based on force you fool! And it is a refusal to obey our laws in the first place that requires this exercise in force. I guess we shouldn't enforce speeding laws either? Laws against marrying cousins? Laws against drug abuse? Against moving into a vacant house and not paying rent?

And how is evicting someone disputing the "truth about the equal dignity of every human being"? Is evicting squatters from your house somehow diminish their dignity? They did that themselves by squatting.

Well, I imagine he does think that as he is a squatter tenant of the Vatican himself, having hustled in to steal Pope Benedict's chair at St. Peters.

ALL laws are enforced using the threat of violence. And that is right and proper as laws are how civilization is kept orderly. It's government's duty.

I would say we cannot get a new Pope fast enough, but sadly Francis has fired anyone who would vote for a conservative and stacked the College of Cardinals with clones of himself, so the next guy may be even worse.

I ama a Catholic and normally have a healthy respect for the Pope, but the Pope is just a man and his opinions are just that - opinions. Only when he speaks ex cathedra is he infallibel - and that hardly ever happens. The last time a Pope spoke ex-catthedra was in 1950, when Pope Pius XII endorsed the doctrine of the bodily assumption of Mary into Heaven.

It's always easy to moralize when it's not you living with the consequences of your positions.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:17 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Trump Pardons Blago

Timothy Birdnow

Donald Trump just corrected a terrible wrong and pardoned former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.

Blago was pretty much a political prisoner, imprisoned for bucking Barack Hussein Obama by not giving Valerie Jarrett his old Senate seat. Blago wanted something in return other than Obama's good will.

The Democratic Governor was given 14 years in prison. Trump commuted his sentence in 2020 but has now formally pardoned him.

Yes, Blago was corrupt, but no more corrupt than any other Democrat, particularly in Illinois. His mistake was bucking the very hateful and corrupt President Obama, who wanted his BFF Jarrott in the Senate.

Blago calls himself a "Trumpocrat" now. Reality has a way of knocking the stupid out of people.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:32 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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The Final Death of Docugate

Timothy Birdnow

A federal judge just dismissed all charges not just against Trump but against associates being charged in the classified documents case.

The 11th Circuit appeals court has formally dismissed the remainder of that case against Trump's valet Walt Nauta and property manager Carlos De Oliveira, effectively ending the matter entirely.

How much taxpayer money was wasted in this tilting at a windmill?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:23 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Lord They Were Lovey Dovey at the IRS

Timothy Birdnow

I had to call the IRS yesterday. Normally I would rather get a tooth pulled and colonoscopy at the same time sans anesthesia, but something was quite different.

I've had an ongoing problem with the IRs since 2020 when they sent us the wrong refund. We sent it back but they charged us penalties and interest anyway. We sent in a request for those to be waived and got a letter telling us to sit tight, that it was under reviewbut there was a backlog. We sat tight.

And sat and sat. We would occasionally get new letters assuring us it was in the works.

Then this week we got a notice telling us we were in default and they were going to seize our assetts!

So I had to call and speak with one of their agents.

I've had terrible times with them in the past. About a year ago I called over this and was treated like a pedophile at a Baptist retreat. The first agent was yelling at my wife for volunteering information and not just giving a yes or no answer. She then hung up on me and blocked my phone number, so I had to call back on another line.

The second gal seemd o.k. until I asked for a receipt of payment since they were saying I still hadn't paid the original money back. I said I needed a receipt if it became a legal matter and she went ballistic "don't you threaten me!" I pointed out asking for a receitp for a payment is hardly threatening and if I had to hire a tax lawyer it would become a legal matter. Eventually she calmed down but she was just hateful.

That was your IRS.

So I dreaded caling yesterday but it had to be done.

It was the difference between night and day. The woman I spoke with was polite, tried to help, and actually pleasant. She laughed at my jokes even! I was quite impressed.

Granted, I still had to pay up, but she put a hold on the account for now and is sending me more forms to fill out since it didn't show up that I appealed and she said I could get a refund if they agreed. She at least was trying.

Now whydo you suppose that is?

Trump. She, and the rest of them, are afraid for their jobs.

This is what happens when you hold workers accountable rather than give them carte blanche. If they know they have to be polite they will be - if they can treat people any way they like they surely won't bother.

And frankly I hope most of them do lose their jobs. I'm not a mean person and don't wish anyone ill but most of these people should never have been hired in the first place. In fact the IRS should never have been created, nor the income tax imposed. It has been nothing but a massive abuse of power and a tool that has metastasized the central government. At this point I don't think it is reformable; it needs to go away.

Maybe the DMV is hiring in their home states?

The title comes from George Thoroughgood's song "One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer".

BTW Here is a poem I wrote about my prior experience with the IRS:

Dancing with Iris

by Timothy Birdnow
April 2, 2024

There are devils in this world my friend, and some we can't escape
they'll pursue you to the end and your bankroll they will rape
I once danced with such a one, a demon out of Dis
Let me tell you chum that it's no fun to dance with old Iris

She'll take all of the meat and will leave just a bone
and if you think she cheats just leave a message at the tone
You do not want to feel the love of one such as Iris,
Nor wish her tender lips to grip you with her venom poison kiss

she'll drag you to the edge and toss you off the great abyss

Iris came to me one time, and wanted me to dance
she lured me in with her mistake, a victim of circumstance
but the romance was short and soon she sunk into my flesh her sharp red devil's claws
and rendered my account a mess to pay for all her flaws

Stay away from Iris, get as far as you can go
if she sends you any gifts my friend you'd better tell her no
You had better pay her promptly or the pentalty will grow
she'll feed upon your carcass like a buzzard or damned crow

I got caught by evil Iris and she played an evil game
she sucked away my money and she left me broke and lame
I called her on the telephone for advice from her to tell
but she laughed at me with demonic glee and told me to go to hell

Well if I do go there I have this single consolation
Iris and all her devilish friends I'll find in the oblation
how many poor souls has she tormented and brought to consternation?
she'll be trapped in the bowls of the firey Tartorus, to burn in eternal immolation

There are devils in this world my friend, and some we can't escape
they'll pursue you to the end and your bankroll they will rape
I once danced with such a one, a demon out of Dis
Let me tell you chum that it's no fun to dance with old Iris

Stay away from Iris, stay out of her path
for she is just the tool of Satan and the instruement of his wrath

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:19 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Timothy Birdnow

Trump just sacked CFO of FEMA in a long-overdue firing, as well as two program analysts and a grant specialist.

After Eon Musk found that FEMA was paying to house illegals in luxury hotels at taxpayer expense Kristi Noem at the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees the corrupt emergency management agency, ordered the dismissal of these employees.

It's long overdue; we know FEMA sent out orders to workers to bypass any house with MAGA signs, for instance, after a hurricane decimated part of Florida. The lower-level manager who issued the order was let go,but she insists this came from higher up (and of course the media isn't interested in THAT.) That manager said it's standard practice, or was. The House wants to investigate this as they should.

Obama and Biden have weaponized almost every branch of government and it's going to take a while to ferret out all the corruption. This is a good start.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:02 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Job Openings Up

Timothy Birdnow

While Trump has only been in office a short time he has been President-elect for three months now and it shows. One way it shows is in job openings.

Job openings posted the biggest drop in 14 months

Why? Because businesses are in a hurry to hire before the big expansion comes and because those who quit seeking work have returned to the labor force.


"Job openings, a measure of labor demand, decreased 556,000 to 7.6 million on the last day of December, the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics said. The decline was the largest since October 2023.

Data for November was revised higher to show 8.156 million vacancies instead of the previously reported 8.098 million. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast 8.0 million unfilled positions. Vacancies were down 1.3 million over the year. They remain above the 2019 average.

It's now safe to hire people, and it's now worth looking for a job. Oh, and those who have been on permanent vacations now understand the gravy train is about to end.

As consumer confidence rises and businesses see economic growth and spur expansion we will see more and more job openings (plus we'll have a ot of openings when illegals leave). What this means is a job for everyone who wants one, and it will be a good job, too, not part time work as was common during the Biden era.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:49 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Beat the Court in Short

Timothy Birdnow

An interesting idea about how to rein in these activist judges blocking Trump's agenda!

X User Reveals How DOGE Can Beat leftwing Activist Judges at their own Game

Here is the tweet:

Dan Huff:

@DOGE, a single district judge has issued a ruling blocking the executive branch from access to Treasury data. There’s a simple fix: DOJ should demand injunction bonds. 1/

This will be a repeat problem for the Trump administration, just like it was in the first term, unless something is done to rein in frivolous injunctions. Activist judges could single-handedly gum up the entire Trump/DOGE agenda. 2/

Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65(c), judges can issue injunctions "ONLY IF” the suing party posts a bond to cover potential damages if they’re wrong. But guess what? This rule is hardly used! 3/

When I was in the White House, in Trump’s first term, I suggested this, but DOJ didn’t make it happen. Imagine if we had applied this to the travel ban – activists would think twice before blocking policies with potentially billions at stake. 4/

The government has expert economists who can easily price out the cost of policies like birthright citizenship or wasteful spending. Price injunction bonds fairly, and frivolous lawsuits become a financial risk, not a free pass. 5/

Without injunction bonds, the American people bear all the costs of activists and judges blocking the agenda they voted for. Why should activists and judges get to overrule the American people with no penalty if they’re wrong? Our system wasn’t meant to work this way. 6/

For national injunctions, we’re talking bonds in the hundreds of millions or even billions. It will become prohibitive unless the activists have a slam dunk case. 7/

If a judge tries to lowball the bond amount, it’s a quick and easy reversal given the unambiguous language in the federal rules. 8/

The best part? This doesn’t block activists from court; it just stops them from using preliminary injunctions to pause government action based on arguments that might not hold up in an appellate court.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:38 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Football Lessons and the Modern Mark of Cain

Timothy Birdnow

When the St. Louis Rams won the Superbowl in 2000, they had what was arguably the best offense in NFL history. They had multiple tools to draw on, great receivers, great running backs, great lineman, and a great quarterback. In fact, their defense was rather poor, under coordinator Lovie Smith, who employed "bend but don't break" which was essentially a prevent defense, the kind of defense you use when you are way ahead. It worked because the Rams were almost always way ahead; if they needed points they could easily obtain them. Mike Martz was then the offensive coordinator for "the greatest show on turf". (Martz would go on to become head coach and the team went into decline - he was a much better offensive coordinator than head coach.)

So what's my point? more...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:34 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Restoration One Name at a Time

Timothy Birdnow

It's official; Pete Hegseth has officially changed the name back to Fort Bragg.

One of the tricks of Leftists and Muslims (the two share much in common) is to change the names of things so as to erase what has been. It's an old trick. You can't change a culture without erasing it's memory, and that is why Obama and Biden were both big name-changers; they wanted to erase America and found a whole new nation. So they forced name changes everywhere; Mt. McKinley became Denali, Ft. Bragg became Ft. Liberty, the Washington Redskins became the Washington Commanders. The airbase at Thule, Greenland became Pituffik (Thule being a an evil white Viking name and Pituffkik an "oppressed" indigeonous Eskimo or Innuit, as they now like to say). By changing names you forget who you are as a people and where you have been.

The Muslims did this all the time and Constantinople - the greatest city of the eastern Mediterranean - became Istanbul. Palestinians call Jerusalem "Al Kuds" just to poke the Jews in the eye. I could go on but you get the point.

You probably remember the name changes made by the Bolsheviks too; St. Petersburg became Leningrad, Tsaritin became Stalingrad, et.

So this is important and thank God for Donald Trump and Pete Hegseth; they are beginning the restoration of Western culture one name at a time.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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All in the Family

Timothy Birdnow

Old friends of the sick hand, Ilhan Omar, confirm it; Omar married her brother to get him in the country illegally.

It has long been suspected without adequate proof, but now we have witnesses who corroborate the fact.

This means a. she can be kicked out of Congress and b. both she and her brother can be deported.

From Western Jounralism:

"However, Abdihakim Osman — a friend of Omar’s first/third husband (this is complicated stuff, so bear with us) — says that it was well-known that the relationship was a scam.

Furthermore, he said that the marriage was conducted through a Christian minister even though both Omar and Ahmed Elmi are Muslim, because he suspects imams in the Minneapolis area would have known the two were related and refused to wed them.

What we know is that Omar married her first husband, Ahmed Hirsi, in a 2002 Muslim ceremony. However, as the Daily Mail points out, "like many in the immigrant community, [it]was not registered with the state.”
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Osman met Hirsi when Omar’s first husband was working at a barbershop, then later worked for him when he opened a hookah business.

The couple had two children before Ahmed Elmi appeared in the Minneapolis Somali community. He told the Daily Mail that Elmi, who presented himself as effeminate, was sent from the U.K. to Minneapolis for "rehab,” although one gets the impression this did not involve substance abuse.

"People began noticing that Ilhan and [Hirsi] were often with a very effeminate young guy,” Osman said. "He was very feminine in the way he dressed — he would wear light lipstick and pink clothes and very, very, short shorts in the summer. People started whispering about him.

"[Hirsi] and Ilhan both told me it was Ilhan’s brother and he had been living in London but he was mixing with what were seen as bad influences that the family did not like,” he continued. "So they sent him to Minneapolis as ‘rehab.'”

Omar's Christian marriage would not be recognized as valid in the Islamic world and thus she would be engaging in Takkquia, the Islamic practice of deception.

In addition to the possibility of being stripped of her citizenship and deported Omar could be sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment and/or a fine of $250000 under 8 U.S. Code § 1325.

The Justice Department needs to open an investigation of Omar immediately.

To quote Archie Bunker "get away from me YOU!"

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:06 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 465 words, total size 3 kb.

February 10, 2025

If You Haven't Got a Penny Then God Bless You

Timothy Birdnow

Inflation is taking everything. Now your thoughts can no longer be purchased for a penny...

Trump Says He's Directed Treasury to Stop Making New Pennies

This is sad; the end of an era, but it was inevitable.

It will save the country a lot of money. It actually costs the mint more money to make a penny than it is worth.

But it is a sign of the times; our currency is so devalued a penny is completely worthless and nobody wants them anymore. There was a time you could buy stuff with a penny - penny candy, for instance. And you could put them in shoes...

I am mindful of the old English song we used to sing when I was a boy:

Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat
won't you please put a penny in the old man's hat
if you haven't got a penny a ha'penny will do
if you haven't got a ha'penny then God bless you!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:27 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 175 words, total size 1 kb.

New York to Cancel Election for Stefanik's Seat

Timothy Birdnow

New York Democrats are pushing a bill to delay the special election to replace Elise Stefanik, who is leavingC the House of Representatives to become America's Ambassador to the U.N.

Current law requires Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul to schedule a special election within 90 days of a vacancy but the Democrats are asking to delay it until next November - meaning the people in her district will be unrepresented for nine months.

Laws cannot be retroactive yet the Democrats will pull this stunt to prevent the Republicans from having a potential win in Congress. These are the "defenders of Democracy"!

Currently the GOP has a razor thin majority of 218 to 215, with two vacant seats. Sefanik's departure willmean a third vacant seat and could sink much of the Trump agenda.

so what reason did they give for delaying the election? It's TOO EXPENSIVE!

How much money has she blown on services for illegal aliens? How much on DEI? One report found $14.8 billion in waste and fraud and corruption in New York's budget, yet here we are with the party in power denying a special election and disenfranchising some of their citizens.

This is banana republic stuff. Time to get out the torches and pitchforks.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:18 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Ice Free Arctic 6,000 Years Ago

Timothy Birdnow


Less Ice In Arctic Ocean 6000-7000 Years Ago | ScienceDaily

We have been told that it's hotter than at any time since the Jurassic, that this is unprecedented, yet here we are with evidence of less arctic ice six to seven tthousand years ago. This was just three thousand years after the last major glaciation ended. THIS was the Holocene Optimum, the warmest it's been since prior to the last ice age. Hotter than now despite the fact there were no SUV's on the roads.

It was at this point that human civilization pretty much started. Prior to this there were mostly hunter-gatherer tribes and nomads. Coincidence? I doubt it.

Warmer periods is better for all life and especially for human life. It's the cold that we should worry about.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:44 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 139 words, total size 1 kb.

Thoughts on Politics and the Superbowl

Timothy Birdnow

Watching the Superbowl yesterday I was struck by how mismatched the two teams were. As anyone who watched the game is aware, the Philadelphia EAgles utterly demolished the Kansas City Chiefs in a totally humiliating manner, winning 40 to 22,and almost all of those 22 points the Chiefs got came at the end when it no longer mattered. This game could have been a shutout very easily.

I was puzzled by it; the Eagles weren't blitzing but were sending a four man rush and they cut through the chief's defensive line like a hot knife through butter. Chiefs QB Mahones never had any time, and was sacked 6 times, and turned the ball over three, with two interceptions and one fumble. Given he's a great quarterback the blame rests squarely with the line - and with the play-calling.

They kept trying those mid-range passes. I couldn't understand what they were doing. If the defensive line is getting through quickly you throw a screen pass - or a bomb. In fact, two of the touchdowns were from bombs and that shouldn't surprise; the Eagles were playing shallow. And there was no running game whatsoever.

I thought about the recent election of Trump and how he was essentially like the Eagles and the Democrats were the Chiefs. Trump played hard smashmouth football but did so intelligently. He did not get the breaks from the officals (as did the Democrats - and the Chiefs during the playoffs) but earned every inch. The Chiefs, were in the Superbowl for the third straight year, and seemed overconfident and sloppy. Their play-calling was terrible, the same tired old plays. Trump mixed it up, going on Joe Rogan and doing a lot of things to attract new voters - Harris went to the standard playbook and it failed her.

I'm going to speak some heresy about the election of '24; contrary to what we are all saying (and I'm guilty of it too because it's important to ride like the wind when there is an opening and the enemy is demoralized) the election was really not a landslide. Trump did win pretty big in the Electoral College but he squeeked by in many of the battleground states. And while he won the popular vote it wasn't a knockout blow by any stretch of the imagination. We can tell this by Congress; the GOP did not pick up a supermajority in the House nor a solid majority in the Senate (despite the fact the Democrats were defending twice as many seats as the Republicans.) We won because the Democrats were overconfident and using very poor strategy. Had another candidate, say, Josh Shapiro, been up he may well have won.

But now Trump is blitzing and the Democrats are like the Chiefs, trying desperately to protect their own qb against the onslaught.

This is exactly what he should do. In war or politics the race belongs to the swift.

So the next four years will be "rebuilding years" for both K.C. and the Democratic sunshine band. What we need to do is labor to make that attempt fail. We need to continue the outreach. We need to not take the mid-terms for granted. We need to continue to develop podcasting and other alternate information sources, and to continue to disregard the media. I am puzzled about why the Administration is sending so many people out to talk to Meet the Press or Deface the Nation or whatnot. There was a time it needed to be done but now we probably can ignore them.They will NEVER give us a fair shake anyway.

And to touch on one of my earlier points, the Chiefs benefitted mightily from the thumb on the scale by the referees. I believe the NFL wanted the Chiefs in this Superbowl, and I suspect it was because a.Mahones is black, or half black anyway and b. because Taylor Swift dates one of the players and they lusted after all those Gen. Z eyeballs on the game, people who normally do not watch football but who follow Taylor Swift as if she was the Virgin Mary. So KC got multiple key breaks through the playoffs; they really weren't the best team this year but were pushed above their performance level by the league. Just like Kamala Harris.

Being the teacher's pet has it's perks, but is a disservice in the long run. The media boosted Harris and she never developed as a person, much less a politician. The League boosted Kansas City and they wound up getting destroyed when the game was fair.

As was said in the movie What Dreams May Come "sometimes when you lose you win". That is so very true.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:31 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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February 09, 2025

Shrine to Fauci Killed

Timothy Birdnow

$168,000 for a shrine to Anthony Fauci in the National Institute of Health's Museum and all I got was this lousy tee shirt!

Yes,DOGe uncovered and strangled in utero this abomination and fleecing of the American taxpayer to honor one of history's most deadly killers.

DOGE said that the agreement was signed at the end of October 2024 and was to be completed by the end of July 2025,so it was just another parting gift from Joe Biden.

Something for everyone it seems, except the taxpayer who is left holding the bag.

God bless Musk and his Doge-ies!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:05 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 104 words, total size 1 kb.

Trans Kids and Munchausen by Proxy

Timothy Birdnow

James Woods nails it:

Munchausen by Proxy has become a cancer in leftist culture. Mass hysteria no different than the Salem witch trials.

I am speaking of the cultural zeitgeist in generaI.

I have no specific knowledge of this tweety bird and her flock of "transgenders.” https://t.co/N3mbXr9nva

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) February 7, 2025
This is obvious from an old 1991 study of mothers of transgendered boys showed that 53% had Borderline Personality Disorder and thus the tranny movement is the product of crazy white women.

What is BPD? Hereis the definition:

"Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness that severely impacts a person's ability to regulate their emotions . This loss of emotional control can increase impulsivity, affect how a person feels about themselves, and negatively impact their relationships with others."

Which boils down to this:

"Borderline personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by a pervasive, long-term pattern of significant interpersonal relationship instability, a distorted sense of self, and intense emotional responses."

That sounds like most white liberal women I have met. And what comes with that? No doubt a desire to show off how special you are and a Munchausen by Proxy approach would fit perfectly with this.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:36 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 208 words, total size 2 kb.

Over Half a Trillion in Waste

Timothy Birdnow

The Gateway Pundit discusses a new report from the Congressional Budget Office showing our government wasted over half a trillion dollars in funding for expired programs or unauthorized programs.

From the article:

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report that went viral this weekend.

The report detailed that the federal government spent over half a trillion dollars on programs that expired last year without ever actually authorizing the funding.

About 2,500 expired appropriations made up the $516 billion. That is no way to run a government. From the CBO:

"CBO identified 1,264 authorizations of appropriations that expired before the beginning of fiscal year 2024 and 251 authorizations of appropriations that were set to expire by the end of fiscal year 2024.

"CBO estimates that $516 billion was appropriated for 2024 for activities with expired authorizations, which the agency identified for each House and Senate authorizing committee (Table 1) and appropriations subcommittee (Table 2).”
Read the whole thing at TGP.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:19 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 168 words, total size 1 kb.


Timothy Birdnow

The Elizabeth Warren created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has essentially been shut down, with employees being ordered to https://archive.is/RkrGx]cease all activities in the face of DOGE's ax.

The agency, created during the Obama era in 2011, cannot be shut down by the President but can be simply defanged. That is what the newly confirmed director - Russell Vought -has done.

This bureau has essentially become a shake-down organization that imposes DEI and otherwise stifles economic growth. It should come as no surprise we've seen banks in the U.S. defund conservatives and promote LGBTQ and other such abominations since it's inception; no doubt this agency has pressured them into adopting all of the DEI platform lest they use the power of the state to compel them.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:40 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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