January 31, 2019

Dana Loesch burns Alexandria Occasional Cortex

Jack Kemp

There is an old Yiddish saying about a small minded person who lucks out in a good situation and thinks it happened because of their skills. It goes like this: A worm fell in some horse radish and thought they were in heaven. This applies to that "economic expert," Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Here is her latest pronouncement and Dana Loesch's response...

Burn: Dana Loesch Just Wrecked Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Idiotic Tweet About Former Starbucks CEO

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted that Starbucks CEO Howard Schulz - a self-made millionaire from the projects - should "work his way up".

From the article:

At the same time, the National Rifle Association's Dana Loesch took Ocasio-Cortez to the woodshed over her idiotic tweet about Schultz.

"Schultz grew up in the projects, was the first of his family to go to college, and turned a tiny coffee shop into a multi-billion dollar company. How much more should he ˜work his way up"™  Loesch tweeted.

Love him or hate him, Schultz is an American dream success story (via RCP):

Read the rest at Townhall.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:59 AM | Comments (164) | Add Comment
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Research but no Common Sense

Timothy Birdnow

Here is another exercise in fantasy by the computer modelers. On this day, when America is frozen and paralyzed by Global Warming (which is why the alarmists chose to change the name to "climate Change") we are told that a dearth of winter snow is hurting America's forests.

Funny; planetary warming is supposed to mean more water vapor in the atmosphere. In fact, the carbon dioxide is simply supposed to be the catalyst, warming the planet slightly and evaporating water into the atmosphere. It is the greenhouse effect of all that water vapor that is supposed to be the real danger, the cause of a runaway greenhouse effect. If there is more water vapor in the atmosphere, doesn't that mean more snow in winter?

How is it that everywhere we are having drought and not increased precipitation?

Also, much of North America was grassland during the ice age; it was WARMING that led to the growth of forests in eastern North America. NOT cooling.

But plunk the word "scientist" down in front of any name and they suddenly have absolute credibility, no matter how divorced from reality these days.

If their thinking is correct, why do we have healthy forests in the deep south? That should all be grassland.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:51 AM | Comments (22) | Add Comment
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Worst Game Ever!

Timothy Birdnow

Worst board game ever!

Yes, someone has actually invented a game called World Climate Simulation, in which players pretend they are delegates at a climate change conference!

I wonder if they have virtual hookers, like at the real thing

The purpose of this exercise in mind-numbing is to get average people personally invested in the concept of global warming, a "planetary emergency" based entirely on computer simulations aka games. I suppose there is no reason NOT to have such a board game; the entire thing is little more than an intellectual exercise anyway. There has been no planetary warming since the late '90's, and the other predictions made by the simulations have failed; there is no "hot spot" in the tropical troposphere, ice levels at both poles are up, sea ice is up, Antarctic ice cores show freezing and not melting, hurricanes are down, etc. If a theory does not match reality it is a failure and must be discarded. But too many people have far too much invested in AGW theory, be they politicians (who want the power), environmental activists aka the Gang Green who have profited mightily from it, corporations who can appear to be good "citizens of the world" by it, and all manner of climate scientists, who would be out of work were it not for climate change theory.

I wish these people would content themselves with playing games, and quit trying to impose their crackpot theories on the real world.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:38 AM | Comments (182) | Add Comment
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The Politics Of the Polar Vortex

Dana Mathewson

A large portion of the country is currently in the grip of record low temperatures and, in most cases, very cold wind chill factors. Here in Minnesota's Twin Cities yesterday, we had wind chills in the minus forties. I posted a photo of the thermometer in my kitchen window (seen a few posts below this one).

Can cold temperatures be political? Apparently. Here's an article appearing today on the Fox News website:

It's fossil fuels that are keeping Americans warm this week

What the AccuWeather service calls "the coldest weather in years” is gripping the nation, from Wisconsin to Alabama. The temperatures, AccuWeather says, "will put millions of people and animals throughout the Midwestern United States at risk for hypothermia and frostbite to occur in minutes during the final days of January.”

The only real defense against Winter Storm Jayden is fossil fuels—the source of the vast majority of electricity that Americans will need to stay warm. Pie-in-the-sky talk about renewable energy won’t warm hearths and hearts during this storm, because the sun isn’t shining all the time and the wind capacity simply isn’t there.

So, Americans will reply on fossil fuels—the much-demonized source of concentrated energy – to power our economy and saves lives, literally.

Let’s take two states as examples. Illinois is near the geographical center of the polar vortex. As of 9 a.m. Tuesday morning, the temperature was 5 degrees Fahrenheit, with an expected low in the next 24 hours of 23 below zero. Those winds coming off Lake Michigan are dropping the wind chill to as much as 55 below zero through Thursday morning.

But renewable energy is sitting this one out in Illinois. In 2016, wind and solar energy contributed just 6 percent of Illinois’ electricity supply. A respectable 52 percent came from Illinois’ aging nuclear power sources, but those generators are in trouble financially and politically.

That means nearly 40 percent of Illinois’ electricity came from coal, natural gas and oil. And every Illinoisan, from Waukegan to Carbondale, is thankful for that this week.


The article goes on to describe similar situations in, of course, New York State, where the cost of electricity is way up. One is left to wonder, in fact, if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ran for Congress so she could move to Washington and get out of New York City?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:13 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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Plutonium Punchout: Nevada, South Carolina, and the DOE

Timothy Birdnow

The Department of Energy secretly shipped almost a half a metric ton of weapons grade plutonium to a storage facility seventy miles north of Las Vegas in violation of a court order.

According to Fox News:

"The Justice Department notified a federal judge in Reno that the government trucked in the radioactive material to store at a site 70 miles north of Las Vegas before Nevada asked a court to block the move in November.

Department lawyers said in a nine-page filing that the previously classified information about the shipment from South Carolina can be disclosed now because enough time has passed to protect national security.

"Because sufficient time has now elapsed after conclusion of this campaign, DOE may now publicly state that it has completed all shipment of plutonium (approximately ½ metric ton) to Nevada,” Bruce Diamond, general counsel for the DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration, wrote in the court declaration, noting that the action was previously classified, as The Hill reported. "Although the precise date that this occurred cannot be revealed for reasons of operational security, it can be stated that this was done before November 2018, prior to the initiation of the litigation.”

There has been an ongoing legal battle over this for over a year now, and the government had little reason to rock this particular boat. Something more is at work.

Remember, this is weapons grade plutonium, not nuclear waste. Why risk moving it to the middle of the desert? Plutonium, in addition to being radioactive, is a highly toxic substance, and a train derailment - or purposeful attack - in a populated area could poison a lot of people. It can also be used in a radiological bomb (it's doubtful anyone would be able to effectively make an atomic bomb with plutonium;; it's far more difficult than one from enriched uranium, although there would no doubt be a black market for it and countries like North Korea and Iran would love to buy some.) You don't ship this stuff around without good reason.

According to Lentech:

Plutonium is sometimes described in media reports as the most toxic substance known to man, although there is general agreement among experts in the field that this is incorrect. As of 2003, there has yet to be a single human death officially attributed to plutonium exposure. Naturally-occurring radium is about 200 times more radiotoxic than plutonium, and some organic toxins like Botulism toxin are billions of times more toxic than plutonium.

The alpha radiation it emits does not penetrate the skin, but can irradiate internal organs when plutonium is inhaled or ingested. Extremely small particles of plutonium on the order of micrograms can cause lung cancer if inhaled into the lungs. Considerably larger amounts may cause acute radiation poisoning and death if ingested or inhaled; however, so far, no human is known to have died because of inhaling or ingesting plutonium and many people have measurable amounts of plutonium in their bodies. Plutonium is a dangerous substance that has been used in explosives for a long time. It is released into the atmosphere primarily by atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons and by accidents at weapon production sites. When plutonium is released into the atmosphere it will fall back onto earth eventually and end up in soils.

At any rate, this stuff is a target and one must ask why the DOE is moving it to a storage facility in Nevada. Also, it is not being moved to a place where it can be used for nuclear weapons construction. This is of key importance. America's nuclear arsenal goes back to the Reagan buildup of the '80's, and even before; it is entirely inadequate, and likely few of our ICBM's would be functional in the event of need. The Trump Administration has promised to remedy that. If we are moving plutonium then there is a reason for it - probably a good one. And, contrary to what the media portrays, the Trump Administration doesn't go looking for fights. There is no reason why they would defy a federal judge (Obama appointed?) without cause.

Again, this is not nuclear waste.

And this illustrates the incurious and ignorant nature of the mainstream media, who have not asked this question and seem uncomprehending. The articles I read on the subject suggest the writers at the Ass Press (on which most of these articles are based) do not understand the difference between waste and material.

There is more to this than meets the eye.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:13 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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January 30, 2019

America Under Seige

Bill Been

I received the following two emails with important Youtubes that my wish would be that any American who cares about American Sovereignty, Individual Rights, Freedom and Justice would take the time to review, understand and forward to anyone you know who is still hesitate to support Donald Trump who is the only person willing to fight for the most cherished privileges of being an American. The fact that Republicans did not show up at the polls last November is frightening as it appears that there is a widespread lack of understanding of either the seriousness of the threats or a lack of understanding how Congress either works or does not work.


The first email below ends with an appropriate warning involving the Full Leftist Takeover of our nation. However, it is becoming more apparent on a daily basis that the Leftist Takeover is a subset of the Globalist movement documented and funded through the United Nations with the support of many prominent Republicans including the Bush family who many of us supported. These elements make the success of Donald Trump at the national level mandatory for those of us who wish to preserve the principles, values, heritage, and traditions of our nation.


At the local level in Western Pennsylvania, the tentacles of the Globalists intrude deeply into our society through the globalist programs disguised under the auspices of Agenda 21, now being called Project 2030. "Sustainability” is the calling card which has been pushed into our local society through the UN groups known as ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) and Sustainable Pittsburgh.


Although ICLEI has not broadened its USA base in recent years, there still are over 400 municipalities across the country including several in Western Pennsylvania still listed as ICLEI members, mostly in Allegheny County with the support of Sustainable Pittsburgh. Individual property rights and environmental concerns are the primary rallying cries. This can be seen clearly through multiple intrusions on individual rights by programs and policies being implemented by these UN-sponsored groups involving property maintenance, property development rights, environmental actions such as the Small Streams program dictated by Obama, and the Pittsburgh push toward being a Sanctuary City.


The threats are everywhere and I don’t believe there is any other hope, other than divine, that can stop the multiple Globalist groups other than the hope that Donald Trump is successful.


Bill Been

Author of: MASTERS OF AUDACITY AND DECEIT (they are succeeding!!!)

Mark Levin has them dead to rights in this video pointing out their bull*hit! https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=27&v=O9QS9gnd3gU

UNDER SIEGE: Fear on the Border in Fort Hancock, TX




Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:00 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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New York's War on Religion

William Been

On the heels of the NY abortion law recently enacted, the following report even more demonstrates the escalation of the attempts to destroy religious and personal freedom by the anti-American leftist groups operating under the Democrat Party umbrella led by the absurd Andrew Cuomo. These two actions alone are so alien to the principles and policies that have prevailed throughout USA history that they clarify even further the reality that our country is in the throes of a fight that will be won or lost where freedom will either prevail or be suppressed by the agendas of communists, socialists and globalists disguised as traditional Democrats.

Note also in the New York dictate that History is not mentioned and effectively replaced by Social Studies.

Bill Been

From Judicial Watch:

New York State has opened to the door to a war on religious education. New guidelines from the state’s Department of Education are framed as applying to all "religious and independent schools” in New York, but no one is fooled. The changes are aimed right at New York City’s freewheeling Orthodox Jewish seminaries, known as yeshivas. More than 100,000 students attend yeshivas in New York City.

From Judicial Watch:

New York’s War on Religious Education

New York State has opened to the door to a war on religious education. New guidelinesfrom the state’s Department of Education are framed as applying to all "religious and independent schools” in New York, but no one is fooled. The changes are aimed right at New York City’s freewheeling Orthodox Jewish seminaries, known as yeshivas. More than 100,000 students attend yeshivas in New York City.

The new guidelines revisit the "substantial equivalency” statute that has kept the peace in New York schools since 1897. Non-public schools can educate their students as they see fit, provided the education is "substantially equivalent” to public schools. The new guidelines change the equation. Math must be taught every day. English, science and social studies must be taught. Schools must provide samples of teaching schedules, textbooks and lesson plans. Non-compliant schools risk withdrawal of funding for things like textbooks and transportation, and students ultimately could be forced to go to another school. Students that resist transfer risk being declared "truant” and legal steps to challenge parental competency could follow. The new mandates will be enforced by inspections from local school district officials.

The guidelines, wrote two Orthodox educatorsin the Wall Street Journal, are a shocking power grab by secular forces. They "empower local school boards to evaluate private schools and to vote on our right to continue educating our students.” The new curriculum requirements demand "so much time that it crowds out Torah study, our sacred mission.”

The controversy began when dissident former yeshiva students startedraising concernsabout the quality of their education. Members of the Orthodox community concede that some yeshivas need improvement. But when you’vebeen in business for 1,500 years, give or take a few centuries, change comes slow. And as history as shown, it’s a very bad idea to tell a Jew how to run his religion.

New Yorkers of all stripes were quick to recognize the threat to religious freedom. Ed Mechmann, director of public policy at the Catholic Archdiocese of New York,wrotethat the new regulations would "give local school boards virtually unlimited power over private religious schools. There is no protection against government officials who are hostile to religious schools or who just want to eliminate the competition.”

A majority of the New York City Council–not a group known for its theological fervor–complained in aletterto the state Education Department about the "unprecedented incursion into private schools’ curricula” and warned it to refrain "from threatening to remove student-based funding from schools that do not acquiesce to these guidelines.”

In New York City, the Orthodox community is a powerful political force, often delivering critical votes in closely fought elections. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio opened a probe in 2015 following complaints about sub-standard education from the yeshiva dissidents. But the investigation went nowhere. De Blasio’s own investigations commissioner, Mark Peters,looked intothe controversy, only to befired laterby the mayor.

The new guidelines put the mayor back in the yeshiva hot seat and could revive the dormant investigation. They seem sure to ignite more controversy. School inspections are slated to begin in February. The yeshiva establishment says they won’t cooperate with inspectors, ditto from New York’s Catholic school leadership. That’s going to be a big problem.

New York City Schools Chancellor Richard Carranzatold the New York Timeshe’s starting the inspections with yeshivas that have barred city officials or have been noted in complaints about poor education standards. Carranza said the de Blasio administration intends to "move aggressively and get this taken care of.”

Don’t bet on it.




Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 03:51 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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This is what Global Warming looks like

Dana Mathewson

Along with a -45 wind chill factor. This is the thermometer on our kitchen window as/of 8:22 AM. I didn't keep Bijou out long!

This is the Twin Cities area Spring Break.

It appears that the USPS is having a day off because of all this. Perhaps their delivery trucks don't have wonderful heaters [Note: it turned out to be two days off]. I think those cute right-hand-drive trucks are diesel-powered, which may have something to do with it. I remember our second winter here, 1995-96, when we had at least a week of solid -20 degrees, I was riding the bus to work, and their heaters were going full blast, and they put out about as much heat as the candles on a middle-aged woman's birthday cake.

And our garbage/recycling hasn't been picked up yet. But it turns out we WERE notified we wouldn't be serviced until the next day. Update: as/of Friday they notified us that recycling wouldn't be picked up this week at all. No word yet about the garbage -- it's still sitting at the curb. There are four or five different companies who pick up the stuff. Ours is the only one who took the "snow days" off. Maybe the natural gas-powered trucks our collector uses has a similar problem. But at least one collector who serves our neighborhood is doing his job.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 03:08 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Cowardly Catholic Clergy

Jack Kemp forwards this:

Catholic Church Leaders Are a Bunch of Cowards

By Alicia Colon

The bishop who rushed to judgment on those Covington students finally apologized and said he was bullied into making a premature statement. Hogwash. We know that the media, the liberal left, and celebrities have been pounding on the church for sex scandals, but is that any excuse for caving in with fear from these secular critics? For many years we have watched so-called Catholic politicians enact laws contrary to church teaching without getting called on the carpet by their pastors.

Governor Andrew Cuomo was overjoyed signing the most egregious, evil legislation in New York State history, allowing abortions up to birth, and Cardinal Dolan says that excommunication for him is inappropriate. For heaven's sake, it's not as if Cuomo is even a practicing Catholic. Excommunication is different in the canon law of the Roman Catholic Church in that it is not a permanent separation but is a censure and considered a medicinal penalty intended to invite the person to change behavior, repent and return to full communion. The church is a spiritual community and has the right to exact rules and edicts that belong to it so that it can be well administered and survive. Members who, by their obstinate disobedience, reject the means to this common cause deserve to be removed from such a society.

Not only should Cuomo be excommunicated but any Catholic legislator that voted for this bill should be as well. That goes for CINOs (Catholics in name only) like Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Joe Biden and other frauds who put on the mantle of the church at funerals, baptism, weddings when they should be ostracized. They should go join any of a multitude of Christian churches who mock the teachings of Christ.

Catholic leaders have become cowards preferring to look the other way when the rich and powerful pull out their wallets. Have the Kennedys been sterling examples of the faith? Do pro-abortion Democrat Catholics have the nerve to blatantly receive the Holy Eucharist because they know the priest won't dare refuse them?

Cardinal Dolan was on Fox News (video here) explaining that by excommunicating Cuomo this would be perceived by critics as just a Catholic issue. So what, Cardinal? It became clear during this broadcast that Dolan is just as much a politician as any Democrat finding rationalization for their sins. His job as a leader of the Church is to give moral guidance to the flock with the apostolic authority given by Christ. In Luke 17:1-2, Jesus tells his disciples: "Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!" Surely, the very idea of abortion being permitted until the day of birth should be a condemnable offense, but just because God's mercy forgives all sins doesn't mean that the offense should ever be permitted or excused.

Why has the church become so weak-kneed in ignoring its mission? Certainly the church has been under endless attacks by the left slamming it for sexual assaults by priests, and yet by the numbers, these charges, some unconfirmed, are minuscule given those committed in schools and the entertainment world. It is very easy to accuse someone of sexual assaults that occurred decades ago when the accused has died but the church seems to be more concerned with public relations than pointing out right and wrong and permitting abortion till birth is very, very evil.

Read the rest at American Thinker. more...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:51 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Dems want to primary Ocasio-Cortez

Jack Kemp

Rick Moran has blog piece at American Thinker about the not surprising reality that since Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D-Loco) has angered a number of incumbent Democrats by calling for primary challenges to them, other Democrats want to primary Ocasio-Cortez in 2020 and make her a one-term only Congresswoman.

One of the many local NY officials in or near her district mentioned is Elizabeth Crowley, the 41 year old cousin of the man Ocasio-Cortez defeated in her primary last year. Elizabeth Crowley is a former New York City Councilwoman and quite an impressive speaker. I personally saw and heard E. Crowley a few years ago at a bipartisan rally at a Bayside,Queens firehouse opposing then Mayor Bloomberg's ridiculous idea to close forty City firehouses. Crowley spoke well, with emotion and gave accurate facts about why these firehouses should remain open (which was the eventual result). My thoughts at that time were that this woman definitely has a future in New York City politics.

Of course, in the Queens as well as Bronx part of Ocasio-Cortez's district there is no shortage of Hispanic Democrat career (read: well connected) politicians who would want Ocasio-Cortez's U.S. House seat. And those other politicians can speak with a Spanish accent and who have a much more experience riding the Number Six local subway train north to Parkchester than south to 59th Street in Manhattan, the location of Bloomingdale's Department store, a train stop and destination Ms. Ocasio-Cortez appears to be more familiar with.

Rick Moran also pointed out that Ocasio-Cortez has supported an effort to primary and defeat Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, the leader of the Congressional Black Caucus. Way to lose those swing votes in your district, Ms. Occasional-Cortex. Maybe she will also come out in favor of a poll tax for those that don't vote in her district.

There was a movie called "Moscow on the Hudson." Ms. Occasional-Cortex is trying to create "Byelorussia on the Bronx River." more...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:41 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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Judy McLeod: Gov. Cuomo and Cardinal Dolan should be excommunicated

Jack Kemp

Rough language from Canada Free Press's Editor...

Cardinal Dolan sitting elephant-like on Christian hearts and souls, will NEVER excommunicate his buddy Gov. Cuomo

Cardinal Dolan will NEVER Excommunicate His Buddy Gov. Andrew Cuomo

Andrew Cuomo signed into law new rules that permit babies to be aborted up to the day of birth, Dolan is an elephant sitting on their hearts and souls.

â€Å“When asked whether New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) should be formally excommunicated from the Catholic Church because he signed into law new rules that permit babies to be aborted up to the day of birthâ€â€what one bishop has called "infanticideâ€â€New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan said such a step â€Å“would be counterproductive.â€Â It would give "ammo to our enemies" he added. (CNS News, Jan. 28, 2019.)

But the cardinal and the governor have been "giving ammo" to anti-Catholic/Christian enemies for years.

Read the rest at Canada Free Press.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:18 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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Cardinal Dolan's NY Post Editorial

Jack Kemp

Cardinal Dolan: Why are Cuomo, Democrats alienating Catholics?

By Timothy Cardinal Dolan

From the article:

It's been a rough time for faithful Catholics recently in our state government's frantic rush for "progressive" ideas.

I'm thinking first of the ghoulish radical abortion-expansion law, which allows for an abortion right up to the moment of birth; drops all charges against an abortionist who allows an aborted baby, who somehow survives the scissors, scalpel, saline and dismemberment, to die before his eyes; mandates that, to make an abortion more convenient and easy, a physician need not perform it; and might even be used to suppress the conscience rights of health care professionals not to assist in the grisly procedures. All this in a state that already had the most permissive abortion laws in the country.
see also

As if that's not enough, instead of admitting that abortion is always a tragic choice, and that life-giving alternatives should be more vigorously promoted, the governor and his "progressive" supporters celebrated signing the bill. At the governor's command, even the lights of the Freedom Tower sparkled with delight.

Those who once told us that abortion had to remain safe, legal and rare now have made it dangerous, imposed and frequent.

Read the rest!

Fay Voshell adds:

Dolan is a friend of Cuomo. He will never excommunicate him. The letter itself is a masterpiece of prevarication and Jesuitical convolution. Like Cupich, Dolan redirected the attention toward progressive goals he supports, and aside from objecting to the grisly nature of dismembering viable babies, does not even come out against abortion all that strongly--calling it a "tragic" choice.

Dolan is no friend to pro-life advocates or to the Catholic church in general.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:07 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 300 words, total size 2 kb.

January 29, 2019

Shutdown Seashells down by the Sea Shore

Timothy Birdnow

Here is a claim that the government shutdown helped North Carolina's Outer Banks replenish her sea shells.

From the article:

Being closed a month due to the partial government shutdown had one benefit for Cape Lookout National Seashore: Its beaches are now weighted with gloriously collectible seashells.

"The shelling is excellent right now,” said a Monday Facebook post from Cape Lookout park staff.

The national park reopened Monday and the abundance of seashells is credited to a combination of factors, including weather and lower park attendance, said B. G. Horvat of the park’s staff.

"It’s colder on the water, which makes for less folks heading over,” Horvat told the Charlotte Observer. "Also, over the months of December and January, there have already been several storms that likely carried many shells ashore with their tides, currents and winds.”

Both Cape Hatteras and Cape Lookout national seashores closed Dec. 22, due to the partial government shutdown and were unstaffed, something that likely discouraged visitors for four weeks.

Well, well, well.

The Environmentalists are always demanding we leave the world in a state of nature, that the footprint of Man is an abomination. So why didn't they support the government shutdown? seems to me it kept the tourists away from the "pristine" parklands and wilderness areas.

Isn't that what they wanted?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:46 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 227 words, total size 2 kb.

More on the War on Roundup

Timothy Birdnow

A while back I wrote about how radical activists hijacked a World Health Organization report on the dangers of glyphosate, the principle ingredient in Monsanto's premier herbicide Roundup. Radical environmentalists altered the report at the last minute, changing it from saying there was no solid evidence Roundup was a carcinogin to claiming there was proof of these assertions. This report formed the basis of a trial-lawyer lynching of Monsanto, and the Charlie Foxtrot continues.

From my article:

According to Reutersthe Word Health Organization (WHO) purposefully distorted it’s findings on the weedkiller glyphosate , the key ingredient in Roundup. Roundup has been the subject of multi-million dollar lawsuits as a result of the U.N. report claiming it is a carcinogen.

According to the article:


"LONDON (Reuters) - The World Health Organization’s cancer agency dismissed and edited findings from a draft of its review of the weedkiller glyphosate that were at odds with its final conclusion that the chemical probably causes cancer.

Documents seen by Reuters show how a draft of a key section of the International Agency for Research on Cancer’s (IARC) assessment of glyphosate - a report that has prompted international disputes and multi-million-dollar lawsuits - underwent significant changes and deletions before the report was finalized and made public.”

Roundup is Monsanto’s premier weedkiller and one of the top brands in the industry.

An expert review determined that glyphosate was a cause of cancer in animals and humans, much like the U.N. has determined that carbon dioxide is causing the planet to warm.

The article continues:

"In one instance, a fresh statistical analysis was inserted - effectively reversing the original finding of a study being reviewed by IARC.

In another, a sentence in the draft referenced a pathology report ordered by experts at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It noted the report "firmly” and "unanimously” agreed that the "compound” – glyphosate – had not caused abnormal growths in the mice being studied. In the final published IARC monograph, this sentence had been deleted.

Reuters found 10 significant changes that were made between the draft chapter on animal studies and the published version of IARC’s glyphosate assessment. In each case, a negative conclusion about glyphosate leading to tumors was either deleted or replaced with a neutral or positive one. Reuters was unable to determine who made the changes.”

So somebody was monkeying with the report. Why? Who stood to profit by it?

The article goes on to explain how Reuters was unable to get anyone involved in the report to answer questions, and how the report not only falsified data and conclusions but altered previous reports to make them fit with the conclusions that the authors wanted. In short, this assessment is just like the Global Warming alarmism or other such dubious environmental scares as Alar, Dioxin, and DDT.

"LONDON (Reuters) - The World Health Organization’s cancer agency dismissed and edited findings from a draft of its review of the weedkiller glyphosate that were at odds with its final conclusion that the chemical probably causes cancer.

Documents seen by Reuters show how a draft of a key section of the International Agency for Research on Cancer’s (IARC) assessment of glyphosate - a report that has prompted international disputes and multi-million-dollar lawsuits - underwent significant changes and deletions before the report was finalized and made public.”

Roundup is Monsanto’s premier weedkiller and one of the top brands in the industry.

An expert review determined that glyphosate was a cause of cancer in animals and humans, much like the U.N. has determined that carbon dioxide is causing the planet to warm.

The article continues:

"In one instance, a fresh statistical analysis was inserted - effectively reversing the original finding of a study being reviewed by IARC.

In another, a sentence in the draft referenced a pathology report ordered by experts at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It noted the report "firmly” and "unanimously” agreed that the "compound” – glyphosate – had not caused abnormal growths in the mice being studied. In the final published IARC monograph, this sentence had been deleted.

Reuters found 10 significant changes that were made between the draft chapter on animal studies and the published version of IARC’s glyphosate assessment. In each case, a negative conclusion about glyphosate leading to tumors was either deleted or replaced with a neutral or positive one. Reuters was unable to determine who made the changes.”

So somebody was monkeying with the report. Why? Who stood to profit by it?

The article goes on to explain how Reuters was unable to get anyone involved in the report to answer questions, and how the report not only falsified data and conclusions but altered previous reports to make them fit with the conclusions that the authors wanted. In short, this assessment is just like the Global Warming alarmism or other such dubious environmental scares as Alar, Dioxin, and DDT.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:00 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 1259 words, total size 11 kb.

No Unusual Ice Melt in Greenland

Timothy Birdnow

More lies about Greenland and ice loss.

Paul Homewood explains:

Science Daily elaborate on the "faster than 2003” claim:

Bevis’ team used data from GRACE and from GPS stations scattered around Greenland’s coast to identify changes in ice mass. The patterns they found show an alarming trend — by 2012, ice was being lost at nearly four times the rate that prevailed in 2003.

Bevis said a natural weather phenomenon — the North Atlantic Oscillation, which brings warmer air to West Greenland, as well as clearer skies and more solar radiation — was building on man-made climate change to cause unprecedented levels of melting and runoff. Global atmospheric warming enhances summertime melting, especially in the southwest. The North Atlantic Oscillation is a natural — if erratic — cycle that causes ice to melt under normal circumstances. When combined with man-made global warming, though, the effects are supercharged.

"These oscillations have been happening forever," Bevis said. "So why only now are they causing this massive melt? It’s because the atmosphere is, at its baseline, warmer. The transient warming driven by the North Atlantic Oscillation was riding on top of more sustained, global warming."

But what happened in 2012?

Due to that weather event, the NAO, Greenland experienced an unusually mild year, with in particular a sunny summer.



Unsurprisingly, therefore, the Surface Mass Balance of the Greenland ice sheet shrank slightly, due to both reduced snowfall and ice melt:







However, that was the exception. Last year, for instance, the SMB grew much more than the long term mean, as it did the year before.

Bevis’ claim that ice loss in 2012 was greater than in 2003 is based on one year’s weather, and not the long term trend.

It is worth emphasising here that the SMB reflects both snowfall and ice melt, but not calving of glaciers. It is, of course, ice melt that Bevis is mainly concerned about here.


As we can see from the above temperature chart for SW Greenland, with the exception of 2012, temperatures since 2003 are little different to the 1920s to 40s, the last time the AMO was in warm phase, as it presently is.

There is simply no evidence at all of Greenland’s climate getting any warmer over the long term.

As for the lurid threats of multi meter sea level rise, according to DMI loss of ice from the Greenland ice sheet (from all causes) since 2003 has accounted for about 0.65mm a year of global sea level rise, little more than 2 inches per century.


Bevis asks:

"These oscillations have been happening forever. So why only now are they causing this massive melt? "

Because we have only been monitoring the melt for the last decade or two!

We know that global sea level rise was just as great in the early to mid 20thC, and there is therefore no evidence whatsoever that melting of the Greenland ice sheet was not just as great back then.

It's the North Atlantic Oscillation, stupid!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:23 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 510 words, total size 7 kb.

Queen Pelosi Blows Millions on Taxpayer Funded Trips

Timothy Birdnow

Nancy Pelosi spent over two MILLION taxpayer dollars on air travel to vacation destinations. Conservative HQ gives us a nice condensed version of the story.

From the article:

The documents uncovered by Judicial Watch show that from July 30 to August 6, Pelosi took a trip to Milan, Rome and Naples, Italy, and Kiev, Ukraine, for herself, her husband, several members of congress and their spouses. The Italy trip included Milan, Rome and Naples with visits to the Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel, Duomo and viewing Da Vinci’s "Last Supper.”

The documents exposed through the Judicial Watch lawsuit also show the Air Force’s negative response to a Pelosi staff request for a specific crew for Pelosi’s flight.

An official noted that it: "would be a disastrous precedent to set even if it were possible.” The Air Force further points out: "Our ARC crews have plenty to balance already with military duties and their civilian employers.”

The documents also detail a CODEL trip for Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO).

In contrast to the Pelosi party, Gardner traveled commercial flights to Asia, including Tokyo and Okinawa, Japan; Seoul, Korea; plus Beijing and Hong Kong, China. This trip, with flights and per diems, cost approximately $26,009.03.

Judicial Watch previously uncovered that Pelosi’s military travel cost the United States Air Force $2,100,744.59 over one two-year period — $101,429.14 of which was for in-flight expenses, including food and alcohol.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives - or the minority leader - have little to do with foreign affairs and have no reason to fly to Italy or Ukraine. These are taxpayer- funded vacations. I cannot imagine spending two million dollars on vacations.

Ruling class? Damned right!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:02 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 290 words, total size 2 kb.

Protester curse Howard Schultz at NY Book Event

Jack Kemp

Protesters heckle â€Ëœ"a-hole" Howard Schultz at book event

From the article:

Dems urge ex-Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz not to run for president

Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz got heckled by protesters calling him an "egotistical billionaire a-hol" and complaining he would help re-elect Trump, as he appeared at a Union Square bookstore Monday, a day after raising the possibility of making a third-party run for president.

"What I said last night is that I'm seriously considering running for president as a centrist independent, and I wanted to clarify the word independent, which I view merely as a designation on the ballot,â€Â Schultz told a crowd at Barnes and Noble.

Read the rest at the New York Post.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:13 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 127 words, total size 1 kb.

Mathematical modeling illusions Back to Messages

Paul  Driessen

Few people understand that the climate change scare is based solely on the forecasts of computer models that do not work – and in fact cannot work. This is because our understanding of the science of climate change is so poor that we do not yet know the equations which describe the most important phenomena that influence Earth’s climate. Yet, based on this flimsy foundation, over one billion US dollars is spent around the world every day trying to ‘stop climate change’ that these models predict may happen someday.

In this article, , Heartland Institute science director Dr. Jay Lehr and International Climate Science Coalition president Tom Harris explain why the models cannot work, given the undeveloped state of the science. As they point out, "these models have more in common with the "Magic 8 Ball” game than with any scientifically based process.”


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:56 AM | Comments (675) | Add Comment
Post contains 1493 words, total size 14 kb.

January 28, 2019

An Optimistic Word From Newt

Dana Mathewson

Newt Gingrich is one of the shrewdest observers of the political scene, as a result of having been one of the shrewdest participants in it, for a long time. He is one of those persons that you should always say "When Newt talks, I listen."

OK, Newt is talking here, and this article is quoted on Urgent Agenda.

As you listen to the liberal media, the Never Trumpers and the left-wing Trump haters chatter on about President Trump’s current situation, remember these two numbers — 35 and 49. The first number was President Ronald Reagan’s approval in January 1983.

The second number was the number of states Reagan carried 22 months later.

I am not predicting President Trump will carry 49 states. This is a different environment, and the tribalism that divides the country is deeper than it was 36 years ago.

However, in contrast to the enthusiastic doomsayers on television, I am willing to predict President Trump will recover. Also, he is much more likely to be re-elected than any of his opponents at The New York Times, The Washington Post, or the liberal networks currently believe.

President Trump’s resilience, despite two straight years of the most negative media coverage of any president since Lincoln (at least 90 percent negative according to studies by the Media Research Center that analyzed nightly broadcasts) is a sign that he has a devoted base that will stick with him.

The most recent unemployment applications are the lowest since November 1969 (when there were a lot fewer Americans at work). There are powerful initiatives underway to continue to increase American jobs and economic growth.

The left will do for Trump what it did for President Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and what it is currently doing for Prime Minister Theresa May (who is surviving because the alternative is so terrible). A few more proposals for 70 percent tax rates, sanctuary states, tax paid health care for everyone including illegal immigrants, open borders, anti-Semitism, and anti-Israeli hostility, and the Democrats will begin driving away everyone but the hard left. California Governor Gavin Newsom’s wildly left-wing ideas are going to be a striking contrast to President Trump’s comparatively mainstream views (Newsom was mayor of San Francisco and is carrying its leftist ideology to the entire state). New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may set a new standard for willful ignorance by a non-Hollywood personality. There is a point where smiling while saying things that are factually false simply doesn’t sustain a national movement.

The energy in the Democratic Party is entirely on the left, and as Hillary Clinton discovered, the nominating process is going to drive the Democratic candidates to get as nutty as necessary to please the new generation of radical bigots.
And so forth. When Newt talks, wise people listen. The rest of the article is to be found here: http://www.urgentagenda.com/PERMALINKS%20IX/JANUARY%202019/28.OPTIMISM.HTML

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:15 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 485 words, total size 4 kb.

Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day

Dana Mathewson

In a great article from Power Line, John Hinderaker reminds us that, unfortunately, anti-Semitism is still with us.
As one of Power Line’s Gentile contingent, I feel that the day shouldn’t go unrecognized. But what to say about it? A few things–modestly, I hope.

First, anti-Semitism is back again. Apparently there are some anti-Semites associated with the right, although I can’t say that I have ever encountered one. Respectable anti-Semitism exists only, as far as I know, on the left. Jeremy Corbyn and Ilhan Omar exemplify the anti-Semitic left in England and the U.S., respectively. But the rot goes much deeper.

There is a reason why the Labour party is happy to have a blatantly anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist leader as its shadow Prime Minister. On the left, there is considerable support for those hateful views, and not much opposition. Likewise, there is a reason why Democrats like Chuck Schumer–himself a Jew–has nothing bad to say about the endorsement of the "Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions” movement by Ilhan Omar and other young Democrats who have captured the imagination of the party’s rank and file. The future of the Democratic Party lies with the likes of Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, not Schumer and his ilk. And Schumer knows it.

Speaking for myself, I couldn’t have imagined thirty years ago that anti-Semitism would ever again be a live issue. But in 2019 it is, thanks to the left.

Please read the whole thing. It's not long, and the subject is very important.  https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2019/01/holocaust-remembrance-day.php

Jack Kemp adds this...Having Holocaust Remembrance Day in January (a U.N. idea) makes it difficult for Survivors and thier 70 year old children to attend a gathering in cold climates. In Israel, Holocaust Remembrance Day is in the spring. That spring date is also used by Jewish groups in NY and elsewhere in the U.S.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:27 PM | Comments (193) | Add Comment
Post contains 311 words, total size 3 kb.

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