November 30, 2020

Judge Orders Georgia Counties to not Wipe Voting Machines, Reverses Order

Timothy Birdnow

If things are on the up and up why would they want to wipe the machines? And why resist the blockage order in court? Man, this STINKS to high heaven!

Judge Blocks, Unblocks, Then Blocks Georgia From Wiping or Resetting Election Machines

A federal judge presiding over a major election lawsuit in Georgia on Nov. 29 issued and then reversed an order directing the state to cease and desist wiping or resetting election machines.

"Defendants are ordered to maintain the status quo & are temporarily enjoined from wiping or resetting any voting machines in the State of Georgia until further order of the court,” U.S. District Judge Timothy Batten Sr. wrote in an emergency order issued Nov. 29.

The judge reversed the order not long after, explaining that the defendants aren’t in possession of the machines.

"Plaintiffs’ request fails because the voting equipment that they seek to impound is in the possession of county election officials. Any injunction the Court issues would extend only to Defendants and those within their control, and Plaintiffs have not demonstrated that county election officials are within Defendants’ control. Defendants cannot serve as a proxy for local election officials against whom the relief should be sought,” the judge wrote.

The judge has since reversed himself again and placed a limited restraining order on a couple of disputed counties.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:20 PM | Comments (22) | Add Comment
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Michael Mann Will Be Joe Bidens's Climate Change Adviser - Shows It's About Politics Not Science

James Doogue

The 'Left' claim to be on the side of science. When they say they believe the science. What they mean is they believe the cherry-picked science which suits their cause, and if you question them you'll be labelled a science denier.

This video shows how a UN IPCC climate report from 1990, which shows the scientifically accepted Medieval Warm Period (MWP), and the Little Ice Age (LIA), invalidated claims that today's temperatures are unprecedented. This was problematic for those who wanted to claim CO2 was causing unprecedented global warming.
https:// G6Fzx9Rinug

Along came Canadian PhD student Michael Mann who created the 'Hockey Stock' temperature graph of the last 1,000 years.

The graph was created through a combination of questionable data techniques. For instance he grafts the instrumental record after 1902 onto the proxy record before 1901, because his proxy record wasn't producing the desired results. https:// /2015/01/08/ more-mann-grafti ng/

Well known writer Mark Steyn as well as others have been sued by Mann for calling him and his Hockey Stick, a fraud. But Mann has yet to win a case in court, though he loves dragging them out. Mark Steyn explains:

Mann is the climate ayatollah who created the global-warming hockey stick showing that nothing of any interest happened in the world's climate until a little over a century ago, at which point your great-grampa climbed into his Model T and the world started to burn. The hockey stick is total bollocks, but it was taken up by the UN's Intergovernment al Panel on Climate Change and in the early years of this millennium was the single most influential graph of our time.

Many climate scientists other than hardcore Mann-boys are embarrassed by the prominence given to the hockey stick. But Mann has to protect his increasingly flaccid stick, and so he began launching various vanity lawsuits. This last year has not gone well for him.
https:// www.steynonline. com/10400/ the-costs-of-man n-delay

It took almost a decade, but the DC Superior Court has finally ruled against Michael Mann in his lawsuit against Rand Simberg and Mark Steyn.

Mann had sued them for libel because they criticized his incompetent and fraudulent global warming research. They demanded evidence of damages, the court agreed and ordered Mann to produce that evidence. He has refused (for almost a decade) and the court has now finally decided that because of his refusal he must pay all the court courts, including Simberg’s and Steyn’s.

Will he pay? Steyn notes what happened when Mann lost in a Canadian court:

I speculated back in October whether Mann, a loser and a liar, would also prove a scofflaw and a deadbeat. Yes, he is. It is ten months since he lost at the BC Supreme Court and, despite Mr Justice Giaschi’s order, Doctor Fraudpants has yet to pay Tim Ball a penny. So he’s a fraudulent plaintiff in every respect. This scumbag has financially ruined Dr Ball, lost at trial, and refuses to pay up. Mann’s conduct is appalling: it’s no wonder so few climate scientists are willing to defend him.

Last week, Joe Biden announced that Dr Michael Mann would become his Climate Change adviser!

Tim adds:

Kind of like making Genghis Khan your Secretary of Homeland Security...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:37 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
Post contains 559 words, total size 6 kb.

How China Helped Biden cheat

This from Judi McLeod

Leftism expert Trevor Loudon has put together a wonderful, brief summary of how the Chinese Communist Party –with the help of disloyal Americans– helped Democrat Joe Biden in the November 3 election.

It’s called Seeding The Vote: China’s Influence in the 2020 US General Election.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:24 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 54 words, total size 1 kb.

Shut 'Er Down - Again!

Warner Todd Huston

Envirowackos Now Want 'Climate Lockdowns' to Shut Down World to Stop Global Warming

Tim adds:

There was no reduction in the growth of co2 during the last lockdown even though we shut down a considerable portion of the world's industrial base.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:05 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 49 words, total size 1 kb.

About Those Ballot Audits

Timothy Birdnow

On Facebook my friend John asked me to help out with a liberal who was annoying him. John said:

Hey Tim.... hope Thanksgiving was good for you. Can you comment on what Dave Kogut is saying. He’s such a lost soul, I actually feel sorry for him. It’s amazing how a good guy can have such blinders on. I’ve gone round and round with him and I’m getting tired of it. Do you mind reacting to his last comment?
Here is Dave's post:

Tim replies:

Well the paper ballots are only counted if they are actually there. We know a number of Trump ballots were found in dumpsters and trash cans. Also, this does nothing to stop the addition of false ballots. And as for the Dominion voting system that is purely electronic and it can be made to change votes via an algorithm. We know there were "glitches" in 2018 (you don't have glitches and that do such a thing) and the machines flipped votes.  If this was an issue in '18 why is it not an issue now?

Here is a decent analysis of what may have occurred.
The feature that allows these votes to be shifted is called a "weighted race feature".

It should also be pointed out the CIA - which has already attempted to take this President down via the "Russian collusion" hoax - has "Hammer" and "Scorecard" which is a computer system and software designed to hack and alter votes in foreign countries. I don't know why Dave thinks it impossible to hack our own.

I would also point out that Dominion is a Canadian company that cut its teeth on the re-election of Maduro in Venezuela.

Dave speaks of audits; how do you audit an altered ballot?  As Salon pointed out in 2018 the machines can change the ballots after the fact.  You have to have a hand recount to determine if the machines correctly logged the vote. An audit isn't going to do that as it is just another machine recount. This site explains how it works.

I would add that Dominion is a Canadian company but their machines are not legal in Canada because of the possibility of fraud.

Another point to ponder; in 2005 Jimmy Carter and James Baker chaired a commission to study election integrity. Their report warned of the dangers of using electronic voting. Also, they warned of the dangers of mail-in voting as well. In fact, the Democrats seem to have used the report as the blueprint for how to steal this election.

Oh, and bear in mind these audits are being done by the same people who made the mess in the first place. If you wish to hide the results an initial audit will make no difference. This needs a hand recount. An audit is only done on a very small statistical sampling and ends when the election official is satisfied. As the election officials were trying to steal the vote they are going to have a very low threshold of satisfaction. 

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:58 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 519 words, total size 5 kb.

"Banking for All" Bill

Timothy Birdnow

Looks like Congress is about to foist off a cashless society on America and using Covid to justify it.

Here is S.3571

From the bill:

To require member banks to maintain pass-through digital dollar wallets for certain persons, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

SECTION 1. Short title.

This Act may be cited as the "Banking for All Act”.


(1) IN GENERAL.—Member banks shall open and maintain pass-through digital dollar wallets for all persons, including persons eligible to receive payments from the United States pursuant to a Federal law relating to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID–19), who elect to deposit funds into pass-through digital dollar wallets.


(A) IN GENERAL.—Each member bank shall establish and maintain a separate legal entity for the exclusive purpose of holding all assets and maintaining all liabilities associated with pass-through digital wallets.

(B) CONTENTS.—The assets of any entity described in subparagraph (A) shall consist exclusively of a balance maintained in a master account at a Federal reserve bank, and the liabilities or obligations of the entity shall consist exclusively of an equal quantity of balances maintained by holders of pass-through digital wallets.

(C) CAPITAL OR LIQUIDITY REGULATION.—The assets and liabilities of any legal entity described in subparagraph (A) shall not be deemed assets or liabilities of the member bank or its affiliates for purposes of any capital or liquidity regulation promulgated by Federal or State banking authorities.


(2) REGULATIONS.—The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System shall promulgate such regulations as necessary to carry out this subsection.

(d) Authority of the board.—Member banks shall be subject to such regulations and obligations as may be imposed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in connection with maintaining pass-through digital dollar wallets.

Oh, this bill was introduced March 23 of this year.

Ev Nelson made the following observations about this bill:

Once this Bill is passed, Everyone gets a digital wallet. The government advantage being that "it" can add or remove currency to your account at will as well as enable or block your currency transactions. Another magnificent government advantage is that the gi-normous debts now on and off The Books can be inflated away instead of being outright defaulted.

Among the advantages of convenience and free monetary gifts to you, there's also disadvantages; one being, that inflation means you have to work harder and longer, because the purchasing power of your labor decreases. What a penny used to buy now costs a dollar, etc. Your salary goes up, but it buys less than the old, lower salary; for example, you buy a box of Cheerios for the same old price; yet, you find that though the box is the same size as the old box, the present box is only packed 1/2 full.

I bought a box of waffles the other day, got home, and there were no waffles in it. I read the Instructions and they told me how to warm the box and apply syrup and butter to it. . .

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:54 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 527 words, total size 5 kb.

Trump to Launch Presidential Bid on Biden's Inaugural

Warner Todd Huston

Take That, Joe: Trump Mulling Announcing 2024 White House Bid During Biden Inaugural

Tim adds:

I love that idea. He should not only announce it then but also say he's the rightful President. BUT I don't think Trump will run again; the Biden DOJ will go after him,his family, and his businesses and he'll only be left alone if he agrees to go away. It's what they did to Eric Greitens here in Missouri. That will be the template.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:02 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 90 words, total size 1 kb.

November 29, 2020

How They Forget

James Doogue

Yesterday the media announced the US had surpassed 13 million Covid-19 cases. Most were happy to heap blame on President Trump.

I wondered if anyone in the media remember that in the 12 months from April 2009 the US CDC estimate there were 60.8 million cases of Swine Flu in the US under Barrack Obama and Joe Biden.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:18 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
Post contains 63 words, total size 1 kb.

The Abject Failure of Emissions Trading and Carbon Taxation

Stephen Heins:

Both, a carbon tax and cap and trade, have yet to provide a single good example of working. In fact, the EU ETS has been an abject failure since its inception in 1997 and its implementation in 2009.

Also, CA's trading scheme is just another hidden tax that gets rolled into CA's general revenues or state subsidies; and, RGGI has just increased the cost of electricity without providing any real market signals, plus, it makes New England less competitive than other regions of the U.S.

As for a carbon tax, there are so many questions. Here are some of them:

1. Who is the controlling political body?
2. Who writes the rules?
3. Who determines the price point?
4. What qualifies for the tax?
5. Who decides the definition of "renewables?
6. Where is the mechanism for scientifically measuring and verifying emissions throughout the entire supply chain?
7. Who collects the money?
8. Where does the money go after it is collected?

Then, there is the political science in the noisy world of over 200 nations without a legitimate ruling body, just think of the corruption of the United Nations or World Health Organization or totalitarian rulers and to a lesser extent democracies or parliaments. Then, there is the problem of Carbon free-ridership.

Finally, the actual implementation of technology of all things energy and its integration into the global environment is unsettled and uncertain, especially as 1/3 of the globe still lives in relative energy poverty.
Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, night and indoor.

Tim adds:

If they get a carbon trading scheme in place they have the backbone of world government. They can flesh it out from there. Anyone remember the E.U. started as the European Oil and Steel Community?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:06 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 307 words, total size 2 kb.

Commisar Fauci wants to cancel Christmas celebrations also

Jack Kemp

Commisar Fauci - or is it Oberstumfurer Fauci?  I keep getting his title mixed up - has said we shouldn't eliminate large Christmas gatherings in a manner similar to his anti-Thanksgiving diktats.

The Blaze reports in an article titled, in part, "Christmas cancelled?" that:

First it was Thanksgiving, now it's Christmas.

According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, if the trajectory of coronavirus cases continues to surge, then Americans should skip their Christmas celebrations this year...

"If the surge takes a turn of continuing to go up and you have the sustained greater than 100,000 infections a day and 1,300 deaths per day and the count keeps going up and up ... I don't see it being any different during the Christmas and New Year's holidays than during Thanksgiving," Fauci told USA Today.


Notice Fauci said nothing about Kwanzaa, nor do I recall him saying anything about the Muslim holiday and evening feast gatherings Eid last spring.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:55 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 188 words, total size 2 kb.

All Votes for Biden!

Cornelius Carroll forwards this:

"There are landslides and then there are landslides. There are lopsided votes and then there are lopsided votes. There are egregious examples of vote manipulation and then there are really egregious examples of vote manipulation. What surfaced during hearings in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on November 25, 2020 may set the standard for electoral outrageousness.

An expert testifying to the Pennsylvania Senate flagged a batch of ballots that recorded some 570,000 votes for Joe Biden and only 3,200 for Donald Trump."

Pennsylvania Bombshell: Biden 99.4 Percent vs. Trump 0.6 Percent

Tim adds:

That's Fidel Castro territory. Actually, even most Bolshevik countries don't have lopsided votes of that nature.

The article continues:

This bombshell was dropped last Wednesday at the Wyndham Hotel in Gettysburg. The November 25 hearings, which began at 12:30 p.m. and ran or nearly four hours, were convened at the request of Senator oug Mastriano  and York counties). It was sponsored by the Senate Majority Policy Committee, chaired by Sen. David Argall (R-Berks/Schuylkill). Mastriano has called what happened "unacceptable,” and has called for the resignation of Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar.

This particular gem was provided by Ret. Col. Phil Waldren, a former combat officer with a background in Army information and electronic warfare. Waldren, who testified along with Rudy Giuliani’s team, brought to the hearing his considerable expertise in analysis of election-data fraud. After Waldren presented his material, the chair opened the floor for questions. Rudy Giuliani went first, asking Waldren to clarify what his analytics team means when they talk about "spike anomalies” in voting patterns. These, as Waldren defines them, are "events where a numerical amount of votes are processed in a time period that is not feasible or mechanically possible under normal circumstances.” Waldren showed a chart with a shocking example of an apparent massive dump of votes for Joe Biden. Giuliani pressed Waldren for clarification regarding this unbelievable "Biden injection of votes.” Here’s the exchange:

Waldren: At the very beginning of the chart, where there’s a circle that says "On Election Day,” what that indicates is there’s a spike in loaded votes. 337,000-plus-or-minus-some votes that were added in there in one big batch. So that was an anomaly in the reporting. Normally you would expect to see a smooth curve going up, not any big spikes, that’s kind of what Greg was talking about, the anomalies of loading and uploading those votes. So that big spike that occurs there is a prime indicator of fraudulent voting.

Giuliani: And that’s [a total of] 604,000 votes in 90 minutes, is that right?

Waldren: Correct, this is [shows chart] 337,000 votes in that period of time.

Giuliani: And when you look at this entire curve, with all these spikes, can you calculate how much of a vote that accounted for for Biden, and how much for Trump?

Waldren: Close to 600,000. I think our figures were about 570-some-odd-thousand that all those spikes represent overtime.

Giuliani: For Biden?

Waldren: Correct.

Giuliani: And how much for Trump?

Waldren: I think it was a little over 3,200.

That’s roughly 570,000 votes for Biden and 3,200 for Trump. Biden scooped up this enormous batch by 99.4%. Incredible. Impossible. Scandalous.

The Democrats got greedy with their vote theft. This SHOULD come home  to bite them in the posterior. I somehow doubt it will though.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:48 AM | Comments (24) | Add Comment
Post contains 555 words, total size 4 kb.

Australian News Thinks Trump Should be Impeached for Covid

James Doogue:

The ABC Thinks Trump Should Be Impeached For Covid-19 Handling

Nobody at the ABC wanted to take credit for this outrageous article suggesting President Donald Trump should be impeached and charged over his handling of Covid-19 in the US..

The article is flawed in so many ways. The most significant is it fails to recognise where the US states are fairly autonomous in how they handle these matters, just like in Australia.

You wouldn't blame our Prime Minister Scott Morrison for Premier Dan Andrew's decision not to use the military to provide security for hotel quarantine - which lead to the death of 800 people. Nor can President Trump be blamed for New York's Governor Cuomo's decision to move the elderly out of hospitals and place them in inadequately prepared aged care facilities where thousands of people died.

Trump closed the international borders to most non-residents, provided ventilators and personal protective equipment to States where they had failed to have stick-piles. Trump set up a Covid-19 task force, and implemented 'Operation Warp Speed', resulting in the development of Covid-19 vaccines in an unprecedented timeframe.

The ABC want us to forget all that, and just impeach Trump for all US Covid-19 infections and deaths,. So surely the ABC will also suggest the leaders of the 12 countries which have a higher Covid-19 death rate than the US be impeached
or arrested? (See table below)

If they would impeach Donald Trump because 13.6 million people in the US have been infected by Covid-19, then surely the ABC would be recommending former President Barack Obama, and his Vice President Joe Biden face criminal charges for allowing the Swine Flu to spread in the US?

From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases, with 274,304 hospitalizations in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus.

The ABC should also demand we seek some sort of reparation from China? After all, China let the virus out of a lab or wet market. Then they destroyed the evidence, lied about transmissibility, and refused to let IS CDC and other experts into China to assess the virus threat. China also banned travel into or out of Wuhan, while still allowing flights with infected people to depart Wuhan for overseas destinations.

Seriously, when will the ABC stop this Trump hatred and start a ring like a real news service?

Tim adds:

What a bunch of dopes! The U.S. Constitution only allows impeachment for "high crimes and misdemeanors" and there is no way anything the President has done can be interpreted as a high crime or misdemeanor. One could argue (incorrectly) that Trump mishandled the issue, but not that he committed any sort of crime. But that is how the Left rolls these days; criminalizing policy differences. Disgraceful!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:28 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 480 words, total size 3 kb.

Missing Votes

Timothy Birdnow

William Briggs finds 150,000 missing votes when he worked up stats for Sidney Powell's suit.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:19 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 20 words, total size 1 kb.

Reichstag Fire Burns Venezuelan Voting Machines

Timothy Birdnow

A huge fire burned up most of Venezuela's voting machines.

From the BBC article:

Almost 50,000 voting machines and 582 computers used in the country's elections went up in flames, electoral council chief Tibisay Lucena said.

She did not say if parliamentary elections due later this year could be affected by the loss of the machines.

She also asked prosecutors to investigate the cause of the fire.

The fire broke out in the 6,000 sq m (65,000 sq ft) warehouse in Mariche, east of Caracas, on Saturday.

"Burnt in this fire were 582 computers belonging to the civil registry, 49,408 voting machines, 400 electronic ballots," Ms Lucena said in a news conference on Sunday.

Maduro needs to take lessons from Joe Biden and the Democrats. Maybe he can ask for some of the machines that serves Mr. Biden so well?

This should sound familiar:

Recent elections in Venezuela have been beset by allegations of fraud. The company that provided the voting system in the 2017 election for the constituent assembly said that turnout figures had been inflated by one million, an allegation the CNE denied.

There were also allegations of vote-rigging in the 2018 presidential election in which incumbent President Nicolás Maduro won another six years in power.

Bear in mind Maduro used the Dominion voting machines that were employed against Donald Trump by Democrats.

Does this sound like a Reichstag fire to anyone? It seems entirely too convenient.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:55 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 247 words, total size 2 kb.

Antarctic Ice Growing

Timothy Birdnow

Yes folks, Antarctic ice is growing in both sea ice extent and land mass.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:37 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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If Liberal Policies on Wuhan Worked...

This observation comes from Russell P. Green:

Yes, with all these "alleged” safety measures, Democrat governors are still getting the Wuhan virus. Maybe Americans should step back and question if we are being told the truth about what actually helps prevent the virus and what is just a "placebo” measure that merely infringes on our individual freedoms.

Colorado Governor and Spouse Test Positive for Covid 19

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:35 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 72 words, total size 1 kb.

Media Madness

James Doogue

It's not just crazy lefties in the streets. This has been the reaction of the mainstream media and big tech, social media platforms.

From election day 2016, the headlines were full of claims Trump colluded with the Russians. I recall the word 'bombshell' being used in relation to 'breaking news' about the claims Trump colluded with Russia.

At no time did I see or hear newsreaders, journalists or commentators add the words 'baseless claims' when talking about alleged collusion with Russia. At no time did I see Facebook, Twitter or YouTube censor articles, posts or videos pushing the Russia Collusion claims.

We had 4 years of lefties questioning the legitimacy of the Trump presidency.

Now there are multiple sources of evidence of widespread irregularities in the votes, inexplicable unless fraud is assumed, mainstream media aren't covering it, or they are pushing the 'baseless claims' line.

Social media is vigoressly blocking or censoring posts and shares which include claims of voter fraud.

The double standards are plain to see. Our media used to try to hide their left wing bias, now they don't bother.

Tim adds:

Interestingly this is a worldwide phenomenon. While some overseas outlets are more fair, most of them toe the line of the American media about Trump and this election. The media is the true colluder.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:29 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 224 words, total size 2 kb.

November 28, 2020

Newest Cardinal Won't Withhold Communion from Biden

Timothy Birdnow

The newest Catholic Cardinal - Wilton Gregory - is a liberal activist who is saying he will not deny Joe Biden Holy Communion if the matter presents itself.

According to Life News:

Gregory said he hopes to develop a good relationship with Biden to discuss "areas where we can cooperate that reflect the social teachings of the church, knowing full well that there are some areas where we won’t agree.”

He said it is normal for Catholics to have disagreements; they are part of "being a family, a family of faith. The difficulty is too many people want to throw out of the family of faith people with whom they have disagreements.”

But many American Catholic leaders are wrestling with how to work with Biden when his views on abortion, family and religious freedom are so contrary to Christianity and basic human rights.

Last week, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops launched a new committee to explore how to work with a pro-abortion Biden administration. They criticized Biden for creating confusion among Catholics by touting both his faith and the killing of unborn babies in abortions.

Biden and his vice presidential running mate Kamala Harris want to expand the killing of unborn babies in abortions and force taxpayers to pay for them. They also oppose religious freedom protections for Catholic charities and other employers, andHarris has been accused of anti-Catholic bigotry. She also prosecuted pro-life undercover journalists who exposed Planned Parenthood’s aborted baby body parts trade.

That's Wilton Gregory, who was the bishop of the Belleville Illinois diocese. He was despised there and they pretty much ran him out of town. His promotion was a face-saving way to get him out of Belleville. Now he's going to help choose the next Pope. He was a protege' of Chicago's Cardinal Bernardine, the notoriously pro-homosexual Bishop. While Gregory was sent to Belleville to clean up the pedophilia mess, he made a lot of enemies with his liberalism.

Later, as Archbishop of Washington D.C. he condemned President Trump for visiting the National Shrine and has attacked both Trump and the Knights of Columbus. He supports Black Lives Matter. He wears African garb even though he's from Chicago.

The Pope is trying to appease the BLM terrorist thugs with this appointment.

This man will now help elect Francis' successor. In other words, Francis is "packing the court" or at least trying to put people in place to vote for a liberal successor after he is gone.

Pope Francis has done horrible damage to the bark of St. Peter. Catholicism is going to pay dearly for his misanthropic leadership.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:26 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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Unlikely Biden Won Them

This from E. Calvin Beisner:

For my very geekiest friends, statistical analysis that appears to make it extremely unlikely that Biden won MI, WI, and GA, and this the nation.]

Tim adds:

PA. too

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:30 AM | Comments (68) | Add Comment
Post contains 40 words, total size 1 kb.

Life on Venus Unlikely After All

Timothy Birdnow

A short while back there was some evidence life may be floating in the clouds of Venus. Looks like that hypothesis has been shot down.

Here is the summary:

"In September, researchers reported discovering signs of phosphine—a toxic compound that on Earth is made in significant amounts only by microbes and chemists—in radio emissions from Venus's atmosphere. The unexpected detection could point to a microbial biosphere floating in the venusian clouds. But those results have since come under scrutiny, including from the original discovery team, which, citing a calibration error in one telescope it used, has downgraded the strength of its claim. Although the proponents remain confident of a phosphine detection, other astronomers have suggested that sulfur dioxide, which makes up most clouds on Venus, could have caused a similar absorption, among other critiques. Further observations next year will likely be needed to resolve the debate."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:27 AM | Comments (34) | Add Comment
Post contains 155 words, total size 1 kb.

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