August 31, 2019

FINALLY! The Sheik comes to trial

Dana Mathewson

After twenty years they can haul the scumbag and his cronies into court. Thank Obama for the delay -- most of it, anyhow.

A 2021 date has been established for the death-penalty trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other men charged as the masterminds behind the September 11 attack in New York City.

Colonel W. Shane Cohen of the Air Force announced on Friday that the trial is set for January 11, 2021. The case will take place at Camp Justice at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba.

Khalid Sheikh (also spelled as Shaikh) Mohammed is said to be the architect behind the plot that killed 2,976 in New York City, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania.

Cohen set the date so that a military jury could be selected, the New York Times reports. The selection process is said to take months, with various military personnel having to be flown in by groups to the base.

The date announcement was included in a 10-page trial scheduling order that also established prosecutors had until October 1 to get necessary documents and materials to the defense teams.

Prosecutors will also need to determine how to conduct an MRI (magnetic resonance imagine) to see whether the defendants suffered any brain or other damage while they were tortured. Defense will attempt to use the findings to argue against execution.

Cohen's announcement marks the first time that a trial judge in the case actually established a date. Prosecutors had tried to get the ball rolling with two previous judges after the 2012 arraignment for the 9/11 attacks

Cohen's announcement marks the first time that a trial judge in the case actually established a date. Prosecutors had tried to get the ball rolling with two previous judges after the 2012 arraignment.

All five men were arraigned in the case on May 5, 2012. They were arraigned in a national security courtroom at Guantánamo.

Read further and you'll grind your teeth when you find that they are jumping through hoops to ensure that these scumbags are to be afforded all the niceties that American citizens would get in court. Do you think they deserve it? Anyhow, read about it here:

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:35 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
Post contains 369 words, total size 3 kb.

NFLJZ; the Social Justice League

Timothy Birdnow

Now the NFL is teaming up with Jay-Z to come out with a social justice clothing line.

From the Breitbart article:

 Rapper Jay-Z’s Roc Nation entertainment company and the NFL have teamed up to produce the "Inspire Change” clothing line and associated music showcase to push "social progress,”

The first concert from the collaboration will take placeon September 5 in Chicago just ahead of the NFL’s first pre-season game of the 2019 season, the league’s 100th, according to Bleacher Report.

The concert taking place before the Chicago Bears and Green Bay Packers game will feature Meek Mill, singer Meghan Trainor and rapper Rapsody.

Proceeds from the clothing line will go to fund programs that center on "economic empowerment, police and community relations, and criminal justice reform,” the NFL claimed.

The NFL is determined to destroy itself, to alienate it's fans. How did these people get the money they have? Roger Goodell isn't doing this without support from the owners. How do people so stupid wind up with so much?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:33 AM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
Post contains 176 words, total size 2 kb.

More Argument over Amazon Fires

Timothy Birdnow

See part tw0 here and part I here.

The fight continues:

Dylan Weil

Timothy Birdnow Dude...colonoscopies are a form of preventative healthcare (at least that’s what they’re supposed to be) get them every so often passes a certain age so you can spot signs of trouble early on and cut them out right there. Like polyps that may very well not be cancerous, but also might become cancerous.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:13 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 1348 words, total size 12 kb.

Old Racism at Old Navy?

Timothy Birdnow

A tempest is brewing after an employee of Old Navy accused the company of racism when filming an episode of Queer Eye. She claims she and other employees were told to stay in back while the company brought in white workers.

According to Philly Mag

According to Alvarado and two other store employees who were present, approximately 10 white Old Navy employees from other locations participated in the taping of a segment for Queer Eye,which is shooting its fifth season in the city.

"I was told to go to the back of the store by [Old Navy managers] involved with the production,” Alvarado, a ship-to-store lead, told Philadelphiamagazine. "About six of my fellow co-workers were there, and we were shooed away from the camera as they filmed with these outside employees, who came from West Chester, Mount Pocono, and New Jersey. It immediately seemed odd to me that they were being used to tape at our store location when we already have a diverse group of workers who had been preparing for Queer Eye to come for nearly a week.”

Now, there are any number of reasons why an employee may be asked to stay out of the way of filming; she may be too loud, or too, uh, flamboyant, or whatnot. Maybe she was just a bad employee and the company decided not to reward her. But, of course, if you are a minority you can always gall back on the good old accusation:

"I felt the racism the moment I was being told by managers to go to sections of the store that I usually don’t work around,” a third Center City Old Navy employee of color said. "It became clear that we weren’t going to be filmed because we hadn’t been asked to sign consent forms, and they made it a point to keep us as far away from the cameras as possible. Most of the staff and managers at our store location are black.”

Managers at the Center City location referred Philadelphia magazine to Old Navy’s corporate office for comment. A spokesperson sent the following statement by email:

"At Old Navy, we celebrate the diversity of our teams and our customers and foster an environment of inclusion and belonging. We were proud to work with The Queer Eye show to film at our store in Philadelphia and to feature our local store manager on camera. We also worked with additional employees in the area to help ensure the store ran seamlessly for customers, as the location was open for business during filming, and we expect they may appear in background shots. These individuals are reflective of our diverse employee population. We would never select employees to participate – or not – based on race. That is completely inaccurate and against the values we stand for as a company.”

Netflix and Queer Eye both deny participating in this decision.

Question; if this is about racism, why shoot it at an inner city store? Wouldn't Old Navy have been wiser to go to some lilly-white neighborhood? I suspect the reason this woman was sent away was because she was either uncooperative or just plain coyote ugly. The same is probably true of the others.

I get a kick out of this; it's what happens when liberal meets liberal. Old Navy had to know what they were getting into just by agreeing to host a show called Queer Eyer for the Straight Guy". It starts out full of political correctness. You have to walk on eggshells in such an instance. And Netflix? These are the guys giving Barack Obama a bunch of air time. No doubt Old Navy looked at the workforce and realized that none of the people there were going to be inviting to potential customers. They didn't want to look like a thug hangout. So they asked some of the workers to stay in back. They probably would have used them judiciously, but the minorities immediately got their hackles up.

This is what you get when you play the Left's game; they eat their own.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:28 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Hurricane Update

Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Missouri, Columbia, has this to say about the coming hurricane:

Dorian update. I'll discuss what is similar to yesterday's forecast, and what we'll change. Today's forecast is similar to yesterday's, but now even most of the models like it to recurve northward as stated yesterday. Dorian will likely come in somewhere on the FL east coast north of Miami and south of Jacksonville. The models like Dorian to remain moving at about 10 mph. I agree with this since the jet stream is further north. Look for the storm to continue it's movement and weaken over FL. This means about 10 - 12 inches of rain. Those of you on the west side of FL will get wind and rain, but not as much as the east side. As for those of you on the coast, look for Dorian to move up the coast at midweek or maybe even late week. The heaviest rains will remain along the coast from NC on north. For GA and SC, the heaviest rains will cover the one-third of the state closest to the coast. Inland maybe 0.25 - 1.5 inches locally.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 06:55 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Jerome Powell's War on the President's Trade Policy

Timothy Birdnow

A Facebook friend had an interesting post that dovetails with my criticisms of Fed Chair Jerome Powell.

My friend said:

I believe Congress should remedy this. It may take a constitutional amendment, place the Fed’s mission with the Department of the Treasury. Does the President have the power to fire the fed chief? I wasn’t sure, however, I found this: "The Federal Reserve Act doesn’t explicitly give the U.S. president power to fire the Fed board members. But section 10 has a mysterious little phrase indicating it’s at least possible.”

"…thereafter each member shall hold office for a term of fourteen years from the expiration of the term of his predecessor, unless sooner removed for cause by the President.”

Personally, I’d fire the SOB.

Powell’s Never-Ending War on the Trump Economy Gives China the Upper Hand

Ieft the following comment:

Powell was a terrible pick by Trump; he was Janet Yellen's protege'. He can RAISE interest rates before the election to trigger an economic downturn if he pleases, thus imperiling Trump's re-election. The Federal Reserve, it should be pointed out, caused the Great Depression by contracting the money supply by a whoping twenty five percent; it guaranteed a terrible depression. Of course, the GOP Congress didn't help by insisting on raising taxes to "pay for" the new spending programs that their own guy, Herbert Hoover, put in place. (Hoover was so economically liberal FDR actually ran to the right of him as an economic conservative. Calvin Coolige called Hoover "the Wonder Boy" because Hoover claimed to be able to fix everything.)

From the Breitbart article:

Powell raisedthe U.S’s benchmark interest rate target four times last year at a time when China continually looked for ways to lower its own. By giving the yuan a much weaker standing in the exchange market, the Fed chairman provided the Chinese every incentive to flood the U.S. with cheap goods and U.S. businesses every reason to accept them. As a result of Powell’s actions, the U.S.-China trade deficit increased by nearly one million from January to December despite the White House’s implementation of hefty tariffs during that period.

Even after backing down somewhat from his aggressive hikes, Powell still found a way to help rig the economic data in the Democrats’ favor. Shortly after cutting rates for the first time in July, Powell said that the reduction was merely a "midcycle adjustment.” This announcement sent the stock market in a tailspin as consumers and investors began to anticipate higher than expected U.S. rates in the months to come. The media began to talk up a recession, all while playing up economy-centered polling that was unfavorable to the president.

All these decisions by Powell represent Democrat-First, not America-First, thinking. Then again, the Democrat-First mantra appears to be exactly what the Fed chairman is going for.

Powell has advanced the causes of the left directly as much as he has done so subtly. He’s even abandoned his supposed deregulatory instincts to help leading Democrat presidential candidates receive electoral victories.

For example, just weeks after Elizabeth Warren experienced a surge in national polling, Powell’s Fed announcedplans to create a system to process instantaneous bank transfers, known as real-time payments (RTP). The timing of this Fed announcement was quite curious for a multitude of reasons, as this issue was one that Warren took up with legislation less than two weeks earlier.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 06:36 AM | Comments (23) | Add Comment
Post contains 573 words, total size 5 kb.

August 30, 2019

More Arguing with Idiots - Amazon Fires Issue

Timothy Birdnow

More arguing over the Amazon fires:

See part I here.

Dylan Weil

Timothy Birdnow I have a science-intensi ve background as well, I understand perfectly well that the primary ecological significance of the Amazon is to act as a natural carbon sink, and consequently a global regulator of GHG emissions, rather than producing oxygen (the Amazon does produce an enormous amount of oxygen, but it re-absorbs most of it). You are correct that most of the worlds oxygen comes from our oceans, specifically from marine phytoplankton, Cyanobacteria, and other photosynthetic microbes.

I’m not being "dishonest,” I understand when it’s appropriate to apply certain types of trends or data to a given argument. Simply focusing on long-term trends is (ironically) incredibly myopic here. We are all perfectly aware that deforestation has been on the decline overall, especially since the turn of the century when Brazil enacted comprehensive environmental reform that dramatically scaled back destructive activities within the Amazon. The issue right now is with troubling short-term trends that indicate a breakdown of more optimistic long-term trends. This NPR article drives home this point: Brazil’s own National Institute for Space Research indicates that the amount if land cleared due to deforestation activities within the last month are about 300% greater than in June 2018, and overall forested land within the Amazon has decreased by 20-30% compared to the last year. Despite the fact a long-term trend plot included in this article shows that deforestation has not come close to surpassing deforestation levels pre-2000s, these numbers are STILL extremely concerning because of the trajectory they indicate - https:// 2019/08/21/ 753140642/ tens-of-thousand s-of-fires-rava ge-brazilian-am azon-where-defo restation-has-s pike


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:19 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 2927 words, total size 27 kb.

August 29, 2019

Texas town's lofty environmentalism leaves residents with a nightmare

Dana Mathewson

Give Texans credit. When they try something they go all-in and try to do it right. So when the town of Georgetown, TX decided to try the "Green Nude Eel," they gave it their all.

It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Georgetown, Texas – population 75,000 – was to be the new poster child of the green movement.

Environmental interest in Georgetown’s big push to generate all of its electricity from wind and solar power was amplified by three factors: the town and its mayor were nominally Republican; Georgetown is in an oil- and natural gas-rich state; and that state is deep-red Texas.

Former Vice President Al Gore and other climate change luminaries feted Georgetown Mayor Dale Ross, and Ross was featured prominently at renewable energy conventions.

Last October, while the green dream was still in full flower, the city applied for a $1 million grant from former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s nonprofit, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and won it.

Ostensibly to be used for energy storage innovation in batteries, the grant’s only real requirement was that the city serve as a public relations platform in Bloomberg’s push to convince Americas to abandon affordable fossil fuels and switch to more costly renewable energy.

Trouble started when politicians’ promise of cheaper renewable energy was mugged by reality.

Georgetown’s electric bills went up as more wind and solar power displaced cheaper natural gas in the power portfolio of the Georgetown’s municipal utility. Politicians scrambled for cover. And the bloom came off Georgetown’s renewable rose.

Now, largely embarrassed members of the City Council are trying to figure out how to unwind the renewable mess they and their predecessors voted themselves into.

With their municipal utility facing a $7 million shortfall – money that has to be made up by the city residents through higher electricity costs – the City Council voted 5-1 in July to instruct the staff to figure out how to wriggle out of the Bloomberg PR deal.

On Aug. 13 the Council voted 5-0 to officially kill the deal. The city is also raising property taxes.

The Council member who asked for the vote said he wasn’t opposed to renewable energy, but that in light of the city utility’s deficit, the city should focus on the basics, rather than "doing experiments.”

Indeed, there’s not a single city in the contiguous 48 states that runs solely on wind and solar power. The reason is simple: electricity gets to cities via a grid, and that grid draws its energy from a variety of sources – mostly natural gas.

Excluding large-scale dams, which fell out of favor with the environmental movement 50 years ago, renewables powered about 10 percent of the U.S. grid last year.

This means that cities like Georgetown, which have contracted to take power from wind and solar farms hundreds of miles away, don’t risk blackouts on windless nights, because reliable power is delivered from a grid getting power from fossil fuels.

There's more. It's all here: get the full story from Fox News.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:29 PM | Comments (24) | Add Comment
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By their deeds (and words) shall ye know them

Dana Mathewson

Democratic Party embraces nonreligious voters, criticizes 'religious liberty' in new resolution

It's very sad to realize that huge numbers of people will vote for the Democrats, not in spite of this but actually because of this.

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) passed a resolution Saturday praising the values of "religiously unaffiliated" Americans as the "largest religious group within the Democratic Party."

The resolution, which was unanimously passed at the DNC's summer meeting on Aug. 24 in San Francisco, Calif., was championed by the Secular Coalition of America, an organization that lobbies on behalf of atheists, agnostics, and humanists on public policy. The group celebrated the DNC's move as the first time a major party "embraced American nonbelievers."

"Religiously unaffiliated Americans overwhelmingly share the Democratic Party’s values," said the resolution, which adds they should advocate for "rational public policy based on sound science and universal humanistic values."

Sarah Levin, director of governmental affairs for the Secular Coalition of America, praised it as a way "to ensure that policy is driven by science and evidence, not sectarian beliefs."

"Science and evidence," eh? They actually believe that? Incroyable! If that's actually true, we can expect to hear them reverse their stand on Climate Change in 3...2...1... Right?
The move comes as Democratic presidential candidates have ramped up their religious rhetoric on the campaign trail, but the party announced it is targeting "nonreligious voters" to try to beat President Trump, who solidified the evangelical vote in 2016.
I seriously do not believe this latest ploy will peel off a significant number of Trump supporters!

"America was founded as a secular government charged with representing and protecting the freedoms of people of all faiths and none," Levin added. "I am proud to see the Democratic Party take that to heart by bringing secular Americans into the fold."

Political pundits have pointed out Democrats' so-called God problem in the past and their efforts to solve it.

In 2012, the last election Democrats won, a headline from the convention read: "Democrats boo God." In 2016, attendees heckled a preacher during the opening prayer. And on Saturday, Democrats took a shot at believers who use "religious liberty" to threaten the civil rights of LGBTQ Americans.

Let's sincerely hope this backfires! Read all about it here:

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:05 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 389 words, total size 4 kb.

Corrupt Union Bosses

Timothy Birdnow

The IRS and FBI have raided the President of the UAW's home in a corruption investigation.

Does this surprise anyone? Anyone?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:15 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 26 words, total size 1 kb.

St. Louis Mayor wants Gun Control

This from our old friend Tim McNabb:

Missouri has "constitutional carry" so carrying a firearm does not require a permit. That said, the only people who will seek a permit, and run the risk of going on a list of people who will then be targeted to be denied their right to self-protection , are those who are NOT the problem.

The "Liberal" Fascists running the city are, if not just a mendacious lot of crooks, are like drunks who dropped their car keys in the alley, but are looking for them under the streetlight because the light is better.

Krewson wants Permits on Concealed Guns in the City

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:12 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 115 words, total size 1 kb.

Ice-ing on the Cake

Timothy Birdnow

Fox2 News posted this to Facebook:

There have been unconfirmed reports that immigration and customs agents were in St. Louis spotted on Cherokee Street in south St. Louis, and that has some people worried.


First, why is Fox 2 warning the illegals about possible ICE raids?  Doesn't this constitute Obstruction of Justice?

Second, if a citizen were to trespass on government property, or on private property, he would be arrested. Why do aliens get a pass when trespassing on America?

Missouri has some of the strictest laws protecting American sovereignty in the Union. There shouldn't BE an illegal alien problem in St. Louis. Oh, and ICE has headquarters downtown; they wouldn't be doing their jobs if they didn't get the aliens in their own backyard.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:04 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 132 words, total size 1 kb.

Arguing with idiots: Amazon Fires Addition

Timothy Birdnow

I got into an internet squabble on Facebook with a couple of alarmists worried about the Amazon fires. Here's the pertinent thread:

Timothy Birdnow

Funny; they try to blame this on deforestation. Last time I checked that means taking fuel OUT of the affected area. More than likely this is caused by environmentalis
ts demanding the forest be maintained in a "pristine" condition. When you do that you have fires.

Dylan Weil

Timothy Birdnow Uhhhhh no, deforestation makes wildfires more likely in environments like rainforest which are naturally humid. It’s naturally pretty difficult for fires to spread in rainforests because of the humidity, but this is altered as deforestation activities continue. It’s also worth nothing that many of these fires are being started intentionally to clear land for cattle ranching and other purposes.

Your last sentence is so mind-numbingly misinformed and illogical I just won’t even bother addressing it.

Megan Lovorn

Timothy Birdnow you know there’s been 74 THOUSAND fires this YEAR! That’s not environmentalis ts... this is purposeful...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:03 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 1254 words, total size 15 kb.

August 28, 2019

NY Times Discovers Desert Summer Is Hot, Blames Climate Change

Dana Mathewson

More of the Climate Change agenda, if you can stand it. PJMedia's excellent Stephen Kruiser shows how they do it.

Perhaps the goal of climate hysteria-mongers isn't really to save the planet at all, but to drown it in so much nonsense that rational people grow weary of fighting the New World Order they are attempting to impose upon us.

Monday's edition of The New York Times ran an article titled "Heat Deaths Jump in Southwest United States, Puzzling Officials."

The jump involved a spike in deaths over a four-year period in Arizona and Nevada, most of which occurred in Phoenix and Las Vegas. While the increase was statistically significant -- 105 in 2014 versus 374 in 2017 -- we're talking about fewer than 70 people a year in two cities with combined populations of over 5 million

In a desert.

In summertime.

Throw in the 40 million tourists that Las Vegas plays host to annually and the problem, while worth looking at, doesn't seem quite as alarming.

Where the Times goes with this is what caught my eye:

The long-term health effects of rising temperatures and heat waves are expected to be one of the most dangerous consequences of climate change, causing "tens of thousands of additional premature deaths per year across the United States by the end of this century,” according to the federal government’s Global Change Research Program. The effect could be even more severe in other parts of the world, potentially making parts of North Africa and the Middle East "uninhabitable.”

Still, the fact that deaths have already increased so rapidly in Nevada and Arizona is surprising, according to David Hondula, a professor at the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at Arizona State University. He said heat deaths have generally been declining in the United States, thanks to changes like better health care, more air-conditioning and improved weather forecasting.

I was born -- and now live again -- in the Sonoran Desert, which is where Phoenix is. It's hot here. Always has been. I live in one of the cooler parts of this desert (Tucson) and it's going to be 106 here today. At the end of August.

Because it's a desert.

It has always been hot here. I once asked my grandfather what they did here during the summer in the days before air conditioning. His terse reply, "Not much."

The article does explore more plausible explanations, like an increase in the number of homeless or elderly people in the two cities.

While the Las Vegas homeless population has decreased, the number of tourists isn't factored into the possibilities in the article. Tourists, by the way, are notoriously stupid when visiting the desert:


What follows is a Tweet, to the effect that "A group of nearly four dozen fitness coordinators from Kansas became overwhelmed while hiking in the Superstitions yesterday, and two needed to be airlifted."

Also left out of consideration is the fact that Phoenix is the fastest growing city in the United States, and Las Vegas is in the Top 15.

Again, the increase is definitely worth exploring, and I'm not diminishing the fact that people are dying. The heat in the desert is very, very dangerous. I was outside for 15 minutes one day last week when it was 109 and got lightheaded, and I handle the heat very well.

The rest of this excellent article is here:

What Mr. Kruiser implies but does not say is that since Phoenix (and neighboring Scottsdale, with which I have some experience) is the fastest-growing city in the U.S., more than a few of its new population may well be unaware of how to handle the heat, or perhaps be unequipped to do so. If a bunch of fitness instructors can be caught flat-footed by desert heat, you can certainly expect that "civilians" also will be. Take people who have spent their lives in, for example, Boston or Buffalo or Chicago, now able to retire, and saying "Let's get away from winter once and for all," and perhaps taking no account of what summer is going to be like in their chosen new heaven.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:34 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 704 words, total size 6 kb.

Tariffs are Working

This from our old friend Tim McNabb:

While everyone is losing their minds over ORANGE MAN BAD the trade policy is weakening Communist China and strengthening nations like Taiwan, Vietnam and Korea.

This is a good thing. The Communist Chinese are a den of murderous thieves.

Home Depot says Suppliers are Moving Manufacturing Out of China to Avoid Tariffs

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:58 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 62 words, total size 1 kb.

Apple Fires Siri Snoops

Timothy Birdnow

Looks like Apple has finally closed the barn door now that the cow has gotten out.

A little while back there was a hue and cry over the fact that Apple had hired people to listen in to Siri conversations to "test audio control". The snoops overheard all sorts of things that were meant to be private; people indulging in sins of the flesh, criminal plottings, etc.  People were understandably upset about the violation of privacy. One wonders if sensitive information wasn't making it's way to marketers, to creditors, to governments.

At any rate, Apple has decided to end the program, firing the numerous contractors who were involved.

According to the article:
ostcontents;slk:Apple%20fires%20hundreds%20of%20contractors%20hired%20to%20listen%20to%20Siri%20recordings;elm:link;itc:0;" id="engadget-post-contents" style="margin-left: 40px; font-style: italic;">

Apple fired more than 300 contractors in Cork, Ireland, The Guardian reports. The contractors were hired as part of a "grading" program that reviewed audio recorded by Siri. News broke last month that those contractors often heard sensitive information -- like medical info, criminal activity and "sexual encounters." After temporarily suspending the program, Apple has reportedly decided to terminate it.

More contractors throughout Europe may have been let go. As The Guardianreports, many are upset that Apple fired so many people with just one week's notice. Even those who were concerned with the program's ethical implications expressed their frustration.

Why would anyone think this was a good idea?  I don't believe it was ever intended to assist in quality control; it was intended as a way to snoop, for fun and profit. I think governments would have loved access to this information - it would have allowed them to circumvent warrants to wiretap, for instance. And marketers would love getting the inside scoop on potential customers. It was a win/win for everyone except the general public.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:38 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 294 words, total size 3 kb.

Pelosi's Son Indicted for Fraud

Timothy Birdnow

Funny how often that happens with Democrats. Look at Hunter Biden, for instance.

Company co-founded by Nancy Pelosi's son charged with securities fraud

From the Washington Times Article:

Paul Pelosi Jr., the son of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), was the president and chief operating officer of Natural Blue Resources Inc., an investment company he cofounded that focuses on "environmentally-friendly” ventures.

The SEC charged four individuals with fraud, including former New Mexico Gov. Toney Anaya, and suspended trading in the company’s stock. Pelosi owned over 10 million shares in the company in 2009.

The SEC said Wednesday the company was "secretly controlled” by James E. Cohen and Joseph Corazzi, both of whom had previous fraud convictions. Corazzi violated federal securities laws and was barred from acting as an officer or director of a public company. Cohen was previously incarcerated for financial fraud.

Cohen and Corazzi said they were "outside consultants,” but according to the SEC, they actually controlled Natural Blue’s business decisions "without disclosing their past brushes with the law to investors.” The pair made hundreds of thousands of dollars off the company.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:24 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 192 words, total size 4 kb.

Dude Looks Like a Lady at Chanel

Timothy Birdnow

Transgender Model Teddy Quinlivan the New Face of Chanel Beauty

That "gal" looks like a man. What does Chanel hope to achieve? Boosting sales to the transvestite community will not help their bottom line much; trans people make up 0.6% of the population, according to a Williams Institute estimate in 2016 - a number that is likely high. They are a trace minority. And in the process of appeasing them, the good folks at Chanel are going to anger Christian Evangelicals, who make up 26.3% of the American population. And having a man wearing women's clothing is hardly going to get the rest of the women, who may fear looking like a transvestite. There is only one reason to do this, and that is to appease the power brokers and the "woke' political activists.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:03 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 143 words, total size 1 kb.

Chickafication of the NFL

Timothy Birdnow

That's been the goal of the Left and the Social Justice Warriors for some time. It'll start with kickers, and eventually they'll start pushing for women in other positions - and turn football into flag football. It's how they despoil everything masculine.

Carly Lloyd Receives Offer to Become First Woman Kicker in NFL Pre-Season Game

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:46 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 61 words, total size 1 kb.

August 27, 2019

How can we be shocked by the decline of civility, spread of hate?

Dana Mathewson

Gov. Mike Huckabee lays it out. Our values are collapsing. It's evident everywhere. It's useless to blame one side and not the other. And furthermore, it has been going on for a long time.

There is no doubt that America has become more divided, less cohesive, and a lot less civil over the last few decades.

It’s a phenomenon that commentators on both sides of the political spectrum have noticed and reflected on for years.

Conservatives often point to the proliferation of liberal indoctrination in academia or an increasingly ideological and activist news media. Those on the left, meanwhile, are apt to lay the blame on President Trump, the personification of all of their fears and anxieties.

A new poll from The Wall Street Journal and NBC News, however, paints a picture at odds with theories and in many ways, it's more disturbing than either of these narratives. The poll, which replicates a survey from 1998, shows a drastic drop in the number of Americans who place a high value on patriotism, belief in God, and having children.

More striking even than the overall decline is the generational divide. Those younger than 38 years old — millennials and the "zoomers” of Generation Z — are less than half as likely to rate religion as a "very important” value than Americans over 55. Among the younger generations, fewer than half think patriotism is very important, and fewer than one-third consider having a family of their own to be an important priority.

If these figures are accurate — and the precipitous drop in church attendance suggests they are — how can we be surprised at the growing division in our public life? How can we be shocked at the collapse of civility and the spread of hatred?

The loss of God-consciousness must correlate directly to this sad and intensifying state of affairs. A culture that doesn’t see God as real can easily devalue life, become deadened to any thoughtful feeling towards others, and feel no sense of responsibility or accountability for individual actions.

When a prime time "comedy” host announces that he’s "glad” a political adversary is dead, that he hopes his death was "painful,” and is cheered on by his studio audience no less, I fear that sentiment is not an anomaly, but a reflection of the kind of culture that America is becoming. When I see so many Americans, especially the young, cite that vile sentiment with approval, I fear that the worst implications of the WSJ/NBC News poll are already upon us.

Please read the entire article! Gov. Huckabee is always worth reading, especially about values, Christianity, and anything connected to this. Go here:

I'm reminded of this when we are made aware that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is once again battling cancer in her old age. As Christian conservatives, we certainly are praying for her recovery. It matters not that we do not share her political or judicial philosophy. Cancer is something we do not wish upon our worst enemy.
And if you'll permit me to quote the Numbers 6:24 forward prayer, which she needs now, "The Lord bless thee, and keep thee; The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee; The Lord life up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace." She has done damage in the Court, but the Lord will be the one who judges.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:36 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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