August 16, 2024

Walz and the Chicoms

Timothy Birdnow

More on Timothy Walz and his close ties to the Chicoms.

Walz's long history with China draws attacks and praise

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 27 words, total size 1 kb.

August 15, 2024

Til Next Time

Timothy Birdnow

Gather 'round children from hill and from dale
for I have for you another Ozark Hilton tale.

Actually this one should be fairly short as not much happened - a good thing for me, a bad thing for all of you as it's the disasters and tribulations that make the stories interesting. But I got one of those rare times - everything went right. You have to bask in them when they happen.

It was another fall day in August and so I packed up my gear and headed down the trail. It was overcast and a bit rainy but I actually welcomed that; some of my best times are sitting in the cabin or on the porch on a drizzly day! I didn't even have to stop at the Birdnow Memorial Outhouse so I made great time! Traffic was bad on the Interstate but once I got off onto 67 it spread out and I could enjoy a wonderful country drive, and not worry about some joker swerving into my lane and my not seeing them (a constant worry when I'm on the road as I am basically Mr. Magoo these days.)

I arrived at the cabin about 3 and set about the basic chores of the place. I really need to plan to go there and do some serious work but I just didn't have it in me. Never do anymore; one of the curses of age and a bum ticker, I guess. I really DO need to work on the place; it's still a disaster from the thieves, and worse rats have made huge nests which need to be removed. I already did that once but they have been busy. I could hear a rat in the debris all night; if I got rid of their cover they'd have less reason to remain there. I fear I will have them all winter if I don't poison them.

I hate to do that for a variety of reasons. For one thing there are animals that will eat the dead rats and themselves get sick and die, I assume. For another I really don't blame them for wanting to use a perfectly good, uninhabited shelter. They figure it's squatter's rights. I figure it's mine by virtue of the fact I built it. But possession is 9/10ths of the law.

At any rate I will probably have to poison them. I see no other option but to let them remain -and who knows what diseases they are carrying. Mice would be a lesser problem but still a problem. I wish that big old Black Ratsnake would come back for an extended visit; HE'S always welcome!

So anyway I cleaned up a little bit, unloaded my stuff, and planted my posterior on my chair on the porch. (My chair is a wooden dining room chair someone was throwing out. It's surprisingly comfortable and I can sit for hours outside on it. I have to put it in the cabin when I leave though or it would rot.) Rain is starting to hurt the place; I need to roof the porch and repair the roof in the "new cabin" - that outer room I had once used as a big porch but have since enclosed. I was broke when I built it and used what I could scrounge. I used mostly cheap plastic garden roofing and it's now starting to disintegrate. I can't get on the roof so there is no way to fix it. I wouldn't try even if I had my big extension ladder - another casualty of the thieves. The very last time I was on a ladder down there I fell and landed on a floor joist and shattered my ribcage. Man that HURT! I still feel pain where the bones didn't quite heal properly.

At any rate there are things needing doing that I would do. I did stuff some pieces of vinyl siding in the holes in the roof that were obvious; hopefully that will slow the water's entry.

Mostly I need to clean the cabin out completely and burn what is no longer usable or remove it. Big job. My old futon mattress is still in the cabin and it weighs a ton. It should burn nicely though. I just have never had the energy to haul it out and burn it.

At any rate I just sat on the porch and enjoyed the day. It was drizzly and very quiet. The only insect about was a single bee which kept buzzing around me. I guess it liked the smell of my soap? I don't know but he was getting on my nerves so I lit up a cigar and smoked him away. Other than that fellow it was eerily quiet. No bird noises,no animals, no insects.

I started working on my lamps about six. They always require work; trimming the wicks, filling them with kerosene, washing to globes. Since the thieves stole all but two of my lanterns I now carry four down with me. The two they didn't take were still usable, just required some creativity. The small one had a broken globe but I can still burn it as long as there is no wind. I set it up behind the front door where it is shielded. The other required a new wick. I had a bunch of wicks in a drawer inside the main room, but they stole almost all of them. I did manage to find one single new wick and put it in the lantern and it's worked fine! I still leave those two down there though; the thieves will probably assume they are still not working. I just can't cart EVERYTHING down there!

But the six lights are just barely enough and I have to augment them with a couple of Atomic Beam battery-operated gizmos. As long as the batteries are fresh they are great! But to save on size the makers underpowered them, using AA batteries instead of C or D cells and so they chew through batteries like they are going out of style. I'll run them when I sit on the porch at night (where I really need strong lighting) and when I need to look for something inside the cabin.

Anyway,I took my lanterns from the car and started working on them and one of them has no wick! I thought maybe it fell into the kerosene reservoir but nope; it was just gone! Disappeared without a trace! I looked around for another wick but the thieves had cleaned me out. So I had to bench this lantern. I had long tapered candle that had belonged to my mother - left in the cabin by the thieves because it was broken (they stole about five packs of candles I had.)I broke it completely in half and stuffed half into an old bottle and it produced more light than the kerosene lamps! But it was a fire hazard and I blew it out as soon as I settled in for the evening.

Anyway I sat outside until about midnight then went in and watch 2001: A Space Odyssey on my portable DVD player. I had left my battery down there (I bring a portable jump battery to augment the player's own battery, which only lasts a couple of hours.) As it happens it was fine and still charged so I had no problem with my movie. Thank goodness; after I go in there is nothing to do. I used to read but my eyes don't allow for that any longer. So it's either watch a movie or go to bed.

I fell asleep in my chair, as is my custom. The Futon is in the old cabin room and in summer I shut that place down in favor of the new room, so I just sleep in my chair. I'm used to that; I sleep in an easy chair at home too. My back problems went away when I stopped sleeping in bed.

Up with the dawn and I sat on the porch getting stuff ready to go. I heard something tramping about and to my great surprise and delight it was my old armadillo friend! I haven't seen him in a couple of years; I assumed he had died. His mate had, I am pretty sure; I doubt armadillo get divorced. But there was a big hole that went under the porch and I always suspected that was the armadillo's spot. They had lived under the cabin for years.

He was even bigger now, like a Galapagos sea turtle. I swear he could be ridden! I remember when that old fellow first showed up; he was about half a foot long and making time with his girlfriend. If you want to know what that's like imagine two coconuts banging together! So I attended the little guys nuptials, or what passed for a wedding night for armadillos anyway.

I may be sexist; the armadillo I saw could be the female. I am not sure I could tell even if I got a good look at the critter's wedding tackle, and I'm not going to do THAT even if I could!

Anyway he was a little afraid of me, but only a little. He wanted to go down that hole but with me sitting right there he was reluctant. I spoke soothingly to him "don't worry about me" but he decided discretion is the better part of valor and climbed under the cabin about eight feet down from me.

I'm happy he's still alive. I've been missing him.

Which brings up another point about the rat poison. I know armadillo eat mice and they might eat rats too. If so would they eat a dead rat? If so I might wind up poisoning my little friend. I sure would hate to do that.

Anyway I packed up and vamonosed in short order. Turning around was easy; sometimes it's a real bear to turn that big F150 around inside the woods like that. I've dented it in multiple places trying to turn around (which is a pity; it was a beautiful truck when I bought it.) But I bought it for this purpose. At any rate I had no trouble turning around and headed for home.

It was foggy down by Clearwater Lake but nowhere near as bad as my last visit. I stopped at the state park to dump trash (hey, I'm a citizen ain''t I?) and use the bathroom. Stopped at McDonalds on the way home. Good thing; I had dumped all my water to lighten my load and then felt terribly dizzy and sick. I ordered a large water and slammed it right away and then felt better! This is a common problem for me; I take lasix to keep myself dried out as part of the treatment for my congestive heart failure. My fluid intake is limited and I'm always dropping too low and getting dizzy spells.

But the water did the trick and I soon felt great. Rolled on down the highway without incident. I did get a scare when I zoomed past a state trooper who pulled out and seemed to be waiting for me to pass; I was speeding a little bit, but not as much as everyone else. But he ended up passing me and nailed a guy up the road a way.

And so I'm home now, exhausted as always but it's a good kind of exhaustion. I'm always eager to get back there when I go. I've tried staying for several days but the enchantment wears off after a day or so. It's always good to get home. But it's always good to get back to that trash palace in the Ozark woods.

'Till next time!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:05 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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August 14, 2024

If We Should Buy Local WhyNot Govern Local?

Timothy Birdnow

The complexity WAS there which is why our Founders sought to create a small, limited central government. The rightly understood that local was best. I find it interesting that so many liberals support this "buy local" campaign yet they reject local govnerment in favor of the biggest, most powerful multinational entity around - the United States Federal Government. If it works for local purchasing why doesn't it work for government.

"The complexity of social organization does not change. Our technologically sophisticated industrial society is more complex than the agrarian society of America in the eighteenth century. In this regard, that was 'a simpler world'. But the complexities of politics (politics here meaning the science of governing) do not change much. The basic political problems confronting the Framers of our Constitution were as complex as our political problems today—perhaps more so, because they were striking off into the dangerous unknown, whereas all we need do is return to the fine highway we were once on.”

- Lawrence P. McDonald

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 178 words, total size 1 kb.

No Longer Hiding It


They aren’t trying to hide it.

The NYT is now openly confirming their master plan with open borders immigration.

They want to replace American voters with foreign voters who lean left.

May be an image of text

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:05 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 36 words, total size 1 kb.

Using Children as FootSoldiers

Michael Smith

If children are our future, why are social engineering Utopians using children as psychologically engineered improvised explosive devices?

As the current wave of socially induced gender confusion rolls on, it is becoming increasingly evident that it is racking up a significant body count.

As with every single social engineering enterprise, it has followed a predictable pattern, beginning with "freeing” adults to express themselves and "identify” as whatever "gender” (a term so broad it no longer has meaning) they choose.

Understanding, as the left claims, that "children are our future”, the focus on spreading this social contagion became focused on progressively younger victims until we were told that gender "choices’ were being made by babies and children not capable of choosing what they wanted for dinner could make the decision to be male or female and be treated as adults.

"I identify as…” and "My pronouns are…” have become a statement of situational emotion, with some gender confused people claiming to be "fluid” or changing each day to whatever phony, invented definition of gender they might feel like.

As usual, the greatest damage occurs to those least capable of making decisions for themselves, the minor children. Taken at the individual level, "gender assignment” has been so radicalized, children are being permanently scarred through hormone suppressing drugs and body altering surgery, both binary decisions with irreversible, lifetime implications.

I cannot even contemplate how desperate someone must be to want to radically alter their body to achieve a biological impossibility. Such a futile effort is destined for failure every single time. The simple fact is that people are free to live their lives as they choose – if a man feels like a woman, he is free to adopt the mannerisms, the clothing, and the appearance of a woman – but he will never become a woman.

This what the support for the allegedly female Olympic boxers is about. The IOC claiming there is just no scientific way to define what a woman is, that there are bodies with male biological characteristics down to the chromosomal level that are female, is an attempt to create space for the idea that biology is wrong, there is a gray area where natural androgyny exists, and the only important thing is what an individual human believes they are.

We just went through a period where search engine giant Google was manipulating search results to hide any references to the assassination attempt on President Trump. It was claimed to be an "error,” but for years these "errors” have always favored the political left and never the political right.

That same pattern is evident in the transgender and gender fluidity contagion – it is always biological females who suffer. Every conflict is about males who pretend to be women to invade traditionally female spaces, never the other way around.

Societies have long been ordered based on obvious biological reality. Males cannot gestate children but are necessary to procreate. They are stronger, faster, more suited for activities demanding greater physical strength. Societies and civilizations die without children, so females are the basis for continuation of those societies and civilizations – and the species. Without their skills in childbearing and rearing, there is no future. Women tend to be better at emotionally nurturing and in most cased, psychologically stronger than males.

However one defines them, and no matter whether it is valid to look back in history to criticize how roles developed, successful societies and civilizations developed roles that both sexes performed to the benefit of civilization.

While societal roles can change, biological roles cannot. Males can perform many traditionally female roles in society and females can most certainly perform traditionally male roles. Modernity has brought about intellectually genderless roles that can be filled by either sex – but basic biological roles cannot ever, and will never, change.

People can "love who they love” but the reality is same sex couplings are biological dead ends. Biological males cannot become pregnant and biological females cannot produce sperm, those roles in the biological imperative of survival of the species are not subject to magical prestidigitatio n or mental whim.

The harm is that children are now being reared with no concept of the importance of those traditional roles and are being taught that biology does not matter because it is a matter of choice, not inevitability.

Using children as foot soldiers in this war of social engineering is the most self-destructiv e action a civilization can take.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 751 words, total size 5 kb.

Leaked Hillary Clinton Emails Revealed NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop the formation of a United States of Africa

Diane Kimura

Of the 3,000 emails released from Hillary Clinton's private email server in late December 2015, about a third were from her close confidante Sidney Blumenthal. One of these emails, dated April 2, 2011, read in part:

"Qaddafi's government holds more than 143 tons of gold and a similar amount in silver. This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar.

This plan was designed to provide the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French franc (CFA)." In a 'source comment', the original declassified email added:

"According to knowledgeable individuals this quantity of gold and silver is valued at more than $7 billion. French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began, and this was one of the factors that influenced President Nicolas Sarkozy's decision to commit France to the attack on Libya.

According to these individuals Sarkozy's plans are driven by the following issues:

1. A desire to gain a greater share of Libya oil production

2. Increase French influence in North Africa

3. Improve his internal political situation in France,

4. Provide the French military with an opportunity to reassert its position in the world

5. Address the concern of his advisors over Qaddafi's long-term plans to supplant France as the dominant power in Francophone Africa"

Conspicuously absent is any mention of humanitarian concerns. The objectives were to get rid of the unification of Africa, money, power and oil.

After the death of Gaddafi, Barack Obama said the biggest mistake of his presidency was the lack of planning for the aftermath of Muammar Gaddafi’s ouster in Libya that left the country spiraling into chaos and coming under threat from violent extremists.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:13 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 314 words, total size 2 kb.

To Hell with Europe!

Selwyn Duke

Western Europe is obscenely decadent. They enable the sexual devolutionary agenda, attack faith (woke Olympics ceremony), facilitate a Third World invasion of their own countries, are now trying to censor X (Twitter), and generally stand against everything great and good. So tell me again:

Why should we worry about Putin invading Europe?

The EU would be better off being ruled by Russia. It's not worth one bit of American blood or treasure. To Hell with them.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:18 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 82 words, total size 1 kb.

August 13, 2024

The Sailor


On a poetry board on Facebook a challenge was issued; write the ending for the first line "As I embark on Life's Odyssey". Here is my submission:

The Sailor

by Timothy Birdnow

As I embark on Life's Odyssey
And sail across that great stormy sea
with the flapping of sails I do flee
across the dark waters searching for my destiny
looking for the real me

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:33 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 69 words, total size 1 kb.

Cold Hard Facts

Jim Church

We certainly didn't hear this on our news reports!

113-year-old weather record toppled Friday in Moose Jaw - cold envelopes parts of Saskatchewan
Written by Jordan Rivers Saturday, Aug 10 2024, 9:42 PM, Discover

As the unseasonable cool weather persists, eight cold weather records were broken or tied across the province, including a 113-year-old record that fell in Moose Jaw for Friday, August 9 according to Environment and Climate Change Canada.
The weather agency provided the data below Saturday morning, noting that the data is from a preliminary report.
ASSINIBOIA AREA (Assiniboia Airport)
New record of 2.9
Old record of 4.2 set in 2013
Records in this area have been kept since 1965

New record of 0.4
Old record of 2.2 set in 1968
Records in this area have been kept since 1961

New record of 4.7
Old record of 5.6 set in 1968
Records in this area have been kept since 1955

New record of 3.1
Old record of 4.4 set in 1904
Records in this area have been kept since 1900

Tied record of 4.0 set in 2013
Records in this area have been kept since 1972

New record of 2.2
Old record of 2.8 set in 1911
Records in this area have been kept since 1894

New record of 6.0
Old record of 6.1 set in 1975
Records in this area have been kept since 1970

New record of 3.6
Old record of 5.0 set in 1968
Records in this area have been kept since 1953

Warmer weather is set to return to Moose Jaw on Sunday with a forecasted high of 28 degrees.

Just History

A Historical Perspective American Masculinity
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, American masculinity was closely linked to physical strength and a rugged relationship with nature. Figures like Theodore Roosevelt, the Rough Riders, cowboys, and other "tough guys" epitomized this ideal. These men were admired for their physical abilities, skill in navigating and surviving in the wilderness and dominance over the natural environment. The archetype of the ideal man was self-reliant and capable of thriving in the harsh, untamed regions of the country.
The Paradox of Disappearing Wilderness
This concept of masculinity based on nature arose during a paradoxical period. Central to these ideals, the wilderness was rapidly vanishing as urban areas expanded. By the 1890s, the American frontier was officially closed, with the 1890 census indicating that no unsettled territories remained in the United States. Despite this, the image of the lone pioneer who ventured into the wild and relied on his own strength and resourcefulness continued to serve as a counterpoint to the increasing urbanization and the end of the frontier.
Modern Masculinity: A Contrast in Attributes
If a modern American man were to find himself in the late 1800s, it is uncertain whether he would be regarded as masculine by the standards of that era. Contemporary masculinity encompasses a broader range of qualities beyond physical strength and a connection to nature, including intellectual achievements, emotional intelligence, and technological skills. The rugged individualism and physical toughness that defined masculinity in the late 1800s might be seen as lacking in many modern men, who are more accustomed to urban, technologically advanced lifestyles. The reliance on modern conveniences and a generally more sedentary way of life contrasts sharply with the late 19th-century ideal of a man expected to be physically powerful and self-sufficient in the wilderness.
The evolution of American masculinity from the late 19th century to today reflects significant societal changes. While physical strength and a connection to nature once defined masculinity, modern perspectives include a more comprehensive range of attributes. This shift highlights the broader transformations in American life, from a frontier society to an urban, technologically driven one.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:53 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 657 words, total size 4 kb.

Choose Wisely

Michael Smith

We already are a long way toward communism when one of two of America's major political parties bases their campaign on Marxism.

There are real differences between us and them.

I do not like thinking like this but, as I noted a long time ago, we are engaged in a war that no one can sit out. I said they would bring it to our doorstep and sure enough, it is now here. I know people claim every quadrennial election cycle is the most important, most dangerous, or most historic, but this one is a page turner for America because of where we are at this point - politically, ideologically, and historically.

I do not see signs most Americans realize how far down the path to collectivism we have wandered.

The old saying is that you can vote yourself into socialism, but you must shoot your way out.

I was thinking yesterday that we are no longer voting to keep our nation out of Marxism, it is to keep us from sinking deeper into it.

Look at the Democrat platform as expressed by the architects of the Obama/Biden/ Harris continuum – it is all about government involvement in everything. There is not a single aspect of a human life, from conception to death, on which the American government has not staked a claim.

Even the idea that a mentally decrepit president is OK because America can be run by a committee, a politburo, is revealing.

Obama’s fundamental transformation is real, and it is happening.

We have treated Harris’ repetitious "unburdened by what has been” statement as a rhetorical word salad, but when viewed in the proper context, it has far deeper meaning.

It is a Kinsley Gaffe.

This is a gaffe named after Michael Kinsley, a journalist/ political commentator famous for being the left side of CNN’s Crossfire in opposition to conservative Pat Buchanan in the late eighties and early nineties. It occurs when a political gaffe reveals some truth that a politician did not intend to admit - some obvious truth the politician is not supposed to say aloud.

Remember what Michelle Obama said in 2008:

"Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation.”

When you give yourself permission to simply ignore what has worked and what has not with the intent of changing everything that defines America, "fundamental transformation” is made significantly easier.

That is what Harris’ "unburdened by what has been” means.

When you realize that every plank of the Democrat platform rests on what government can do for you to make your life better, you understand that we, like Dorothy, are not in Kansas anymore. The tempest has taken us to the world of the Great Oz, complete with the people behind the curtain pulling all the levers.

As I noted this week, government has no constitutional role to make the life of anyone "better,” largely because government has no resources of its own. Anything a government has must first be taken from someone - for it to make the life of one person better requires it to make the life of someone else less so.

Michelle Obama said it best:

"The truth is, in order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more.”

Believe them when they tell you who they are.

Marx saw three steps to global communism - socialism (we are there), Marxism (if Harris is elected, this stage starts) and then global communism (the WEF members are the commissars in waiting).

Electing Trump only pauses the march to disaster long enough that we can get a grip on how close to losing the America of our childhood we are.

This election is overtly and publicly about communists versus capitalists, and which grail is best for American civilization.

As the Templar Knight told Indy, "Choose wisely.”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:23 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 697 words, total size 4 kb.

Boys Will Be Boys

Timothy Birdnow

I do disagree with part of this assessment insofar as a big part of the old ideal of masculinity involved adhering to a righteous moral code based on our Judeo-Christian heritage. The masculine man may have had to kill sometimes but he tried not to and he defended the weak and vulnerable. Wyatt Earp was a masculine man. John Wesley Hardin not so much.

The frontier did have a profound impact on the American psyche. Even though most people did not live on the frontier it still sparked the American imagination and offered a safety valve for people; they could dream of just leaving everything behind and moving out west. In fact there was the "Turner Thesis" by a man named Frederick Jackson Turner who argued the closing of the frontier would bring profound psychological changes to America. I think he was right; the Progressive era began with that closing and Americans turned to big government to care for them once the old virtues of masculinity on the frontier were no longer being celebrated. There were no mountains left to climb so Americans set about laying the mountains low - and themselves.

I would add that the Free love movement and then sexual revolution made men far less masculine as they turned from the code of honor they once employed to an amoralism that put seduction at the top of their list -and this led to their indulging the feminists, who, empowered by new technology that allowed them to work like men and by the Pill which fred them from the consequences of sexuality, began demanding that men be tamer, more controllable, more like pets than wild animals.

It is a fact that male testosterone levels have been steadily dropping since the early 20th century and that woman have gained testosterone at this same time. Woman behave more like men did in times past. Men now are not just behaving in a more feminine fashion but actually are now trying to BE women. Our society is overly feminized, no question.

We desperately need more "toxic masculinity" directed in a healthy way. So much of the gang violence we see now is a direct result of no masculinity, of an over-feminized society. Boys seek to be masculine but don't know how to go about it. So they commit crimes and fight and shoot people to prove they aren't women. In times past that would be directed in a healthy way - in the military, or as explorers, or in hard manual labor. But now it has no outlet so winds up breaking bad.

BLM riots and Antifa and the rest are another poisoned outlet for this. We need a new frontier to channel the energy of the boys.

Just History

A Historical Perspective American Masculinity
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, American masculinity was closely linked to physical strength and a rugged relationship with nature. Figures like Theodore Roosevelt, the Rough Riders, cowboys, and other "tough guys" epitomized this ideal. These men were admired for their physical abilities, skill in navigating and surviving in the wilderness and dominance over the natural environment. The archetype of the ideal man was self-reliant and capable of thriving in the harsh, untamed regions of the country.
The Paradox of Disappearing Wilderness
This concept of masculinity based on nature arose during a paradoxical period. Central to these ideals, the wilderness was rapidly vanishing as urban areas expanded. By the 1890s, the American frontier was officially closed, with the 1890 census indicating that no unsettled territories remained in the United States. Despite this, the image of the lone pioneer who ventured into the wild and relied on his own strength and resourcefulness continued to serve as a counterpoint to the increasing urbanization and the end of the frontier.
Modern Masculinity: A Contrast in Attributes
If a modern American man were to find himself in the late 1800s, it is uncertain whether he would be regarded as masculine by the standards of that era. Contemporary masculinity encompasses a broader range of qualities beyond physical strength and a connection to nature, including intellectual achievements, emotional intelligence, and technological skills. The rugged individualism and physical toughness that defined masculinity in the late 1800s might be seen as lacking in many modern men, who are more accustomed to urban, technologically advanced lifestyles. The reliance on modern conveniences and a generally more sedentary way of life contrasts sharply with the late 19th-century ideal of a man expected to be physically powerful and self-sufficient in the wilderness.
The evolution of American masculinity from the late 19th century to today reflects significant societal changes. While physical strength and a connection to nature once defined masculinity, modern perspectives include a more comprehensive range of attributes. This shift highlights the broader transformations in American life, from a frontier society to an urban, technologically driven one.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:53 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 818 words, total size 5 kb.

Massachusetts Increases Deportations As It Runs Out Of Cash To Support Illegals

Timothy Birdnow

Massachusetts is on track for a record number of deportations as it tries to foist off the illegal aliens it claimed it wanted on other states.

Massachusetts, a sanctuary state, is on track to process a record number of deportation cases in fiscal year 2024, with over 44,000 new cases filed in the first nine months.

They seem to have misunderstood the concept of sanctuary. Isn't it funny how when it was someone else's problem they were so big-hearted and willing. Now that it's costing them money they are singing a different tune.

Democratic Governor Maura Healey has implemented measures to limit migrant stays in overflow shelters to five days and is offering that the state pay to cover travel expenses for illegals wishing to leave Massachusetts. So she wants to dump her problems on someone else.

Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott were brilliant in shipping these folks to Sanctuary states. Make them face the consequences of their actions. They don't want to and are most unhappy.

Massachusetts has been shelling out $75 million per month to pay for these illegal invaders. Be careful what you wish for!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:08 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 203 words, total size 2 kb.

Wikipedia Election Tampering

Diane Kimura

Wikipedia is committing election interference:

May be an image of text
May be an image of text

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 10 words, total size 1 kb.

E.U. Threatens Musk Over Trump

Carlos Velazquez

EU Commissioner, Thierry Breton, is trying to intimidate Elon Musk by warning him, ahead of Musk's planned live interview of Donald Trump on X (aka Twitter) tonight at 7 pm, that Musk must comply with EU's DSA regulations. See the EU letter to Musk in the comments.

EU reminds Elon Musk of digital disinformation law ahead of Trump interview

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:29 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 67 words, total size 1 kb.

Musk's Trump Debate cyber-Attack

Carlos Velazquez

UPDATE: The conversation just started. Musk solved the DDOS attack. Over 1 million connections.

In a stress test earlier, Musk was able to get 8 million listeners to the SPACES connection. Now, X is having a DDOS attack and most can't get in. I noticed only 200k listeners got in.

Somebody really does not want Trump to get his message out.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Post X Elon Musk @elonmusk Subscribe We tested the system with 8 nillion concurrent listeners earlier today Elon Musk X @elonm....7m 7m There appears to be a massive DDOS attack on X. Working on shutting it down. Worst case, we will proceed wi... 8:24PM . 8/12/24 From Earth• 69K 8:24 Views'

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:18 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 12, 2024

New BLM Riot in Ferguson

Timothy Birdnow

BLM rioters tried to provoke the police in a riot in Ferguson Mo. to gin up support for Kamala Harris on the anniversary of the shooting of the "Gentle Giant" Mike Brown by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in a clear act of self-defense. The shooting touched off years of riots and protests.

This was clearly an attempt to restart such riots and sever blacks from Trump and Republicans.

One officer was beaten by thugs and suffered injuries and head trauma.

Expect more of this as the election looms.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:27 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 96 words, total size 1 kb.

Chicken-Fried Walz

Timothy Birdnow

Tim Walz National Guard commander rips him a new one, calling him a 'coward' over his resignation from the military just before he was to deploy.

Walz has used his service to better his career. The term chicken hawk is not unwarranted.


Retired Minnesota National Guard Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas Behrends slammed Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the Democratic vice presidential candidate on the 2024 ticket, Saturday on "Fox and Friends Weekend” for misleading voters about his military service.

Walz’s claims about his military service and the timing of his 2005 retirement have come under fire since Vice President Kamala Harris announced him as her running mate Tuesday. The Harris-Walz campaign website has since corrected its original language calling Walz a "retired command sergeant major” to saying he "served as a commend sergeant major.”

Behrends ripped into Walz for being an "unforgivable coward” and quitting before his unit was deployed to Iraq.

"I would liken this to a coach coaching a team for 25 years, and then you’re finally in the Super Bowl. And then the Super Bowl is coming, and the coach says, ‘No, I’m out. I’m done.’ What does it say, what message does it send to a unit when a command sergeant major — I mean, command sergeant majors are a big deal. They block the sun. They’re the most important enlisted member of that unit. When a command sergeant major bails on a deployment beforehand, what kind of message does that send?” Fox News co-host Pete Hegseth asked.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:21 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Harris the Baby Parts Trafficker

Timothy Birdnow

Kamala Harris helped Planned Parenthood hide the trafficking of aborted baby parts in violation of the law.

This is illegal.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:14 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 27 words, total size 1 kb.

The EU Digital Services Act

Clarice Feldman

I hope folks can now appreciate why for the past 2 years I've been screaming the greatest threat to free speech in the US is the EU Digital Services Act (aka, the NATO censorship law), which was pushed by the US State Dept's Blob network to boomerang back on populist Americans.
Square profile picture
Human Events

Feb 16
.@MikeBenzCyber tells @JackPosobiec: "The EU Digital Services Act ... is going to be the main tool that will be used to try to force Elon Musk to censor like the other major platforms."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:48 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 101 words, total size 1 kb.

Kamala Harris = New Coke?

Michael Smith

I have a friend who is a political consultant in New York City, I can’t reveal her identity because while she primarily works for Republican candidates, her firm works for people on both sides of the aisle. She knows a lot of high powered movers and shakers in NYC politics and although she is not directly involved in Democrat national politics, she says the big state Dem parties coordinate very closely with the national party, so she talks to a lot of the same people.

The tidal wave of propaganda we face from Democrats has a few specific goals - to make it seem that Kamala Harris is a high performer, she is loved by all, and is unbeatable.

Harris is none of those things - and the Dem party intelligentsia knows it.

My friend told me last night that she is universally loathed within the power circles. She says in private, they think Harris is like a loaded gun in Alec Baldwin’s hand, she could go off and shoot the campaign at any moment. Privately they voice Harris is in the final stages of a bad bout of Dunning-Kruger and they say the greatest danger is that Harris truly thinks they built the public image from her when they are building her from the public image they created.

On a side note, she says they thought they could overcome Biden's bad performance if needed - but the real concern about Biden is that he has terminal Dunning-Kruger. He was shown the bad polling and even after the debate, denied he had a problem. He blamed Trump for his bad debate performance. He has such an inflated view of himself that there was no way to manage him. My friend thinks they promised him a deal to shield him from prosecution for connections with Hunter's activities and a way to get Hunter off the hook. They are mad at him that he made it more difficult and more public to get rid of him than it should have been.

My friend told me the only reason Harris was "picked" was that powerful black leaders told the Party leadership they would launch the nukes and go mutually assured destruction if there was a floor fight at the convention or Biden stayed in. She said Obama was behind the Biden Basement strategy and was given the task to "manage" Harris through her obvious deficiencies.

I was joking when I wrote that Harris couldn't talk policy because the Dem powerbrokers had not told her what she believed yet, but my friend confirmed it. They couldn't wait until after the convention to bring her out because the propaganda surge wouldn't have time to work. Apparently she has been specifically ordered NOT to talk about any specifics until after the structured messaging comes out during the convention - they are afraid she will go off script and blow the whole thing up. They clearly do not want her thinking for herself.

No real surprise. Harris is a woman who served as VP for four years and in that time, has taken the do-nothing nature of the office of Vice President to new lows of nothingness, this is a woman who was picked for VP due to the DEI boxes she checked, and before Biden's collapse at the June debate, was being rumored to be targeted for replacement on the ticket. A short year ago, after having over a ninety percent turnover in staff in just two years, it was reported some in the Biden administration were scheming to get her replaced.

It is simply not believable or sustainable. The person the media machine has created does not exist.

Some pundits think she will become unbeatable after the "joy" is released during the Democrat convention next week, but I don't see it. The hype machine power knob has been turned to eleven for six weeks now, and I believe she has hit her ceiling. They are already stretching credulity for some of the ass-covering they are doing for her. This is the top for her and her primary run proves her floor is actually in the basement.

I think she will follow her pattern from 2020 and the more she is exposed to the general public, rather than the public being fed AI images of adoring crowds, the less people will like her.

Then the question becomes if voters hate Trump more than they hate the past four years under Biden.

I predict the Harris-Walz protective media bubble will collapse.

But will it collapse in time?

That, I do not know.

Even "New Coke" lasted seventy-nine days.

Tim adds:

You know there is a theory that Biden was given a wrong dose of meds before the debate to make him look bad and justify pushing him out. If so that means the power brokers in the Democratic Party (and their media allies) timed this thing to make sure Harris was peaking rather than her being old news. No doubt they realized the more time she had to campaign the worse it would be. They couldn't do it at the convention for the reasons you cite Michael.

The big question is will they be able to keep the "sugar high" going long enough to win. And will they be able to contain themselves, be able to not pull another obvious dirty trick on Trump before the election (and garner sympathy for him.) The Judge in his case wants to sentence him before the election; that could well backfire on them.

Watch for some really nasty October surprise before long.

Harris will have to be like Captain Peter Peachfuzz from Rocky and Bullwinkle; his crew gave him a mockup of the steering wheel for his ship so he thought he was piloting it but in reality they were doing it for him.

This is a race against time. The question is will either Harris and Walz or Trump make some terrible blunder? And how stupid is the voting public?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:11 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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