July 31, 2019

Las Vegas pizzeria offering grasshopper pie as insects invade city

Dana Mathewson, with a hat tip to Martha Mathewson

Your Food and Drink editor presents our next feature article, of special interest to our Las Vegas dwellers (Las Vegans?). Here's one you won't see on The Food Channel!

Most food editors go and sample the dishes about which they write. Alas, our publication's travel budget is bupkis, and so is my personal one. So I can't go. You'll just have to imagine this one. The only thing lacking, for my taste, is anchovies.

One Nevada restaurant is making the most of the hordes of grasshoppers that have descended upon Las Vegas — by using them as inspiration for a pizza topping.

"What started out as a joke amongst our stoner friends has swept the nation," Evel Pie, located on Fremont Street, announced on Facebook Tuesday. The pizza shop said their new pizza, dubbed "The Canyon Hopper,"is for "only the bravest daredevils."

The pie consists of chorizo, goat cheese, caramelized onions, arugula, and, of course, lime- and garlic-roasted grasshoppers.

Described as "damn good," Evel Pie said the creation's tastiness surprised even the staff.

The inspiration for the pie likely stems from the insect influx Nevada has seen in recent weeks. Videos showed Las Vegas, in particular, was swarmed with grasshoppers — which pose no danger, as they don’t carry disease and don't bite, according to scientists.

The rest of the article is about why the hoppers are overwhelming the city (no, apparently they have no interest in gambling or taking in the shows). https://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/las-vegas-grasshopper-pizza-swarm-city

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:14 PM | Comments (31) | Add Comment
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Stars attend Google summit on climate change in private jets, mega yachts

Dana Mathewson

No, this is not from the Babylon Bee, but you might be forgiven from thinking it is.

Google Camp is hosting the likes of former President Barack Obama, Prince Harry, Leonardo DiCaprio and Katy Perry in Sicily, Italy, to discuss climate change, but it may come at a steep cost to Mother Earth.

"Everything is about global warming, that is the major topic this year,” a source told the New York Post.

Sources told the outlet that the three-day event will cost the tech giant $20 million.

Many of the guests, including Obama and DiCaprio – who has his own climate change foundation – have described global warming as the biggest threat to future generations.

Italian press reports allege that the Google Campers would show up in 114 private jets, and 40 had arrived by Sunday. [emphasis added]

Do these people really believe that global warming is man-made? Or that somehow their actions don't contribute to it? Or do they ever actually think about it?

Other stars in attendance will be Perry's fiancee Orlando Bloom, singer Harry Styles, Bradley Cooper, Nick Jonas, Priyanka Chopra, Gayle King, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, designer Diane von Furstenberg and Barry Diller. Furstenberg and Diller reportedly arrived via their $200 million yacht Eos; Dreamworks founder David Geffen is said to have given Perry and Bloom a lift to the event on his $400 million yacht, Rising Sun.
Ah, at least Katy Perry and her guy were able to hitch a ride and don't have to get their own plane or boat, so a bit of carbon is saved. Whew! I was worried for a minute.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:05 PM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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"Holier Than Thou" moment at "debates"

Dana Mathewson, with a hat tip to Martha Mathewson

Pete Buttigieg tried a very dangerous tactic -- trying to out-Christian conservatives by quoting the Bible -- at the first of the second round of what are laughingly being called debates. I say this is a dangerous tactic because "God is not mocked," as St. Paul tells us. Mayor Pete has tried this before.

South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg blasted "so-called conservative Christian senators" for opposing the minimum wage as Democrats tried to take the moral high ground during the first night of the second round of Democratic presidential primary debates.

"The minimum wage is just too low. And so-called conservative Christian senators right now in the Senate are blocking a bill to raise the minimum wage when scripture says that, 'Whoever oppresses the poor taunts their maker,'" Buttigieg declared in Detroit, Mich. at the FoxTheatre, citing Proverbs 14:31.

Fox News contributor Jonathan Morris said the "so-called" part was "most offensive" during Buttigieg's remarks, stripping Republicans of their faith claims "just because you don't believe my policy is right." He said that it was a low-point for the 37-year-old Democratic presidential hopeful.

"You saw every single candidate was trying to take that moral high ground and say, 'We are the ones that are good and the White House is evil,'" Morris told "Fox & Friends" Wednesday morning, pointing directly to Buttigieg, he added: "I wouldn't say to anyone you are a 'so-called Christian,' right? Unless they say I don't believe in the divinity of Jesus or something, OK."

According to the Democratic presidential candidate's logic, Morris said, because all of them are pushing for a $15 minimum wage, a $25 minimum wage would be "more Christian," but it's not that simple.

First of all, since Mayor Pete represents a party that, as a flag-waver for abortion, a.k.a. baby-killing, which is totally opposed to the Commandment "Thou Shalt Not Murder," he's a fine one to flaunt the Bible.

And second of all, there is a large and growing body of empirical evidence that a $15 minimum wage is causing economic havoc among low-paid laborers in this country. People who normally would be picking up low-paying jobs are now finding those jobs no longer exist, because it does not make economic sense for employers to pay unskilled or marginally-skilled people fifteen dollars an hour to perform them.

So it is the Democrats who are "oppressing the poor" and "taunting their Maker." Of course, most of them appear to doubt the very existence of any Supreme Being in the first place, judging by their words and actions, so they think they can get away with it.

Go here https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pete-buttigieg-democratic-debate-2020-bible-republicans-christian for the entire story.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:48 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 456 words, total size 4 kb.

Overworked Kids: the Progresive Caste System

Timothy Birdnow

Public schools are overloading kindergartners these days, pushing endless lectures on the kids and denying them a chance to play as part of a learning environment.

According to the article:

Being a kindergartner today is very different from being a kindergartner 20 years ago. In fact it is more like first grade.

Researchers have demonstrated that five-year-olds are spending more time engaged in teacher-led academic learning activities than play-based learning opportunities that facilitate child-initiated investigations and foster social development among peers.

As a parent, I have seen how student-led projects, sensory tables (that include sand or water) and dramatic play areas have been replaced with teacher-led instructional time, writing centers and sight words lists that children need to memorize. And as a researcher, I found, along with my colleague Yi Chin Lan, that early childhood teachers expect children to have academic knowledge, social skills and the ability to control themselves when they enter kindergarten.

The Progressives have sucked all the joy out of learning, indeed, out of all of life. But to what end? The author gives us the answer here: more...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:09 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Limits to Growth Rides Again!

Timothy Birdnow

My Facebook newsfeed posted a ridiculous, breathless article saying we have run out of our yearly budgeted resources as of yesterday and are now living on borrowed stuff. According to the article:

The Overshoot Day calculation relies heavily on an array of country-level and global UN data about everything from the food produced and consumed in each country to how much waste is generated, timber is felled, and fossil fuels are burned. The calculation is limited by the quality of the global data, which in itself might have some big underestimations built in. Research has suggested that the UN Food and Agriculture Organization might be underestimating the size of the global seafood harvest by 30%. But the UN numbers are the best available, for now, so that’s what they use.

"What we do is very much accounting,” said Lin, one of four researchers who spend six months each year crunching the numbers. "Everything we consume, and all the waste we produce—we can map back over how much bioproductive area it would require.”

They calculate individual overshoot days for each country, too; the US’s overshoot day was way back on March 15. Australia’s was March 31. Qatar’s was Feb. 11.

If the world’s population consumed natural resources and produced waste at the rate that the US does, it would take five Earths to sustainably meet those needs.

I left the following comment on the message board:

Half of the Earth's land surface is still wilderness, according to recent research https:// www.crosswalk.co m/1174969/ and https:// www.researchgate .net/ publication/ 48378816_Wildern ess_Earth%27s_L ast_Wild_Places and 95% of the human population lives on just ten percent of the land. https:// www.sciencedaily .com/releases/ 2008/12/ 081217192745.htmI think this emergency proclamation is unwarranted. It's just the old Malthusianism returned, or a new version of the Club of Rome Limits to Growth report https:// www.clubofrome.o rg/report/ the-limits-to-gr owth/ and Paul Ehrlich's
Population bomb hysteria of the 1970's. None of Thomas Malthus's predictions came true, nor did the Club of Romes, nor Ehrlichs. They all said we were doomed by the turn of the century.

Even if we run out of some resources, so what? Burning wood for steam power led to deforestation which led to using coal and oil and the forests recovered. Even if we can't renew some resources, we have an entire solar system to harvest. For example, there is one middling asteroid worth Ten Quadrillion dollars were we to mine it. https:// www.forbes.com/ sites/ bridaineparnell/ 2017/05/26/ nasa-psyche-miss ion-fast-tracke d/ We have pretty much inexhaustible resources in space if we could be bothered to go get them.

This article ignores the fact that we "overshoot" yearly resource budget yet still have enough. Why is that? It's because this "budget" is an arbitrarily set target, set by the environmentalis
ts so that we are guaranteed to miss it. Cute trick.

"Sustainability " is a euphemism for no growth or progress. Do you like being able to go to the store and purchase an iphone or whatnot? Ready to give that up to fulfill a socialist dream? The notion that we are running out of everything is utterly preposterous, but absolutely vital to the One World/ International Socialism movement, which has to have a reason to manage our decline. I hope you like being poor and in bondage, because that is where this will lead.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:32 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 567 words, total size 7 kb.

Cribs and Blubbs

Timothy Birdnow

Big Hairy Squaw with Running Yap strikes again.

Elizabeth Warren Falsely Claims She Saw ‘Cages of Babies’ at Southern Border

From the Breitbart article:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) claimed she saw "cages of babies” at the United States-Mexico border during CNN’s 2020 Democrat presidential primary debate on Tuesday.

While advocating for decriminalizing illegal immigration into the U.S., Warren claimed she had witnessed with her own eyes "cages of babies” held in detention at the southern border.

"What we can’t do is not live our values,” Warren said. "I’ve been down to the border, I have seen the mothers, I have seen the cages of babies. We must be a country that every day lives our values. And that means we cannot make it a crime when somebody comes here.”

Do note she says babies, not children. I've seen plenty of cages with babies in them in my lifetime; we call them CRIBS and the crib is a cage designed to keep babies from falling out of bed. If there are babies at the border being held in detention centers, what would Warren say about it if there were no cribs for them?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:09 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Men Dressed as Woman better Athletes than Women

Timothy Birdnow

The attack of Captain Obvious:

Women’ Athletes Hold ‘Intolerable’ Advantage over Biological Females

Results of a new study have ripped through the claims of House Democrats that it is a "myth,” simply "fearmongering,” and without scientific evidence that inclusion of biological men in female sports would leave women athletes at an unfair disadvantage.

Three professors — two in bioethics and one in physiology — note the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is allowing "transgender women” to compete against biological females if their testosterone is below ten nmol/L. However, even that level is "significantly higher” than that of biological females, they assert.

The authors cite research demonstrating that "healthy young men did not lose significant muscle mass (or power) when their circulating testosterone levels were reduced” for 20 weeks to meet the IOC’s guidelines.

The researchers also state that "indirect effects of testosterone will not be altered by hormone therapy.”

Gee, whoda thunk it! We needed scienntists to tell us this?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 06:30 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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July 30, 2019

Strange Background of the Garlic Fest Shooter

Timothy Birdnow

The garlic festival shooter - Santino William Legan - was an Iranian-Italian-American who drove a Tesla, according to the investigatory site Heavy.From the article:

Legan also posted about a fringe white supremacist book written in 1890. Noted indivualist anarchist, revisionist historian and Holocaust denier James J. Martin called, the book, "…one of the most incendiary works ever to be published anywhere.” Legan quoted from the book in a post accompanied by a Smokey the Bear sign about fire danger.

Legan wrote: "Read Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard. Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white twats?”

Just three posts? Does that sound legitimate to you?

Sounds to me like this was a set-up to blame conservatives.

Be that as it may, if this guy is of Iranian descent, that would fit with Muslim values. Was Legan a Muslim? Strange how Heavy doesn't ask that question.

Again from the article:

Legan also shared a third photo of his maternal grandfather, Ali Ashgar Vahabzadeh, with a note about him anglicizing his name to Ali Baylor from his original Iranian name. An obituary from the Ventura County Star says Baylor also went by the name Allen O. Baylor and was born in Iran before teaching as an economics professor at the University of Texas, California Lutheran University and UCLA.

So gramps was an Iranian immigrant and a college professor. And his other grandfather was accused of raping his aunt.

The article continues:

This Tesla was parked outside the shooters family home. It looked like the dad and son came by to get it. They are not talking with the media, but they are cooperating with police about Santino William Legan being the suspected #GilroyGarlicFestival shooter. pic.twitter.com/hg4An288QL

A Tesla. That suggests an environmentalist mindset.

The article tries rather desperately to blame guns and conservatives for the shooting, but the evidence presented suggests this guy was anything but. He may have been a racist, but that has always been a left wing trait.

So, to recap, we have a possible Muslim, the grandson of an Iranian. His other grandfather possibly raped his mother's sister. He appears to be a racist who drives an electric car, thus perhaps being into environmentalism. He made three very convenient Instagram posts, no fewer and no more.

What does this pattern suggest? It suggests we have a Progressive and someone is trying to blame conservatives.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:54 AM | Comments (95) | Add Comment
Post contains 416 words, total size 3 kb.

Freshwater Seas under the Oceans

Timothy Birdnow

Turns out there are sea-sized bodies of fresh water under the oceans.

According to a Quartz article:

Thousands of years ago, glaciers covered much of the planet. Oceans receded as water froze in massive sheets of ice blanketing the North American continent. As the ice age ended, glaciers melted. Massive river deltas flowed out across the continental shelf. The oceans rose, and fresh water was trapped in sediments below the waves. Discovered while drilling for oil offshore in the 1970s, scientists thought these "isolated” pockets of fresh water were a curiosity. They may instead prove to be a parched world’s newest source of fresh water.

As told in the latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal Scientific Reports, scientists from Columbia University and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution spent 10 days on a research ship towing electromagnetic sensors from New Jersey to Massachusetts. By measuring the way electromagnetic waves traveled through fresh and saline water, researchers mapped out fresh-water reservoirs for the first time.

It turns out the subterranean pools stretch for at least 50 miles off the US Atlantic coast, containing vast stores of low-salinity groundwater, about twice the volume of Lake Ontario. The deposits begin about 600 ft (183 m) below the seafloor and stretch for hundreds of miles. That rivals the size of even the largest terrestrial aquifers.

We know so little of this world we live in, and yet we presume to know what will happen to the Earth's climate in a hundred, a thousand years. It's like ancient Greek philosophers trying to argue physics with Albert Einstein, and insisting they know more.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:12 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Svalbard Reindeer Die-off - Global Warming Blamed

Timothy Birdnow

Apparently now Global Warming is being blamed for dead reindeer on Svalbard.

From the article:

Climate change is bringing warmer temperatures to Svalbard, which means more precipitation. And heavy rainfall in December is thought to be responsible for the unusually high number of reindeer deaths, the researchers wrote on May 28 on the NPI website.

After the December rain hit the ground, the precipitation froze, creating "tundra ice caps," a thick layer of ice that prevented reindeer from reaching vegetation in their usual winter grazing pastures. This forced the animals to dig pits in shoreline snow to find seaweed and kelp, which are less nutritious than the reindeer's usual fare.

Considering that reindeer are foraging critters, how is it that global warming - which would increase the amount of forage - has starved them to death?

Global Warming types try to have it all their own way. Oh, and given the increase in polar bear numbers, is it any surprise reindeer are starving? They fear being killed if they go out too far. It amazes me that they try to spin this as a problem of warming when they say it rained a lot and then the rain froze. Yeah; that warmth is freezing everything.

Also, six Arctic foxes and one reindeer have been found with rabies, in a place where there was no such illness. How did it get there? I though the ice had all melted. It's just not possible for something that was infected to have walked to the archipelago.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:04 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 262 words, total size 2 kb.

Near Miss of Asteroid; Global Warming to Blame

Timothy Birdnow

How long before someone blames this on Global Warming? I can hear it now: "climate change is causing large asteroids to approach nearer to the Earth. The Earth's atmosphere is becoming thicker thanks to carbon dioxide, and this is putting drag on passing space debris". Why not? Everything else is blamed on Global Warming!


Had the asteroid struck, it would have landed with the force of a large nuclear weapon, or about 10 megatons of TNT.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Electric Car Explodes

Timothy Birdnow

Looks like an electric car exploded and blew off the garage door. According to Fox News:

The Hyundai Kona Electric was parked inside the structure when the incident occurred on Friday afternoon in the suburban Montreal neighborhood of ÃŽle-Bizard.

A fire department spokesperson would not comment as to whether or not the car was plugged-in or charging at the time of the explosion, Automotive News reported. The CBC on Friday said that it was not, but another fire official told Global News that it was plugged-in.

Batteries can explode. I'm surprised it took so long for one of these toys to actually blow up.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:31 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Putting the P in Potato

Timothy Birdnow

I understand that when you gotta go you gotta go, but this is ridiculous!


Why potatoes?  Does she have something against the Irish?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:25 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Deed of Trust; Moon Dust

Timothy Birdnow

Here's a fun story.
A woman had a registered claim to one acre on the Moon back in 1955 when she was a five year old girl. It was legally recorded via a quitclaim deed in Belleville. When Apollo 11 landed on the Moon she tried to assert her rights, asking for some moon dust,but was rebuffed by NASA in an official letter.

She also had beach rights on the Sea of Tranquility.

Nancie Munie may have had a joke deed, but it was recorded by the St. Clair County Illinois Recorder of Deeds (who charged three bucks) and her grandfather pressed her claims with NASA in a letter.

The article statess:

The silliness may have stopped there if not for Nancy’s grandfather, L. David Mantle, who wrote the letter to NASA on Oct. 2, 1969, and signed her name.

"It appears that Apollo 11 landed on my acre on the Moon,” the letter stated. "Consequently, I would greatly appreciate being furnished with a 145th sample of rock-soil-sand collected by the Astronauts from my Moon holdings.”

Nancy received a reply three weeks later from Associate General Counsel E.M. Shafer on NASA letterhead.

"You appear to be aware already that your deed is an interesting but efficacious document,” he wrote. "Legally, the grantor conveyed to you only the same right, title and interest in the area described in the deed as he himself possessed. Unfortunately for you, he possessed absolutely nothing.”

End excerpt.

I wonder if the woman is part Native American; it wouldn't be the first time the U.S. cheated an Indian out of land!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:55 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Stupid Global Warming Tricks - Polar Bear and Mountain Lake Edition

Timothy Birdnow

A particularly idiotic article from the World Economic Forum says polar bears were the poster children of Climate Change because of photos of them drowning (when it reality they went swimming) and now a mountain lake that formed in two weeks is the new photo to "prove" global warming. Poppycock! I left the following comment:

The first paragraph of the article says:

"A polar bear on a melting ice cap has long been a poster child for the climate crisis — but the melting French Alps just may be the latest hot embodiment"

Yeah - because polar bear populations have risen , and they know they ca't peddle that Bruin poo. https://polarbearscience.com/2019/02/27/state-of-the-polar-bear-report-2018-polar-bears-continue-to-thrive/ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/11/181114144315.htm https://www.safariclub.org/blog/canadian-government-reports-polar-bear-population-growing-threatens-inuit https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/nov/13/polar-bear-numbers-canadian-arctic-inuit-controversial-report

And Russia is being so overrun by them they have re-instituted bear hunts. See here.

Why? Because there are so many polar bears they are competing with each-other for food. There are too many of them. So, since one fake news story has died, they have to promote a new one. Now a big puddle is proof the world is going to end. I have property in the Ozarks that has two dry creeks that run when it rains. I guess that's global warming too.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 213 words, total size 2 kb.

July 29, 2019

Economists use beer as measure to document failures of socialism in new book

Dana Mathewson

I'm not sure whether to file this under Politics, or our new section Food and Drink. No matter, it's right here for you all to see.

With the hot-button word "socialism” sparking intense political debate as Americans brace for the 2020 presidential election, two U.S. economists have completed a global drinking tour – and a book already at the top of Amazon's "beer" category– warning that the socialist lure could lead to a drastic dry-up of the country’s adult beverages.

"Socialism Sucks: Two Economists Drink Their Way Through the Unfree World,” by Robert Lawson and Benjamin Powell, is billed as a "worldwide tour guide written in plain English” which takes readers on a not-so-luxurious expedition into three countries that have embraced socialism – North Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba – using beer as an indicator of economic concern.

"In Cuba, there were only two types of beer, almost the same in alcohol content and both tasted like skunky Budweiser. In North Korea, it was just god awful,” Lawson, who is also the director of the William J. O’Neil Center for Global Markets and Freedom at Southern Methodist University, told Fox News. "And, in Venezuela, the country has basically run out of beer because the government planners couldn’t import enough barley.”

I'm tempted to say "they barely had enough barley," but somebody'd throw something at me. . .


In Lawson’s summation, why would employees of a government-controlled plant bother to go out of their way to seek out the resources, extra costand energy to produce 30 different types of beer or wine when it is easy to make two, and there is no incentive otherwise to excel?

"We were on the border of Colombia and Venezuela, and the Colombian side was awash with all kinds of beer. On the other side, Venezuela had nothing for sale and people had to cross into Colombia just to get the basic necessities,” said Powell, who is also the director of the Free Market Institute and a professor of economics at Texas Tech University. "It’s an important lesson for ‘Democratic Socialists’ in the U.S. to remember that (Hugo) Chavez came to power in free and fair elections, but socialism centralizes economic power and the system starts nationalizing farms, factories, even hotels. When oil prices were $100 a barrel, Venezuela could mask the dysfunction, but as oil prices went down over the last five years, they couldn’t hide the reality.”



The book, which is slated to hit shelves Tuesday in the hours before the second round of debates among the 2020 Democrats, was born out of the 2016 presidential campaign after the authors took issue with candidate Bernie Sanders using the label to "attract people to the cause.” In their view, he and other pro-socialistleaders have beenspreading misinformation.

"We wanted to clear up what the definition of socialism really is; (Sanders) points to Denmark, Sweden, Norway. While they aren’t free market and have high taxes, they are market-orientated and aren’t real socialist countries,” Lawson conjectured. "And, China is fake socialism, it has made a lot of reform when it comes to personal property rights. It’s crony capitalism, but that is a hell of a lot better than socialism.”

Even if you aren't a beer drinker, I hope you get the point. 

Here's the entire article: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/beer-measure-socialism-failures-new-book

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:56 PM | Comments (56) | Add Comment
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Dem Presidential Hopeful wants to Impose Slavery

Timothy Birdnow

Former Maryland Congressman and Prsidential candidate John Delaney wants to reinstitute slavery in America.

From the article:

2020 hopeful John Delaney recently unveiled a new plan to institute mandatory national service if he is elected president. On Sunday, the former Maryland congressman announced the mandatory national service plan, which would require every American over the age of 18 to serve the country for at least one year.

Under the plan, Americans would choose from one of four options: the military, a community service program, a new national infrastructure apprenticeship program, or a newly created climate corps.

Miriam Webster defines slavery as:

1 : drudgery, toil
2 : submission to a dominating influence
3a : the state of a person who is a chattel of another
b : the practice of slaveholding

According to the Free Dictionary:

1. (Law) the state or condition of being a slave; a civil relationship whereby one person has absolute power over another and controls his life, liberty, and fortune
2. the subjection of a person to another person, esp in being forced into work
3. the condition of being subject to some influence or habit
4. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) work done in harsh conditions for low pay

Now, if the government is forcing people to serve (and it will be for low pay) against their will they are defacto enslaving them.

And how much would you wager that the work they will be doing will be to advance the Democrats political fortunes?

Democrats are quick to impose their will on others. They are natural slavemasters. I wish the black community would recognize this fact.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:08 AM | Comments (91) | Add Comment
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Joanne Nova Rips a Gang Greener

Timothy Birdnow

Jo Nova tears a Gang Greener from the Australian Broadcasting Company a new a, er, one.


I don't want to excerpt it as she goes many places; just read the whole article. 

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:33 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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German Gang Green wants to Ban Domestic Air Travel

Timothy Birdnow

German Environmentalists - the true Gang Green - want to ban all domestic flights in Germany by 2035.

From Euractive.com

Germany’s Greens plan to make domestic flights ‘largely obsolete’ by 2035. To this end, they want to introduce a tax on kerosene and gradually increase rail traffic. The EU, however, is far from finding a solution on how to tax air travel. EURACTIV Germany reports.

There should be no flight bans, but strong incentives for rail traffic, according to a paper of the Greens’ parliamentary group in the Bundestag, which has been quoted by the Bavarian newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.

The paper is calling for increased train frequency, more reliable journey times, cheaper tickets and good wifi coverage. These objectives should "ensure that rail travel becomes so attractive in the next 25 years that domestic flights are no longer worthwhile.”

To achieve this goal, the German railway system Deutsche Bahn (DB), which is entirely government-owned, is to receive €3 billion annually.
o let
To compete with domestic lights, travel time between as many destinations as possible and to neighbouring countries should be reduced to "a maximum of four hours”. A "European night train network” should also be re-introduced in the long term.

Railroads are nineteenth century technology and are too slow to be of much help. And being ground based they are apt to hit things - cattle, cars, and people. Moving civilization backward in this fashion is monumentally stupid, but it is exactly what the utopians in the environmental movement want. They think there was some sort of primitive paradise that industrialism destroyed. No. In fact, life was hard; brutal and short. We are now living in the paradise, not the other way around. Western children are so spoiled they think what has been a wonder for them and lead to people in under-developed places desperately seeking to get into Western countries is in fact some burden. They have to borrow troubles, because in their hearts they know life is too easy and too prosperous and they want to feel like they are fighting the good fight.

Human beings have a need for a challenge. In the past that was often warfare, but there were others, if only the hardness of dailylife. Now we don't really fight wars in the older sense; they are more computer games with gadgets. So the young, deprived of any outlet for their aggression and need to challenge themselves, turn to stupid political activities like Environmentalism. They are purposely trying to destroy the thing that gave them so much.

So let Germany ban domestic flights and watch businesses flee from the richest country in Europe. Good lluck to the New Green Reich.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:09 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Mueller Obstructed Justice

Timothy Birdnow

Robert Mueller "Mueller the Drooler", the stubborn Muel, obstructed justice by refusing to turn over information to the House Intel Committee when it was run by Republicans, according to Devin Nunes.

From American Greatness:

In his interview, Nunes says that the Mueller team would not turn over requested transcripts and information to the House Intelligence Committee for its investigation when the committee was under Republican control.

"The Mueller dossier team wouldn’t let us have them,” says Nunes.

But Mueller put people in jail for doing just that. What a hypocrite.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:55 AM | Comments (1462) | Add Comment
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