May 15, 2024

Smith and Kafka

Michael Smith

Alvin Bragg's prosecution of President Trump is an example of what we have to look forward to in a postmodernist progressive society. This is so much like the trial Franz Kafka wrote about it is almost as if they took it straight from Kafka's pen.

The progressive postmodernist left following that script (it is an interesting to note that Kafka's "The Trial" is titled "Der Process" - the process - in the original German).

In Kafka's story, Josef K., the defendant, never knew what specific crime he committed - funny that we still don't know what Trump is really charged with or what the prosecution is trying to prove because I have heard at least a dozen different theories out of the mouths of the prosecution and their witnesses.

Josef K., was a man arrested and prosecuted by a remote, inaccessible authority, and he struggled to defend himself despite an impenetrable bureaucracy and corrupt, incompetent officials.

In the end, Josef K. was killed and the nature of his crime was never revealed to him.

As many, including myself, have said, any fair and impartial judge would have already thrown Bragg's case out - for that matter, any reasonable, fair system of justice would never have allowed it to start.

In point of fact, there is a real chance both of Jack Smith's cases get harpooned. Based on my reading of the law, and I am no lawyer but I can read and comprehend words, Smith was appointed illegally - Merrick Garland does not have the power to appoint a private citizen an "officer" of the government.

For Smith to be legal, he would need Congressional approval. It is going to be interesting because if the ruling of Judge Cannon's court is that he is not duly appointed, then Judge Chutkan will have to hold another hearing and if she says he is, this will go directly to the Supreme Court - and SCOTUS has already ruled on a very similar situation (in 2018) and decided it can't be done the way Garland did it.

This is all wrong. Every bit of it. They wanted to get Trump before the election so bad, they started skipping steps and I think people are beginning to notice. There was a poll released yesterday that noted if Trump was convicted in the "hush money' trial, his approval numbers would skyrocket.

At least they kept Trump off the campaign trail for a month - but even that seems to have backfired.

They are trying to keep it going - CNN is back to doing dramatic readings of the trial transcripts and breathlessly trying to rehabilitate and prop up Michael Cohen, a man who admits to lying to the DOJ, to Congress, and to various judges.

We'll have to see, but this is certainly shaping up to be one of the biggest "Never mind" moments in the history of the American media.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:21 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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1 This is exactly the kind of content I've been searching for. Thank you for delivering quality information smm pannel

Posted by: SMM Bear at May 26, 2024 11:46 PM (0o5Nk)

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