December 08, 2024

War is Peace According to Mitch

Timothy Birdnow

Mitch McConnell calls for more endless wars.


"Speaking at the annual Reagan National Defense Forum at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, after which he received a standing ovation, the Kentucky Republican invoked the hawkish legacy of the 40th president, arguing that "influential voices” are forgetting the lessons of the Cold War amid growing threats from China and Russia.
"Within the party Ronald Reagan once led so capably, it is increasingly fashionable to suggest that the sort of global leadership he modeled is no longer America’s place,” McConnell said.
"But let’s be absolutely clear: America will not be made great again by those who are content to manage our decline,” McConnell said, paraphrasing Trump’s longtime campaign slogan."



Our "greatness" depends on our fighting wars all over the globe, oftentimes where we have zero national interest!

He considers not bankrupting ourselves as "managing the decline" rather than prudently managing our RESOURCES so we can fight another day when needed.

No sir; it is Mr. McConnell who has managed the decline, and contributed to it in a large way by wasting trillions of taxpayer dollars, dollars he stole from future generations.

He is too stupid to learn from Orwell "war is peace". Orwell saw clearly that endless war was nothing but a tool for the tyrants. Read 1984.

Yes, Reagan was aggressive in his use of American power but he did that with a conscious sense of WHY he was using it. We had played pattycake with the Soviets for decades with "containment" and "d'etente" and Reagan understood we could end the Cold war and then would be able to stop with this military intervention. He fought to attain peace, not to embroil us in one unnecessary fight after another.

I point out the dangers of endless war as illustrated by Eisenhower in his farewell address; Ike warned in it that we were facing a very dangerous situation because we were empowering the military, the big coprorations, and the bureaucracy and higher education. He worried these forces would create a dictatorship and he was right.

That's what McConnell now promotes, and what these idiots at this Reagan forum applauded. Reagan was first and foremost about protecting FREEDOM, not just fighting wars that did not concern us. He did not want America to be the world's policeman; he just wanted to fight the Communists wherever they threatened to destroy them. It was STRATEGIC. This is just war because it's fun and profitable.

It is way past time China Mitch leaves the scene.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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A Penny Saved (sort of)

Timothy Birdnow

The prosecution (that means Alvin Bragg) is dropping the manslaughter charge against Daniel Penny for his "choke hold" accidental killing of a crazed threatening man on the subway in New York City.

The manslaughter charge was the big one.

The jury was deadlocked and unable to reach a verdict so the prosecution has dropped the charge hoping to get some charge to stick rather than just a mistrial via hung jury.

Penny is still facing negligent homicide charges since the judge, who was reluctant to allow the charges to be dropped, caved in and agreed to allow the lesser charge to proceed.

The decedent - Jordan Neely - was a black man who was threatening other passengers on the train when Penny, a former military man, intervened.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:13 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Importance of Being Ernst

Timorthy Birdnow

Joni Ernst went native and the former hog farmer is now just one of the pigs.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:12 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Russia Closes Polish Consulate

Timothy Birdnow

Russia has just closed it's Polish consulate, accusing Poland of "sabotage and terrorism".

This could mark a whole new level of hostility and perhaps suggests the war in Ukraine is about to turn into a whole eastern Europena war - and if it does that means all of NATO will come to Poland's defense, meaning we are in a full blown hot world war.

IF this stuff is going to happen it will happen now, during the interim between Biden and Trump. We currently have no President, just some shadowy politcal star chamber running things.

The Russians issued this statement:

"If acts of diversion and terrorism continue, I will close down the rest of the Russian consulate presence in Poland,” Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski told reporters after Moscow announced the closure of its St. Petersburg consulate."

This was apparently in retaliation for Poland closing the Russian consulate in the city of Poznan.

While it does not signal war just yet it is another sign war may be on the horizon.

Polish military officers have been arguing for the interception of Russian missiles aimed at Ukraine. Poland has been a major supply depot for Western military equipment being sent to Ukraine.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Damascus Has Fallen

Timothy Birdnow

Damascus has fallen

Assad has had to flee his capital after rebels took the city.

What will Russia do? Russia can ill-afford to let Syria turn into a Western satellite, nor even a neutral state. It is their primary Mediterranean port.

The rebel groups consist of theocratic Islamists and moderate forces (such as Kurds) and who will wind up in control of this key Middle Eastern state is unclear. Turkey will no doubt be backing the Islamists (like the Syrian Liberation Front) and that is not really in Russia's interest,but it will work fine for Erdogen.

If Syria turns theocratic it will pose an existential threat to peace in the Middle East and most especially to Israel. Israel can no longer not worry about their northern borders.

If the moderates take power (and when has that ever happened when faced by aggressive Islamists?) then Russia will face a very difficult choice. Do they take action to help install the radicals or do they back a counter-insurgency to reinstate Assad?

It will be hard for Russia to take military action there, but they are conducting a major naval exercise in the region and it wouldn't be hard for them to use that to assist the baathists.

Also, what will Iran do?

This is a volatile, explosive situation. Syria hac chemical weapons at least as late as 2013, and possibly other weapons of mass destruction. Maybe biological. Probably not nuclear, as their reactor was destroyed by Israel and the international community believes they have adhered to the treaty they signed. But then they clearly received SOMETHING from Iraq when the U.S. invaded. Who knows what they are sitting on? Quite possibly nothing. One would think they would have used them on the insurgents if they did, but that would have made them anathema to all other nations plus killed a lot of innocents.

One thing is clear; this greatly complicates an already unstable situation.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Timothy Birdnow

Is this a real revival or just scared Americans fearing the Tribulation for now? We may well slide back into the cesspool at any time.

Here’s Why U.S. Bible Sales are Booming

According to the Wall Street Journal Bible sales are up 22%.

Can America truly restore what was lost? Time will tell.

The U.S. has had Divine protection from the beginning. George Washington recognized this during the Revolution, stating:

" By the all-powerful dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability and expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, altho' death was levelling my companions on every side. "

He also escaped the trap laid for him by Benedict Arnold, who was going to surrender West Point to the British to coincide with a visit by his good friend Washington (and they planned to hang him as a traitor). It was the purest of "coincidences"; highwaymen robbed a traveler who turned out to be a British agent carrying correspondence from Arnold and they turned it over to a local commander (they sympathized with the Patriots) who, being closer to Washington than West Point, handed it over to Washington, who naturally gave it a casual glance. He exclaimed "My God! Arnold's turned traitor!" and subsequently vowed to hang him from the nearest tree. To this day the U.S. government is forbidden from writing the words "benedict arnold" in any capacity - he's been erased from our history. Even at Saratoga where he won the day he is only referred to as "a young American officer".

The victory at Yorktown was an act of Providence; Washington was there and Wellington worked out a nearly foolproof plan to win the war once and for all. He landed at Yorktown, a flat, sandy peninusla between the James and Susqehannah rivers. The plan had the British navy sailing up the rivers and cutting Washington off, closing his escape so Wellington could cut him to pieces. But the British Navy failed to sail from Halifax; their commander became terribly ill with dysentary,and they replaced him with a doddering old admiral who delayed the fleet. In that time the French moved their fleet up from the West Indies and sailed into the rivers, putting Wellington into the very trap he laid for Washington.

Interestingly enough Washington didn't even realize it and wanted to move north to attack New York City again. The French had to tell him he had won the war.

And there were multiple other things; eerie fogs forming just when Washington needed, hiding his forces so they could retreat and fight another day, for instance. There was the strange lethargy that came over almost all the British commanders who just wouldn't pursue Washington. I could go on but it was clear to Washington and many others America was not founded by Americans but by God Himself.

Then there was the War of 1812.

The British seized and burned Washington and rued the day; they were attacked by completely unbelievable events - a tornado went right through their camp. There wasan eerie fog, and even some hail. They RETREATED from Washington without a shot being fired at them! The British truly believed God Himself fought in our favor.

Despite our losing most of the battles in that war we ended up pretty much winning it.

These types of events a strewn throughout our history. This prompted Otto Von Bismarck to famously state:

'God has a special providence for fools, drunkards, and the United States of America.'

But we have grown apostate and Goid has been withdrawing His providence in recent years. That is why we keep losing wars we should win, and why we suffered with such terrible leaders as Obama and Biden and watched the disasters of the Afghan withdrawal

Hopefully we learned our lesson and are at the point of a major spiritual revival.

2 Chronicles 7:14

"…if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

One would hope that is in the offing now. If not we may have a short spring and winter will then never end.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:02 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Calls to Pardon Gardner, Mosby

Timothy Birdnow

Former Soros-backed prosecuting attorney in St. Louis, the corrupt black woman named Kim Gardner, is now angling for a pardon from Joe Biden following his unprecedently corrupt act of pardoning his felonious son.

Gardner, the prosecutor who took down Missouri Governor Eric Greitens using illegal and unethical means, confessed to her crimes and was allowed to remain free with just the surrender of her law license and a five thousand dollar fine. In addition to her withholding evidence and coaching witnesses in the Greitens affair Gardner also was taking nursing classes during work hours, misusing funds in other ways, and refusing to prosecute black defendants.

I chronicled the Gardener Jihad against Greitens at American Thinker back when it happened.

The coup de grace that finally finished Gardner was her unwillingness to incarcerate a teen thug who was awaiting trial and had multiple violations and jumped his ankle-monitor over 20 times with no consequences. He drove into a young high school volleyball player who was in town for a tournament, pinning her to a car and crushing her legs. The poor young woman wound up permanently in a wheel chair.

But there were multiple other incidents with Gardner; she had an enemies list of cops and any arrests made by them were tossed. Caseloads backed way up. Much of her staff quit because she was such a terrible boss.

She also pursued charges aganst the McClusky's, a well-to-do urban St. Louis couple who sat on their porches holding guns when BLM terrorists invaded their private, gated community during the riots. Governor Mike Parsons has just issued a pardon for the McCluskys.)

I thought at the time the Missouri attorney general - then Josh Hawley - should have put a stop to her rein of error back when she was going after Greitens. But he was afraid to anger the black community and he obviously didn't approve of Greitens, a former Democrat and obviously a bit of a perv. I didn't either and I didn't support him in the primaries,but he was our guy and he didn't actually do anythg deserving of what was done to him. Hawley should have shown more backbone. (Greitens was a reformer who angered the Missouri GOP establishment by, among other things, seeking a ban on lobbying for five years after leaving the state legislature.)

Here are some highlights from the final report on Gardner by current attorney general Andrew Bailey.

Oh, and Gardner went on the lam to avoid being deposed for her crimes, fleeing to Florida (isn't that special; she fled to blood-red Florida for sanctuary, not New York or California). Why do that if she was innocent as she continues to claim?

So now the campaign to pardon her is heating up, and he may well do it. The call has also gone out to pardon Marilyn Mosby, the corrupt former prosecutor of Baltimore.

If Biden does this then Trump should issue a general pardon for his entire Administration on day one and be done with it.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 06, 2024

Polar Regions Cooling

Timothy Birdnow

The Earth's coldest regions are getting colder despite claims by the Gang Green.

According to a new paper put out by researchers in Thailand, temperatures in the interior in Greenland have fallen for the last twenty years, although some of the coastal areas have warmed ever so slightly. The authors of the paper attribute the warming to rising population density.

The data used is based on 31,000 temperature recordings from satellites.

As for Antarctica, it has been in a cooling trend. From the article:

"The American Meteorological Society discovered a 2°C decrease in temperatures over the 20-year period that ended in 2018. During the spring season, the temperature decrease was 1.84°C every decade. During the winter, it was a 1.19°C decrease over the same time period.

So there is no "planetary emergency" except in computer models.

And while Natural News isn't a solid climate source I know this is the case from other things Ihave read.

Antarctic land ice is growing, not shrinking.And while Greenland has seen some ice melt, there are any number of reasons for that.

Temperatures range from about −30 °F (−34°C) in the winter to just above 32°F (0°C) in the summer on the Greenlandic ice sheet. I doubt it's melting away.

This certainly does not constitute a "planetary emergency" that requires a draconian response that fundamentally resttructures human civilization.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:51 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Ernst Dogging Hegseth

Timothy Birdnow

Iowa Republican Senator Joni Ernst shows herself to be the RINO we all thought. She is one of the big holdups fighting the war on Peter Hegseth.

With friends like these...

Ernst has always been a fair weather friend to conservatives and to Trump, and she shows it here. Perhaps it's time for the good Senator to find other employment.

I should point out that one of the replacements for Hegseth being touted is, drumroll please, Joni Ernst.

Iowa is a purple state, I might add, but the Governor is a Republican so if Ernst was to leave we'd have a Republican appointed. I personally think the people pushing her for this job just want to get the feckless Joni out of the good state of Iowa.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:26 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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FBI Thieves

Timothy Birdnow

The FBI were actually robbing houses during raids on J6 attendees and others.

Agent Nicholas Anthony Williams was arrested and convicted of robbing the arrestees homes, stealing their possessions after hauling off the homeowners.

From Liberty News via Revolver:

A former FBI agent, Nicholas Anthony Williams, has been convicted of stealing cash, valuables, and other property while executing search warrants, including items taken from the home of a non-violent January 6 defendant. The conviction, tied to a series of thefts spanning years, has further fueled scrutiny of federal law enforcement practices.

Williams, 36, worked in the FBI’s Houston field office since 2019. He was indicted in January 2023 in the Southern District of Texas on charges of theft, fraud, and making false statements. According to court documents, Williams exploited his role as a federal agent to steal money and property during searches, which he then converted for personal use.

The stolen items included cash, silver bars, cell phones, and government-issued property. Williams also made false claims about fraudulent charges on his FBI-issued credit card, alleging they were legitimate case-related expenses. His actions culminated in a September guilty plea, in which he confessed to five thefts committed between 2020 and 2023.

These are the people Donald Trump is allowing to do background checks on his nominees.

Oh, by the way, there are many Republicans who try to claim the FBI is corrupt only at the highest levels, that the field agents are still honorable and decent,but this puts the lie to that claim. This guy was a field agent in Houston, not a D.C. bureaucrat.

The article continues:

One of Williams’ theft victims was Alexander Fan, a Houston college student who had been sentenced to 12 months of probation for peacefully protesting inside the Capitol during the January 6 riot. Fan was charged with non-violent trespassing misdemeanors, and his home was searched by the FBI in June 2023.

According to court filings, Fan reported several missing items from his bedroom, including $1,500 in cash and silver bars. These items were not listed among those seized under the search warrant. Fan’s attorney, Mark Thering, expressed hope for the eventual return of his client’s stolen property.

So our major law enforcement agency has at least one common thief in it, and I am certain he was just the guy who got caught.

If the FBI ever shows up at MY door I will not speak to them, nor let them in. You are safer playing with a copperhead snake than the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:58 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Tranny Insurrection

Timothy Birdnow

Why was it an 'insurrection' when MAGA folks did it but not when transsexuals do it?

Transgender and nonbinary people oppose bathroom ban with dancing takeover of women's toilets in congressional building

Wonder if any of these folks will get eight, ten years in a federal penitentiary the way the J6 crowd did? Gee; wonder why not!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:36 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Obama Projects

Timothy Birdnow

It's always projection with the Democrats. It's ESPECIALLY projection with Obama, who worked for ACORN, a vote stealing organization. Obama WAS a vote thief; it's what he did for a living before he got into politics.

Obama: Republicans Rigged Election, Weaponized Justice System

Talk about elephant balls!

From The Daily Fetched:

During an appearance at the ‘Democracy Forum, Obama said:

"Since total victory is impossible in a country politically split down the middle, the result is a doom loop of government gridlock, even greater polarization, wilder rhetoric, and a deepening conviction among partisans that the other side is breaking the rules and has rigged the game to tip it in their favor.”

He added:

"One side tries to stack the deck and lock in [very long pause].

"A permanent grip on power, either by actively suppressing votes or politicizing the armed forces or using the judiciary criminal justice system to go after opponents.”


My oh my! Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black!

Funny; I seem to remember Obama creating a vast database of information on every voter and he was praised for that political acumen, then when it was done for Trump it suddenly became Big Brother. I seem to remember Obama spying on his political adversaries. I seem to remember Obama starting a program to settle poor people in deep red well-to-do neighborhoods, to colonize them and thus steal seats. I remember Obama sicking the IRS on groups he didn't like, and the DOJ. Lois Learner! I seem to remember Obama's AG Eric Holder calling himself "Obama's wing man" and defying Congressional subpeopna's willfully when called to testify over his weaponization of the DOJ.

Oh, and who started the Muslim ban? Not Donald Trump,but one Barack Hussein Obama (p be upon him.)

Obama is a liar and a tyrant and a communist (he was a member of Chicago's "New Party", a communist party not affiliated with the CPUSA.)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:22 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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A Crying Shame

From the Gateway Pundit

At The Great Debate: Port Hedland vs The Premier, Professor Ian Brighthope @VirusFighterVi1broke down in tears, overwhelmed by the devastating truth: 60 million COVID shots have been administered to Australians. These vaccines are now linked to turbo cancers and tragic deaths.

— Jim Hoft (@jimhoft_) December 6, 2024

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:58 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Temper Tantrum

Timothy Birdnow

The acting director of the Secret Service has a total meltdown, screaming at a Republican representative who dared challenge him on his handling of the last 911 memorial.

Trump Assassination Attempt Hearing Erupts - Secret Service Director Loses His Mind During Grilling

Methinks he doth protest too much!

Actting director Ronald Rowe mischaracterized (probably purposely) Pat Fallon's questioning as an attack on the first responders on 911. He kept shouting "you're out of line" at Fallon, who was demanding an answer.

The fact is the Establishment is starting to panic and this proves it. They have been caught and now are attacking to divert attention from their misdeeds.

BTW this might be petty of me but Rowe still sports a Marine Corps haircut. I mean, who does that? That is nothing but shameless self-promotion, trying to emphasize he was a military man. I immediately didn't like the guy when I saw him because that struck me as horribly disingenuous; almost every ex-military guy grows their hair out to some degree after leaving the service. God bless him for serving the country, but do you have to wear it on your sleeve so?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:02 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Charlie Brown Republicans

Timothy Birdnow

Isn't this amazing! The Democrats won by 20 points the elections decided after election day!

Read all about it.

Why, one would suspect they are cheating or something.

What angers me is the Republicans get duped time after time this way. They truly are Charlie Brown trying to kick the football.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:58 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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December 05, 2024

Plankton Cooling the Planet

Timothy Birdnow

Another example of a negative climate feedback loop.

Planktons Secret Emissions - New Ocean Discovery Challenges Climate Predictions

Seems ocean plankton emits a sulphuric compount called ,ethanethiol, and does so in greater amounts than believed. This is an aerosol which reflects heat back into space.

Warmer oceans mean more plankton, and more Methaniol it seems.

From the article:

The study, published in the journal Science Advances, shows that the oceans not only capture and redistribute the sun’s heat, but produce gases that make particles with immediate climatic effects, for example through the brightening of clouds that reflect this heat.

It broadens the climatic impact of marine sulfur because it adds a new compound, methanethiol, that had previously gone unnoticed. Researchers only detected the gas recently, because it used to be notoriously hard to measure and earlier work focussed on warmer oceans, whereas the polar oceans are the emission hotspots.


Dr Wohl, of UEA’s Centre for Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences and one of the lead authors, said: "This is the climatic element with the greatest cooling capacity, but also the least understood. We knew methanethiol was coming out of the ocean, but we had no idea about how much and where. We also did not know it had such an impact on climate.

"Climate models have greatly overestimated the solar radiation actually reaching the Southern Ocean, largely because they are not capable of correctly simulating clouds. The work done here partially closes the longstanding knowledge gap between models and observations.”


This allowed them to conclude that, annually and on a global average, methanethiol increases known marine sulfur emissions by 25%.

"It may not seem like much, but methanethiol is more efficient at oxidizing and forming aerosols than dimethyl sulfide and, therefore, its climate impact is magnified,” said co-lead Dr Julián Villamayor, a researcher at IQF-CSIC

Just another pillar of global warming alarmism has been knocked out from under the increasingly fragile scaffolding. Like playing Kerplunk, eventually all the marbles will fall.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:33 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Cold War Camp Discovered in Greenland

Timothy Birdnow

But how is this possible if rising atmospheric carbon dioxide from industrial emissions has driven up temperatures all across the globe at a steady rate? This city should never have been buried under ice in the first place, no?

NASA Uncovers a Hidden Cold War City Buried Beneath Greenland’s Ice


NASA scientists accidentally uncovered Camp Century, a hidden Cold War base under Greenland’s ice, using advanced radar technology in April 2024. This discovery not only brings historical artifacts to light but also assists in ice sheet studies critical for understanding future sea level changes.


Camp Century, also known as the "city under the ice,” is a relic of the Cold War. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers built the military base in 1959 by cutting a network of tunnels within the near-surface layer of the ice sheet. After it was abandoned in 1967, snow and ice continued to accumulate, and the solid structures associated with the facility now lie at least 30 meters (100 feet) below the surface. there is MORE ICE now than when the thing was dug! How can that be with the melting of the Greenland ice sheet?

Climate change supposedly leads to ever decreasing ice, especially since atmospheric co2 levels began rising after mid-last century.

This article twisted itself into a pretzel, trying to avoid the obvious implications. Read it for yourself.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:20 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Republicans Vote to Allow Pension Double-dipping

Timothy Birdnow

Republicans actually supported this.

Social Security Fairness Act

This bill eliminates penalties for receiving social security benefits while receiving other government pensions, the so-called the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP),thus essentially allowing double-dipping by bureaucrats.

It is currently to cost the American taxpayers $196 billion over 10 years.

It was a bipartisan bill, sponsored by Republican Garret Graves (R-LA-06)in the House and everyone's favorite RINO in the Senate - Susan Collins. The House passed the bill by a whopping 327 to 75, meaning the lion's share of Republicans - those supposedly right wing MAGA types - voted enthusiastically for this budget busting bill which the NEA wholeheartedly supports.

Social Security is expected to go bust by 2035,according to a report by the Social Security Trustees. And yet the House Republicans have gone right along with this.

Now we must hope the Senate fails to pass this. If not Biden will sign it. If it is held up until Trump is in office he may veto it. I would think he would.

These jackasses haven't learned a thing from the election.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:09 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Buzzing of the Drones

Timothy Birdnow

Beware an assassination attempt via drone.

Mysterious Drone Activity Detected Near Trump’s Golf Courses Prompts FAA Airspace Restriction

I'll bet these are U.S. military drones. Anyone care to wager?

This is controlled airspace. Spy drones wouldn't have lights to be seen by us. These aren't Chinese or Russian drones.
— Kab (@Kabamur_Taygeta) December 3, 2024

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:51 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Remember, It's Istanbul not constantinople

Timothy Birdnow

Robert Spencer, writing in PJ Media, asks "why is Turkey in NATO".

In answer I say it's solely because Turkey provided us with a military platform during the Cold War, and because they control access to the Black Sea. I am fairly convinced we still have military installations/missile sites in Turkey. Officially we no longer have them there, being banned after the Cuban Missile Crisis, but unofficially nukes are present - see the Council on Foreign Relations report.

Turkey occupies a critical place in the geopolitics of Europe. Sitting astride two continents, it has a toe in Europe itself.

Also, Turkey presents a prime location for oil and gas pipelines to Europe. The Russians have sought a sanction waiver from the U.S. to build them. As a key component of America's Russia policy is predicated on breaking the Russian stranglehold on central Asian oil and gas, it's little wonder the primarilly Islamic nation has been courted by NATO and America.

Spencer's points are all valid; Turkey should never have been made a member of NATO. The geniuses who did that thought to wed Turkey to the West and figured it would make them into one of us. They never understood the poower of Islam over the minds and hearts of it's adherents. Turkey is first Islamic and has more affinity with that world than with it's allies.

Attaturk, a reformer, is probably rolling over in his grave. But it was inevitable; as a dog returns to it's vomit Turkey returned to Islam.

Oh, by the way, Erdogen is crowing about "a war between the cross and the crescent". The cross will annihilate the cresent in the end. Islam is but a heresy, a mixture of several old heresies such as Arianism, Manicheanism, and Mithraism with a few others thrown in for good measure. All of the heretics fled the Byzantine empire and settled in Arabia and surrounding areas, and the early Muslims absorbed them all into their counterfeit religion.

Mithraism, for example, has the concept of jihad at it's core (which is why Roman soldiers were attracted to it way back when). Manicheanism contributed several things, including ritual prayer facing in one direction (to the east for Manicheans, to Mecca for Muslims) and Mani was called "the seal of the prophets" just as would later be applied to Muhammed. Ritual purifications also had to be performed before public worship, and they were called to prayer by a cantor. Arianism saw Jesus as just a man and not part of the Trinity and said he was a great prophet, nothing more.

At any rate the Muslims have always been at war with Christ, and their hatred of Him will culminate in their joining in the final battle, one that Christ will win handily.

I will say this; Erdogen isn't wrong about an endless battle by the West against monotheism and belief in God. He thinks it's just against Islam, but the reality is it hates Christianity far, far worse. Ditto Judaism. But, coming from a monistic religion where everything is connected to everything else, he cannot fathom that Humanism is as much the enemy of Christianity (the religion that propelled the West to where it is) as it is of Islam. In fact it's not an enemy of Islam at all because the Humanists believe the enemy of my enemy is my friend and Christianity is the REAL enemy. They just don't like some of Islam's prohibitions, like men wearing women's clothes or doing the mattress Charleston with another dude.

Spencer is right; we should kick Turkey out of NATO. We have no shared values or culture or any reason to make common cause with them. And NATO membership used to require proximity to the North Atlantic; Turkey is not even remotely close.

A faux friend, a traitor,is worse than an honest enemy. We need to remember Turkey is not and never was our friend.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:44 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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