December 29, 2024

America and Canada Anschluss?

Timothy Birdnow

Ya think?

"They Got Problems”: Fox News Contributor Warns That Absorbing Canada Could Infect America With All Its Leftist Lunacy

Former W. Bush jokewriter, er, speechwriter Marc Thiessen is taking Trump's trolling of "Baby Doc" Trudeau seriously and tells us what we already know.

First, most Canadians would probably be Democrats and that is out of a population of 40 million.
Second, Canada wouldn't come into the Union as one state but as at least ten and probably 13 as the territories - The Yukon, Nunavut, and the Northwest Territory - would likely come in as states as well, or would be groomed to quickly become states. And since the Canadian provinces and territories are much larger than American states they may well be broken up into more states. All of these with two Senators and as many representatives as their population would allow.

Then there is the problem of Quebec. America has no national language; English is our primary language by custom alone. (We are also the second largest Spanish speaking country on Earth, with more people speaking Spanish as their primary language than any other country except Mexico.) Quebec would force us into doing what Canada has done for generations; do everything in a bilingual manner. And of course if we do it for the French Canadians we will have to do it for the Spanish speakers at least. How many languages will be on our currency, on our road signs, etc.?

And then there is Nunavut, which would demand the speaking of whatever Eskimo tongue they have.

The addition of all this multiculturalism on an already stretched-too-thin U.S. would break our country and culture into pieces. Canada barely manages it. Oh, and Canada is known for being polite; why do you think that is? Canadians have to be or they'd be at each-other's throats.

I agree with Thiessen; we might want parts of Canada, notably Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the Yukon and perhaps the Atlantic provinces (maybe). I don't think Nunavut would be very helpful to us, except maybe for oil (which it may have) and uranium, perhaps. But we'd have to take in their low population and cater to their unique culture. Not sure there's a whole lot of benefit. Nor is a "northwest passage" unless you blieve the lie of "climate change" which has been claiming we'd have an ice-free northwest passage for decades. That didn't happenp and in fact there has been an increase in sea ice there.

The U.S. doesn't want Ontario or Manitoba or Quebec or whatnot. Too liberal. Too unproductive.

And in fact Canadians pride themselves on their national identity, which is entwined with their NOT being Americans. I don't think the proposal would go over well.

Sadly Canada has largely conquered the world; it's policies are now worldwide, it has infected even the U.S. with it's disease of socialized medicine, and it now makes many of the movies and television shows we see. Not sure how that happened with a country of 40 million but they did it.

I do not believe Trump was even remotely serious; it was his way of trolling them. He likes to do stuff like that. This is his way of getting in Trudeau and the rest of the great white north's heads. It's how you win negotiations.

At any rate even if Canada wants admission to the U.S. I don't think we should want admission into the Dominion of Canada.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:02 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Alien Invasion? There's an App for That!

Timothy Birdnow

Trump needs to take 'em to the woodshed, sez I!

Mexico Develops App to Aid Its Citizens in US Facing Deportation

There's an app for that! We call it a tariff...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:17 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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America Dying

Timothy Birdnow

This is how nations die.

Births From U.S. Citizens Account for Just 16% of Population Growth

Natture abhors a vacuum. If we don't replace ourselves others will come and fill in our space. And they will have very different ideas and ways of life. The glory that was Americawill die as it becomes a hybrid of multiple other cultures.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:12 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The High Cost of Illegal Aliens

Timothy Birdnow

We are paying for this invsion of aliens in ways nobody has yet even fathomed. Here is one example:

Migrant crisis spurred nearly 3 million overtime hours for two NYC agencies— costing taxpayers $139M

BTW I hate the fact the conservative media uses the leftist terminology. They are NOT "migrants" but invaders, illegal alien invaders. Use the proper terminology! As Confucious said, you cannot restore a nation until you first true the language. Migrants come and then go home.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:46 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 87 words, total size 1 kb.

Musk v. Bannon

Timothy Birdnow

The big fight over H1B Visas heats up.

Bannon Calls H1B Support a Dark Contempt of Americans Just Hours Before Trump Publicly Supports Program

Musk told people to "f*** themselves in the face" if they don't agree with him and Bannon replied by calling him a man-child and sneering at Musk for claiming he was going to go to war over this issue.

We don't need this right now, but I suppose it was inevitable; the Trump coalition is a hodge-podge of differing views and this kind of coalition is hard to hold together. Now we are seeing the first cracks appear.

BTW I've never trusted Elon Musk. He made his money by gaming the system and taking money from taxpayers. Smart business? Sure but it bespeaks a worldview that is quite different from my own.

Of course that is equally true of Trump himself, a man I opposed when he first ran. He won me over by his willingness to fight and his generally good common sense and that he actually tried to keep his campaign promises. Trump is not a Conservative in the traditional sense, but he is the best we can do in this era. But here is one example of where Trump is wrong.

Trump was quite sheepish about it though, so I suspect he'd rather avoid this whole fight, and rightly so.

In the final analysis we simply have too many immigrants in this country - both legal and illegal. We need at least fifty years, and probably longer, to assimilate the ones we have. And we don't need any characters around to give the joint atmosphere! (Sorry; couldn't help quoting Sheldon Leonard just after Christmas.) In point of fact all this immigration does is make Americans just give up on certain fields, and eventually most white collar fields as they know they will be passed over for these jobs in favor of the favored H1B workers.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:33 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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December 28, 2024

More on H1B Visas

Timothy Birdnow

Here is a good reply to Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswami:

Eric S. Raymond:

Today’s big beef is between tech-success maximizers like @elonmusk
and MAGA nationalists who think the US job market is being flooded by low-skill immigrants because employers don’t want to pay competitive wages to Americans.

To be honest, I think both sides are making some sound points. But I’d rather focus on a different aspect of the problem.

When I entered the job market as a fledgling programmer back in the early 1980s, I didn’t have to worry that some purple-haired harpy in HR was going to throw my resume in the circular file because I’m a straight white male.

I also didn’t have to worry that a hiring manager from a subcontinent that shall not be named would laugh at my qualifications because in-group loyalty tells him to hire his fourth cousin from a city where they still shit on the streets.

It’s a bit much to complain that today’s American students won’t grind as hard as East Asians when we abandoned meritocracy more than 30 years ago. Nothing disincentivizes working your ass off to excel more than a justified belief that it’s futile.

Right now we’re in and everybody-loses situation. Employers aren’t getting the talent they desperately need, and talent is being wasted. That mismatch is the first problem that needs solving.

You want excellence? Fire the goddamn HR drones and the nepotists. Scrap DEI. Find all the underemployed white male STEM majors out there who gave up on what they really wanted to do because the hiring system repeatedly punched them in the face, and bring them in.

Don’t forget the part about paying competitive wages. This whole H-1B indentured-servitude thing? It stinks, and the stench pollutes your entire case for "high-skill” immigration. You might actually have a case, but until you clean up that mess Americans will be justified in dismissing it.

These measures should get you through the next five years or so, while the signal that straight white men are allowed to be in the game again propagates.

I’m not going to overclaim here. This will probably solve your need for top 10% coders and engineers, but not your need for the top 0.1%. For those you probably do have to recruit worldwide.

But if you stop overtly discriminating against the Americans who could fill your top 10% jobs, your talent problem will greatly ease. And you’ll no longer get huge political pushback from aggrieved MAGA types against measures that could solve the rest of it.

Doesn’t that seem like it’s worth a try?

Today's big beef is between tech-success maximizers like @elonmusk and MAGA nationalists who think the US job market is being flooded by low-skill immigrants because employers don't want to pay competitive wages to Americans.

To be honest, I think both sides are making some…

— Eric S. Raymond (@esrtweet) December 26, 2024

And here is a good overview of the mess that is the H1B visa program. It is little more than corporate welfare.

Read the rest of the Revolver article here.

This touches on many of the points I made in this morning's post about the H1B visa program and why we have a "culture of mediocrity". Nobody has any reason to work hard if you are just going to be passed over for some foreign guy because they know they can pay him less and he'll be content - and because, like white dudes suck and all!

Back in the old days the complaint about black labor was the black workers were lazy and inattentive, but whose fault was that? Why be a good worker when you are just going to get passed over and mistreated? Black folks aren't lazy but it was a rational response to a culture that treated them as worthless and offered them little in the way of opportunity.

Now the white community is larning this same lesson, alas, and our response is much the same. If we needed to offer greater opportunity to black folks shouldn't we offer greater opportunity to white folks too? Now no native born American has the kind of opportunities they should as we import people to take our jobs.

H1B visas are little more than tools to outsource in our own country.

BTW the worship of cheap labor has been a destructive force in America for it's whoel history. Slavery was a prime example, and the places that allowed slavery wound up being economic backwaters and slavery was highly destructive to initiative and economic growth. During the industrial revolution we saw cheap labor squeeze the life out of America's farming industry and kill whole towns. What did we get for our troubles? Several deep economic depressions followed by the Great Depression. The quest for cheap labor, be it skilled or not, inevitably leads to economic malaise.

I made this case at American Thinker a number of years ago, and the blogger Bookworm seconded my post.

(Interesting; I had to search for the article using Yahoo because Google has "disappeared" it.)

While I concentrate on grunt labor it is equally, perhaps even more, true where skilled labor is concerned. And it is a national security issue; we need to be able to do this stuff ourselves. How many Cinese are working in high tech in America, stealing our technology for the Communists?

Unless there is an incentive to hire American and train people corporations will continue to hire foreigners; it's easier and cheaper. Keeping H1B visas is nothing but an incentive to continue marginalizing native born Americans.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:21 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Shame on Walmart!

Timothy Birdnow

Retail giant Walmart (based in Arkansas, home of the Clintons) recently withdrew terrorist tees featuring the odious Hamas terrorist Yahyay Sinwar after a big public backlash over their rather insane merchandising move to sell to the terrorist demographic in America.

What were they thinking?

Well, apparently they love revolutionaries and terrorists. For example, they sell Che Guevara tee shirts and other Bolshevik apparel featturing the the butcher of Cuba.

They also had to pull a Nazi logo tee and were selling "Impeach 45 tee shirts a few years ago.

Heads need to roll in the online apparel department.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:50 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Sue the DOJ!

Timothy Birdnow

There is a class action suit about to be filed against the Department of Justice and Merrick Garland over the abuse of patriots by the J6 prosecutions and their loss of liberty and property as a result of the weaponization of the Justice Department for political reasons.

The group is logically waiting until just after inauguration day; you can't sue the government without permission, and Biden won't grant it, naturally.

I hope they are careful about which court they file in; Biden has appointed 235 judges as of Dec. 20 and has appointte more judges than did Donald Trump. Most of his appointments have been women or minorities in an effort to pack the courts with woke DEI acctivists. And Barack Obama appointed 329 judges who were confirmed. So there are 564 judges on the federal bench who will actively work to subvert justice, both in this case and in a great many others.

This was an is the problem in America; the Left cares not about the rule of law, nor the Constitution, nor playing by any rules save their own, and when they lose the political portion of the government they turn to the courts. It's about winning and winning alone.

So justice may not be done here. But at least there are those who are trying.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:35 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Why is the NFL Soaring?

Timothy Birdnow

Why is the NFL prospering while going woke?

Here is an essay at Red statethat tries to find the answer. His answer is they promote heavily, and the players who are always seen on television and in commercials are more likable.

Perhaps, but I think there must be a deeper answer (ortwo).

I will say this; the NFL gets big, big bucks from the government both through subsidies and through massive tax breaks. This at a time when the country is broke.

Time to close all these loopholes; the NFL is still riding high while every other major sports league is scratching around.

At any rate this makes me wonder. Is, perhaps, the NFL a tool of the government to promote all this nonsense?

The NFL occupies a wholly unique position in the world of sports; a violent game where people get injured and there has been speculation the govenrment would impose regulations on it for decades now. Brain trauma has been repeatedly cited, yet the NFL continues to not only enjoy salutary neglect by the Feds but actually receives big bucks from them.

(I often speak of the '70's movie Rollerball where Mr. Bartholemew - the bigwig who runs the leavgue - explains the purpose of the game. It is to "teach the futility of individual action" as no one player can dominate the sport - until Jonatahan E, the main character, does and must be forced out. Anyway, I suspect the NFL is given a pass precisely because it teaches these sorts of lessons.)

Also, while black players are predominant in the NFL, they hardly dominate the league in the same ways as black players in the NBA. This offers a morality play, that we all need each-other. Baseball is too white and Hispanic, while Hockey too white. Football offers the mix the Ruling Class likes.

The more conspiratorial of us believe the CIA is involved with the NFL, leading the Murdoch owned New York Post to complain about "conspiracy theories". But since we now have solid evidence of conspiracies involving the CIA aND OTHERS, WHO IS TO SAY? The creator of NFL Challenge, a video game product, certainly wanted to get the CIA involved.

I don't know but I do know this; the Supoer Bowl has been a nail-biter almost every year since the turn of the century. For twenty years before that we generally had blowouts. But then the referees started calling bad calls at critical moments on the team gaining momentum, and I do not for a minute believe that was by accident. I will never, ever believe the Rams lost fair and square to the Patriots in 2001. I saw what was happening; no calls as several players mugged Marshall Falk at the line of scrimmage when he didn't have the ball. Also, holding a-plenty, and all sorts of other dirty tricks. Then we found out the Pats had the Rams playbook. I think that Superbowl was a setup; it was after 911 and Paul McCartney said before the game "wouldn't it be wonderful if a team called the Patriots won the Superbowl". I knew the fix was in then.

Anyway, I don't know if the government is behind the NFL or not, but something is happening that goes beyond personality. The public still supports the horribly woke monstrosity. They shouldnt; there are alternatives. The UFL comes to mind. (Here in St. Louis we have a UFL team but they don't put it on commercial television so I never get to watch it. Also, the city is promoting professional soccer heavily to compete with the Battlehawks.)

Yes, people want a break from politics and their lives. Sadly the NFL isn't it anymore.

Any thoughts from readers will be reposted in a follow-up to this.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:39 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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New York Plans Energy Money Grab

Timothy Birdnow


New York to Force Oil, Gas Companies to Pay Reparations for ‘Climate Change’ Damage

Oil and gas companies ought to simply pull out of New York state. Let's see the Empire State operate without them!

This is a bold move by Hockum Hochel. What if she and her government are sued by people in class actions over the problems THEY caused? Perhaps over the many Covid deaths that were caused by bad government policy in New York? I seem to remember they spread Covid throughout the retirement community by forcing nursing homes to admit Covid patients...

There are many more things that can be done to state government than state government can do to corporations in the long run.

New York Democrats inexplicably are determined to reduce their state to a backwater. I say let's help them do it!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:13 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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9.9% and Rising

Timothy Birdnow

Vivek Ramaswami has sparked a controversy on his views that we need more technically savvy aliens admitted to the U.S. via H1B visas, and this was seconded by Eon Musk.

I try to avoid weighing in on these sorts of internecine squabbles if I don't think one side is quite wrong,and unfortunately I have to weigh in on this one. 'Swami and the Muskrat are wrong, at least from a big picture perspective.

Their argument is that we need the top 1% of foreigners to be allowed in to do tech and science since America no longer values excellence but instead rewards mediocrity. I agree with that latter statement; we DO reward mediocrity, even failure, these days. But will we be served by bringingin these one percenters?

First, when we get the best of the rest of the world we often are getting people who are not eager to become Americans so much as advancing their economic interests and making a name for themselves. In some ways the laborers are more likely to become Americans than are the technical classes, who often see themselves as "citizens of the world" and espouse an internationalist philosophy. Becoming American means more than just living in America and enjoying what America offers; it means throwing yourself into it heart and soul. I rather suspect these H1B guys won't do that. Many will stay for jobs, but their hearts won't belong to America. They will never have experienced the totality of America, seen what itmeans to be American. It's like importing the Ruling Class from somewhere elese; the RC doesn't know America either. Barack Obama was a prime example.

I wrote about Obama once at Canada Free Press and cannot locate the article, alas. The thrust of it was Obama never knew America,never saw the interior, never experienced this country at the grass-roots level and so really didn't believe in it. I fear thatmay often be true of many of these H1B visa types.

Also, often these guys come in to take "jobs Americans just won't do" by displacing the people doing those jobs - the AMERICANS doing them - who are then forced to train their foreign replacements.

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) dishes on this.

Do you ever wonder how so much of this Progressive stupidity reigns in America? In many instances it's because Americans aren't running America any longer but LEGAL immigrants who view us in a very different light.

There is a reason why the Democratic Party supports these visas, and it isn't because they care about the success of American business.

Ramaswami and Musk are looking at this purely from an economic perspective; they are missing the big picture.

The point is, yes, Americans won't work for less money, and you no doubt can get better workers for less if you import them. The point is that is equally true of migrant farm workers or maids or immigrant handimen too. Why should these big corporations be allowed to import labor when,say, a landscaping company isn't allowed?

And Americans won't LEARN anything if we import people to do "the jobs Americans just won't do". How do we change the cultural disfunction if we don't hire Americans and make them learn? Time was companies trained their own people; now they want them pre-trained and ready to go. Yes, that gives them an edge,but it ultimately only serves the corporations and helps them make higher profits, but it destroys the American work ethic. Kids don't work at McDonalds anymore to learn the basics. Their first jobs are usually when they are in their twenties, and they treat them as they treated their schooling,w hich taught them that everybody gets a trophy. We need to break them of that early but are failing to do that.

Yes, that is as much caused by minimum wage increases and other liberal programs which make it possible for kids to remain children far too long,but the companies out there can actually fix a lot of this if they would be willing to actually train employees and not just look for quick profits. H1B visas destroy the incentive these corporations have for fixing the American labor force.

The Old Tesament warned Israel that they would become second class citizens in their own country, borrowing from the immigrants and serving them, if they disobeyed His word. That is what is happening in America right now, and that will only accelerate if we continue to allow so much immigration, especially of the educated and capable. We are building our own replacements.

No nation can survive if too many alien ideas are allowed to come in. Bringing the creme-de-la-creme of foreign societies only brings in a host of alien ideas to be implemented in America. So America continues to dominate in technology or science? So what? If we lose the country in the process is it worth it?

When Odoacer was crowned king in the Western Roman empire the Byzantine Emperor sent him the trappings of Caesar. Odoacer sent a terse reply along with the cloak and staff and whatnot back with "no thanks". That was the end of Rome. It happened because Odcoacer and the German immigrants into Rome no longer saw any point in pretending they were Romans. Rome hadn't been conquered so much as simply erased by immigrants.

That's where we are headed if we don't wake up.

So I disagree with 'swami and Muskrat. I appreciate what they are trying to do but we need a complete moratorium on immigration of all sorts for at least twenty years so we can assimilate the ones we already have (and kick out those not allowed to remain.) After the big surge of immigration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries we had a moratorium on all immigration (the Johnson Reed Act of 1924) - until 1965 when Ted Kennedy revived it. (And look how much America changed in that span of time.)The immigration then was nothing compared to what it is now, and we need to HATE immigration as a threat to our way of life. (Not hate the immigrant but the whole procedure.) It is, you know. And it will remain a political football until Americans turn against the entire concept. That won't happen if we have a pathway to immigration of any sort. You can only breath in so much carbon dioxide before you die (10%).

We are now at 9.9% and rising.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:50 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Mad Hatter's Tea Party at CNN

Timothy Birdnow

Bellylaugh of the day!

Deluded CNN ‘Journalists’ Blame Sinking Ratings on ‘Not Being Tougher on Trump’

To quote Bugs Bunny "what a maroon!"

It was their "being tough on Trump" that gave him his path to the White House in the first place. They were unfairly harsh with him and the public rebelled. He won a lot of black votes because he was seen as a ghetto kid "pursued by the Man", for instance.

CNN now accounts for just 11% of prime time cable news viewers, and that in all likelihood because they have a monopoly on airports and other such things. During the election cycle they dropped by a whopping 52%. By comparison Fox holds a 48% share in prime time and 50% overall. And those numbers were even higher as the election cycle wound down. Fox is just crushing CNN drawing in 69% share in total day (6 AM-6 AM/ET) and 72% share with primetime (8-11 PM/ET).

Fox has grown by about as much as CNN has fallen.

Viewership at MSNBC dropped 53% this election cycle and THEY did not temper their message where Trump was concerned. The Big MS is seeking a buyer now, and cutting the salaries of their top hosts. So saying that CNN's problem was a lack of attack jounralism againstt Trump is like saying an alcoholic's cirrhosis of the liver is caused by not drinking enough Old Overcoat bourbon whiskey.

I hope this view remains in place. As long as they continue to lie to themselves they cannot mount any credible attacks on the future POTUS. They are just hysterical, spittle flying from their flourid faces as they scream incoherently. That's a defeated group.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:56 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Shrinkage of Mike Johnson

Timothy Birdnow

"You don't understand...there was shrinkage!"

George Costanza

Mike "Tiny" Johnson's favorability rating has dropped in the toilet among Republican voters after his latest antic with the budget, and this has prompted Thomas Massie to vow not to vote for the Woody Allen Speaker for another term.

In a Rasmussen poll sampling 1,454 people just 38 percent said they view him at least somewhat favorably — down from 44 percent who said the same in April. Only 14% view him "very favorably" and 36% view him unfavorably and 14% very unfavorably.

Frankly, I'm surprised his numbers are that high. But Mike goes on lots of Sunday talk shows and the like and he always talks a good game. He plays the champion of our values while voting with the Democrats - the worst sort of snake.

I cannot believe Mike Johnson is the best we can do (nor Kevin McCarthy, nor John Boehner, nor the last few Squeekers. Our last Speaker who wasn't useless was Newt Gingrich, and he was all over the map, leading to unforced errors.) The fact that he's the candidate everyone could accept in the House shows just how out-of-touch the political class is with Middle America and what we want. This election does not seem to have penetrated their thick skulls either. We have a lot of work to do to remove the RINO piglets who are snorting their way to the trough.

Just having an R behind a name is not enough anymore; we need people who are on our side, not their own and not on the side of the Ruling Class. The fact we are going to wind up with a Speaker like Johnson is proof that we have a lot of work to do. How can we restore a nation if we cannot even restore the Republican Party?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:31 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 313 words, total size 2 kb.

Court Stops Biden from Selling Wall

Timothy Birdnow


Court Orders Biden Administration to Stop Selling Off Border Wall Materials

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:51 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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December 27, 2024

Cuba Out of Sugar

Timothy Birdnow

The inevitable fruits of Communism.

Cuban Communists Fumble Economy So Badly That They Now Import Sugar... At $25 Per Pound

Their economy has been so wrecked they can't even produce enough sugar! I would add sugar is a staple in their diets which usually amount o little over a thosuand calories a day, generally less.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:44 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 61 words, total size 1 kb.

Obamacare Inflated Costs

Timothy Birdnow

Healthcare costs are soaring since Barack Obama "fixed" them with his Affordable Care act.

ObamaCare & The Hyper-Inflation Of Healthcare Costs


When it was conceived, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was hoped to improve healthcare access. At the time, roughly 20 million Americans were uninsured. The bill hoped to lower the rising cost of healthcare in the economy by providing a Government mandate.

However, as is always the case when "Big Government” steps in, the outcomes are generally worse, not better. Such should not be surprising. At a press conference on August 12th, 1986, US President Ronald Reagan said, "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”

A decade after the launch of the Affordable Care Act, we can not look back at the results. In 2023, roughly 25 million Americans still lack healthcare coverage. The government continues expanding programs, like Medicaid, to insure more individuals at a hefty cost to taxpayers. While the uninsured population has fallen by 3 million since 2014, the question is whether the costs justify the results.

Unsurprisingly, as we discussed initially, the Affordable Care Act led to a hefty increase in healthcare costs. Although its goals were noble, several key provisions - including pre-existing conditions, reduced consumer choice, and government subsidies - strained the system financially.These problems, compounded with other structural challenges, are further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving insurers, taxpayers, and patients grappling with rising premiums and expenses.

We will examine these issues.

Read the entire article at Zerohedge.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:39 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 264 words, total size 2 kb.

MAGA Takes Britain

Timothy Birdnow

Tthe Reform Party in Britain (Formerly UKIP), the party of Nigel Farange and true conservatives, is now larger than the Tory Party, Britain's so-called Conservatives.

‘Historic Moment’: Farage’s Reform Party is Now Larger Than the Centuries-Old UK Conservatives


The most recent public figures for paid-up full members of the Conservative Party, certainly the oldest political party in the United Kingdom and possibly the oldest political party in the world, put it at 131,680 in November. Nigel Farage’s Reform UK — which he calls the youngest party in Britain — overtook that figure late Thursday morning following a Christmas Day surge in sign-ups.

At the time of publication the figure continued to rise and has made it to 132,200 members.


MAGA and sanity are sweeping the world. Too bad it took so long.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:26 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Dems Plot Insurrection

Timothy Birdnow

Some Democrats are plotting an insurrection.

Yes, they are discussing disqualifying Donald Trump on the basis of Sec. 3 of the 14th amendment, the clause that prohibits anyone guilty of insurrection from holding the office of the Presidency.

Only one niggling little problem with this; he was never charged with insurrection, not in a court of law and not by Congress. (Oh, and he was acquitted of other charges made by the Democrats by the U.S. Senate too.) Not sure how you can use a charge of insurrection when there has never been a trial to determine this fact.

They will use a ruling from Colorado that was the basis for holding Trump off the ballot. This case did not address the insurrection issue, or find Trump guilty of anything,but put it in the notes to justify keeping him off the ballot there. This court was overruled.

If January 6 was an insurrection, where were the guns? The bombs? Why didn't the insurrectionists seize the police station? The television and radio stations? Mostly people just walked into the Capitol,wandered around and took pictures. Worst insurrection EVER! And Donald Trump has done huge projects all over the world and knows how to get stuff done. Does anybody really believe he would do so poor a job of an insurrection? Only one person died from violene and she was a protester murdered in cold blood.

And Trump is on record - we have the audio and video - asking for PEACEFUL protests. When they turned violent Trump asked them to go home. Also, we knowNancy Pelosi refused Trump's offer of the National Guard and now we know he actually called them out anyway but his underling disobeyed the order to stay politically viable after Trump was gone.

You cannot overturn an election without overwhelming evidence, evidence they do not have. We now know the J6 Committee was subnorning perjory and manipulating the facts.

I actually hope they try this; it will be the end of the Democratic Party if they do.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:44 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Gaetz Accuser in Jail for Framing Another Person for Sexual Misconduct

Timothy Birdnow

The Gaetz report relied on very shaky witnesses, among tthem one particularly bad wittness, a person who had made the exact same accusattions against another person priviously.

From the article:

Among the witnesses the Ethics Committee relied on was Joel Greenberg.

Greenberg — a former tax collector in Seminole County, Florida — is currently serving an 11-year prison sentence for lying about another politician having a sexual relationship with a minor.

Hemingway noted, "Greenberg also reportedly later attempted to frame his own attorney with pornographic images of children.”

A 2023 lawsuit shed further light on Greenberg’s behavior and two women who made claims against Gaetz. Greenberg alleged one of the women had sex with Gaetz while underage which her friend — the other women — corroborated.

However, it was Greenberg who had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl while he was married, using a website where young women meet older men. Greenberg claimed he did not know she was underage.

Greenberg reportedly "became insistent” Gaetz help him obtain a pardon. When he was denied, he "said he would seek vengeance on those who refused to help him during his time of need,” according to Hemingway.

Greenberg started pointing the finger at Gaetz and other Republicans, accusing them of similar crimes. In September, "Gaetz revealed a letter [to the Committee] from a jailhouse informant who shared a holding cell with Greenberg when Greenberg admitted ‘making stuff up about’ Gaetz as part of a plan to lighten what could have been as much as a 27-year sentence in federal prison,” Hemingway wrote.

The inmate was interviewed by federal agents, telling them the woman Greenberg had a relationship with while still a minor "would be willing to adopt Greenberg’s lie in hopes of a future financial benefit.”
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The DOJ found Greenberg so unreliable, they dropped the case.


This is why this report should never have gone public; it is full of uncorroborated accusations that do not pass the smell test. But the media will run with this because it attacks Donald Trump's credibility.

And this was clearly payback for Kevin McCarthy and Gaetz zealous role in removing him as Squeeker.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:16 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 375 words, total size 3 kb.

Christmas Shopping -- Specialized

Dana Mathewson

I happened on this little tidbit yesterday and thought it was way too good not to share.

Bra Shopping: A religious experience.

David goes into Macy’s, to the lingerie department, and he says to the salesgirl, My wife has sent me in for a Jewish bra, size 34B, and she said that you’d know what I meant.”

The saleslady says, Boy, it’s been a long time since anybody’s asked me for a Jewish bra. They usually ask me for a Catholic bra or a Salvation Army bra or a Presbyterian bra.

He says, Well, what’s the difference?

She says, The Catholic bra supports the masses, the Salvation Army bra uplifts the downfallen, and the Presbyterian bra keeps them staunch and upright.

He goes, Well, then what’s a Jewish bra?

Oh, a Jewish bra makes mountains out of molehills.
David then walks into another area of the store…”I need to buy my girlfriend some gloves, but I don’t know what size her hands are.”

The beautiful young employee presses her hands into his and says, "I’m a ‘small’. Does that help?”

"Oh yeah,” he says. "Your hands are the exact same size as hers.”

"Do you need anything else?” the young girl asks him.

"Now that you mention it, she also needs a bra and panties.”
Bra Sizes:
Have you ever wondered why A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, G, and H are the letters used to define bra sizes but couldn’t figure out what the letters stood for? Well it’s time you became informed!

(A) Almost bumps….
(B) Barely there.
(C) Can’t Complain!
(D) Dang!
(DD) Double Dang!
(E) Enormous!
(F) Fake.
(G) Get a Reduction.
(H) Help me, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!!!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:40 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 295 words, total size 2 kb.

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