August 28, 2017

For the Sake of Ten Good Men...

Timothy Birdnow

When Hurricane Katrina hit the unprepared city of New Orleans the Democrats had a field day in blaming then President George W. Bush - despite the fact that the Mayor of New Orleans was a Democrat (since jailed for corruption, I might add) and the Governor of Louisiana was a Democrat as well. Katrina was one of the things that hurt Bush's approval rating, because he was blamed for slow action (despite being asked by the local authorities to not act immediately) and the media called him a racist. A Katrina only comes once in a lifetime.

Or does it? Hurricane Harvey is as destructive and the Democrats are gearing up to bludgeon the President. Leftists work this way; they rarely come up with new tricks. Of course, the Republicans have never figured out how to deal with these old tricks.

According to an article in Heavy:

"Furthermore, Houston residents were given mixed messages before the storm struck. The Republican governor suggested evacuation, but the Democratic mayor and a Republican judge overseeing the city’s emergency operations suggested otherwise and didn’t order it, urging people to stay put instead. The decision was complicated, others say, by past evacuations that caused problems of their own and by the sheer population size of the city. However, it was no surprise that Houston might flood. CNN noted that Houston "is known for its susceptibility for flooding because of its flatness.”

Hurricane Harvey was an unparalleled challenge for Texas. The National Weather Service said the storm was unprecedented and catastrophic. At least five people have died (two in Houston flooding), more than 1,000 were rescued, and some 911 calls went unanswered. The rain was still coming. Dr. Greg Postel, hurricane specialist for The Weather Channel, said the Houston floods "could be the worst flooding disaster in U.S. history.”

End excerpt.

Notice how they drag some minor Republican official into this; they can't let the Democrats take the blame for failing the public.

But unprecedented? Apparently the National Weather Service (who is undoubtedly gearing up the "global warming" canard) do not remember the hurricane of 1900 which completely demolished the city of Galveston. It was every bit as bad as Harvey.

A final thought; the lesbian Mayor of Houston once demanded that pastors turn over copies of their sermons to government censors. Hmmm. Maybe if she hadn't stopped the religious leaders from praying for the city disaster would not have so overtaken it.

Just saying...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:59 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Hypocrite McCain on the Sheriff Joe Pardon

Timothy Birdnow

Here is popinjay Senator John McCain’s statement on President Trump's pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio:

""No one is above the law and the individuals entrusted with the privilege of being sworn law officers should always seek to be beyond reproach in their commitment to fairly enforcing the laws they swore to uphold. Mr. Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt for continuing to illegally profile Latinos living in Arizona based on their perceived immigration status in violation of a judge’s orders. The President has the authority to make this pardon, but doing so at this time undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions.”"

End excerpt.

So the media's favorite senile uncle thinks this is a travesty, does he?

First, John McCain clearly thought he was above the law when he got caught in the Keating Five scandal. What was that, you ask?
It was dirty money stolen from Savings and Loan depositors by Charles Keating. According to Salem News:

"These five senators were accused of improperly intervening before the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB) in 1987 on behalf of Charles Keating, chairman of the Lincoln Savings and Loan Association, which was a target of a regulatory investigation by the FHLBB. The FHLBB subsequently backed off taking action against Lincoln. By failing to take action, Lincoln was able to operate for two more years until its collapse in 1989, at a cost of $2 billion to the federal government. Some 23,000 Lincoln bondholders were defrauded and many elderly investors lost their life savings.

McCain and Keating had become personal friends following their initial contacts in 1981, and McCain was the only one of the five senators with close social and personal ties to Keating. McCain considered Keating a constituent as he lived in Arizona. McCain, his family, and their baby-sitter made nine trips at Keating's expense, sometimes aboard Keating's jet. Three of the trips were made to Keating's luxurious retreat in the Bahamas. McCain did not pay Keating -- some $13,433 -- for some of these trips until years after the trips were taken, after he learned that Keating was under investigation. Between 1982 and 1987, McCain received $112,000 in political contributions from Keating and his associates. In addition, McCain's wife Cindy McCain and her father Jim Hensley, invested $359,100 in a Keating shopping center in April 1986, a year before McCain met with the regulators. In 1989, the Phoenix New Times writer Tom Fitzpatrick called McCain the "most reprehensible" of the five senators.

The Keating Five were investigated by the Senate Ethics Committee. The Committee's work, however, was made difficult because at the time there was no specific rule governing the propriety of members intervening with federal regulators. During the investigation, McCain said, "I have done this kind of thing [intervene] many, many times," and said the Lincoln case was like "helping the little lady who didn't get her Social Security." In 1991, after a lengthy investigation, the Committee cleared McCain of impropriety but said he had exercised "poor judgment." Some of the Committee members were concerned that letting the senators off lightly would harm their own reputations. Nevertheless, the existing Senate rules did not specifically proscribe the actions taken by DeConcini, Riegle, Glenn, and McCain. After the finding, McCain admitted his poor judgment and would write in 2002 that attending the two April 1987 meetings with Keating was "the worst mistake of my life."

In January 1993, a federal jury convicted Keating of 73 counts of wire and bankruptcy fraud. Keating was sentenced to 12 years and seven months in prison but served just 50 months before the conviction was overturned on a technicality. In 1999, at age 75, he pleaded guilty to four counts of fraud. He was sentenced to time served."

End excerpt.

And the good senator then introduced campaign finance legislation to cover his dirty tracks, something sought by the Democrats.

He's been playing ball with the Democrats and news media ever since. Still-in-Saigon John talked his way out of deep trouble with Keating and still double talks.

So why, I ask, is McCain given a pass but fails to extend such courtesy to Sheriff Arpaio?

What did Arpaio do" He enforced Federal statutes, that's what he did. And a leftist judge, a Clinton appointee, didn't like it. Unlike John McCain, Arpaio was convicted for doing his job. McCain was let off for unethical and possibly illegal behavior for his own personal ends.

Yet McCain has always been an advocate of pardons - for millions of illegals who have invaded the United States and stolen jobs and social services. McCain has long advocated amnesty in any number of ways, and what is an amnesty but a pardon on a massive scale?

Where was John McCain when Barack Obama made innumerable dubious pardons? Here is an astonishingly long list of pardons given actual criminals by Obama, pardons that Mr. McCain did not concern himself with when they happened. He worried nary a wit when Obama pardoned the traitor Chelsea Manning or the terrorist Oscar Lopez.

And McCain dares, DARES to speak about the "rule of law" when he advocates for the lawlessness of illegal aliens! The President is clearly invested with the right to make such a pardon. The good Arizona Senator acknowledges this but seems unwilling to accept it.

John McCain has made a career out of attacking his own side to curry favor with the Democrats and the media. He is a two faced hypocrite, and one would think in his final days of life (and the prognosis for his type of brain cancer is poor) he would want to set some things right. Sadly, McCain sold his soul to ambition long ago.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:49 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 970 words, total size 6 kb.

Far-Left Bullies suppress civil rights in California

Dana Mathewso

The "heckler’s veto” is not recognized in American law, but it is increasingly becoming a fact of life in American cities. The hecklers are always from the far left, and they generally come armed. This is a scandal of major proportions, but is rarely recognized as such.

Article here, and highly recommended:


These episodes amount to a coup, be it uuniversities or cities

This from Dana:

At least an attempted coup. And the Right is, once again, giving in to them.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:53 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 94 words, total size 1 kb.

Hurricane Harvey Bringing Klan to Texas, says Wapo

Dana Mathewson

Give. Me. A. Break.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:52 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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No Vote Fraud?

Timothy Birdnow

No vote fraud? Yeah; right!

If this sort of thing is happening in all major Democrat-controlled cities in America, what does it do to our government?  How many races are affected, even if it did not win the Presidency for Hillary Rodham Clinton?  How much has vote fruad distorted the American political process?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Driving the Majority into the Shadows

Dana Mathewson

What's going on on the Left, I am learning (from David Horowitz's chilling book "Big Agenda") is that whites are to be minimized. Everyone else -- blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, North Koreans and whatever -- are lumped under the rubric of "people of color," and set against whites. Especially white males, who are established as The Oppressors, with everyone else (those of color) as The Oppressed. That's why the Democrat Party has for many years now refused to properly identify "illegal aliens" as such. Or Islamic terrorists, for that matter. I could go on, but you see where it's leading.

I recommend Horowitz's book, but NOT as a bedtime read!


That is why I call it Black Supremacism, or Black Privilege. It's not just the black community, but all minorities. If you remember talk show host Sue Payne overhearing two officials speaking about how "New Americans would navigate, not assimilate, and take over the host" and that they would create a country within a country "pushing the citizens into the shadows"? That is pretty much the plan, marginalize the majority in this country and eventually make them second class citizens, rather like non Muslims in Islamic countries. And by the majority I don't just mean white people, but anyone who accepts the principles and values of the old America, the one that was the envy of the world and the fondest dream of people everywhere. America was free, prosperous, happy, and wildly successful. Yes, a few were denied participation in the past, but that has changed, and the more it changes the worse these people hate America. They want it gone.

There is nothing more reviled than a benefactor. One resents someone with greater gifts who shares with you, because it reminds you that you are not a success. The black community is full of rage in large part because so much was GIVEN them, so much that they didn't earn for themselves. They FEEL second class because of it. They see racism everywhere not because there is racism everywhere but because they know they have what they do because those arrogant, condescending white people gave it to them.

Well, they have a point. It's why I speak of black privilege; we had LBJ's "War on Poverty" to the tune of $22 TRILLION dollars, and while it was not a set aside for minorities alone it was primarily aimed at assisting them. And what does the black community have to show for it? The top gift was the utter destruction of the black family. We have had all manner of programs, from "race norming" of civil service exams (the practice of granting extra points to minorities for being not white - a practice they denied they did for decades. Isn't it funny that the Post Office and other government agencies are staffed primarily by minorities) to the Fair Housing Act (which fundamentally changed the way the State interacts with the individual and which changed property rights into property privileges, which can be revoked), to massive amounts of money for education, both at the lower levels and for special college tuition programs. Job quotas "women and minorities encouraged to apply" and that sort of thing. We have Medicaid and other forms of medical welfare. We have SSI, AFDC, school breakfast and lunch programs, and innumerable other programs aimed primarily at assisting people of color.. A minority who stays out of trouble, does not sire a child out of wedlock, and who seeks an education can write his or her own ticket in modern America.

Meanwhile, white males are the only demographic with a downward trend on their life expectancy. Why? Because they have to do all the work to support everyone else and are told they are dirtbags in the process.

I ask you, how is it that black people have seen demographic growth when they are supposedly so discriminated against? Wouldn't true oppression mitigate against this? Mind you, this while the black community is undergoing massive losses from black on black crime and large scale abortions. Black and Hispanic numbers are growing as a percentage of the population. If America is such a horrible place to be a minority why is the black community not shrinking? That is what usually happens to the truly oppressed.

Again, the goal here is not equality but supremacy. Angry at the craven nature of "white privilege" and resentful of having to accept handouts, many black people - especially young ones who have been miseducated by our leftist government run schools - want to push the majority into the shadows in retribution for the slights they perceive. There has been no forgiveness for slavery, in spite of the fact that so many Americans died to put an end to it. There has been no gratitude for the trillions of dollars spent on behalf of the minority community, or for the way America fundamentally transformed to accommodate minority rights. The GOP is particularly abused here, as THEY were the ones to pass the Civil Rights Act and promote minority rights and they are blamed for the Klan and white suppression. You can't win!

Two wrongs do not make a right. If racism by whites was bad (and I say was; how many interracial couples are there these days, for instance? Fully 87% of the public approves of interracial marriage, as opposed to 4% in 1958) why is racism against whites any better? This will not redress the wrong, but rather simply make a whole new wrong and start the cycle of hatred and violence over.

White privilege, black privilege? Why don't we all just thank God for the privilege of living in the greatest nation ever seen on this Earth. Gratitude is woefully lacking in modern Americans. It's time we start thinking like Americans and stop fighting the wars of a long gone era.

Selwyn Duke had a great piece about this. Read it here.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:17 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Callous CALAS activists against the poor

Paul Driessen

People have been leaving Guatemala and heading to the United States for years, because this poor Central American country has too few good jobs. So after Tahoe Resources bought the mine in 2010 and created 7,600 direct and indirect jobs, a radical anti-mining cabal led by Oxfam America naturally launched an often-nasty campaign to shut it down … and send the families back into joblessness and poverty.

They didn’t even claim mining operations posed unacceptable health and environmental risks. They claimed the mine owners violated local people’s and indigenous groups’ human rights – by failing to consult adequately with a tribe that lives miles away from the mine. CALAS is their local front group. But the real powers, strategists and funding sources are Oxfam , the Moriah Fund, Fund for Global Human Rights, European Union … and United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture! So now failure to consult is torture! This unbelievable story needs to be told.

Callous CALAS activists against the poor

Anti-mining groups "protect” local tribe against phony risks by trampling on Guatemalan workers

Paul Driessen

Not long ago, supposed "environmental justice” concerns at least involved risks to mine workers and their families. The risks may have been inflated, or ignored for decades, but they were a major focus.

In one case, a state-run mine and smelter had fouled the air, land and water with toxic contaminants in a Peruvian town for 75 years. Environmental groups raised few objections – until a U.S. company bought the properties and began installing modern pollution controls, implementing worker health and safety practices, cleaning up widespread lead dust, and initiating numerous community improvement projects.

Suddenly, anti-mine activists descended on the town. They blamed the company for decades of pollution, claimed corporate officials weren’t acting quickly enough, ignored government foot-dragging on its commitments, pressured banks into cutting off loans to the company, and eventually shut everything down. Thousands of workers were left jobless. The activists and news media celebrated their victory.

Today, mining operations in Guatemala have become ground zero for campaigns in which pollution and human health are largely irrelevant, "indigenous people” are the new politically favored "victims” of multinational mining companies, rigged "consultation processes” have become the tactic du jour, and mine workers are among the new "oppressors,” whose health and living standards are now irrelevant.

Not only do radical "keep it in the ground” protesters pay little attention to where essential raw materials come from, so long as their favorite tech toys magically appear in retail outlets. They almost flaunt their callous disregard for families that had been dirt poor before a modern mine brought jobs and comparative prosperity – and will be destitute again after the outside agitators have shut the mine down and moved on to their next target. A case in point is the Escobal silver mine near San Rafael las Flores, Guatemala.

Since buying the mine in 2010, owner and operator Canada-based Tahoe Resources has invested more than $1 billion into the mine’s operation and related infrastructures– plus another $10 million upgrading hospitals and schools, planting 32,000 trees, and launching vocational, entrepreneurship, health, nutrition and other programs. More than 1,600 mining jobs and 6,000 indirect jobs brought many millions of dollars in salaries to the region. Locals launched over 100 new businesses. Life was getting better.

Company officials say the mine is designed and operated to meet the highest Guatemalan and Canadian health and environmental standards, and there has been no evidence of air or water pollution during Tahoe’s tenure. Anti-mining activists nonetheless launched campaigns against it as soon as it was licensed.

Incessant protests and confrontations, arson incidents, forcible detention of miners and police by activists, and assorted legal actions fueled tensions. The agitators are determined to prosecute Tahoe in multiple courts, persuade banks not to extend further credit to the company, send its stock values plummeting, and block Escobal mining operations permanently.

What will we do if they shut the mine down? locals ask. Without these jobs, we will be poor again. Our businesses will close, our children will have no future, and people will have to go to the United States for work – just like before the mine created jobs that brought workers back to the area.

The agitators’ newest tactic is to enlist indigenous tribes, claim companies failed to consult adequately with the tribes under Guatemala’s community consultation and plebiscite "consultas” process, use ballot initiatives to claim people around the area overwhelmingly oppose the mine – and rage that the local people’s and indigenous groups’ human rights have been violated, in gross miscarriages of justice.

The blatant dishonesty of this process is underscored by the fact that every consultas held between 2011 and 2016 resulted in 93to 100 percent opposition to mining. Indeed, the process was cleverly designed and then hijacked, manipulated and rigged by outside activists and their local allies to foment opposition to mining activity and eliminate mine-dependent jobs, rather than assess true community sentiment.

Banners depicted a sample ballot marked "NO” and proclaim that shutting down mining is "necessary for life.” Ballots were explicitly worded to solicit negative responses. Even worse, many ballots highlighted the "No” vote in yellow, suggesting to voters it was the "correct” answer. The dishonesty is even deeper.

Community meetings held before the vote were little more than disinformation and agitprop sessions, designed to advance the anti-mining sentiments of activists from wealthy nations. Mine owners, foremen, environmental directors, community development coordinators, even workers and their families were not invited or permitted to participate. They could not correct misinformation; ask or respond to questions; explain health, safety and environmental safeguards; discuss economic, employment, living standards and other benefits to the community; or otherwise ensure fair, balanced, complete and open discussions.

Workers and others who wanted to speak out at other times were greeted with threats and intimidation.

The deck was stacked. The well-funded and coordinated agitators behind the consultas had no interest in ensuring that local people were actually consulted and given opportunities to learn the facts. Their goal was and is to block mining projects, regardless of how many jobs would be created, living standards improved, and health, safety and environmental safeguards implemented by mining operators.

Can anyone recall a case where activists ultimately supported a mining project, following consultations or improved mining practices? I did not see it happen in Peru, and it is not happening in Guatemala. The agitators simply change the issues, ramp up their demands and move the goal posts.

The anti-mining agitators do not care whether a consultation process is fair, open and complete; that a mine would be safe and non-polluting; or that it would ensure good jobs and improved schools, hospitals, homes, living standards and opportunities for thousands. They simply do not want mines in any targeted area, anytime or under any conditions.

Their current ploy is to say that Guatemala’s Ministry of Mines did not consult adequately with Xinca tribal groups that live miles from the mine, before it issued the mining license. The Guatemalan courts agreed with the activists – and shut down operations.

If the closure becomes permanent, 7,600 workers would be left jobless and their families destitute. Their growing anger, frustration, hopelessness and sense of betrayal are reaching a boiling point. Several miners recently went on a hunger strike, to protest what the activists and courts have done. Will Guatemalan, Canadian, U.S. and international jurists, legislators, journalists and real human rights advocates pay any attention? Call for social and environmental justice? Time will tell. But don’t hold your breath.

The entire operation was orchestrated by several local pressure groups, led by CALAS – the Centro de Acción Legal Ambiental y Social de Guatemala: Guatemalan Center for Environmental and Social Legal Action. However, the real organizing, money and strategizing came from far outside the country.

The real power behind the throne has been Oxfam America, joined by a cabal of likeminded American, Canadian and European pressure groups, all of which masquerade as "civil society” and "environmental justice” organizations – and their financial backers. Together, they have poured millions of dollars into the anti-mining, anti-worker, Keep the Poor Impoverished campaigns.

From 2009 to 2015, Oxfam pumped over $9 million annually into its Central America/Caribbean programs. The New-York based Moriah Fund contributed nearly $15 million over a ten-year period to these and other international NGOs, while the Fund for Global Human Rights added over $3 million.

Unbelievably, the European Union contributed more than $17 million to Guatemalan pressure groups between 2007 and 2011! And to top it off, the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture is another major sponsor – using U.S. tax-dollar donations to the UN. How the heck did "failure to consult” become "torture” – akin to what the SS, KGB, ISIS and other criminal outfits routinely engage in?

For callous CALAS and its allied pressure groups and despicable benefactors to violate the human rights of so many Guatemalan working class families is bad enough. Do the courts really have to pile on?

Paul Driessen is senior policy analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (, and author of Eco-Imperialism: Green power - Black death and other books on the environment. A new updated Spanish eBook translation of Eco-Imperialism will be available by September 1. (August 2017)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:16 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Hot and Peppery

Jonathan Dickinson

As a man I hesitate to revel in another man being hit in the, well, you know, but sometimes we must make exceptions in this life. A wonderful postscript is that he was arrested at the bus station trying to get back home to Ohio, after posting videos of the incident and bragging about taking it to the cops.


And I forgot to mention but you might have noticed that the guy who helped him up was wearing a Kaepernick jersey.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:15 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 99 words, total size 1 kb.

August 27, 2017

SJWs want veterans ‘banned’ from 4 yr. colleges

Jack Kemp

Gee, I wonder if they mean Pres. Ulysses Grant (West Point), Pres. Jimmy Carter (U.S. Naval Academy), President Eisenhower (West Point) and numerous others who weren't elected President.
Clearly these so called Social Justice Warriors are fascists.
SJWs want veterans ‘banned’ from four-year colleges — and veteran responds forcefully
Jon Street 8 hours

The University of Colorado-Colorado Springs approved of someone posting a flyer on the school’s campus that says veterans should be "banned” from four-year colleges and universities.
The flyer is the first issue in a newsletter series that is titled "Social Justice Collective Weekly.” A spokesman for UCCS said the newsletter is not affiliated with the university and that any student can post flyers on bulletin boards around campus. But, as KKTV-TV noted, the school does have to approve any flyers that are posted around the campus. Now, in light of the fact that campus officials approved the flyer, the school is trying to distance itself from the message in the flyers.
According to KKTV, the flyers make extremely broad generalizations about those who fought to protect the freedoms of millions of Americans. The pamphlets claim that "many veterans openly mock the ideas of diversity and safe spaces for vulnerable members of society.”

The message goes on to say that although "many veterans utter the mantra that they, ‘do not see color,'” veterans socialize themselves "into the military culture that is of a white supremacist organization.” As a result, the flyer reads, veterans "have been permanently tainted.”

But the creators of the flyers did not stop there in criticizing the very people who sacrificed their lives for this country. They later claimed that veterans have an "overwhelming presence in the classroom,” that can "distract other students.” Particularly, the flyers state, this is true for "vulnerable individuals such as LGBTQQI2SAA” because those people "have been known to be the butt of insensitive jokes made by veterans.”

Perhaps the most outrageous allegation of all made against veterans is that they are "usually” associated with extremists right-wing groups.” The flyers specifically name the Tea Party and the National Rifle Association as among the "extremist right-wing groups.”

Read it all

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:06 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 369 words, total size 3 kb.

Death Cultist Calls for Trump's Impeachment

Daren Jonescu

Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reichis calling for DonaldTrump's impeachment "as soon as possible." His argument, in a nutshell: Trump is almost as deranged and mentally unstable as…Robert Reich.

Here is his initial argument in his own words (from an August 18 blog post):

Let’sbe clear. There is already enough evidence to impeach Trump on grounds of abuse of power, obstruction of justice, and violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution.

There is already enough evidence of mental impairment to invoke the 25th amendment.

I know, Republicans are in control of Congress. But this is no license for Trump to destroy the nation we love.

I know, removing Trump would mean having Mike Pence as president. But a principled right-winger is better for America and the world than an unhinged sociopath.

"Abuse of power," "mental impairment," "unhinged sociopath." Well, well. Might we take a moment, then, to do the very unprogressive thing, and apply these same kettle-judging standards to the pot?

"Let's be clear," as Reich would say. There is already enough evidence to commit Robert Reich to an insane asylum on grounds of sociopathic delusions of grandeur and intent to commit geronticide.

Here is how Reich, also a key advisor to President Obama, explained to an enthusiastic groupof university students several years ago how an "honest" political candidate would speak "the truth" about health care to a campaign audience:

On health care, look, we have the only health care system in the world that is designed to avoid sick people. That's true, and what I'm going to do is I'm going to try to reorganize it to be more amenable to treating sick people. But that means…you young healthy people, you're going to have to pay more [for something you neither want nor need].

And by the way…if you're very old, we're not going to give you all that technology and all those drugs for those last couple of years of your life to keep you maybe going for another couple of months -- it's too expensive, so we're going to let you die. [Emphasis added]

If for some reason you have remained essentially confused about the true meaning and nature of progressivism, I draw your attention to the final words of that passage: "it's too expensive, so we're going to let you die."

Who is "we" in that statement? And where does that "we" get the moral authority to commandeer goods and services produced and provided by other citizens (health care) and then decide for a whole population who should be "given" those goods and services and who should be denied them?

Whence derives the authority of that "we" to decide that health care should be forcibly withheld from the old and infirm -- that they should be systematically sent to an early grave against their and their families' wishes -- strictly on the basis of "our" impersonal budget calculus regarding the health care industry "we" have commandeered?

Sadly, the modern world is so immersed in this progressive mindset that even many so-called conservatives seem to have a hard time recognizing the enormity of the evil connoted by such statements.

To describe the mental state indicated by Reich's words on health care as criminal insanity would be charitable. What it is, to state the matter plainly -- that is, without any of our standard progressive euphemisms -- is what the ancient Greeks called the tyrannical soul, tempered only by the innate insecurities of the sniveling bureaucratic mind. That is to say, his words, and the assumptions behind them, indicate the combination of power lust and fundamental hatred for humanity that is born of a soul morally corrupted by irrational fear and a spoiled child's desire to control others.

For a man of this sort to call into question another man's fitness for public office, or to describe that other man as a "clear and present danger," would actually make a great comedy routine, akin to Charles Manson warning his daughter that her new boyfriend seems a little weird -- if we didn't live in an age in which men like Reich were actually taken seriously by the press, quoted as authorities, invited to speak on college campuses, and engaged as advisors to presidents.

In light of the gravity and respect with which such a man's statements are currently treated in the public square, there is nothing funny about the situation at all.

A soapbox preacher for a global death cult, who in a more rational age might easily be dismissed as a slavering lunatic, is now questioning someone else's fitness for office. And many normal people -- your neighbors, coworkers, and friends -- are listening to him soberly as though he speaks with moral authority.

Where has America gone?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:28 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 792 words, total size 5 kb.

Prophecy of the Copybook gods

Helen Dyer forwards ths. It is a quote from the book The New World Order by A. Ralph Epperson, written in 1990. Epperson is a conspiracy theorist, but he had so much of this pegged:

The old world is coming to an end. It will be Notes from Tim
replaced with a new way of doing things.
The new world will be called t
he "New World
This new structuring will re-distribute property
from the "have" nations and will give it to the "havenot" Global Warming "mitigation" is one example.

The New World Order will include changes in:
the family:

homosexual marriages will be legalized;
parents will not be allowed to raise their
children (the state will all women will be Gay marriage is the law of the land, and the schoolchildren are increasingly under government watch.
employed by the state and not allowed to
be "homemakers"; divorce will become exceedingly
easy and monogynous marriage
will be slowly phased out;

the workplace:
the government will become the owner of
all of the factors of production; the private
ownership of property will be outlawed; Recently a farmer had to pay millions in fines for ploughing his own land, inadvertently violating the
religion: "Navigable Waters Act" because puddles occasionally form.

religion will be outlawed and believers
will be either eliminated or imprisoned;
there will be a new religion: the worship
of man and his mind; all will believe in
the new religion;

The United States will play a major role in bringing it to
the world.

World wars have been fought to further its aims.
Adolf Hitler, the NAZI Socialist, supported the goal of the

The majority of the people will not readily accept "the
new world order" but will be deceived into accepting it by two

1. Those in favor of the changes will have become seated
in the very thrones of power, generally without the
public realizing that fact;

2. The "old world order" will be destroyed piece by piece, NSA data collection was "nibbled" out to protect us from terrorism, for instance. We now no longer worry about
by a series of planned "nibbles" at the established cameras watching us; our phones, our computers etc.

The Communist Party is actively supporting the changes
to the "new world order."

The basic tenets of Christianity, which were the base for
the "old world order," will have to be eliminated.
If the slower, methodical techniques of change do not Charlottesville, Ferguson, etc.
function, violence will be introduced and controlled by the

The people of the world will give up their freedom to the
"controllers" because there will be a planned famine, or some Interesting; the "Great Recession" appears to be a other serious occurrence, such as a depression or war planned thing - read Masters of Audacity and Deceit by Bill Been And what of the many wars of late?

End excerpts.

It is interesting that this fellow was able to predict this. I think he is a bit too conspiratorial; there may not be a "hard" conspiracy but a soft one as the same people run everything (The Establishment, the deep State, what have you) and they went tothe same schools and read the same literature. They think alike. That said, it really doesn't matter if it is a hard or soft conspiracy for the end result is the same - those of us in flyover country are watching as they systematically implement an agenda antithetical to our beliefs, to our history, and to our way of life.

For some reason these peoplel think this is a paradise. But it is a hell, a horror that can only end in the most vile dictatorship in human hisory and in bloodshed on an unimaginable scale.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:26 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 26, 2017

Sympathy for the Devil at the Washington Post - Literally

Dana Mathewson

This is what we're up against. Words absolutely fail me. . .

From the article:

"Behold the words published by WaPo this very day informing us that Satan is good...

'The Satan of Modern Satanism is a metaphorical icon for Enlightenment values. Satanism adopts a mythological backdrop that we feel is more befitting to modern culture than the monarchical, feudalistic, theocratic superstitions of old. The Satanic Temple, far from endorsing crass nationalistic tribalism, actively fights for individual sovereignty and secular values.'

Now check this out. Not only is Satan good, Satan is awesome!

'Finally, it must be said that nothing could be more antithetical to modern nontheistic Satanism than racist ideologies. We embrace a large diversity of individuals from a wide spectrum of political and cultural backgrounds, but we’re all unified by our respect for individual rights and pluralism. It is axiomatic within Satanism that individuals must be judged for their own actions and for their own merits.'

The audacious lies, the moral and historical illiteracy, are, naturally, of the forehead-slapping variety. Although it is simply a fact that Christians practicing Christian beliefs, that Christians who properly interpreted scripture became the heart and soul of the American abolitionist movement, it is also true that it was through the words and actions of devout Christian William Wilberforce that, after thousands and thousands of years of slavery, civilization's eyes were finally opened to the basic idea that slavery is an evil, a concept no one had ever considered previously. Nevertheless...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:45 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Wine Filter to Prevent Hangover?

Dana Mathewson

Anybody want to field-test this and report back to me?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:44 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Gorka Is Out At The White House, leaving almost only liberals

Jack Kemp

I still think Trump needs and loves the adoration of middle class working men and women, but unless a bunch of squishy RINOs are voted out of the Senate and House in 2018 (and it could happen) he will continue to be like Gulliver being tied down by the Lilliputians.
Gorka Is Out At The White House, Leaving Trump’s MAGA Team in the Hands of LIberals
By Steve Berman | August 25, 2017, 09:19pm | @stevengberman

The Federalist is reporting that Sebastian Gorka, one of Steve Bannon’s acolytes, has resigned his position as Deputy Assistant to President Trump.

In a blunt resignation letter, the national security and counterterrorism expert expressed dissatisfaction with the current state of the Trump administration. "[G]iven recent events, it is clear to me that forces that do not support the MAGA promise are – for now – ascendant within the White House,” Gorka wrote. "As a result, the best and most effective way I can support you, Mr. President, is from outside the People’s House.”

Apparently, Trump’s Afghanistan speech was the last straw for Gorka.

"The fact that those who drafted and approved the speech removed any mention of Radical Islam or radical Islamic terrorism proves that a crucial element of your presidential campaign has been lost…

Gorka will live to fight for MAGA another day. But the MAGA he was fighting for is more than a slogan. To President Trump, it was just a slogan–one that Reagan used to win in 1980. In a turn of the Bannon knife, Gorka let Trump know who he thinks put him in office.

"Your presidency will prove to be one of the most significant events in modern American politics. November the 8th was the result of decades during which the political and media elites felt that they knew better than the people who elect them into office. They do not, and the MAGA platform allowed their voices to be heard,” he wrote, adding, "Millions of people believe in, and have chosen, you and your vision of Making America Great Again. They will help eventually rebalance this temporary reality.”

Yeah, Mr. Gorka. Keep believing that the "temporary reality” will be rebalanced. This isn’t The Force and Trump is not Anakin Skywalker.
The president is now surrounded by liberals (with Stephen Miller as the lone holdout). He unfailingly attacks Republicans for not doing his bidding, but generally leaves Democrats alone. Trump will hoist the debt ceiling, pump billions into his wall, sign any health care act that crosses his desk (I’d wager he’d sign single payer), and continue all the policies of his predecessor in relation to Iran and North Korea.
In the Middle East, Trump’s deal-making will likely end in failure. The cuts in the administrative state will only last as long as he’s in office, and whatever bench appointments he can get approved in four years will be far less than the last two presidents–unless he works with the Democrats.

The only rebalancing we’re likely to see is one to the left. But we’ve been wrong before, so we can hope.


From Jack:

Actually, I think that people at Erick Erickson's website the Resurgent are a bit too critical of Trump for not being perfect. Trump is reviewing the need for the U.S. to have a strong domestic steel industry, among other things, and not be dependent on foreign producers for the steel in our tanks and ships, etc. But the Resurgent raises valid points, even if they overstate them sometimes.


I read that Gorka was away on a trip for the president, returned and found out that the Chief of Staff had revoked his security clearance. About all you can do at that point is pull out the resignation letter that all government employees have available from Day One.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:43 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Fulton Sheen's Day of Reckoning

Joseph Leatherwood

I am always reminded of a Bishop Sheen sermon he gave in the 1950s, yes I watch his reruns: the sermon was about America's constant revolution, our ability to remake our selves, but hang on to God and tradition.

Bishop Sheen thought this a great thing except he had a direr warning - when we reach the day (limit) we start destroying tradition and history and morals, the revolution would become more important than God ("dictatorship of freedom") and our shared national traditions and culture... would disappear in the whirlwind...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:43 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Why Captain Peachfuzz Crashed the Good Ship McCain (and other Navy Vessels)

Dana Mathewson

A lengthy article which I believe you'll find interesting.

No talk of hacking here.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:41 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Hawk Caused Huge Forest Fire

Dana Mathewson

How will the enviro-wackos spin THIS?

Something non-political to start the ball rolling for today.
Anybody want to field-test this and report back to me?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:40 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 33 words, total size 1 kb.

August 25, 2017

Another view of old news

Wil Wirtanen


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Trotsyite America and the Murder of the American Mind

Timothy Birdnow

I was perusing the Bolshevik newspaper Pravda this morning when this essay caught my eye. Although a bit buggy in spots (as it is written by a Russian for Pravda) it actually pretty much nails what is happening here in the United States. It is an outstanding article and everyone should read it.

Here are a few excerpts.

"A look at modern-day America gives one an impression of a large-scale social and political experiment unfolding in the country. The scale of the experiment brings back the memory of what Russia experienced 100 years ago. Consequences are likely to be similar."


"Traditionally, there is another side to the coin. The transformation of the United States into a global state envisaged the renunciation of national, historical and psychological identity. It would seem that the United States is prepared or this depersonalisation better than any other country in the world. After all, the country was built by immigrants who started their life on the new land with the complete destruction of Native Americans, as well as flora and fauna of the open continent. The USA, from the very onset, excluded any kind of restrictions. The American history is like permanent and unbreakable destruction of all restrictions and prohibitions in the spirit of classical Trotskyism (prone to anarchism).

The transformation of the American nation into an impersonal mass of citizens of the world devoid of differences on racial, linguistic and religious grounds, should have been enhanced with the erasure of gender differences and division into generations. Until recently, it seemed that the Americans were ready to go to those extremes."


"However, after Obama's first presidential term, the United States was shocked by the emergence of conservatives in the ranks of the Republican Party - the so-called Tea Party. This movement rebelled against the establishment. All of a sudden, it suddenly became clear that there were many Americans who did not want to part with everything that makes them Americans. They want to remains as descendants of their fathers and grandfathers who love their land. They did not want to stop being men and women who were destined to become parents, to pass their land to their children whom they wanted to raise according to their own traditions and standards.

The Tea Party was defeated, but the phenomenon proved tenacious: it has brought Donald Trump to the White House. Adherents of the idea of eternal revolution despise backward and old-fashioned individuals confined to their delusions, property, land, traditions and monuments.

It was memory that Trotskyists used to struggle against zealously. In today's America, the war against the past has become the main component of tdomestic policy in the United States.

According to new American Trotskyists, the past should be replaced with revolutionary present, new heroes and symbols. Barack Obama has surely become one of those symbols. Obama has gone down in history as the first black POTUS. Most likely, he will be turned into a first saint of the new era."


"n today's America, one can already see first steps of "dictatorship of freedom." Let's pay attention to the ongoing process of lifting all kinds of prohibitions and restrictions in the USA. It is banned to ban everything in today's America. The ban on bans is the worst of all forms of dictatorship, since it has no restrictions.

Freedom is never enough as there is always something forbidden left. Freedom can not be a tool either, because nothing can be above freedom. If something or someone needs to be destroyed for the sake of freedom - it will be done so. At the same time, if one needs to sacrifice freedom to preserve something, it will not work."

End excerpts.

Author Dmitry Nersesov understands America better than most Americans. This is an outstanding essay which goes directly to the heart of what is ailing the United States. Do not miss this!


And I found this story and short conclusion a while back....

Leon Trotsky, leader of the Russian Revolution changed his birth name from the quintessentially Jewish name Lev Bronstein. In 1920, Moscow's chief rabbi asked the Russian leader, then the head of the Red Army, to protect Jews from pogroms prompted by the accusation that they had brought communism to Russia. Trotsky responded, "Why do you come to me? I am not a Jew." The rabbi retorted: "That's the tragedy. It's the Trotskys who make the revolutions, and it's the Bronsteins who pay the price."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:19 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Man Arrested for Driving Through Illegal Protest blocking his car

Timothy Birdnow

Wednesday night a frustrated driver drove his car through a mob of homosexual protesters who were blocking Manchester Blvd. in The Grove neighborhood, an area adopted by the gay community. The crowd formed and blockedl the street to protest the shooting of a black transvestite by police officers who found the man standing over a slain body with a knife - and who subsequently tried to stab the officers.

New York Daily News has a good article on the matter.

" A man has been charged with a felony after he drove his car into protesters in St. Louis on Wednesday night, injuring three people.

Mark Colao, 59, was charged with a felony count of resisting arrest by fleeing and two misdemeanor counts of leaving the scene of an accident and operating a vehicle in a careless manner, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.

Colao was arrested Wednesday night after he squeezed his car through a crowd protesting the death of a transgender woman at the intersection of Manchester Avenue and Sarah Street."

End excerpt.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported the driver was arrested after fleeing the scene. Three people suffered minor injuries.

Interestingly enough, Colao may well know St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson. From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:

"The protesters were marching in the street Wednesday after a nearby vigil to honor Kenny "Kiwi” Herring, who was fatally shot by St. Louis police officers a day earlier after police say Herring stabbed a man and attacked an officer with a knife.

After the encounter between the protesters and the car, protesters hit the car and chased it as the man drove off.

Before Colao was charged, his name circulated on social media, along with a photo protesters found that appears to show Colao posing with St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson.

Krewson denied knowing him in a post on social media Thursday. City staff said they believe the photograph was taken at a campaign event where the mayor posed with many people she did not know personally."

End excerpt.

One thing the New York Post article shows is that the protesters - who were blocking traffic illegally - were apparently hanging on Colao's car. See the photographs in the article. It appears to me they are not being "hit" by the car so much as falling on it - likely to generate publicity and claim that the "alt right" is attacking people with vehicles. They all saw what happened in Charlottesville.

This fellow probably drove down the street unaware of the fact that it was blocked until too late, and he then had no way to get out of the crowd, so he probably inched up until he could turn around, but protesters, ginned up by the appearance of a white male in a car, tried to block him.

That the mainstream media isn't making a big deal of this tells me that they couldn't find any way to turn it to their advantage. But the local media reported it as though the man drove purposefully into a crowd, likely a copycat of Charlottesville. The fact is, the lawbreaking was on the other side and police should have made arrests when they blocked traffic. But Lyda Krewson is a limousine liberal and the city of St. Louis is a hardcore Democrat city. There are two sets of rules that apply in postmodern America. If you aren't in the right group you are held to strict account.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:38 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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