January 31, 2023
Some attention is being brought to bear on their excess mortality rate in the UK. Commentators have been quick to blame the impact of lockdowns, missed diagnosis, delayed treatment and a general failure of the NHS. But Nick Rendell shows the data doesn't support those excuses. Read here: https://dailysceptic.org/2023/01/30/jonathan-sumption-is-wrong-about-excess-deaths/
Heart and cardiovascular failures and diseases by far outweigh all other causes of excess mortality. Rendell writes,
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
12:04 PM
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So a quarter of a million dollars is "not enough" for reparations to blacks for slavery from a state that never permitted slavery in the first place?
Activist at California slavery reparations meeting denounces proposed payment of $223,000: 'Not enough!'
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
11:50 AM
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"Simply put, under the House ethics rules, a Member is prohibited from using either House or Senate photographs or video because both are official government resources. This includes any photograph or video footage of floor proceedings even if it was reposted from a third party source, i.e. another website or news organization,” the FACT complaint states.
Adam Schiff Hit With Ethics Complaint Over Opening Senate Campaign Ad
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
11:22 AM
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Is Ron DeSantis Banning "Black History” or Bringing Back History?
The woke crowd has made real history history. And if I had my way, their entire agenda would be destroyed root and branch.
Of course, conservatives are still busy conserving yesterday's liberals innovations, and I point out a good example of this at the end of this article.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
11:11 AM
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Stations Across Antarctica Log Coldest January Temperatures Ever; Utah 'Sinks' To -62F, State's Coldest Reading Since 2002; Asia's All-Time Lows; + "The Stratosphere Has Suddenly Become Very, Very Cold" - Electroverse
Coler than a well-digging penguin's posterior!
I thought the planet was WARMING!
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
11:06 AM
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Russia is about to launch a massive offensive and now US/NATO wants to play let's make a deal. Essentially the offer boils down to partitioning Ukraine and agreeing to neutrality, in return for freezing the conflict. If sincere, this is basically US/NATO throwing in the towel. The West has broken too many agreements with Russia, verbal and written -- Budapest Memorandum, Minsk agreements, INF Treaty, non-expansion of NATO eastward, etc. -- I highly doubt Moscow will take the bait.
A panicked Empire tries to make Russia an ‘offer it can’t refuse’
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
10:46 AM
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The Marie Antoinette of Mayors.
That should not surprise us; she is called llightFOOT! A little soft shoe is to be expected from so soft a head.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
10:28 AM
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The Fed’s loaned a company $504 million to build a salt mine hydrogen storage facility in Utah. Just a couple of problems.
Severe drought and green hydrogen plant will need a million gallons of water every 3 days. Only a 120 million gallons annually. Whose water rights are they buying and how. Will that impact Vagas and California?
2nd there is no hydrogen factory there or under construction. And there is no place to use the hydrogen now.
Wouldn’t a prudent person have the final use and production in place before building storage.
The Colorado River Needs the Feds to Step In ASAP
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
10:04 AM
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January 30, 2023
Here is an amazingly myopic and dunder-headed article about the whole Russo-Ukrainian dustup.
First the author claims this is destroying Russia. I would say there wasn't much to destroy in the first place. Seventy years of Bolshevism had picked the meat off the Russian bones, and the West happily has been picking what was left. Putins' ascension to power was a bad thing for Russia, and killed the nascent democratic movement of Russia, but whose fault was that?
Putin rose to power thanks to George Soros, who crashed the Russian economy through his usual b.s. money manipulation. The Russians were already mad as hell at the West for the carpet-baggers and the rest who swooped in to pick the bones. Soros was the last straw. They elected Putin.
Then there is this:
"[Many...] seem not to understand that, as opposed to Las Vegas, "what happens in Ukraine does not stay in Ukraine." Even a partial win for Putin could end up costing America far more in the long run -- in both lives and treasure. It would have been so much easier to stop Hitler before he crossed the Rhine." End excerpt.
???? This is a lot of conventional wisdom but lacks any real proof thereof. The Russians did the exact same thing in Georgia back in 2008. Yes, since Putin got away with it once he figured he could get away with it again. But it hardly led to Russia expanding all around the globe as this suggests. Putin is not Hitler and Russia is not Germany. They don't have that kin d of reach. The notion that we must intervene or else Putin will attack the whole world is not supportable.
But apparently the U.S. doing so is just fine.
I would add that this intractable support for Ukraine and no diplomacy is beyond stupid and will push Putin's back against the wall, and we may find we don't like what happens next. THIS is what could widen the war, up to and including nukes.
Putin needs a way out to save face. He's not going down without a huge fight. The people pushing this idea of forcing him out don't realize he isn't Saddam Hussein; he's not a pushover.
"Western populations... grasp that to abandon Ukraine will lead to an even wider bloodbath."
End How so? Seems to me the wider bloodbath is more likely the longer we drag this thing out.
"Leaders in the West most likely see that without Putin's defeat, a return to stability in Europe is effectively impossible. To make the slightest concession to Putin would send all predators the message that they can invade a country, annex it in whole or in part, and commit war crimes to their hearts' content without any consequences."
But when we invade Afghanistan, or Iraq, or any other country it's different. (Well, in a way it is, but it doesn't change the fact this claim is pure hyperbole.) Remember, this whole thing is in no small part a coefficient of OUR meddling in the internal affairs of Ukraine; we fomented the Orange Revolution to install a puppet regime there.
"What is clear is that NATO will be strengthened, and fully emerge again as the defense structure of the democratic world."
Democratic world? Hah! NATO had no reason to continue to exist except as a tool of imperialist ambition, and it represents the E.U. which is about as "democratic" as Argentina. This statement is a farce.
NATO should have been dissolved at the end of the 20th century. It is the continued existence of NATO and it's expansion into the Warsaw Pact that caused this in the first place. Couple that with the deployment of missile defense systems in old Warsaw Pact countries and you had a recipe for Russian hostility. They don't like having old enemies on their border.
And I disagree; the U.S. is not going to come out the big winner - China will. This only empowers the Chinese, who get to sit back and watch their Asian rival Russia dry up and the U.S. squander it's prestige and military might and wealth on a war that is more civil war than fight between countries.
I disagree on the decline the author sees in Russia too. This war has actually boosted the Russian economy, and the demand for oil and gas was as much at the root of this as anything (and the high prices of both enriched Putin so he could afford this war.) I think this could damage the Russians, but not as much as the author thinks. If it comes to it the Russians can do what they are doing - sell to China and non-aligned nations and watch Europe freeze.
But economic collapse is the goal of current policy in the West towards Russia. They don't like those oil-mongers!
There is a reason why Biden made no effort to avert this war. The Davos crowd wants it, because they want to make Russia part of their internationalist empire. I don't cry for the corrupt Russian system but I also don't much like to see the Davos internationalists prosper. They are pushing so hard on this because they want to bankrupt Russia and force her into the New World Order. Putin may be an SOB but he does see that's what they are about.
Doubt that? The U.S. had been building a pipeline system designed to circumvent both Russia and Iran in the days leading up to the Georgian war. That was what pushed Putin to invade. And we continued that policy, trying to cut Russia out of the oil and gas system ever since. That is designed to bankrupt the Russian government and allow the plutocrats - the international banks, the carpet-bagging tech people, the "green energy" mopes, etc. to move in and exploit the country. They have long lusted after Russia, seeking to carve her up like a Thanksgiving turkey. So many of OUR actions led to this. And our arms merchants have grown rich in the international arms trade and the winding down of Middle Eastern war meant they were losing money.
Somebody needed to get a major war going. It serves so many purposes for the political left and the international community. It hides Joe Biden's sins.
He says the Ukrainians have been showing "breathtaking resiliance". Well duh! With the arms we've been sending they should. The Contras in Nicaragua did too with our backing. So did the Taliban in Afghanistan during the eighties. It's not that hard.
What we are doing is opening the door to another very bloody century. This won't go away in Russia, even if Putin goes down. The Russian People will hold a grudge over this.
Where they let the fall of the Soviet Union go (they never liked it) they won't let this humiliation slide. If you want to create another Hitler this is the way to go about it.
This situation looks much like Europe at the outbreak of WWI. And we are making the very same mistakes.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
01:40 PM
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Care to read monstrous hypocrisy? Try this article about George Santos and the indignation of the Democrats and media.
Here is a classic:
Early this month, Santos helped get Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California over the hump in his nail-biting, five-day bid to become House speaker.
"The operating principle of House Republican leadership is not ethics. It’s politics,” Rep. Ritchie Torres, a Bronx Democrat, said in an interview. "Kevin McCarthy needs every vote he can get. And he needs George Santos to remain in power.”
Can you believe the unmitigated gall of that excerpt?The media never held multiple serial liars to account when they were Democrats. Where were they when Bill Clinton lied to America about his affair with (and subsequent perjury and obstruction of justice) Monica Lewinsky and a host of others? It didn't matter then. In fact, they argued it was good to lie about sex.
In fact Breitbart has a list of lies told by President Penis.
What of Whitewater? Charlie Trie? His selling our national security to China for campaign funds? He lied about all this.
The Washington Examiner covers that too.
Where were they when Al Gore lied about inventing the internet? Or his multiple lies in An Inconvenient Truth (which conveniently made him very wealthy.)
Here is a whole book devoted to the many lies of Al Gore.
What of Hillary Clinton? She claimed a number of things that were demonstrably not true. She did NOT fly into Bosnia under sniper fire. She was not named for Edmund Hillary. She has a legacy of lies
She lied when she said there was no classified documents on her personal server. She lied when she bleachbitted her server and smashed her blackberry, then said she didn't know what it meant to wipe a server "like with a cloth?"
In 2016 she falsely claimed a letter from James Comey "only went to Republicans."
Even the leftwing Politifact admits she's a serial liar. National Review gives a good account of her dishonesty too.
And what of the calumny she indulged when she framed Donald Trump for "Russian collusion"?
What of the lies of John Kerry? What abou double dealing with Iran? He has repeatedly lied, whether it was in his testimony over what he did in Vietnam or elsewhere. He lied about his service record.
How about Nancy Pelosi? That woman never told the truth in her life. Glenn Beck chronicles the many lies told by the Queen Bee over the years.
And what of Adam Schiff, who has repeatedly lied to the American People in his "get Trump at any cost" Jihad? He lied under oath before Congress when supposedly reading the call between Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky.
What of Eric Swalwell?
What of Joe Biden? Biden has lied through his teeth on almost every issue.
Here and here are two posts about lies told by Democrats.
But now we are supposed to forget all that and see Santos as some sort of monster to be disposed of.
You first Dems!
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
12:43 PM
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And in other breaking news, thieves are stripping copper cabling off of EV charging stations in Portland, Oregon.
Ford’s slashing Mustang Mach-E prices in latest volley in EV price wars
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
11:40 AM
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Our old friend Rusell Cook shows how much things have changed since the '70's and the "Day of the Condor" movie.
It's a fine essay.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
11:17 AM
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How much do you think was laundered back to the DNC to stop a red wave?
$60 Billion In COVID Fraud? Try $4 Trillion
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
11:10 AM
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Twitter Files Busts Fake Think Tank that Invented 'Research' Finding 'Russia Connections' Touted by Left Media
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
10:18 AM
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The Left has gone batcrap crazy!
Seattle city attorney sues carmakers Kia and Hyundai over increased car thefts
The whole west coast needs to be sawed off America and floated away to China (sorry Bill H.)
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
09:49 AM
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The Australian government is keen to increase immigration and special work visas to fix a claimed labour shortage.
According to recently published data, Australia has 450,000 job vacancies we can't fill.
Yet these job vacancies could easily be filled from within Australia with some adjustment to our welfare system.
We currently have about 500,000 people claiming unemployment benefits. Many of these unemployed people would be working if benefit eligibility was changed.
We shouldn't be paying unemployment by benefits to school leavers and university graduates with little or no tax paying employment history.
In addition any unemployed who refuse jobs they are physically capable of doing, or who refuse to relocate within reason to follow work opportunities, should not be entitled to tax payer funded unemployment benefits.
Unemployment benefits should be considered a safety net, not something which provides a comfortable lifestyle for some.
To discourage long term unemployed, the level of benefits should be reduced over time. We should make life on unemployment benefits less comfortable the longer a person is in receipt of this welfare. There needs to be a disincentive to long term unemployment. This may require increasing the initial level of unemployment benefits to produce a sliding scale to a lower level after 6 months.
We have about 2.6 million recipients of a full or part Aged Pension. Just 3% of those Aged Pensioners are in any paid employment.
$300 per fortnight of earned income is not counted towards the aged pension income test, above which their aged pension is reduced by 50 cents on the dollar.
Many more than 3% would be prepared to work casually or part-time if the punitive income test was removed or at least relaxed.
In New Zealand where the income test doesn't apply to earned income, 25% of aged pensioners have paid employment. If Australia achieved a similar figure that would add 572,000 people to the work force.
There's absolutely no need to boost Australia's immigration numbers just to fill the labour shortage. Boosting immigration puts pressure on housing, education, welfare, health, transport and other services.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
09:10 AM
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In my youth my mom gave me what black people call "The Talk", about what to do when stopped by the cops.
• Follow their orders
• Keep hands in sight
• Move slowly
Critical rules for people of all colors, as we saw in the recent Memphis killing of a black man by 5 black officers. Like a fool, he resisted arrest and ran away.
Does this excuse his killing? Not one bit. From all evidence it was murder, plain and simple … but if he'd just listened when his mom gave him "The Talk" he'd almost assuredly be alive today.
And in any case, cops aren't the threat to black people … nor are white people the threat. Here's what kills black people.

Tim adds:
Like it or not the police own the streets. (We should like it; it's what keeps the criminals from owning them.) Yeah it's galling sometimes to be harassed by cops with nothing better to do than pull you over for a taillingt out, but they are only doing what the electred authorities tell them to do, which means what the public wants. Bear that in mind; their power comes from above (remember when Jesus told Pilate that, absolving him to a degree of what he was forced to do.) You have to remember that the police own the streets and they have the power to take your life if they feel it necessary. To provoke such an action is madness. Resisting them is like resisting the tide; it's coming in whether you like it or not. You can either work with it or go under.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
09:00 AM
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January 29, 2023
"Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.”
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
01:14 PM
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The cops who beat Tyre Nichols to death in Memphis were - affirmative action replacements for cops who left because of Defund the Police.
Memphis cops charged in Tyre Nichols murder hired after PD relaxed job requirements
This is what Progressivism brings. The whole idea of "defunding the cops was to reduce police atrocities, but in reality it has probably increased them. Cerrtainly these gang-bangers in blue were likely plucked out of the ghetto and given a gun and clubs and told to have at 'em. No real training, except for woke diversity training and the like.
Our obeisance of the leftist ideology is deadly.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
01:02 PM
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Worth the watch. Some truth on the facts of renewables. After more than 1 trillion spent on them to make up a very small percentage of total world energy. They also mix in bio fuels and Hydro electric from dams into renewables Bio fuels are burning wood for energy like they did in the olden days.
Wind turbines around the world are 'collapsing at an alarming rate'
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
11:36 AM
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