June 17, 2024

Windies Hate Nuclear

Jim Church

The wind and solar industries are treating nuclear power like some kind of evil, arch-enemy. Fair enough. While the number of human fatalities caused by nuclear power generation would fit in a couple of school buses, the entire subsidised wind and solar scam faces total wipe out, simply because they can never compete – on any level – with ever-reliable nuclear power generation – which is the only stand-alone generation source that does not generate carbon dioxide gas in the process. It’s the latter attribute that was said to be the reason for throwing massive subsidies at wind and solar in the first place.

Now that policymakers are waking up to the realistic prospect of watching their country’s grids totally collapse, safe, reliable and affordable nuclear power is the talk of the town.

Among the sillier arguments being run by wind and solar propagandists is that nuclear power is unaffordable. True enough, the wind and sun cult are desperate and desperate times often lead to delusional arguments.

However, as Nick Cater outlines below, the pitch about the (purportedly exorbitant) cost of nuclear power lasts about as long as it takes to compare prices in countries where nuclear power dominates, such as nuclear powered France, where retail prices are around half of those suffered in wind and sun powered Germany.

Nuclear Fatality: Rent-Seekers Rage As Wind & Solar ‘Investment’ Collapses

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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