February 22, 2025
"You can't come in - you don't have legal authority here!"
"Yes we do - now!"
Elon Musk's Private Security Deputized by U.S. Marshall Service
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
02:00 PM
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Na, na, na, naa, na, na, naaa, na, hey hey hey, goodbye!
Mass firing ‘imminent’ at NOAA.
NOAA has become primarily a political tool of the Gang Green to promote the climate Con that was intended to stampede the whole world into the Green New World Order. They have repeatedly fudged data, lied and dissembled to the American People to accomplish that end.
NOAA and it's salad tossing boyfriend NASA have both become hopelessly corrupted and need to be cleaned out and rebuilt from scratch. (I do not favor actually abolishing either - they both have useful purposes if they would just stick to the roles for which they were intended.) NOAA is fine for emergency weather alerts and the like. They suck when it comes to discussing climate and blaming our exhalation and car exhaust for a coming apocalypse they keep predicting. Both agencies have been caught fuding data to make it appear the planet is overheating.
Fire up the chainsaws Musk and Trump! We need to log that particular hippie woods!
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
01:58 PM
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Donald Trump’s decision to cut down the federal workforce could lead to an economic disaster in some parts of the country
The Federal workforce PRODUCES nothing; it takes and redistributes. You can no more cause an economic disaster by cutting government than you can get fat by reducing your daily caloric intake.
It MIGHT hurt communities where everyone works for the government - like Washington D.C. or Bethesda, Md. or whatnot. But that's a price worth paying to save the whole country. America does not owe a bunch of coddled bureaucrats a good living. They need to learn to work like the rest of us (and they weren't working - according to Joni Ernst only 6% show up at the office on a regular basis).
If the jobs aren't where these people live then they perhaps should go where the jobs are; most regular Americans do that. There is a reason why so many small towns have died as the economy shifted to overseas agricultural products; there were no jobs and the people had to leave to find them. Middle America suffered from this for decades and did so uncomplainingly (except perhaps singer John Mellencamp, who bitched about it bitterly, but then he was a hilljack, an Indiana hillbilly, your typical labor Democrat.) So now the beautiful people in the Deep State get to enjoy what they've foisted off on the rest of America. Not so much fun now, is it?
I really do sympathize with some of them; there are certainly good people who work for the Feds and it's going to be tough on them. But it had to be done and they shold have known it was coming at some point. They voted Demcrat repeatedly over the years, donated to them and grabbed too much. Now there is a correction and they can't live on less because they built their whole lives around the good living the U.S. government provided. In life you have to be prudent and prepare for the worse.
sorry, but moving these unproductive people off the government dole (and that's largely what "governement service" is) will boost the economy. Couple that with the openings of jobs done now by illegal aliens and we will see employment actually rise. These people will have to finally do an honest day's labor for their wages.
It was always understood that a big part of why India was so impoverished was that the educated class went into government as opposed to private sector work. India was top-heavy with bureaucrats, which under British rule was the route to a good life and it continued under home rule. So India has remained a poor third world nation despite many blessings. There was no reason why India couldn't have been another South Korea or China. It didn't because of it's emphasis on government over free markets. And that is where America has been heading.
People make things and provide actual serviced. Government merely confiscates and moves stuff around, skimming off the cream in the process. Losing these jobs might appear tough at first but everyone will be better off in the end.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
01:50 PM
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Democrats and the media still haven't figured Trump out yet. They still take him literally and never do get the joke - which is invariably on them.
Case in point.
Yes, Trump keeps bringing up the idea he might seek a third term in office and it has the Left beside themselves. They really do believe he will simply suspend the Constitution to make it happen.
Trump is yanking their chains and laughing as he does so. He knows he can't run (unless a Constitutional Amendment is passed) and that he can only either do what Obama did - stay in Washington and run things from the sidelines - or he could try to run as Veep and then take over when whoever is President resigns. That is murky legal waters but I rather suspect SCOTUS could well accept the argument since the law is not specific about the matter and ambiguity usually negates the spirit of the law. Of course it's never been tried and many states would no-doubt leave a ticket with Trump on it off the ballots and they could make a strong legal case for doing so.
No, Trump is just punking them and they are falling for it. It gets them all worked up with no place to go, and they waste time on following a dummy trail.
it's always delightful to watch Trump play the media!
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
01:27 PM
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Pam Bondi has filed an ethics complaint against the federal judge who stopped the Administration from imposing a ban on transsexuals in the military.
U.S. District Judge Ana Reyes now faces investigation and possible punishment up to removal from the bench for disrespecting a Justice Department lawyer and failing to uphold the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary.
According to the article:
Reyes and a spokeswoman for the court did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
The complaint was signed by Attorney General Pam Bondi's chief of staff, Chad Mizelle, and lodged with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
If a judge is found to have violated the code of conduct, they can face censure, reprimand or other discipline. Judicial misconduct complaints are typically reviewed first by an appellate court's chief judge then a council of judges."
These DEI appointments have never yet faced an environment where they are forced to follow the rules and judged by the quality of their work, and I am sure this judge is shocked and horrified that she was called out for something she always got away with in the past. So many of them think the rules only apply to conservative white males.
Playtime is now over for these faux jurists.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
01:16 PM
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The Democrats haven't learn one blessed thing from the trouncing they received in the last election.
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers is pushing abill to replace the word mother with "inseminated person" and father with "paternity".
Husband and wife will be "spouse" and mother will also be "parent who gave birth".
THIS is what the Democrats think is important.
No small part of why Donald Trump was elected was this kind of stupidity. The public doesn't want government changing our language or opening our borders or blowing all our money anymore.
By all means they need to keep it up; we'll cream them in future elections if they do.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
12:20 PM
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Target in the Bulls-eye!
Judge Rules Target Must Face Lawsuit Following Pride 2023 Backlash for Deceiving Shareholders
He who lives by DEI shall surely perish by it.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
11:55 AM
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They just keep pulling this.
Judge Partially Blocks Trump's Orders Curbing DEI Programs
How does a group called National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education have any credibility? Such a group should not even exist, at least not one publicly funded.
"What’s happening is an overcorrection and pulling back on DEI statements,” Aleshadye Getachew, a plaintiff’s attorney, said at a court hearing on Feb. 19.
The Trump administration has taken the position that the president is taking aim only at DEI programs that run afoul of federal civil rights laws and that he may make spending decisions based on his policy priorities.
"The government doesn’t have the obligation to subsidize plaintiffs’ exercise of speech,” said U.S. Department of Justice attorney Pardis Gheibi.
According to the complaint, Trump is attempting to "erase diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility from our country.” The president is not allowed to "usurp Congress’s exclusive power of the purse, nor can he silence those who disagree with him by threatening them with the loss of federal funds and other enforcement actions.”
Executive Order 14151 directs the Office of Management and Budget and the Department of Justice to "coordinate the termination of all discriminatory programs,” including "illegal DEI and ‘diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility’ (DEIA) mandates, policies, programs, preferences, and activities in the Federal Government, under whatever name they appear.”"
Interesting; the Federal government uses the withholding of government money all the time to compel obedience to their political and philosophical viewpoint. Anyone remember the 55 mph speed limit? The Feds forcing all states to raise their drinking age to 21? The Feds compeling states to lower their minimum alcohol tolerance to 0.8% for DUI arrests? All of these were predicated on the theory that the Feds had the power to do this.
And this is not about free speech in any fashion; they are free to speak as they please. What they aren't free to do is stick their grubby paws in taxpayer pockets to do so.
And Trump was merely restoring the old order; this was necessary because Biden had used executive orders to create mandates in the first place.
The article points out:
The Office of Personnel Management was tasked with creating a plan for implementing DEIA across the agencies, the Congressional Research Service reported in June 2024. Trump rescinded Executive Order 14035 when he signed Executive Order 14148 on Jan. 20.
Trump’s Executive Order 14173 targets "dangerous, demeaning, and immoral race- and sex-based preferences under the guise of so-called ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ (DEI) or ‘diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility’ (DEIA) that can violate the civil-rights laws of this Nation.”'
So it's fine for Joe Biden to compel DEIA but not for Trump to decompel it (to coin a phrase).
This will probably be overturned on appeal; it's just a way to slow the juggernaut down. But maybe not; you can never tell with the courts.
The judge tried to argue the order is too vague and compared it to road repair where he argued if you repair roads in poor neighborhoods before wealthy ones is that DEI? But that is just foolish horsepoop and that guy knows it. This was very specific.
We need to start impeaching judges, lots of them. This guy is one.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
11:50 AM
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The restaurant chain Hooters is bankrupt and seeking legal protection.
The article points out that prosperity seemed inevitable for Hooters, which owns the young male market by providing wings, beer, and hot chicks scantily clad.
Author Ward Clark is puzzled by this failure but I'm not; I remember multiple lawsuits against the chain for "discrimination" in their hiring practices, and Hooters was forced to pay big bucks out over the matter(as a result of a 1997 lawsuit) And while a judge ruled they could continue hiring just women they buckled to pressure and started hiring male servers. And they had to settle a discrimination suit brought by "women of color" who worked for the chain in a lawsuit last year. Also last year some dude in a skirt sued Hooters for hiring discrimination.
All of this adds up.
Hooters is in a tricky position; the religious Right doesn't like them because they consider what they are doing immoral and the Left hates them because they are "sexist" and "agist" and "lookist" and "ableist" and all the other ists. So they take a beating.
I've been in Hooters in bygone days; the girls are dressed no worse than you would see at a beach, more modestly actually, and the food is good. The girls are flirty - it's how they make money - but there is nothing overtly sexual about them (or didn't used to be anyway.) They would often sit down with a group of guys and talk for a while.
But they were bucking a long term trend in society; wokeness made places like Hooters taboo, and nobody was going to show up if the waitresses looked like they had been whacked with an ugly stick or were dudes in dresses. So it had to go.
And of course the pandemic put the squeeze on them.
But if they weather this they should bounce back (until the Democrats retake power, that is).
Hooters should be a cautionary tale about the power of goernment and the Wokeratti to wreck whole companies and put people out of work. They are looters of commerce, thwarting what the People want because they want to impose their own new morality.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
11:25 AM
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Donald Trump called out the governor of Maine the other day, and he showed why he is the Big Dog!
Watch it here.
Democratic Governor Janet Mills told Trump she would "follow state and federal law" when Trump suggested to her she would be wise to obey the Federal directive to not let men compete against women in sports. Trump responded "we are the federal law" at which point Mills said "see you in court". Trump welcomed it "that should be an easy win for us...enjoy your retirement because you won't be going anywhere further in politics."
Trump also rightly pointed out to her that while Maine is a liberal state most of the voters do not want men pretending to be women in women's sports.
Mills apparently doesn't understand the Supremacy Clause in the Constitution; when there are conflicts between state and Federal law the Feds prevail. She has no ground to stand on in her insistence on defying the Title IX rules. And she is stupid enough to think this is the hill to die on.
This is much like the Boston Police Commisioner I wrote about recently. Said Commish claimed he was following state law and refusing to work with ICe, but state law is subject to Federal law and if this guy actually knew the law he would know he has no legal grounds to protect "sanctuary city" status for illegals. The DOJ should send him into early retirement - as they will Governor Mills.
(BTW her name is fitting; a mill was an old plastic coin that was used to pay sales taxes and were almost worthless. I have a couple around the house here. Everyone hated mills, and as inflation made pennies next to worthless - and they are now going to be gone - the mill vanished into history. I doubt young people have ever heard of them, just like the good Governor.)
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
10:48 AM
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And here they have been telling us that there is no vote fraud in America.
Top Pennsylvania Democrats Charged with Election Fraud
From the Daily Fetched:
However, Hasan and Islam were unsuccessful, suffering defeat in their primary races. Subsequently, Hasan went on to win a council seat during the 2023 election.
The indictment highlights growing concerns about election security."
So what would happen in the general election with people like this in a position to steal votes? How many more are there? It's not just in one jursidiction either:
Additionally, residents claim the city’s Muslim leaders have engaged in voter intimidation, pressuring other Muslims to back their campaigns."
While these are all Muslims involved in both cases, it is hardly limited to the Islamic politicos. This is how the Democrats get and hold power.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
10:25 AM
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It's put up or shut up in the Trump Administration!
Trump Ousts Top Ice Offical over Conccerns About Pace of Illegal Immigrant Deportations
Trump sacked the acting director because of lack of performance. The man is not playing around, and if any bureaucrat thinks they can slow-walk the Trump agenda they have another thing coming.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
10:13 AM
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Today is a day of reckoning!
Kash Patel Orders 1,500 FBI Agents and Staff Out of the Building on Day One
Patel is sending them to field offices in high crime areas so they can actually fight crime and not engage in political activism. Oh, and they are also getting exiled to Huntsville Alabama. (Sorry Dr. Roy Spencer; you're getting a bunch of bad neighbors.)
Frankly, I don't know how the FBI is able to function at all anymore, considering the perjury traps they've laid for people over the last few years. I certainly wouldn't talk to an agent should one show up on my doorstep, no matter how friendly they seemed. People have gone to jail for off the record chats with the FBI, at least when they supported Trump.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
10:10 AM
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Here is a rather interesting essay on the decolorization of America (and the rest of the world) as black, white, and gray have become the dominant color scheme in the 21st century. The author of this makes some interesting arguments and considers the psychology behind this drabbing of the American mind.
This is especially noticeable in terms of automobiles, which are now as colorless as Gerald Ford. The author doesn't mention one obvious reason; price. Black, white, and gray are chepaer than colors. I remember when I was younger the St. Louis County Police were proud as peacocks over their brown cars, but that ended because it cost a lot more money to paint them brown then get plain white ones.
But be that as it may there does seem to be some psychological issues at play here.
The author argues that the decolorization is due to moving to metals and plastics from wood, although I don't see it.
He takes a page from a book "chromophobia" which argues that this goes back to the beginnings of Western Civilization and the idea is color detracts from form and function. I don't buy that; anyone who has seen a painting from the Middle Ages knows this isn't so. In fact, the Middle Ages was avery,very colorful time. Usually it's portrayed as drab by filmmakers who want to sneer at it, but the reality was colors were highly prized back then and clothes and tapestries ornate and colorful.
Well, the Medieval period was not the modern one, and it can be argued that the enlightenment era was less colorful, but I think you would have a hard case claiming that as well.
Certainly there were religious sects, especially Puritans, who didn't like a lot of color because they figured it distracted from their devotion to the unseen world. Perhaps so.
But I would argue this is cyclical and we see colorful eras interspersed with austere. Take the Roaring Twenties; a very colorful era indeed. It was followed by the drabness of the Depression and WWII era. (The Depression was brown and WWII olive green.) These particular decoloized eras fit the mood of the country, which was Depression brown and War time green.
Take the '60's and '70's; both were explosions of color, fitting the evolutionary and revolutionary times. Anyone remember Simon and Garfunkle "Kodachrome"?
If we are to postulate a psychological reason for this I would suggest it's a side effect of computers and the amazing, colorful graphics; young people in particular are exposed to an assault on the senses with explosions of colors all day, and it leads to sensory overload. Society is compensating, toning down the colors in real life to maintain balance. Oh, it'snot a conscious thing, just that people are choosing more subdued colors in their lives because they have far too much color elsewhere.
It can also be argued that the rise of statism has led to this. Anywhere an authoritarian system is in place we see colors disappear. Why is that? I'm not at all sure but it's inevitable and we've seen in over and over. I guess nobody wants to stand out and so everything becomes bland, so people can melt into the background. Getting noticed in totalitarian societies is decidedly hazardous to your health. At any rate statism leads to monochromatic living, and we have been in an era of statism for some time now.
It works the other way too; tyrants want their subjects to be homogenized, to be cowed into the mass. So removing color makes them more amenable to becoming sheep in the herd. The Soviets did that. Muslims do it tot their women. If everyone lives a shared, colorless life they will merge with the Borg Collective.
The author states:
So, color in the Western mind represents chaos and form represents order and rationality."
This, he argues, is the thinking of the rationalists who reject color. Perhaps, but there certainly are big holes in that. Color ads more than "charm" to art; it is often the very core of the artistic work. It sets the mood and tone. Would anyone admire many of the great masterpieces of painting if they were black and white? Sometimes black and white makes a canvas and that is by intent,but mostly colors are there to provide the emotional context. You can't really paint a blue mood without color.
Who would look twice at Starry Night by Van Gough without the cobalt blue?
And he cites a study of color in the U.K. based on old photographs and claims color has been steadily disappearing since 1800. How do these researchers know this, with old fashioned tin type black and white photos? Again, the sixties and seventies were certainly quite colorful eras, especially in Britain.
He does hit the nail on the head with this:
Loud, garish colors in advertising are the hallmark of crooks and shysters and everyone knows to avoid the shiny objects because they are shiny solely to catch your eye. Quality is viewed as not requiring a gimmicky and flashy nature.
He also makes an excellent observation here:
As Adolf Loos raved: "we have gone beyond ornament, we have achieved plain, undecorated simplicity."'
The cubism and minimalism of postmodern architecture certainly bespeaks a society drowning in it's own phlegm. This is the simplicity of the tomb. Architects like it because it's easier to design and build, and cheaper. But it strangles our culture. Yet I suppose it was inevitable as we are in an era where we build nothing to last; everything is planned obsolescence and new and improved is the Shahadah of modernity. Why put the careful touches on things you plan to tear down in ten years?
Just look at buildings built a hundred years ago compared to now; fine cornice work, beautiful stone masonry, wainscoating, etc. Now they slap up cheap metal and curtain buildings that are gone within the decade.
My own home was built in 1927 and it's substantial; all brick, high ceilings, beautiful archways and whatnot. And mine is newer than a lot of St. Louis buildings and it shows; those were SPECTACULAR, the care taken and effort made to put details into the structure and make sure they lasted. When I compare this house to the newer ones my friends own there is not comparison; mine is far, far superior.
(St. Louis pioneered an unique style - two toned brick structures with the lower portion of the building being a different brick and a different tone of color. Oh, and we did the asbestos, shiny bricks
That is where architecture has gone in the last century, faster, cheaper, disposable. And the color schemes are now muted precisely because these are not intended to be permanent structures. They are essentially refrigerator boxes - very large refrigerator boxes, to be sure.
Of course inflation has made a big difference too and the only way to keep houses affordable is to cut corners and that means less interesting architectural features and less color. Inflation is as much to blame for the decline in color in our society as anything.
The author also rightly points out that the New World Order rears it's ugly head, and globalism has stripped everything down to it's bare essentials because tastes differ and so they seek to make things that appeal to the lowest common denominator. (I was once told that hospital food is so bland for this very reason.) Nothing aims at local or regional, always global. So we have this uniformity of style and color so as not to turn anyone off. But it excites nobody either.
Perhaps the deadliest of sins is boredom; it leads to misery and despair and to the seven deadly sins. Hell is going to wind up being not so colorful a place as Dante' envisioned, perhaps, but rather a dull, dull place where nothing good ever happens. The great S-F author (and biochemist) Isaac Asimov once wrote a short story about that very thing. The Last Trump was about the immediate aftermath of Gabriel's horn as the Earth became a bland paste of a world - and soon people began realizing it wasn't Heaven but Hell. An eternal endless boredom.
That is the world we've been systematically creating and computer technology is metastasizing that process in ways nobody dared dream in bygone years. The young require more and more stimulation, with a shorter and shorter attention span, and the real world is becoming blander and blander, turning them to the computers ever more. Food doesn't taste as good (thanks to government health regulations), there is less color, music is insipid and bland and corporate made, often computer generated. There has been a strong movement to limit free speech and thus deprive people of that particular pleasure and right. Work is now "service" so few find the satisfactions our ancestors had of making something for themselves or providing for themselves. Nobody feels like they are doing anything useful. All play and no work makes Jack a pathetic child, and that shows in the immaturity of the Millenial and Gen. Z types who spend their lives doing, well, nothing of value. This is why celebrity is now so important to them; it's as close to meaning in life as most of them can come.
The disappearance of color is asymptotic to this decline in meaning in the lives of the young. Nothing much matters; they are a generation full of ennui (listlessness and boredom). And ennui leads to anomie, the rejection of norms and standards as the young are anti-everything, in opposition to the whole society that so messed them up. Is it any wonder we have so many young people committing mass murder these days? They were not taught about God and the moral law by their elders and the society bequethed to them is purgatory, a place full of ennui. All that matters is celebrity so why not go out with a bang!
So I'm with Paul Simon "Momma don't take my Kodachrome away! we NEED our colors!
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
09:41 AM
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February 21, 2025
This is what corruption looks like.
‘Cashing In’: Biden’s Energy Sec Lands Cushy Gig At Major Utility Her Agency Boosted With Taxpayer Cash
The story says:
Granholm will be a board member for Edison International, a major utility holding company, and she will also sit on the board for Southern California Edison (SCE), a subsidiary of the holding company, Edison International announced on Thursday. SCE was part of a group of California-based entities that received $600 million in taxpayer cash from Granholm’s Department of Energy (DOE) in August 2024.
"Though they promised us something far different, the Biden administration revolving door looks to be still whirring fast enough to power a major city,” Michael Chamberlain, executive director of Protect the Public’s Trust, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. "Incidents of former powerful government officials cashing in on their government service by leaving to work for companies that had matters before the department while they were there is a major contributor to the precipitous decline in the public’s trust in government.”
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
12:45 PM
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Mom,they're doing it agaaaaiiiinnnnn....
New coronavirus with potential to cause pandemic discovered in China
Not content with having screwed over the whole world before we are seeing them attempt to bring back the Covidacalypse.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
12:30 PM
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Bombs exploded on buses in Tel Aviv, proving the Palestinians haven't learned one blessed thing from their experiences in the war.
Buses Explod in Isreali Terror Attack
This on the heels of the Palestinians parading the bodies of dead Israeli children around as well as sending the wrong body back to Israel. It's time for Netanyahu to restart the war.
What is clear, what should be clear to everyone, is that the Pelsetinians and Hamas do not feel defeated. On the contrary, they seem to feel pretty good right now. Until someone knows they are beaten and gives up this thing will burn and burn.
Fortunately the buses that exploded were in the depot and nobody was injured. Several other bombs were found on other vehicles and disarmed.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
12:24 PM
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Trump plans to federalize the U.S. Postal Service, ending it's status as a semi-private corporation (it's not a private corporation; it is wholly owned by the U.S. govenrment and the President selects the board that picks the chairman).
President Trump will send a letter this week firing the board of directors and putting the USPS under the direct control of the Commerce Department - where it had been until the Nixon Administration "privatized" it in the early seventies.
The USPS now holds a monopoly on letter delivery. You get in big trouble if you put something in someone's home mailbox, for instance. The box beloengs to the service, or so they believe.
Moving it back to Commerce could be a way to set the stage for true privatization.
In point of fact we really don't need a post office any longer. In the old days it was needed; it was a huge undertaking to carry letters and parcels across country, and it really did require government to accomplish it. But now letters are nigh unto unknown as everyone e-mails or tests, and what business is transacted via post can be done by a private company just as easily. As for parcels, we have UPS and Fedex (who also does papers) so why do we need a costly USPS? It theoretically is funded by the sale of stamps but loses money every year and is often propped up with infusions of tax dollars.
And the people there treat you poorly. I just had to send a check to the IRS (who cheated me out of a lot of money, making me pay interest on THEIR mistake) and I tried to be friendly with the clerk. He was sour as can be; I would have thought he had a lemon in his mouth. Not pleasant at all; that's what you get when you have a monopoly and hire people based on DEI and not worry about customer service.
While it's a bit sad to see a 250 year old institution dissolved, it's not so sad as to warrant us to waste a bunch of money on it when perfectly viable alternatives are available. The Post Office is exactly what is wrong with modern America; a backward, overly bureaucratic institution that no longer serves a pressing need.
Time to buy stock in Fedex.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
12:11 PM
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Couldn't have said this better myself!
Democrats will one day admit that J6 was a Leftist setup
I won't excerpt it; it requires a full read.
BTW I love Kevin Jackson; he's my favorite host on Salem News. I even like him better than Charlie Kirk or Dinesh D'Souza or Dennis Prage (all of whom I love).
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
11:33 AM
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So Aunt Jemimah had to go but they can do this?
U of Hawaii Celebrates Blacks with RAcist Food
Black history and culture are being celebrated at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa with a series of events and collaborations throughout February.
Events include basketball and a special Black History Month Dinner next Tuesday featuring "fried chicken, baked mac and cheese, sweet potatoes and cornbread.”
Normally, associating blacks with fried chicken is regarded as thoughtcrime. But you can’t blame moonbats in Hawaii for resorting to vague stereotypes regarding blacks, who make up only 2.2% of the population. The important thing is that they bend the knee piously in accordance with their religion, cultural Marxism.
Surprised they didn't top off the evening with a blackface minstrel show!
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
11:23 AM
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