November 30, 2024

Signs and Wonders

Timothy Birdnow

Russian stealth drones probably.

Lights over Capitol Hill spark UFO fears as viewers ‘convinced something is happening’ weeks after landmark hearing

That people would immediately think of "UFO Aliens" rather than the Russians or Chinese shows how woefully maleducated the public has become.

Hey...maybe the aliens are giving Donald Trump a kind of parade! Notice the one object was red, like America.

Or there is this:


" I will show wonders in the heavens above"

This is before the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord.

Are these lights in the sky not alien spacecraft but signs from God? A warning, perhaps, for us to repent while there is still time?

Or perhaps it is more like 2Thessalonians:

"The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder."

If Satan's greatest trick was making people not believe in him, wouldn't his next trick be to make false signs and wonders to fool the public? These things make me think of the Miracle of the Sun from multiple apparitions of Mary around the globe. While this spectacular event was seen primarily at Fatima in Portugal, it also happened at Medjugore. I have known several people, including one lawyer and a very credible witness, who have seen it in person.

During the twentieth century, there have been 386 cases of Marian apparitions. Of the 386 reported events 299 have had no determination by the Church (one such is one that touched me directly - the apparition of Mary to Ray Doiron in Illinois. I was present at one of the apparitions and wound up on television for it.) One of the biggest - Medjugorje - is still unapproved, although it seems likely that evenetually the Church will have to approve it. I have been touched directly by Medjugorje too in many ways. At one very low point in my life the last seer to receive visions showed up in St. Louis and went to my local church - one block away. This and one other parish were the ONLY places he visited in town! I had to go home and the sky was spectacular; I've never seen anything like it in the city! I got home with the sense that I was going to go through illness (the seer mentioned that to the general public that some present would) and I became sick as a dog for a week straigh. Since then I've suffered from a number of serious medical conditions.

The point is there are signs and wonders in the Heavens now, but the media ignores them by and large, or reports on them in a way designed to poke fun at them. (That was NOT the case at Our Lady of the Snows when I was interviewed; they gave it a very fair hearing. I didn't want to be interviewed but they made rush to get to me as soon as they spotted me! BTW there was an enormous white dove who appeared and landed on the ceiling of the grotto when Mary was appearing to Mr. Doiron. Also, my car simply vanished - poof! I thought it was stolen because I knew exactly where I had left it and it was gone. I said a prayer where I promised to believe in the apparition if I could find my car and guess what? It was right behind me where I said the prayer (and that was not where it was when I left it.) So certainly something was happening there.

So what is happening now? Is Satan creating counterfeit miracles in the sky to reinforce atheism and lead us astray to believe not in God or in angelic beings but in aliens and other creatures that grub on dirty little balls of rock and gas? I don't know but it certainly is a possibility. Given the utter moral corruption we see in the world now I suspect it may well be. Something IS about to happen, no quesiton. But I seriously doubt it's a visit by little green men.

Anyway I have other amazing stories tied to Marian apparitions and my own journey touched by them. I once ordered a storm to cease like Jesus did on the Sea of Galilee, and I know what happened; it was an amazing coincidence that the eye of the storm passed over me right as I spoke the words (prompted by an overwhelming memory of Jesus doing just that). It was at a time when I was horribly low, and it was at the Ozark Hilton. I call the OH Hallowed Ground for that very reason.

At any rate miracles do happen and I suspect we are witnessing a spiritual explosion of them now as we approach the Parousia (second coming) through our own evil ways.

But in this instance I strongly suspect these lights are drones, either our own or the Russians or Chinese. But who knows? One thing I am certain of, it's not little green men from space. Space is far too huge and such wouldn't even be aware of our existence, much less care about our rise from savagery to even greater savagery with some technology. Interstelar travel isn't done lightly. And the only way they would know of our existence is to pick up radio transmissions and we only he a little over a century of those, so they have only gone out a hundred or so light years. As we pick up nothing in the immeiate vicinity oursleves these aliens must come from farther away. So they uldn't know and wouldn't care anyway.

No, I suspect something else is at work. Either military or supernatural. But any way you slice it I think we are witnessing something important. Let's hope this isn't a prelude to a Russian attack...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:41 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Strange Death of a Rothschild

Timothy Birdnow

I was Facebook friends with this guy. He was a nice man even if we were political enemies. We had a few private conversations over the years. He sent me a friend request and was always courteous and polite and respected my opinions.

He actually was fairly a-political, being very concerned with helping the poor and charity work and toning down the bitterness of the world. If someone was to die I can think of people who needed to go before him.

Family Tragedy
What we know about the heir to Rothschild banking dynasty Will Rothschild

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:50 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Syrian Civil War Erupts

Timothy Birdnow

Syrian rebels have taken Aleppo as the Syrian army fled from the besieged city.

According to Al Jazeera:

The military said on Saturday that dozens of its soldiers had been killed or wounded in fierce battles with "armed terrorist organisations” in the governorates of Aleppo and Idlib over the previous few days and that it was now regrouping, redeploying troops to strengthen its defence lines as it prepared a "counterattack”.

It said that rebel groups had launched "a broad attack from multiple axes on the Aleppo and Idlib fronts”, reporting clashes "over a strip exceeding 100km [60 miles]”.

The army said the rebels had entered large parts of Aleppo but army bombardment had stopped them from establishing fixed positions. It promised to "expel them and restore the control of the state … over the entire city and its countryside”.

This presents a major escalation and could lead to further destabilization of the region.

Why now? Probably because the Israelis have beaten Hezbollah into submission in Lebanon and continue to pound the Iran-backed terror network. Hezbollah has been a long-time ally of the Baathists of Syria and the Al-Assad family. So Israel has knocked out the southern threat to the rebels. Also, with the Russians having nothing to spare the Assad government is in a weakened position. And then there is the looming spectre of Donald Trump, who is a staunch supporter of Israel but who withdrew aid to Syrian rebels and if they wnt to continue the fight they will have to win it soon, probably. Who knows though; Trump may decide it is better to take out Assad and throw his support behind the rebels.

At any rate this could lead to more problems. The Turks may intervene in this war, for instance. (I suspect that is the hope of the rebels, that Turkey intervene in their favor.) And as the U.S. supports Kurdish separatists, the Turks may decide the time is ripe to clean up the mess that threatens to spill over to their own Kurds.

Iran can ill-afford to let this thing go against their geopolitical ambitions too,and who knows what they will do? The new Ayatollah, Khameni's son, is known to be weak and thus the Revolutionary Council is in charge. These are the guys who want Armageddon so that 12th Imam can finally climb out of the well he fell down and restore the glory of Islam. This is balanced on a knife's edge.

China's position will be anyone's guess. They have stayed out of it by and large, promoting a diplomatic solution (to be brokered by themselves, of course). But they are close allies of Russia and Iran. Their policy could change if the balance of power is seen as shifting in favor of the West.

So we are sitting on a powder-keg.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:31 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Zelensky Offers Peace for NATO Membership

Timothy Birdnow

I guess Zelensky thinks the West is full of suckers.

Zelensky told Sky News he would accept peace for Nato membership

Here's what he is proposing; immediate peace (since he's losing the war) but only for IMMEDIATE Nato membership. Oh, and Nato must "recognise Ukraine's internationally recognised borders" even if Russia won't immediately have to hand over the occupied territory.

In other words he's trying to drag NATO into the fight. If NATO recognizes the Ukraine's borders prior to the invasion it means Russia is an invading army and NATO will be obligated to go to war on her behalf.

That guy is one piece of work.

It was threats of Ukraine joining NATO that led to the invasion in the first place and Putin has stateed repeatedly he will withdraw from Ukrainian territory if he gets a guarantee the former Soviet Republic does not join the anti-Russian coalition (which is what NATO is and always was.) Granted, Mr. Putin is not scrupulous with his word, and he would find a loophole if it suits him.

I said it before and I'll say it again; Putin cannot be perceived to lose this war. If he loses he will be deposed - and killed. He will do anything in his power to win, or at least save face. Sun Tzu, the ancient Chinese military philosopher, admonished generals to "leave a golden bridge of retreat" for an enemy les they fight to the death. Biden and his friends refused to offer such a bridge to Putin, and thus old Put has dug in his heels. Trump has read his Tzu and knows he needs to give Putin a way out. If he gets sucked into the "our way or the highway" mentality Putin will escalate. He could well use tactical nukes and dare America to respond in kind. A game of nuclear chicken is one we almost certainly will lose. How do you launch the Big One for a tactical strike on battlefield troops? It seems unlikely to happen.

This is, of course, the last thing Putin wants to do. But he will do it if his own survival is at stake. And the Russian People don't see things the way we do; they see a coalition of hated foreign powers allied against them, and backing up the upstart Ukraine, which they still view as a Russian province. They fear a Ukrainian victory in a way we cannot fully understand. It's more akin to fearing Soviet troops invading California back during the Cold War. We don't think that way towards Russia, which we now view as a rude kid on the playground, but to them we are still the great enemy, largely because we have aCTED like their great enemy, and also because they rightly understand we are trying to suck their country dry and bring it into the amorphous mass of Europe as a colonized region. The Russians are paranoid,but they aren't entirely wrong.

so this proposal by Zelensky is nothing but another effort to bring the U.S. into the war. Trump is going to have to impose peace on these two dimwitted autocrats through financial pressures and make it stick. It will not be an easy task.

But it won't be that hard either; all we need to do to get Zelensky on board is to threaten to cut off the money and arms. He'll fall in line if we do. Putin will fold when the price of oil and gas go down; he'll run out of money. We can help that along with an oil and gas embargo, one we make stick.

This situation was  avoidable and has been solvable all along. Mr. Biden and the War Hawks just never wanted  a peaceful solution.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:04 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The End of the Willis Witch Hunt

Timothy Birdnow

Here is an AOL article that says Fani Willis' prosecution of Trump is about finished and perhaps the prosecutor herself.

What I find fascinating is that this is not a conservative outlet and the article is amazingly balanced. It mentions how arrogant Willis is, and how she promised to "get Trump" and her many transgressions.

I recomment you read it; good for the digestion!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:32 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Pot Attacks Kettle - Film at 11

Timothy Birdnow

If this isn't the pot calling the kettle black!

Defeated Dem Senator Claims GOP ‘Rigged The System’ To Win Election

Yes, Sharrod Brown actually accused Republicans of STEALING the election from him! The elephant testes on that guy! Well, he didn't say steal so much as "rigged" but it amounts to the same thing.

Uh, Mr. Brown, perhaps you have forgotten that your own party stole the last general election and did it's level best to steal this one, with irregularites all over the country, particularly in Pennsylvania. But we mustn't remember that, mustn't we!

How many 3 a.m. vote dumps happened in the last two general elections? Many, and all in Democrat areas. Shoot; California was STILL counting votes as late as the end of last week, in the vain attempt to erase Trump's popular vote victory. You guys are the thieves.

BTW The Donkeys are crowing about how they won four senate seats in states Trump won. It is a valid point, but it is in no way a statement about Trump or MAGA but rather about the failure of the GOP RINO wing. The House and Senate both were disappointments, and that was not for the reasons often cited as conventional wisdom (which is that the public wants divided government) but rather because the House and Senate are run by RiNO Republicans who don't want to win because a balance of power gives them more power in the party. Nobody will vote out an incumbent when the margin is so tight and they also can prevent conservatives from making any headway by blocking our initiatives. Mitch McConnell has been the king of this tactic, but the House has had a series of Speakers who followed suit. The public has seen the Congressional GOP as feckless and self-serving and couple that with the fact that at least McConnell did not fund any conservatives who ran the public wound up letting these seats go. You cannot expect people to vote for a fairweather friend. So the GOP failed to win the Senate by a big margine precisely because the GOP did not try to win the Senate by a big margin. It was more a referendum on Mitch McConnell and his band of merry milksops than anything.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Biden Blocks Coal Mining in Wyoming

Timothy Birdnow

Biden has cracked down on coal mining, banning coal mining and methane harvesting in the Wyoming's Powder River Basin.

According to the Daily Caller:

"The Biden administration moved on Thanksgiving eve to bar future coal leasing in the Powder River Basin, one of America’s most coal-rich regions, according to multiple reports.

The Powder River Basin, a region that spans parts of Montana and Wyoming, accounted for about 43% of U.S. coal in 2019, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The administration made its move to formally end coal leasing in the area and roll back previous approvals for development plans on Wednesday as Americans prepared to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday, according to E&E News.

"The decision is to make no federal coal available for future leasing,” Todd Yeager, the field manager for the Buffalo office of the Bureau of Land Management, wrote in a filing announcing the move, according to E&E News. Yeager added that the decision will take about 48 billion short tons of coal off the table for mining and development. "


America has the largest coal reserves in the world and we would still be swimming in energy if we had no oil or natural gas at all thanks to the compacted dinosaurs and Jurassic plants buried below ground.

Coal was and is still used for generating electricity and it comes in a handy-dandy lump that can be shipped by rail or truck. Also, it was used in steel and other metal manufacturing as a way to smelt the ore (he who smelt it melt it, methinks). Time was people had coal furnaces in their homes. My father speaks of his; he had to go down in the basement every few hours and restoke it. A pain surely but I suspect with modern technology we could devise a fully automated form of coal furnace, perhaps grinding the coal up into small particles and having them in a chute with a thermostat that opened the door for a given amount of time to let the coal flow into the fire box. I don't know but we could warn our homes with coal if need be.

There was work done to try to convert coal into a kind of artificial gasoline. It stopped because more promising avenues were available, and petroleum products were cheap, but it could still be done. And of course we could always go back to steam engine cars!

Any way you slice it coal has a lot of value and should not be neglected by the U.S. There are ways to make it less environmentally polluting.

I may be biased; my great grandfather (one of them) was a coal miner in southern Illinois. (My other great grandfather was a railroad man and may have used coal from grandpa Alblinger to run his engine.) And my home town of St. Louis is home to the two largest coal companies in the world - Peabody Energy and Arch Coal.

At any rate, I'm always a sucker for older tech that worked. I pine for the days of airships and telegraphs and Aladdin kerosene lamps and Stanley Steamers. I like to imagine how things would have gone had this old technology won out rather than this new-fangled stuff. (I'm always looking for ways to adapt the old tech to use in my luxurious resort in the deep ozarks, the fabled Ozark Hilton.)

But Biden shows he didn't learn a thing from both his and Harris' defeat. The Democrats never will; they are too beholden to the Gang Green.

Ah well; Wyoming is the state that gave us the Cheney family, so they can lump it!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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AOC May Run!

Timothy Birdnow

How much more embarrassment do the Democrats want?

Bring it on baby!

Democrats Apparently Now See AOC as Potential 2028 Contender in Bid to Lose by Larger Margin Than Last Time

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:24 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Trump Exhausts Media

Timothy Birdnow

The White House Press Corps is bitterly complaining about how exhausting it is to cover Trump and how they are already worn out.

Here is what caught my eye on this:

"Julia Manchester, a national political reporter for the Hill, referred to the incoming president as "someone who thrives on unpredictability.”'

Uh, that's the whole point Julia.

Trump practices the principles advocated by Sun Tzu, the ancient chinese military philosopher. One of Sun Tzu's admonishions was to be unpredictable, to confuse an enemy commander by not doing what seems the logical course of action.

It works and Trump had to view the media as an enemy as that is how they behaved. So he is far away when they think he's near, active when they think he's passive, organized when they think he's confused. This made it difficult for the media to launch a coordinated attack on Trump over any issue; they didn't know where to fire their guns.

The "chaos" and "confusion" of Trump's administration is a feature, not a bug. And a very clever strategy. Anybody else would have been taken down by the media had they played the game as it has always been played.

Trump also believes in a Hegelian dialectic and uses competition between different staff members as a tool to drive productivity and creativity. He sets people against each-other and then skims off the cream that rises to the top. It's an effective strategy if a bit ruthless. Trump doesn't operate on the theory that you baby your underlings; he is there to do a job and he demands excellence from those under him. It's not MY management style, but then Trump made a billion dollars and I made peanuts so I can't argue with success.

But the media is used to politics as usual and cannot stand the fact Trump runs things quite differently.

Julie Manchester continues:

"Describing the aftermath of the November 5 election as something like "déjà vu” for the press corps, she said it was "right into the fire with this transition, with the Cabinet picks.”

"And I think overall, just outside of the press corps, the country itself was feeling burnt out,” Manchester added."

Why so exhausted? Could it be because the press corpse, er, corp was desperately trying to undermine Mr. Trump all along and now is exhausted from the failed effort?

More from the article:

"While Meredith McGraw of Politico said that "no matter where Trump goes, what he does, there’s behind-the-scenes drama and intrigue,” she predicted that news publications are not going to jump on every single social media post from Trump like the last time around.

Instead, she said outlets will be focusing on being "bigger-picture about stories.”

Trump used Twitter like a virtuoso, sending the media into a conniption with just a few carefully chosen "careless" words. So now they are vowing to not fall for it (I doubt they can stop themselves) and plan "big picture" stories meaning lies spun into whole narratives, like a kind of evil Hallmark Christmas tale for Trump haters. But she doesn't understand that they already did that and they cannot keep doing 'big picture" stories about Trump indefinitely. The need to destroy MAGA looms over everything they do and that can only happen if the head of the serpent is cut from the body, they believe. And Trump's program will work, and they will be in a position where they have to try to gaslight America with claims that it is a failure. They need the distraction, much like a magician needs his "magic wand" to distract the audience from what his other hand is doing. "Big picture" stories are destined to fail.

So they are going to have to go after every little utterance of Trump it's all they have. And that will utterly exhaust them.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:20 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Florida Bans Geoengineering

Timothy Birdnow

Florida has introduced a bill banning geoengineering in the state.

From the article:

  1. "A Florida Republican Senator has introduced a new bill that will prohibit weather modification and geo-engineering within the state.
  2. The SB 56 bill, introduced by Senator Ileana Garcia, aims to target technological weather manipulation, such as methods used to alter weather patterns, temperature, or sunlight intensity.
  3. The bill also repeals existing provisions in Florida statutes related to weather modification.
  4. The bill specifically prohibits:
  5. "injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of 36 a chemical, a chemical compound, a substance, or an apparatus 37 into the atmosphere within the borders of this state for the 38 express purpose of affecting the temperature, the weather, or 39 the intensity of sunlight.”'
  6. End

While it may not be an immediate pressing problem it most certainly could become one in short order. Of course state law won't matter if the feds are the ones doing it.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:38 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Man About to be Cremated Awakens

Timothy Birdnow

Everyone's worst nightmare! This is the stuff of horror movies.

Man Regains Consciousness Moments Before Cremation; Three Government Hospital Doctors Suspended

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:02 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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November 29, 2024

The Blessings of Global Warming

Timothy Birdnow

So THISis  is what  everybody is so afraid of?

"One of the greatest scientists in the world is Arrhenius of Sweden. He is a chemist and physicist, and has studied this matter. He shows that this proportion of carbon dioxide in the air will make the climate warmer, by acting like the glass roof of a green house. With the carbon dioxide increased from two and one-half to three times, the temperature of the whole world will be raised 8 to 9 degrees centigrade—and Greenland will have a good climate for farming. All the good soil of Canada will be in as temperate a climate as that now enjoyed by Missouri.

Corn will be grown in the Peace River Valley. Oranges will be an orchard fruit in Arkansas and Virginia. The suburban residents of Chicago may literally sit under their own fig trees and scuppernong grape arbors. Cotton will be a stable crop in Iowa. Bananas will fringe the shores of the Gulf. Siberia will become the greatest farming country in the world. The great Antarctic continent—one of the greatest on earth in extent—will be the Western Canada, the Scandinavia, the Siberia of that day, and will have millions of people. Alaska will be as warm as Maine now is. And the heat of all the tropics will be made hotter for thousands of years.”

January 28, 1913

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:06 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Daze of Wine and Roses

Timothy Birdnow

Don't know about the roses but she certainly has been tippling the wine.

EXCLUSIVEDoctors question if Kamala Harris was tipsy in bizarre new video message

Hillary Clintton hit the sauce pretty hard too, most especially after she lost to Mr. Trump. The two should get together for a vino-klatch some day! I sure hope they have a waitress and not a waiter though...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:32 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Sending Illegals to ICE

Timothy Birdnow

But it was more fun sending them to sanctuary cities.

Texas plans to bus Illegals directly to ICE deportation centers — Instead of nyc and chicago.

ICE is just following orders so it doesn't make the political statement. I prefer to keep them flowing to "woke" places. How about Kathy Hochel's residence? How about to tthe Governor's mansion in Springfield, Illinois? Sending them to ICE is like sending criminals to the police headquarters; the real culprits aren't effected.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:48 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 84 words, total size 1 kb.

Germany to End Multiculturalism

Timothy Birdnow

Germany, the center of immigration in Europe, is going to force people to assimilate or go home - they plan to "promote the dominant culture" aka become Germans.

Does anyone think this would be happening had Harris won?

From the article:

"In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, Alexander Throm, the CDU interior affairs spokesman, said Leitkultur was fundamentally the principle that foreigners should adopt German cultural values and not vice versa.
"It is the way that we live in Germany as a cultural nation,” he said. "It concerns not only our languages and customs, but also our cultural and historical foundations. It ultimately means that people, no matter why they come to Germany, orient themselves towards this cultural basis, not the other way around.”
Respect for the equal rights of women, the rule of democracy and Germany’s post-war constitution are also considered key aspects of Leitkultur by the CDU – in addition to Israel’s right to exist, following the Oct 7 massacre."


This is not some sort of fascism, as no doubt it will be portrayed, but rather how nation states work and always have. There is a dominant culture and if you want to take advantage of what a country has to offer you must adopt that culture or go elsewhere. If you don't like that don't come.

The concept that people can carry their culture with them and live in accordance with the values of that culture in other places is a very modern idea. They started pushing that when I was in college back in the mid eighties - multiculturalism. Multiculturalism wasn't just celebrating other cultures, but was about balkanization - allowing multiple cultures to coexist in the same space, like we see in the Balkans or Caucasus or in India. Such places have suffered from sectarian and tribal violence on a huge scale as a result. You cannot have competing cultures in the same space - not for long - without violence.

It took Germany long enough to realize that.

This has been a generation-long social experiment which we now see has failed. How much misery and suffering and damage has it caused?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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SPLC Doxes Not the Bee

Timothy Birdnow

The Southern Poverty Law Center, proving once again it is a hate crime in action, has Doxed a number of (not the) Babylon Bee writers

All in the name of freedom and democracy!


The discredited, scandal-ridden smear factory known as the SPLC is about to publish a hit piece doxxing several of our "Not the Bee” writers who wished to remain anonymous so they could speak freely, without fear. The SPLC extracted sensitive information from our site, then used…

— Seth Dillon (@SethDillon) November 19, 2024

"We’re determining how they obtained this information, but we already know why they went digging for it. They did it because they’re left-wing activists masquerading as journalists. They did it because they lack principles,” Dillon wrote.

"They did it because they’re vindictive bullies who’ve admitted their aim is to ‘completely destroy’ individuals and organizations they disagree with by making them pay a steep price for speaking freely.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:18 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Christians Are Why Trump Won

Timothy Birdnow

Christians pushed Trump over the top; the former and future President earned 56% of the Christian vote compared to Harris' 43%.

Christians still make up 68% of the electorate. Harris won big among the atheist and agnostics at 64-35. You cannot win without the Christian vote. And in this election the electorate was 72% Christian, thus it was obvious Christian values were on the ballot.

This was and remains a spiritual battle first and foremost, a war between God and Satan, good and evil. For far too long it was an asymetric battle, with the children of Satan waging war and Christians thinking it was just a disagreement with fellow citizens. It's not and never has been. Now people are starting to figure that out.

High time.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:40 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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FBI Corruption

Timothy Birdnow

Here is the extent to wich the FBI will go to protect the Bidens. They are trying to destroy a loayal informant because he ratted out the corruptor-in-Chief.

The FBI and DOJ’s ‘politically motivated’ persecution of a former informant — all to protect the Bidens

The FBI is corrupt beyond words and must be dismantled.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:19 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Weaponizing Banking

Timothy Birdnow

Here's how they do it.

Marc Andreeson dishes on Joe Rogan.


"The First Amendment says the government cannot censor American citizens,” Andreessen began.

"And so, what they do is if you want to censor American citizens in the government, if you’re smart, you don’t do that. What you do is you fund an outside organization and then you have them do it.”

"We have this thing called the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, CFPB, which was the – it’s sort of Elizabeth Warren’s personal agency that she gets to control,” he continued.

"And it’s an independent agency that just gets to run and do whatever it wants, right? And if you read the Constitution, like, there is no such thing as an independent agency. And yet there it is.”

"Basically, it terrorizes financial institutions,” he explained.

"Prevent new competition, new startups that want to compete with the big banks … just by terrorizing anybody who tries to do anything new in financial services.”

Andressen gave an example of debanking.

"Debanking. This is where a lot of the debanking comes from, is these agencies. So, debanking is when you as either a person or your company are literally kicked out of the banking system. … My partner, Ben’s father, has been debanked. … for having the wrong politics. For saying, "unacceptable things” under current banking regulations.”

READ: Tom Homan Warns Dems They Could Face Jail If They Disrupt Trump’s Deportation Plans

"Under current banking regulations, after all the reforms of the last 20 years, there’s now a category called a ‘politically exposed person,’” he said. "PEP. And if you are a PEP, you are required by financial regulators to kick them out of your bank. You’re not allowed to have them. "

"But what if you’re politically on the Left?” Rogan asked.

"That’s fine,” Andreesen replied.

"So, no one on the Left gets debanked?” Rogan asked incredulously.

"I haven’t heard of a single instance of anyone on the Left getting debanked,” Andreessen answered. "You get kicked out of your bank account. You get kicked out of the — you can’t do credit card transactions.”

"This is where the government and the companies get intertwined,” he continued. "And back to your fascism point, which is there’s a constitutional amendment that says the government can’t restrict your speech, but there’s no constitutional amendment that says the government can’t debunk you, right?”

” And so, if they can’t do the one thing, they do the other thing. And then they don’t have to debunk you. They just have to put pressure on the private company banks to do it. And then the private company banks do it because they’re expected to. But the government gets to say, ‘We didn’t do it. It was the private company that did it.’”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:16 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 469 words, total size 3 kb.

November 28, 2024

The Mayflower Compact

In the name of God, Amen. We whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken for the Glory of God and advancement of the Christian Faith and Honour of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the First Colony in the Northern Parts of Virginia, do by these presents solemnly and mutually in the presence of God and one of another, Covenant and Combine ourselves together in a Civil Body Politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute and frame such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the Colony, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In witness whereof we have hereunder subscribed our names at Cape Cod, the 11th of November, in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France and Ireland the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Domini 1620.

(William Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation, ed. Samuel Morison, 75-6.) See the Mayflower Compact in William Bradford's hand.

John Carver Edward Tilly Digery Priest
William Bradford John Tilly Thomas Williams
Edward Winslow Francis Cooke Gilbert Winslow
William Brewster Thomas Rogers Edmund Margeson
Isaac Allerton Thomas Tinker Peter Brown
Miles Standish John Rigdale Richard Bitteridge
John Alden Edward Fuller George Soule
Samuel Fuller John Turner Richard Clark
Christopher Martin Francis Eaton Richard Gardiner
William Mullins James Chilton John Allerton
William White John Craxton Thomas English
Richard Warren John Billington Edward Doten
John Howland Moses Fletcher Edward Leister
Stephen Hopkins John Goodman

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:16 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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