June 20, 2020

Sheets and Masks and Taco Hell

Timothy Birdnow

Funny; if he were to wear a white hood instead of a blm mask he would have not just been fired but probably tarred and feathered. Frankly, there isn't much difference between the two.

'Deeply Upset' Taco Bell Issues Statement After Youngstown Worker Announces He was Fired for Wearing Black Lives Matter Mask

He was clearly violating his company dress code.

America has become a two-tiered system, with "people of color" occupying the superior place.

BTW I never eat at Taco Bell; the CEO is a member of George Soros' posse.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:45 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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A Stain on History

Timothy Birdnow

This was posted on Facebook by Marc Jenkins:

One of the things that bothered me the most when I was deployed to Iraq for the first time in 2003 was the destruction of historical sites by Iraq’s own people. I now see this happening in America. People need to realize this is not right. It doesn’t matter how you feel about these statues. It’s OUR history. White, black, brown, whatever. What’s next, MLK statues pulled down by women who were cheated on? Lincoln for being white? Fredrick Douglass for not being a radical abolitionist and the fact he recruited black soldiers to fight for the Red, White and Blue?

The people destroying these historical sites have no respect for others, our history and even themselves. They will be a stain in history.

As for the politicians on the left and especially the right, YOU are letting this happen. You too have little to no respect for America and it’s history and those whose shoulders you stand on. The liberals think they will gain popularity for allowing this to happen and the conservatives in office are cowards. Scared to protect our history. All of you could put a stop to this.

If this continues, these radical protesters will simply go down the line until either a) you politicians decide to go in and instruct the police to put a stop to it, or b) patriotic Americans pick up arms and fight back.

To those who would say "people are upset because of police violence, and why are you worried about statues being pulled down while people are dying”, I say to you, you are the ignorant and uninformed and need to have lunch with me. I’ll pay. It’s widely known, or should be, that governments outside of America know the ONLY way to beat America is from within. Do y’all honestly believe Americans are coordinating all these protests?

People are not evolved at all. We sit here and think we are smart, but in fact we are pretty stupid. You got your PHD and your a profession at some elite college? Congrats, but you are still stupid, indoctrinated and unevolved.

Enough is enough.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:31 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Where are all the White Supremacists?

Warner Todd Huston

We are told that the USA is filled with racists. And yet, where are all the KKK rallies, the Neo Nazi marchers, and White Nationalist protests? There are almost none to be seen anywhere. If the country was filled with so many racists, NOW would be the time they'd be out pushing back against the domestic terrorist group called Black Lives Matter. And yet... nothing. So, it must mean that there are so few white nationalists, Klan members, and Nazis that they can't even get a march together!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:10 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Wuflu Graphs

Joe Bastardi graphs the latest COVID 19 stats:

No photo description available.

No photo description available.

No photo description available.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:39 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Milking Racial Unrest

Timothy Birdnow

I guess The Man won't let the cows make chocolate milk...

PETA: Cow's milk a symbol of white supremacy

In a statement, the animal rights group links the dairy industry’s treatment of the cows to the concept of white supremacy.

"Aside from ‘lactose-tolerant’ white supremacists, cow’s milk really is the perfect drink of choice for all (even unwitting) supremacists, since the dairy industry inflicts extreme violence on other living beings,” the organization said in part.

"PETA is trying to wake people up to the implications of choosing this white beverage and suggesting that they choose something else pronto,” the statement continues.

How about hemlock!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:25 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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Murdering Memorials Juneteenth Edition

Timothy Birdnow

There is an interesting discussion going on on the KTVI Channel 2 News Facebook page. They were talking about Juneteenth, and with the statue iconoclastic controversy fresh in mind a bit of a discussion broke out. Here is a snippet including yours truly:

Wayne says:

Since everyone is so hell bent on erasing past history, how about we only report what happens on any given day and anything prior to the current day is erased and can't be spoken about again. As they say 'the past is past - forget about it'.

Katie replied:

Wayne you don’t celebrate the past? I think you misunderstand the removal of certain racist, sexist, and rapist monuments being removed so that we as a country may move forward in a positive way. For instance, I have known as a kid and still know not to enter an establishment that hangs confederate flags(it stands for white supremacy and I’m not allowed)

I replied

I understand your reluctance to go into a place with a Confederate BATTLE flag (most people wouldn't recognize the actual Confederate flag) and I certainly would not fly one, but I think you misunderstand the people who do. In most cases it's not a symbol of racism to them, but rather a pride in their southern heritage and a symbol of a sense of independence. I think a lot of people who do fly those would be surprised at your interpretation.
In many it is insensitivity, not white supremacy. Not all, surely, and you will find a few who are racist, but I suspect the majority are not. I fear whites and blacks see things differently; whites see a statue of, say, Jefferson Davis (who did not want to be President of the Confederacy and supposedly broke out in tears when he was told he was elected) as a memorial to a chapter in history and to states rights. Blacks see it as a symbol of slavery, racism, and white supremacism. But that is not true of all black people; many in the south see those statues the same way as their white neighbors. Charles Barkley, for example, said he never worried about these statues one way or another. Anger at them appears to be a rather modern manifestation. There are bigger fish to fry, both in America and elsewhere, in my opinion. Slavery is still practiced in Africa, for instance. I think that would be a more fruitful target of angst. Be that as it may, what will stop a future generation from tearing down statues of Harriett Tubman, or Martin Luther King, when they become culturally unpopular? Erasing your past is a dangerous game. It's how tyrants have traditionally controlled a population. I am of a mind that we should remember all of it so we don't make the same mistakes again. Nobody in history is perfect; you have to judge a person by the times they lived in. It should also be pointed out that a man like Jefferson no doubt kept his slaves to protect them; a free man was in great peril in those days because some jackass would come along and try to claim he was a runaway and the freedman would wind up in worse shape than before. It was a common practice by abolitionists to officially keep their slaves so they would be kept safe and be provided for. There were black slaveholders too, I might add, quite a few of them, and many of them had large holdings of slaves for this same reason. So if we tear down Jefferson statues because he owned slaves we do everyone a great disservice. Anyway, those are my thoughts on the matter.

Dana asks to add some ideas:

As to the idea of forgetting, or ignoring, the past, we do so at great peril. We really need to know what was done, good and bad, because we need to be able to evaluate where we were and how far we have come. Only then can we begin to determine how far we need to go. This relates to just about everything in life, not just race relations. It relates to the environment (and although we do a better job than most countries, I don't think anyone would say that we couldn't improve in this respect). It relates to food production: the "jury is still out" regarding genetically-modified foods. We have to evaluate all of these things relative to a starting point, and how can we do that if we throw out the past?

This is just a start. But we have to have a start.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:50 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Black Slavery and Microagressions

This from Allan MacRae:

Today, an estimate of between 529,000 and 869,000* black men, women, and children are still bought, owned, sold, and traded by Arab and black Muslim masters in five African countries.

Compare this to the microscopic complaints of "snowflakes” in North America, who over-inflate the gravity of the slightest of slights. I’ve done significant business on six continents in some very dangerous countries. There are truly serious problems in the real world – we should focus on them, not on fake crises concocted by western Marxists.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:58 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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June 19, 2020

Cultural Vandals Erasing America

Timothy Birdnow

This is completely out-of-control.

Maybe we should tear down the Arch while we're at it, because it clearly is racist, a big metal man standing athwart the poor minorities in the city. Maybe we should get rid of the Clydesdales at A-B? That is specieism. And A-B celebrates an old white Busch family. This has become a farce.

Should we remove the Lovejoy statue in Alton? Oh, I guess it just depends on what the current fashion dictates.

In Orwell's 1984 the Ministry of Propaganda edited history texts on the whim of the Leaders. Is that where we want this country to go?

A Call to Remove the St. Louis Statue from Forest Park

When the Muslims conquered a country the first thing they did was tear down the statues and monuments. Muhammad started that fine tradition when he conquered Mecca, tearing down all the statues to erase the city's past. They continued to do that - they dynamited the giant Buddha statues in Afghanistan, for instance. It's about erasing the past so they can create a new culture on the ashes of the old. The Communists largely did the same in Russia and later in eastern Europe. Now we have these iconoclasts attempting to wipe America away. This is cultural vandalism. It must stop.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:02 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Pope Francis Calls for Divesting in Energy, Arms

Timothy Birdnow

For those who do not know the Pope is only infallible when speaking Ex Cathedra, and he rarely does that. The last time he actually invoked Ex Cathedra was in 1950 when Pope Pius XII declared the doctrine of Mary's bodily assumption into Heaven a doctrine of faith. Pope Benedict XVI came very close when he declared abortion a sin and said it held the highest sanction of the Church (but he fell short of saying it was Ex Cathedra).

Generally Ex Cathedra proclamations are the result of decades, even centuries of study and determination by multiple agencies. In this instance Pope Francis is putting forth his dim-witted personal opinion as though it were Church doctrine.

Popes are chosen by God, but Francis is arguably an antipope as the sitting Pope was forced out so he could assume the chair of Peter. Or God is withdrawing His grace from Mankind and Francis is the Pope we deserve. Either way, he is a very dangerous fool.

Vatican Urges Catholics to Drop Investments in Fossil Fuels, Arms

This Pope is heretical in that he worships the creature more than the Creator. He is concerned almost entirely with temporal affairs, and promotes political positions rather than moral and spiritual issues. He seems unconcerned with the fate of souls and entirely too concerned with destroying free enterprise and breaking political systems that emphasize independence and hard work in favor of collectivism and socialist economics.

Divesting in fossil fuels will kill millions and impoverish millions more. And divesting in arms will leave some defenseless against oppressors and murderers and tyrants. Francis seems blissfully unaware of any of this. His theory is that once we are all joined together in the big happy family we will share and share alike and that will solve all our problems. He ignores 2Thessalonians 3:10 "for even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: if a man will not work , he shall not eat".

He ignores the innumerable warnings about the dangers of Hell, and how that is the real mission of the Church.

He ignores the fact that socialism was roundly condemned by the Church (Quod Apostolici Muneris 1878,Rerum Novarum 1891, Divini Redemptoris 1937,) in favor of his Peronista socialist vision. He forgets Matthew 10:28 "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:37 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Even Unto the Prince of the Host

Timothy Birdnow

"Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of the sanctuary was cast down." Daniel 8:11

This from Joe Bastardi:

The last few weeks have shown me that this is no longer one nation Under God, but instead a ruling GVT instead of God. How so? Most of us have dutifully obeyed the orders from those in charge on Covid. My church has not met now in 3 months and quite frankly given what I am seeing, I don't know how we will till there is a vaccine. So we obey dutifully the orders and do not gather to worship God. With the tragic death of George Floyd however, the same people that have been shutting down churches were seen marching with protesters. I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST THE PROTESTERS AND BELIEVE IN THEIR RIGHT TO PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY. But why do they get to do that, but you can't go to church? Here is my point. Some of the protests, and I believe it was because of outside agitators that were preying on the situation, got out of hand. I won't go into the details. When have you ever been in a church and had the kind of thing we saw going on in some of those situations. Yet we see gvt officials, knowing darn well that there is no social distancing and even knowing things could go awry saying this was more important than COVID. Then why was the church shut down? NYC was a joke. Thousands of people marching in the street and if they get sick the hospitals are overloaded. yet parks and playgrounds locked. So this means its more important to these people than God, cause they have darn sure shut down places of worship. So why don't we gather to worship our heavenly father? Because we know there is a chance it spreads COVID, leading to another shutdown So we obey. But if its okay to protest how is it not OK to go to church, unless you dont want people in church. How does the COIVD Virus know if a gathering is a protest or place of worship? Does it have Satanic powers that detect what s a protest and what is worship? . But it speaks volumes that decree from men and women in power can shut down God while allowing what is likely a far more dangerous threat of COVID spread, thousands gathered in close proximity to occur. The fact is this, They know we will obey, They also know they can't stop people that won't THE BOTTOM LINE. In our country, you are losing the choice of who you bow your head before, God almighty, or what is becoming the almighty state

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:03 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Lightfoot Opposes Columbus Iconoclasty

Timothy Birdnow

I guess Mayor Lightfoot realized things were getting out of control. That or she feared the Italian-American backlash.

Chicago Mayor Lightfoot says Christoper Columbus statues shouldn't be taken down

Lightfoot, a Democrat,spoke with the Chicago Tribuneabout the removal of Columbus statues and other controversial symbols like the Confederate flag, saying that they should be used as educational tools to school America's youth.

"I think that the way we educate our young people, in particular, about their history is to educate them about the full history,” she said.

Lightfoot added that she doesn't support changing the city's observance of the Columbus Day holiday by renaming it Indigenous People's Day, and wants to "not try to erase history, but to embrace it full-on.”

Yeah; she's running scared!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:41 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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The Biter Bit

This from James Doogue, our friend from Down Under:

Left-wing journalists encourage action against companies which profited from slavery. Turns out The Guardian newspaper was established by a businessman who profited from slavery. Woops!

Awkward Revelations Show Left Wing Journalists Profited from Slavery

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:25 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Happy Juneteenth!

Timothy Birdnow

Happy Juneteenth! For those who do not know, Juneteenth is the celebration of abolition. Originally started in Texas, it celebrates Union Gen. Gordon Granger's proclamation of abolition, freeing the last remaining slaves in the Confederacy. See more here.

Juneteenth used to be a big holiday for African Americans in the South, but has fallen off in the last few decades. There is now a move to reinvigorate it, and make it a Federal holiday.

I am all for that, although I disapprove of doing any such thing during this period of rioting and unrest. It is monumentally foolish to give any sort of concessions under duress. There is a reason why the United States government does not negotiate with terrorists. It's the same reason parents don't give in when their kids throw a temper tantrum (which the current George Floyd rioting and looting most assuredly is).

But be that as it may, America should celebrate the end of slavery and the traditional Juneteenth holiday should be marked as a day of celebration.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:13 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 18, 2020

Benedict Roberts Does DACA

Timothy Birdnow

Oops he did it again!

I warned everyone about John Roberts when George W. Bush wanted to appoint him to SCOTUS; he was a lifelong insider and the Democrats were happy with his selection. Now we are paying the price.

Supreme Court rules against Trump administration bid to end DACA program

From the article:

In a 5-4 decision, with Chief Justice John Roberts joining the liberal members to author the opinion, the court said the Department of Homeland Security's move to eliminate the program was done in an "arbitrary and capricious" manner although they did not rule on the merits of the program itself.

"We do not decide whether DACA or its rescission are sound policies. 'The wisdom'of those decisions 'is none of our concern,'" Robertswrote in his opinion."We address only whether the agency complied with the procedural requirement that it provide a reasoned explanation for its action."

Huh? An Executive Order cannot be rescinded by a subsequent President?

Notice they left the door open so Trump's successor can rescind HIS eo's.

An executive order is a presidential edict that is only applicable to his own department. What Obama did was simply order his government NOT to enforce immigration law. It was illegal, but so many people want these aliens kept here. So now along comes SCOTUS to rule Mr. Trump cannot start enforcing the law.

How do they justify that? They say that since illegals apply for the program and receive benefits that somehow changes it from an act of overreach into a act of Congress.

The article continues:

In Thursday's opinion, Roberts wrote that when the administration rescinded DACA it"failed to considerthe conspicuous issues of whether to retain forbearance" -- referring to the non-enforcement of immigration laws to remove those with DACA protection --as well as the impact the decision would have on DACA recipients who have relied on the program.

"That dual failure raises doubts about whether the agency appreciated the scope of its discretion or exercised that discretion in a reasonable manner," Roberts wrote, noting that the administration could have scrapped the benefits provided by DACA while keeping the non-enforcement policy, but instead eliminated all of it without even giving a reason for ceasing non-enforcement.

"The appropriate recourse is therefore to remand to DHS so that it may consider the problem anew."

This is an attempt to prevent Trump from rescinding the policy; Roberts knows that eventually the Administration will try again, and again will have to work his way through the court system until it is reviewed anew by his Majesty, the Chief Just-ass.

Eventually Trump's administration will run out of time and an incoming administration, be it Democratic or Establishment Republican, will simply let it drop. Oh, and the longer this goes the harder it will be to kick these people out. They have now been here for over a decade.

This is utterly vile, a monumental usurpation of authority by a black-robed tyrant.

In his dissent Clarence Thomas wrote:

"Without grounding its position in either the APA or precedent, the majority declares that DHS was required to overlook DACA’s obvious legal deficiencies and provide additional policy reasons and justifications before restoring the rule of law. This holding is incorrect, and it will hamstring all future agency attempts to undo actions that exceed statutory authority. I would therefore reverse the judgments below and remand with instructions to dissolve the nationwide injunctions.”

But of course Justice Thomas' dissent is of no importance as public policy will obey Benedict Roberts.

America is dying from immigration and the creation of new nations inside this country. If we cannot stop people from coming here against our will, if we cannot enforce the laws on the books, we have no real nation.

And we're being routed by the radical left, which is now openly moving against America.

In a sane world President Trump would simply flip SCOTUS the bird here. But we do not live in a sane world.

This country is toast...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:37 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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The Failures of Socialism

Timothy Birdnow

You Can't Argue against Socialism's 100 Percent Record of Failure

They can only promote Sweden as an example of a successful socialist country, but Sweden is NOT even close to socialist. They have fewer regulations and lower corporate tax rates than does the U.S. They very briefly experimented with socialism in the '70's and gave it up when it tanked the economy. Of course, Sweden DOES have a fancy social safety net, purchased thanks to the U.S. providing defense for them. Oh, and if Sweden is the model in everything, why didn't we follow suit when they refused to close their economy down due to Wuflu? I mean, if it is so great in Sweden then we should have followed where they led, right?

From the article:

First, as much as the authors insist that previous examples of socialism were not "really” socialist, none of them can tell us what exactly they would do differently. Rather than providing at least a rough outline of how "their” version of socialism would work in practice, the authors escape into abstraction, and talk about lofty aspirations rather than tangible institutional characteristics.

"Charting new destinations for humanity” and "democratizing the economy” are nice buzzphrases, but what does this mean, in practice? How would "the people” manage "their” economy jointly? Would we all gather in Hyde Park, and debate how many toothbrushes and how many screwdrivers we should produce? How would we decide who gets what? How would we decide who does what? What if it turns out thatwe don’t actually agree on very much?

These are not some trivial technical details that we can just leave until after the revolution. These are the most basic, fundamental questions that a proponent ofanyeconomic system has to be able to answer. Almost three decades have passed since the fall of the Berlin Wall—enough time, one should think, for "modern” socialists to come up with some ideas for a different kind of socialism. Yet here we are. After all those years, they have still not moved beyond the buzzword stage.

Secondly, the authors do not seem to realize that there is nothing remotely new about the lofty aspirations they talk about, and the buzzphrases they use. Giving "the people” democratic control over economic life hasalwaysbeen the aspiration, and the promise, of socialism. It is not that this has never occurred to the people who were involved in earlier socialist projects. On the contrary: that wasalwaysthe idea. There was never a time when socialists started out with the express intention of creating stratified societies led by a technocratic elite. Socialism always turned out that way, but not because it was intended to be that way.

Contemporary socialists completely fail to address the deficiencies of socialism in the economic sphere.

Socialists usually react with genuine irritation when a political opponent mentions an earlier, failed socialist project. They cannot see this as anything other than a straw man, and a cheap shot. As a result, they refuse to address the questionwhythose attempts have turned out the way they did. According to contemporary socialists, previous socialist leaders simply did not really try, and that is all there is to know.

They are wrong. The Austro-British economist Friedrich Hayekalready showed in 1944why socialism must always lead to an extreme concentration of power in the hands of the state, and why the idea that this concentrated power could be democratically controlled was an illusion. Were Hayek to come back from the dead today, he would probably struggle a bit with the iPhone, Deliveroo and social media—but he would instantly grasp the situation inVenezuela.

Thirdly, contemporary socialists completely fail to address the deficiencies of socialism in the economic sphere. They talk a lot about how their version of socialism would be democratic, participatory, non-authoritarian, and nice and cuddly. Suppose they could prove Hayek wrong and magically make that work. What then?

Read the whole article; it's well worth your time.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:56 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Atlas Just Shrugged

Timothy Birdnow

I suggested the police have a very blue flu and it turns out the thin blue line in Atlanta agrees.

Atlanta Cops Stage Walk Out

It appears all but two zones left mid-shift. Police scanners are silent. And other municipalities have refused to send in help.

Anyone ever read Atlas Shrugged?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Media Yawns at Black on White Crime - in Australia

James Doogue

Double Standards To Avoid Racism Accusations?

A gang of eight Sudenese-Australian teenage girls savagely punched, kicked and stomped on a 15 year old Australian girl. https://twitter.com/i/status/1272812379055640576

The teenager, who knows at least one of her attackers, believes she was targeted because she spoke to a boy one of the group 'liked'. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8429189/Teenager-attacked-gang-eight-girls-Melbourne-spoke-boy-one-liked.html

Police say they can't investigate without a complaint from the victim. Would they say that if it had been a gang of 8 white girls attacking a defenceless hijab black girl?

We know the answer to that. We also know this would have been headline news on Sunday night with the story of the racist attack going round the world. If 'protest' marches weren't already in motion, the police refusing to investigate without a formal complaint, would have ignited the BLM mob.

During the attack, bystanders looked on but nobody intervened to help. The victim was left with multiple injuries, including several broken ribs and a fractured cheek bone. 'A friend described her entire body being ‘black and blue’ after the assault.' https://www.sausageroll.com.au/news/australian-teen-girl-brutally-beaten-by-black-lives-activists-in-melbourne-cbd/

The friend, Angie King, 'shared the shocking video of the brutal attack of the young Australian teen that occurred in the Melbourne CBD and an image of the aftermath on Facebook but it was removed for violating their Community Guidelines.'

The full videos of the deaths of both George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks can be viewed in their entirety on YouTube’s platform, but showing black on white violence is apparently forbidden.

This case is riddled by double standards by mainstream and social media and the police.

We all know that deaths and brain damage can result from just one 'coward punch', the victim's life was endangered by multiple coward punches, kicks to the head and stompings after being dragged to the ground.

Imagine if bystanders did nothing while eight white females bashed the daylights out of a young, black girl. We'd have commentary from around the world saying how racism is endemic in Australia. The United Nations would probably despatch a human rights envoy to Australia, or at least put out a condemning press release.

The attack happened on Sunday but was only first reported in one newspaper, The Daily Telegraph, one radio station, 3AW, and owner TV station, Channel Seven on Wednesday.

Avi Gemini from YouTube channel TR News, has shown more of the graphic video here: https://youtu.be/Z9FPYyjcgb4

The gang of girls who took the video shared it on Snapchat celebrating their violence.

It's scary how unconcerned the gang of female thugs were about being watched, anyone intervening, or the prospect of getting caught by police. Do they think they're untouchable?

Perhaps this is an insight into the future where police and potential 'good Samaritans' are reluctant to get involved fearing complaints and allegations of racism. The mainstream media don't report on the violence because it doesn't suit the narrative that blacks are victims of whites.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:28 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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The Missing Ammo

Warner Todd Huston

I reported on that, too, at the time. So, where DID it all go?

Where are all the Guns and Ammo Purchased Under Obama?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:06 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Southern Strategy Sob Story

This from Tim McNabb:

Most of what you modern Democrats believe about the "Southern Strategy" is a convenient lie to dismiss the truth that racism and racist policies was a problem that predominantly came from the Democrat party.

The Myth of Nixon's Southern Strategy

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Anniversary of Waterloo

Timothy Birdnow

Today is the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo. On this day in 1815 the British along with a number of allies defeated the Emperor Napoleon in a desperately close fought battle for control of Europe.

Napoleon had been exiled to the Mediterranean island of Elba but he escaped and returned to France for one final push to dominate Europe. The Duke of Wellington assumed command of a multi-national army that included the Prussians in the East (reminscent of the American/British/Russian alliance against the Nazis a hundred and thirty years later.)

According to the

It was fought during the Hundred Days of Napoleon’s restoration, 3 miles (5 km) south of Waterloo village (which is 9 miles [14.5 km] south of Brussels), between Napoleon’s 72,000 troops and the combined forces of the duke of Wellington’sPrussians, the main force of Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher’s command.


The allied campaign against Napoleon began in earnest in early June, but the armies that had assembled in BelgiumWilliam II), were unreliable, having served under Napoleon little more than a year before. The remainder of that polyglot army was made up of some 16,000 Hanoverians, roughly 6,800 Brunswickers, and the 6,300 men of George III’s German Legion. Only the last contingent, veterans of the Peninsular War, could be safely trusted in a crisis. Thus, the majority of the troops arrayed against Napoleon were no match for the highly enthusiastic and largely veteran French force. Wellington and Blücher had agreed to come to each other’s assistance should either be attacked, but the lack of any real preparation prior to June 15 shows that little serious attention had been given to such a possibility.
allied army of 68,000 (with British, Dutch, Belgian, and German units) and about 45,000
were of dubious quality. Blücher’s four corps included many inexperienced conscripts among their 120,000 men. Wellington, whose forces numbered more than 93,000 before the campaign began, characterized his own army as "infamous.” Of the 31,000 British troops under his command, most had never been under fire. Many of the 29,000 Netherlanders under William, Prince of Orange (later

Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of Wellington, oil on canvas by Sir Thomas Lawrence.

Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of Wellington, oil on canvas by Sir Thomas Lawrence.The Granger Collection, New York

Wellington's victory meant the final end of Napoleon. He would be exiled again - this time to a more secure island in the middle of the Atlantic named St. Helena. He would live ten more years before dying of a dubious ailment; many suspect he was poisoned (the commandant of the British post hated him.)

This was one of history's great turning points.

It is often forgotten how terrible Napoleon was in his day. He changed the rules of war, which had become quite gentlemanly and solicitous of non-combatants. Napoleon wouldn't play that game; he often divided his opponents and destroyed them, rather than simply outmanuever them. He was the first modern "victory at any cost" warlord. The title hostis humani generis "enemy of all Mankind" because of his ruthlessness (a title previously only applied to pirates and other stateless peoples.)

At any rate, this was a major turning point in history.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:24 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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