December 31, 2019

The Eternal Aristocracy

Timothy Birdnow

In a recent post Dr. Mark Musser discussed the roots of the modern Green movement and how it came first from the old European aristocracy and transitioned through the Third Reich.

Well, we've had a discussion about that. Here it is:

Mark Musser

People forget that Nazi Germany was called the "Third Reich." "Reich" relates to kingdom. It's nationalism was a unique blending of royalism and socialism that fooled many people on all sides. And it still fools people today when they try to understand it.

And yes, it had an eschatology to it as well - https:// watch?v=gEEcm9XM bkA.

From Tim:

You could probably call the E.U. the "Fourth Reich"; it seems to be run by the same aristocracy that ran Europe prior to the First World War, and it has the same failings as the Nazi Reich. Also, it seems to resemble rather strikingly the old Austro-Hungarian Empire.

From Mark:

Yes, European royalism has not disappeared and plays no small role in EU politics today - particularly through the green movement.

By the way, the last  heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Otto Von Hapsburg, just passed away. It is interesting to note he was a member of the European Union parliament. And he was a passionate advocate for the E.U.:

A passionate advocate of European unity, Mr Habsburg served as a member of the European parliament for two decades.

Now, why would a guy like that be so enthused on the creation of a superstate/empire like the European Union?

Europe is run by the old aristocracy coupled with the nouveau  rich. While this may seem at odds with the old European order of competing powers, it really isn't that different; the old order featured the merchantilist ambition where a nation had a colonial empire to draw on for all the resources it needed. These empires were hegemonous, and always sought to control the fate of Europe. They fought each other constantly in an endless struggle for position. But the fact remains, they were all multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, and sought to elevate the ruling class above the peasants. It's important to understand; the aristocracy of these countries were often related by marriage and blood. The Russian Tsar Nicholas, for instance, was Queen Victoria's cousin. Europe was ruled by one big, squabbling family.

And while the fascist/nazi order may seem aberrational as they looked to ethnic and cultural purity, it was really not so different as both sought to impose their power over other nations in Europe itself. Hitler, for all his talk about German purity and the like, wanted to unite Europe under the Nazi banner. Most nations in Europe had Nazi parties of their own. Austria certainly did. And Hitler kept taking bites out of neighboring nations, ostensibly to colonize them with Germans, but in the end Hitler was willing to allow others into the Nazi order; he just wouldn't accept certain groups - like Jews, or Romani. 

Remember, the Progressive era was started by the educated, upper class types in both Europe and America. And American Progressives were the creators of eugenics, the "science" of biological determinism aka racism. To them, they were the bright ones (as they claim to be now) and they were applying "science" to make a better human race.

America never did take the obvious step  as did the Nazis. Here we did have some forced sterilization and other nasty little presents for the poor and weak among us, but it was always "negative" eugenics; the Nazis promoted "positive" eugenics aka genocide. They actively killed people to get rid of them.

But both sides were on the same page, and both were promoted by the same aristocracy. In Europe it was the actual old aristocracy, while in America it was the self-styled, the Ivy League-educated classes.

After the war they eschewed eugenics to a point, but still see many of those who oppose their rule as "deplorables" who must be governed sternly.

Take for example the behavioral theory advocated by Cass Sunstein, radical former Obama Administration member and husband to Samantha Powers. Sunstein came up with his "nudge" theory whereby America's betters would "nudge" the knuckle dragging public via government power to do that which the aristocracy wanted and believed was in the best interest of the populace. For instance, capping soda size would be one such "nudge" because sodas are bad for you. The idea is to not use ham-fisted legal prohibitions but rather soft-soaped incentives and punishments. Of course, there are always going to be those hard-headed types who won't take the nudge, and then...

Never does a man like Sunstein consider for a second whether he has a right to tell others how to live. He's ENTITLED.

This is Fascism 101; the idea that society is intimately involved in every aspect on the life of the individual and the individual has no independent existence outside of the social order. Mussolini was quite clear about that. It came originally from Jean Jacques Rousseau's The Social Contract. Rousseau - the father of Socialism - believed there could be nothing outside of the common will.

He also disbelieved in religion, although he was a big fan of Islam, because of Islam's monism aka nothing outside of the Islamic theocracy. Rousseau liked that idea; he was diametrically opposed to separation of Church and State, something instituted by Jesus when he held up the Roman coin and asked "whose picture is this". Jesus said "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's" thus establishing a duality in the West, one that Rousseau and the Progressive Left have always despised.

But Rousseau saw Christianity as bunk and set out to create his own church, which was the State. The People, the collective Will, were everything; there could be no rights or duties outside of their pleasure. As a result, it was Rousseau who promoted the idea of "mystical nationalism" whereby the human need for a belief in a higher order would be satisfied by elevating the Volk and the State would be their church.

You can trace the fascist/Nazi racist roots directly to Rousseau.

I would like to point out this is what the term Nationalism means. Too many on our side use it amiss. In the Nineteenth Century conservatives were very concerned with Nationalism, because they knew what it meant. It is not just another term for patriotism, which is a clear societal good and promotes love of both God and fellow man. Natiionalism is the deification of the People and the State.

And while Socialism split into primarily two camps with Fascism occupying one branch (and "democratic socialism" being the less malignant disease of that branch) Marxism occupied the other, International Socialism. Both were present in Europe during the early to mid 19th Century. There was as yet no name for Marxism, but there was the word communism in use even as far back as then. The main difference between the two was that communism advocated a purely material vision of humanity. But it was quite popular, and communists were well represented in the French Reign of Terror as well as the Revolution of 1848.

But always, it was the Aristocracy who were pulling the strings. Socialism found fertile soil in the universities even back during the French Revolution. It was the common education of the Ruling Class even then. Instead of Harvard and Yale and Princeton it was at Cambridge and Oxford.

The settlement of America and the industrial revolution greatly roiled the fortunes of the old aristocracy, but they remained in place and plotted their return. They have now returned to power as the architects of the post-WWII era. THEY were the ones who financed the Russia Revolution. They were the ones who supported the Soviet Union during the Cold War, with loans at critical moments when the USSR was in serious economic trouble. Ronald Reagan's plan to spend them into bankruptcy could have happened at any time, but the aristocracy in America and Europe opposed that. Why? Because the Soviet Union provided them with a tool to move the West in the direction they wanted.

They have since done the exact same thing with China. China is a third world country with first world money and power. We gave that to them through terrible foreign policy. Even some of the people ostensibly on our side, like Newt Gingrich, supported this "engagement" policy with China, building them into our main competitor.

At any rate, it all goes back to the same people, the old order Ruling Class. The Treaty of Maastricht (which established the E.U.) was just another extension of the old Congress of Vienna.

The faces change and so do the names, but the core remains the same.

And this is the same fight we are fighting today, with an intrusive, entitled aristocracy demanding the right to rule and doing a poor job of it.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:25 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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1 In other words, "the swamp."

Which means that President Trump's efforts to drain it will be only partially successful in the long run, no matter how many puddles of it he succeeds in drying up. In the long run, there will always be a swamp. All he and his people can do is fight a delaying action.

And something else that's needed is a total revamping of our education system, from beginning to end. From kindergarten to graduate school. And I can't see how it's going to happen. Unless the majority of citizens in this country want it to happen.

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at January 01, 2020 10:41 AM (05Pmo)

2 I fear you are right, Dana; I don't see any way of sucking the swamp water out of the fetid pool. The best I think we can hope for is to make them a bit more sheepish in forcing their views on us.

Education reform MUST be our top priority. And the dissolution of the University system.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at January 01, 2020 12:55 PM (ovXCa)

3 I'd like to see the university system remodeled along the lines of Hillsdale College. I assume you subscribe to Imprimis, and if you don't, what's holding you back?

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at January 01, 2020 11:01 PM (2qyCs)

4 Yeah; Hillsdale is what a college should be. But as my brother Brian points out, nobody wants to hire someone without "proper" experience and the only way to get that is to work at other universities - which you only do if you are a liberal. The end result is conservative schools eventually break down and hire liberals, who then get all their friends in and before long the school is just another academic gulag.

Hasn't happend to Hillsdale, but what happens when Larry Arn is gone?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at January 02, 2020 10:05 AM (vPUhz)

5 Apparently Hillsdale has wanted to "be good" all along. Case in point is that they hired Larry in the first place. To me, that's a gold star for the administration and the trustees.

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at January 02, 2020 11:41 AM (Yp3LT)

6 Agreed. But the Left gets them all sooner or later.

I sure hope they don't get Hillsdale. But I'm not all that optimistic about any university.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at January 02, 2020 12:43 PM (vPUhz)

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