March 18, 2025
German intelligence knew Covid was a lab leak back in 2020 yet they - and everyone else - pretended otherwise.
Covid was the fraud of the century (well, one of them anyway).
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
09:21 AM
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So Shakespeare is great because of white privilege and colonial thinking!
Decolonizing Shakespeare: Experts Blame White Supremacy for Playwright's Fame
As a result, the Shakespeare’s Birthplace Trust is decolonizing his hometown museum over the growing concerns about how his ideas are being portrayed today."
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
09:16 AM
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Another crazy study to make us all afraid of a modestly warming world.
Heat can age you as much as smoking, a new study finds
Haven't these fools seen Peasants in Russia, or Eskimo women who at age 35 look to be pushing 80?
For that matter the human race came out of the African Rift Valleys where it is freaking hot. We EVOLVED to live in warm climates.
This study looked at people in Phoenix and similar places and said people "looked 14 months older" because of the heat. Uh, did it occur to them to look at other factors, like where the people they were studying came from or their ethnic heritage? If you come from a Third World country you probably will age faster.
There is no question that excessive exposure to sun damages the skin and causes premature epidermal aging. But there are many benefits to sunlight, including vitamin D and other healthful benefits.
Methylation doesn't change the genes themselves, but modifies the way those genes work — sometimes for the better, but oftentimes not. Many studies in both animals and humans have shown that DNA methylation patterns change over time and can be used as a sort of molecular clock, ticking along as people age.
Epigenetic aging can accelerate because people don't eat well or don't get enough exercise. But it is also associated with emotional or physical stress, as well as exposure to environmental harms like air pollution "and, in this case, heat," Choi says.
The researchers looked at blood samples from more than 3,600 older adults across the U.S. and assessed people's epigenetic age. They could figure out how much heat those people experienced over a few days, a few months, one year and six years prior to that sample collection using climate and weather models looking into the past, taking into account both temperature and humidity — factors that influence the danger of different heat conditions.
The outcomes were clear. People who experienced more heat over the long-term aged faster, biologically, than those living in cooler places. That's even after taking into account people's financial status, education, physical activity and whether they smoked.
Researchers have known for years that heat exposure correlates with long-term issues like worsened risk of cardiac problems. But "the mechanisms for how that happens haven't been clear," says Tom Clanton, a physiologist and heat expert at the University of Florida's College of Health and Human Performance, who wasn't involved in the research. This work, he says, begins to explain how those delayed effects might happen. At the genome level, heat exposure makes "you sort of accelerate your way towards an old heart, and an old vulnerable heart," he says.
What were the controls? Did they study people in cold climates, say, Buffalo or Anchorage?
In point of fact they cannot determine the increased temperatures in any meaningful way. The reality is people in warm climates are outside more than those in cooler climates. But they can't say "well, it's gone up five degrees so we see X" because it has NOT gone up five degrees, but rather a fraction of one degree - a statistically insignificant amount - and most of that warming is diurnal, meaning it happens when people are asleep.
I would add almost everyone has air conditioning or evaporative cooling systems and so are in no way subject to increased heat stress. If anything we experience far less heat than our nacestors did. Nobody noticed this before A/C.
Naturally there were no controls for this research. They did not differentiate those who do not have air-conditioning or other environmental factors from those who do not.
The article states:
So he is admitting here he has nothing but a very loose correlation that does not take other environmental factors into account. In short, this is junk science intended to keep the climate change scam alive.
Where did the great civilizations begin? Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, Mexico, all hot places. Only China breaks that pattern. Now why do you suppose civilizations flourished in hot climates? Why didn't they start in Germany or Russia or Canada?
I'm waiting for an answer.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
09:12 AM
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Slowly but surely justice is being served.
Fani Willis Ordered to Pay $54 K for Violating Open Records law in Trump Case
Why hasn't her law license been revoked?
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
08:40 AM
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Swatting, for those who do not know, is placing a fake 911 call to get police to show up in force with guns drawn and raid an enemy's home. There was a huge spate of swatting going on recently, all of Republicans.
But Brodderick? Her claim to fame was her credible accusations of rape against President William Jefferson Blythe Clinton back in 1978. Clinton was then the Arkansas Attorney General and she feared going public against someone with so much power. She only came forward against Clinton when the GOP offered her protection in the latter 1990's.
So they are STILL harassing the poor woman after all these years. The Left does not forgive, nor do they forget.
This is an important lesson; they cannot be reasoned with or worn down. We should always be on offense against them.
Kash Patel is vowing to go after the perps.
After Clinton raped her, he told Brodderick "better put some ice on that". It is apparently their admonition to her now.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
08:32 AM
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This is a very bad idea and I wish the Trump Administration wouldn't do it.
Secret Service Protection Withdrawn for Hunter and Ashley Biden by Trump [WATCH]
Yes, the Bidens are POS's, but they are also in an uniquely dangerous position and America made a committment to protect public officials and their families, even if they are POS's. This sets a bad precedent and will become standard operation procedure in the future. Furthermore, I want them protected so we can get them to sing; they know where the bodies are buried. Allowing them to be assassinated serves no useful purpose exxcept to feed our desire for revenge. And if something happens to either it will rebound horribly on Republicans.
The Administration needs to reconsider this.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
08:14 AM
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Trump is dissolving Voice of America asit has become a radical leftist propaganda machine.
Wish he'd do that to PBS/NPR too.
VOA and other such outlets were created during the Cold War to broadcast into the Warsaw Pact countries to make sure they had actual information about the West and be discontented to be slaves of the Revolution. It worked to a large degree. But with the fall of the Soviet Union it should have been dissolved. VOA is an example of what Ronald Reagan meant when he said ". Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth!" They go on forever if someone doesn't make it their business to kill it.
VOA needs to be DOA.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
07:44 AM
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Here is an interesting article discussing the legal implications of Trump invoking the Alien Enemies Act and the ridiculous court ruling that demanded the Administration turn planes around in mid air and international waters and return the gangster thugs. The author makes many good points but he criticizes the Administration for making public political arguments and not legal ones. I tend to disagree with him on this; the legal arguments will come. Right now Trump is playing rope-a-dope with the Left, angering regular Americans but not showing his cards as of yet (well, his peeps,notably Pam Bondi, are the ones doing that.)
The fact is this is a battle Trump will win. He holds all the cards - the AEA is old, established law that does NOT simply pertain to a time of war but can be used when the President believes it necessary, as the text and historical context shows (there was no war in effect in 1798 when the bill was passed.) It specifically mentions INVASION which we most certainly just endured. Also, SCOTUS has ruled in bygone times that the President has sole power over evicting illegal aliens and that his power is not under judicial review.
U.S. code 8 USC 1252 says:
"No court shall have jurisdiction to review any final order of removal against an alien who is removable by reason of having committed a criminal offense."
The author rightly states the Constitution does not give the power of judicial review to the Courts; they usurped that in Marbury v. Madison. But America is not under a purely codified legal structure but under British Common Law, and precedents do actually make law. Congress let John Marshall get away with asserting that in Marbury and thus it became law - although it is not actually Constitutional law. Of course if someone wanted to challenge it they would have to use the courts...
And he is also right in worrying about which way this double-minded court will swing. You can never trust John Roberts, nor Amy Conehead Barrett.
So this judge has no legal leg to stand on - he was just trying to toss something to see if it would stick. And to grandstand and give Democrats a hook to grab onto. The hope is, of course, that they will run with it, painting Trump as lawless and tyrannical. Trump is focusing on the nature of the deportees and how these are the scum of the Earth and the Democrats want to protect them over protecting Americans. I don't dispute his approach; he's trying to circumvent media propaganda. Most people will not understand or even bother to read the legal arguments.
The author rightly argues that this legal strategy of trying to get a SCOTUS ruling in his favor is a high risk tactic and could backfire. He argues it would be better to simply deny the lower court's authority altogether. How would that work out? He could do it but if in two years the Democrats take both houses of Congress Trump will be impeached and removed from office and prosecuted to the fullest extent possible. They'll try to do it anyway, but it will be much harder if Trump doesn't give them so dandy a weapon. The author's point is correct but he doesn't quite grasp the political realities. And the public will not understand Trump is in the right, not after the media spin machine goes into overdrive. Better to do this by the book.
I think Trump and Bondi and company know what they are doing here.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
07:39 AM
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So a French politician wants the Statue of Liberty back, eh? Maybe we should demand Normandy in return...
French Politician Demands US Send Back Statue of Liberty - There's Only One Thing Trump Should Ask for In Return
Here everyone thought we called it the French and Indian War because the French were allied with the Native Americans. Turns out it's because the Frogs are indian-givers.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
07:24 AM
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March 16, 2025
The Covid "vaccine" has caused countless deaths and it cannot be proven to have saved any lives at all. So naturally the media is trying to rehabilitate it's memory,now that we are a few years past the pandemic and people are forgetting.
First, there is this Yahoo News story waxing poetic about the fficacy of the clot shot and how "researchers" are convinced it saved lives.
In January, during his Senate confirmation hearing, Heath and Human Services Secretary Robert Kennedy Jr. was asked by Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont whether he believed the vaccines had been effective.
"Was the COVID vaccine successful in saving millions of lives?” Sanders asked.
"I don't know," Kennedy responded.
That runs counter to studies conducted by researchers at Brown University, Yale University, Imperial College London, the World Health Organization and others who have all concluded that, yes, millions more people around the world would have died of COVID-19 were it not for the rollout of vaccines.
And yet, like Kennedy, a growing number of Americans mistakenly believe that COVID vaccines have been responsible for thousands of deaths, according to a 2024 survey by the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center. In the August poll, 28% said they thought COVID vaccines had caused thousands of deaths. In June 2021, that number was 22%.
Yahoo News spoke to Christopher Whaley, a health economist at Brown University, to help clarify how we should view the effectiveness of the shots and the estimated number of lives they’ve saved."
You will notice these were all the same people who promised us this would save lives, keep people from getting Covid, and make us not contagious. In other words they arethe ones who lied to us in the first place.
Whaley has published two studies on the number of lives saved by the COVID vaccines; one of them looked at the impact that the vaccine rollout in December 2020 had on the rate of deaths being recorded.
"In the United States, we found that COVID vaccines averted nearly 140,000 deaths than would have otherwise happened [over the six months studied] if vaccines were not rolled out,” he said.
Calculating excess mortality figures, or the increase in the number of deaths over a given time period versus a comparable period, Whaley then included factors such as the age of a state’s population and how individual states went about distributing the vaccine.
"Alaska, for example, was the first state to reach 20 COVID vaccine doses per 100 adults,’ he said. "Alabama was almost a month later to reach that same threshold in 2021.”
While studies like Whaley’s are estimates, and figures can vary depending on the data set used by researchers, he stressed that the basic approach is scientifically sound and used to calculate outcomes for a variety of things."
This is pure fantasy; the disease peaked and waned as do all epidemics along a predictable pattern. The numbers they are generating are simply being pulled from thin air.
The Pandemic was the perfect weapon to use against America because claims made by the health cartel cannot be verified and they knew it at the time, which is why they came out so boldly.
In a related post at Yahoo we are being told long Covid is making a comeback and that health issues suffered by folks now isn't caused by the shot but by a mysterious lingering of the illness. Ri-ight.
So why bring this back now? Probably they are dipping a toe in the water to see if they can manufacture another pandemic to stop the Trump juggernaut. The first pandemic was designed with that in mind.
I am perhaps a tinfoil hat guy, but I believe Covid was not just a "leak" from a Chinese lab but was purposely released to influence the American electorate. It also served a "good" purpose in culling the human herd, something near and dear to the anti-humanist population hysterics on the Left. You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet, no? Getting rid of Trump was worth a few million dead in their minds.
I have little doubt they are plotting another lab leak. We've had a few trial balloons already - Bird flu, monkey pox, that respiratory illness (can't remember the name). If they can get a disease running rampant again they can blame Trump. In fact they will claim his closing USAID allowed a disease to get out of control, and his getting us out of the WHO. It's a made-to-order situation for them. So they need to gin public fear back up, and gaslight the public into believing their policies worked.
So watch for many more such stories in the leadup to Pandemic II. I don't see any way it's NOT coming.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
08:48 AM
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Now they're getting it!
GOP Rep Filing Articles of Impeachment Against Judge Who Ordered Plane Carrying Deported Illegals to Turn Around
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
07:51 AM
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The British knew.
Labour minister 'rubbished' spy chief's secret dossier on Wuhan lab leak theory during pandemic despite Boris demanding probe... to 'avoid offending China'
Covid was the fraud and crime of the millenium.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
07:50 AM
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When the Three Stooges accidentally had to raise a baby we all laughed as they tried to feed the kid anchovies and beef jerky and let him play with a gun, but the stooges have nothing on the modern day Left.
It's especially true in New Jersey.
New Jersey Hospitals to Ask Parents to Identify Baby's Pronouns and Sexual Orientations
At least the Stooges TRIED to do the right thing; liberals do not.
The Left is forever telling us we should "follow the science" yet are willing to allow parents to overrule the medical doctors when issuing birth certificates. News flash; the science is settled and we know exactly how to determine the "gender" of a baby. It's not up to the parents or even to the doctors to decide the sex of the kid. God does that - we just admit it.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
07:46 AM
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Are childhood vaccinations causing food allergies? Somecertainly think so.
Here are the bullet points:
* The body is designed to tolerate food proteins when eaten, but injecting them can trigger an immune response, defeating natural oral tolerance and causing allergies. This process also applies to other vaccine components like polysaccharides and polyethylene glycol (PEG).
* The link between injected proteins and allergies dates back to the early 1900s, with Nobel Prize-winning research on anaphylaxis by Charles Richet. Despite this, modern immunology has largely ignored these findings.
* In the late 1990s, Japan removed gelatin from vaccines after it was linked to gelatin allergies in children, leading to a significant drop in such allergies. This highlights the potential for food proteins in vaccines to cause allergic sensitization.
* Arumugham and others advocate for urgent reforms, including removing food proteins from vaccines, re-evaluating adjuvants like aluminum, and adding food allergy warnings to vaccine labels. They argue that the current vaccine schedule, with up to 40 shots by adolescence, exacerbates immune system dysfunction and contributes to the allergy epidemic.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
07:35 AM
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March 14, 2025
Another one from the "well duh!" department.
BOMBSHELL SCANDAL: ICE Confirms Biden Admin Cooked the Books on Illegal Alien Arrests
We all knew this all along.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
12:11 PM
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From the Captain Obvious files:
FEMA-funded shelters may have helped flood US with illegal aliens, Trump admin says
It's been obvious to anyone who thinks about it that the U.S. government has been behind all the illegals coming here all along. Yes, NGO's have done the actual work but it was clear from the start they were serving a higher power.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
12:03 PM
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It's time to completely dismantle NASA.
Leaked Documents Reveal Insane DEI Plan for NASA
Nasa has long been complicit with NOAA in doctoring climate date to promote the socialist green agenda,and now we are learning they were using propaganda techniques to promote DEI in America.
Among other things NASA intended to corrupt Project Artemis, the return to the Moon, by "putting the first person of color and first woman" on the Moon. That itself isn't so terrible but so much of the rest of it is - such as partnering with pre-chosen corporations to promote produts and images designed to push DEI on the American People.
According to The Blaze:
The presentation explained NASA's plan to "establish the Artemis brand."
It stated that the mission "must inspire" several audience segments: future supporters, the public, collaborators, and advocates. The list included "BIPOC" — which stands for "black, indigenous, people of color" — individuals, noting that Artemis should "build mass appeal with and get to participate, especially underserved and underrepresented groups."
How does space exploration "inspire" BIPOC, supposedly "underserved" groups? What value is there in such a thing? None. All it does is help further divide us at a time when we do not need further division.
And they were using psy-op tactics. The document discussed doing this like a movie or novel, with heroes and protagonists versus villains and antogonists. It was purely out of the CIA playbook.
You can guess who will be the antagonists.
Basically NASA is more interested in promotion and marketing than in actually accomplishing anything. It's clearly not about the engineering or about plans on actually utilizing the Moon.
BTW it was illegal to use psychological manipulation of the public by government for decades but Barack Hussein Obama signed a "bipartisan" bill into law allowing that because "these techniques are just too good to not use". One Republican cosponsored the bill changing the law to allow our government to brainwash the public.
Oh, and a lot of them will get very rich selling Nike Moon sneakers, for instance (yes, Nike was one of the partnered corporations) or Netflix series or whatnot. As usual it's as much about the Benjamins as it is about promoting DeI. We do not live in a Fascist economic order, or aren't supposed to at any rate.
At this stage there is nothing NASA can do better than any private company. We need to end the corrupt regime. BTW does anyone remember Obama redefining their mission as Muslim outreach? I do.
The Bible says the "Moon shall turn to blood" in the last days. I don't know about blood, but NASA sure wants to turn it a lovely shade of October Revolution red.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
11:45 AM
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It used to be called "race norming" which was the pracitce of giving minorities at least ten points on their civil service exams to make them competitive when it came to government jobs. It's why the Post Office and other such agencies have a huge disproportionate number of minorities working in them; the applicants were clearly being given a leg up.
The USPS website, for instance, has this to say:
How is that if there is not active discrimination for minorities and open discrimination against white people? We know for a fact black people in America get inferior educations by and large (being mostly schooled by public educrats) and that they tend to do poorly on standardized tests. African Americans make up just 14.4% of the population. According to the last U.S. centus 71% of Americans are classified as white. So clearly they are discriminating against white applicants.
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled against reverse discrimination repeatedly yet here we have solid proof it is still ongoing. And that is in government hiring. We know full well that the private sector is pressured by government and can hire in ways that are even more discriminatory as long as they do not violate current federal law, which is all aimed at promoting minorities and not protecting the majority.
At any rate, an investigation is ramping up into attempts to steal jobs as air traffic controllers for minorities. It seems there has been cheating going on to aid DEI hires in passing the Air Traffic Control exam.
Is it any surprise? I've had little doubt that white candidates have had to jump higher hurdles than minorities for decades and now we have good reason to suspect minorities have been cheating all along. Certainly black candidates haven't been passing the Civil Serivce exam and getting jobs in government at higher rates than whites if the tests were equal and fair. Government should "look like America" at worst, meaning the racial numbers should be about as they are in the country. (Actually fewer black folks would probably be hired as they would score lower than whites by and large.) But instead we see higher numbers in these positions. I have no doubt they did that with air traffic controllers either.
And controllers not capable of doing their jobs properly lead to crashed like the ones we've seen lately.
No doubt the media will paint this as untruthful (if they cover it at all) and if it turns out to be true they will try to make it appear to be an isolated incident. But I am quite sure it's systemic.
Many years ago I took the air traffic controller's exam and scored a very high score. Guess what? I never got hired or even contacted again. I always suspected it was because of the color of my skin.
Granted they might have done me a favor as the stress could have put me in the ground. But it's just the point that people who didn't do as well as did I got high paying careers and I wound up laboring in mediocre jobs.
I also took the civil service exam and a few other government job exams and never once was offered a job, despite doing well on each and every one of them. The Federal Archives was the only place that ever got back with me and they told me I was qualified but there were "more qualified people" ahead of me, despite my score in the high nineties on the test.
The tail has wagged the dog in America for a long, long time. It's time we started exposing exactly what has been happening in this country. The Trump Administration appears to be eager to do so.
I hope and pray America doesn't just tune it all out. Injustice is injustice no matter for whom it is intended.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
11:22 AM
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The dirty little secret is DEI was alive and well in corporate boardrooms long before it actually had a name. The formalization of the radcical agenda only came about recently because the Left thought they had won and could now do this openly. But it was and has been the practice in corporations and in government for decades.
S&P 500 Companies Play "Hide the DEI”
It will just go back underground until the political climate is more amenable to it.
We've had such concepts in government since the seventies. For twenty years or better there was "race norming" and other such policies which they denied they were doing. When it was finally proven they were doing it they came clean and kept right on doing it -e even with court cases that said reverse discrimination was illegal. Corporations have all had this in their personnell departments and had been quietly practicing it all along.
What is needed is for lawsuits for reverse discrimination to be filed against these corporations, and for boycotts to be organized. There needs to be pain in these companies.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
10:58 AM
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This from the guy under whom doors blew off flying airplanes and trains crashed and ships sank!
Pete Buttigieg Reported to be Skipping 2026 to Focus on Big 2028 Move
He actually thinks he has a shot at the Presidency.
It's known that the door-knob Minnesota Governor is also looking to run in '28.
It'll be a real pleasure watching Booteycall or Waltzing with Timbo debate J.D. Vance...
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
10:48 AM
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