March 16, 2025

Plandemic II

Timothy Birdnow

The Covid "vaccine" has caused countless deaths and it cannot be proven to have saved any lives at all. So naturally the media is trying to rehabilitate it's memory,now that we are a few years past the pandemic and people are forgetting.

First, there is this Yahoo News story waxing poetic about the fficacy of the clot shot and how "researchers" are convinced it saved lives.


"As the world marks the 5-year anniversary of the start of the coronavirus pandemic, one persistent question has been how many lives COVID vaccines helped save.

In January, during his Senate confirmation hearing, Heath and Human Services Secretary Robert Kennedy Jr. was asked by Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont whether he believed the vaccines had been effective.

"Was the COVID vaccine successful in saving millions of lives?” Sanders asked.

"I don't know," Kennedy responded.

That runs counter to studies conducted by researchers at Brown University, Yale University, Imperial College London, the World Health Organization and others who have all concluded that, yes, millions more people around the world would have died of COVID-19 were it not for the rollout of vaccines.

And yet, like Kennedy, a growing number of Americans mistakenly believe that COVID vaccines have been responsible for thousands of deaths, according to a 2024 survey by the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center. In the August poll, 28% said they thought COVID vaccines had caused thousands of deaths. In June 2021, that number was 22%.

Yahoo News spoke to Christopher Whaley, a health economist at Brown University, to help clarify how we should view the effectiveness of the shots and the estimated number of lives they’ve saved."

You will notice these were all the same people who promised us this would save lives, keep people from getting Covid, and make us not contagious. In other words they arethe ones who lied to us in the first place.

"It’s really hard to think that President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed is anything but that largest public health success in history,” Whaley said. "I think we sometimes lose appreciation for how important and how impactful getting access to vaccines was.”

Whaley has published two studies on the number of lives saved by the COVID vaccines; one of them looked at the impact that the vaccine rollout in December 2020 had on the rate of deaths being recorded.

"In the United States, we found that COVID vaccines averted nearly 140,000 deaths than would have otherwise happened [over the six months studied] if vaccines were not rolled out,” he said.

Calculating excess mortality figures, or the increase in the number of deaths over a given time period versus a comparable period, Whaley then included factors such as the age of a state’s population and how individual states went about distributing the vaccine.

"Alaska, for example, was the first state to reach 20 COVID vaccine doses per 100 adults,’ he said. "Alabama was almost a month later to reach that same threshold in 2021.”

While studies like Whaley’s are estimates, and figures can vary depending on the data set used by researchers, he stressed that the basic approach is scientifically sound and used to calculate outcomes for a variety of things."

This is pure fantasy; the disease peaked and waned as do all epidemics along a predictable pattern. The numbers they are generating are simply being pulled from thin air.

The Pandemic was the perfect weapon to use against America because claims made by the health cartel cannot be verified and they knew it at the time, which is why they came out so boldly.

In a related post at Yahoo we are being told long Covid is making a comeback and that health issues suffered by folks now isn't caused by the shot but by a mysterious lingering of the illness. Ri-ight.

So why bring this back now? Probably they are dipping a toe in the water to see if they can manufacture another pandemic to stop the Trump juggernaut. The first pandemic was designed with that in mind.

I am perhaps a tinfoil hat guy, but I believe Covid was not just a "leak" from a Chinese lab but was purposely released to influence the American electorate. It also served a "good" purpose in culling the human herd, something near and dear to the anti-humanist population hysterics on the Left. You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet, no? Getting rid of Trump was worth a few million dead in their minds.

I have little doubt they are plotting another lab leak. We've had a few trial balloons already - Bird flu, monkey pox, that respiratory illness (can't remember the name). If they can get a disease running rampant again they can blame Trump. In fact they will claim his closing USAID allowed a disease to get out of control, and his getting us out of the WHO. It's a made-to-order situation for them. So they need to gin public fear back up, and gaslight the public into believing their policies worked.

So watch for many more such stories in the leadup to Pandemic II. I don't see any way it's NOT coming.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:48 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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GOP Files Impeachment Against Judge

Timothy Birdnow

Now they're getting it!

GOP Rep Filing Articles of Impeachment Against Judge Who Ordered Plane Carrying Deported Illegals to Turn Around

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:51 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Mi6 Knew Covid was a Lab Leak

Timothy Birdnow

The British knew.

Labour minister 'rubbished' spy chief's secret dossier on Wuhan lab leak theory during pandemic despite Boris demanding probe... to 'avoid offending China'

Covid was the fraud and crime of the millenium.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:50 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Follow the Science?

Timothy Birdnow

When the Three Stooges accidentally had to raise a baby we all laughed as they tried to feed the kid anchovies and beef jerky and let him play with a gun, but the stooges have nothing on the modern day Left.

It's especially true in New Jersey.

New Jersey Hospitals to Ask Parents to Identify Baby's Pronouns and Sexual Orientations

At least the Stooges TRIED to do the right thing; liberals do not.

The Left is forever telling us we should "follow the science" yet are willing to allow parents to overrule the medical doctors when issuing birth certificates. News flash; the science is settled and we know exactly how to determine the "gender" of a baby. It's not up to the parents or even to the doctors to decide the sex of the kid. God does that - we just admit it.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:46 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Food Allergies

Timothy Birdnow

Are childhood vaccinations causing food allergies? Somecertainly think so.

Here are the bullet points:

* Independent researcher Vinu Arumugham suggests that food proteins in vaccines may be driving the rise in food allergies. Injecting food proteins, rather than ingesting them, can sensitize the immune system, leading to allergic reactions.
* The body is designed to tolerate food proteins when eaten, but injecting them can trigger an immune response, defeating natural oral tolerance and causing allergies. This process also applies to other vaccine components like polysaccharides and polyethylene glycol (PEG).
* The link between injected proteins and allergies dates back to the early 1900s, with Nobel Prize-winning research on anaphylaxis by Charles Richet. Despite this, modern immunology has largely ignored these findings.
* In the late 1990s, Japan removed gelatin from vaccines after it was linked to gelatin allergies in children, leading to a significant drop in such allergies. This highlights the potential for food proteins in vaccines to cause allergic sensitization.
* Arumugham and others advocate for urgent reforms, including removing food proteins from vaccines, re-evaluating adjuvants like aluminum, and adding food allergy warnings to vaccine labels. They argue that the current vaccine schedule, with up to 40 shots by adolescence, exacerbates immune system dysfunction and contributes to the allergy epidemic.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:35 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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March 14, 2025

Just Another Lie About Illegals

Timothy Birdnow

Another one from the "well duh!" department.

BOMBSHELL SCANDAL: ICE Confirms Biden Admin Cooked the Books on Illegal Alien Arrests

We all knew this all along.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:11 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Made in the U.S.A.

Timothy Birdnow

From the Captain Obvious files:

FEMA-funded shelters may have helped flood US with illegal aliens, Trump admin says

It's been obvious to anyone who thinks about it that the U.S. government has been behind all the illegals coming here all along. Yes, NGO's have done the actual work but it was clear from the start they were serving a higher power.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:03 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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And the Moon Shall Turn to Blood (as in Red)

Timothy Birdnow

It's time to completely dismantle NASA.

Leaked Documents Reveal Insane DEI Plan for NASA

Nasa has long been complicit with NOAA in doctoring climate date to promote the socialist green agenda,and now we are learning they were using propaganda techniques to promote DEI in America.

Among other things NASA intended to corrupt Project Artemis, the return to the Moon, by "putting the first person of color and first woman" on the Moon. That itself isn't so terrible but so much of the rest of it is - such as partnering with pre-chosen corporations to promote produts and images designed to push DEI on the American People.

According to The Blaze:

The presentation explained NASA's plan to "establish the Artemis brand."

It stated that the mission "must inspire" several audience segments: future supporters, the public, collaborators, and advocates. The list included "BIPOC" — which stands for "black, indigenous, people of color" — individuals, noting that Artemis should "build mass appeal with and get to participate, especially underserved and underrepresented groups."


How does space exploration "inspire" BIPOC, supposedly "underserved" groups? What value is there in such a thing? None. All it does is help further divide us at a time when we do not need further division.

And they were using psy-op tactics. The document discussed doing this like a movie or novel, with heroes and protagonists versus villains and antogonists. It was purely out of the CIA playbook.

You can guess who will be the antagonists.

Basically NASA is more interested in promotion and marketing than in actually accomplishing anything. It's clearly not about the engineering or about plans on actually utilizing the Moon.

BTW it was illegal to use psychological manipulation of the public by government for decades but Barack Hussein Obama signed a "bipartisan" bill into law allowing that because "these techniques are just too good to not use". One Republican cosponsored the bill changing the law to allow our government to brainwash the public.

Oh, and a lot of them will get very rich selling Nike Moon sneakers, for instance (yes, Nike was one of the partnered corporations) or Netflix series or whatnot. As usual it's as much about the Benjamins as it is about promoting DeI. We do not live in a Fascist economic order, or aren't supposed to at any rate.

At this stage there is nothing NASA can do better than any private company. We need to end the corrupt regime. BTW does anyone remember Obama redefining their mission as Muslim outreach? I do.

The Bible says the "Moon shall turn to blood" in the last days. I don't know about blood, but NASA sure wants to turn it a lovely shade of October Revolution red.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:45 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Cheating on Air Traffic Tests

Timothy Birdnow

It used to be called "race norming" which was the pracitce of giving minorities at least ten points on their civil service exams to make them competitive when it came to government jobs. It's why the Post Office and other such agencies have a huge disproportionate number of minorities working in them; the applicants were clearly being given a leg up.

The USPS website, for instance, has this to say:

"The Postal Service is one of the leading employers of minorities and women, with minorities comprising 39 percent and women comprising 40 percent of the workforce. 21 percent of employees are African-American; 8 percent are Hispanic."

How is that if there is not active discrimination for minorities and open discrimination against white people? We know for a fact black people in America get inferior educations by and large (being mostly schooled by public educrats) and that they tend to do poorly on standardized tests. African Americans make up just 14.4% of the population. According to the last U.S. centus 71% of Americans are classified as white. So clearly they are discriminating against white applicants.

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled against reverse discrimination repeatedly yet here we have solid proof it is still ongoing. And that is in government hiring. We know full well that the private sector is pressured by government and can hire in ways that are even more discriminatory as long as they do not violate current federal law, which is all aimed at promoting minorities and not protecting the majority.

At any rate, an investigation is ramping up into attempts to steal jobs as air traffic controllers for minorities. It seems there has been cheating going on to aid DEI hires in passing the Air Traffic Control exam.

Is it any surprise? I've had little doubt that white candidates have had to jump higher hurdles than minorities for decades and now we have good reason to suspect minorities have been cheating all along. Certainly black candidates haven't been passing the Civil Serivce exam and getting jobs in government at higher rates than whites if the tests were equal and fair. Government should "look like America" at worst, meaning the racial numbers should be about as they are in the country. (Actually fewer black folks would probably be hired as they would score lower than whites by and large.) But instead we see higher numbers in these positions. I have no doubt they did that with air traffic controllers either.

And controllers not capable of doing their jobs properly lead to crashed like the ones we've seen lately.

No doubt the media will paint this as untruthful (if they cover it at all) and if it turns out to be true they will try to make it appear to be an isolated incident. But I am quite sure it's systemic.

Many years ago I took the air traffic controller's exam and scored a very high score. Guess what? I never got hired or even contacted again. I always suspected it was because of the color of my skin.
Granted they might have done me a favor as the stress could have put me in the ground. But it's just the point that people who didn't do as well as did I got high paying careers and I wound up laboring in mediocre jobs.

I also took the civil service exam and a few other government job exams and never once was offered a job, despite doing well on each and every one of them. The Federal Archives was the only place that ever got back with me and they told me I was qualified but there were "more qualified people" ahead of me, despite my score in the high nineties on the test.

The tail has wagged the dog in America for a long, long time. It's time we started exposing exactly what has been happening in this country. The Trump Administration appears to be eager to do so.

I hope and pray America doesn't just tune it all out. Injustice is injustice no matter for whom it is intended.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:22 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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DEI Goes to Ground

Timothy Birdnow

The dirty little secret is DEI was alive and well in corporate boardrooms long before it actually had a name. The formalization of the radcical agenda only came about recently because the Left thought they had won and could now do this openly. But it was and has been the practice in corporations and in government for decades.

S&P 500 Companies Play "Hide the DEI”

It will just go back underground until the political climate is more amenable to it.

We've had such concepts in government since the seventies. For twenty years or better there was "race norming" and other such policies which they denied they were doing. When it was finally proven they were doing it they came clean and kept right on doing it -e even with court cases that said reverse discrimination was illegal. Corporations have all had this in their personnell departments and had been quietly practicing it all along.

What is needed is for lawsuits for reverse discrimination to be filed against these corporations, and for boycotts to be organized. There needs to be pain in these companies.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:58 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Buttigieg May Run for President

Timothy Birdnow

This from the guy under whom doors blew off flying airplanes and trains crashed and ships sank!

Pete Buttigieg Reported to be Skipping 2026 to Focus on Big 2028 Move

He actually thinks he has a shot at the Presidency.

It's known that the door-knob Minnesota Governor is also looking to run in '28.

It'll be a real pleasure watching Booteycall or Waltzing with Timbo debate J.D. Vance...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:48 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Trump End Run Around Friviloous Lawsuits

Timothy Birdnow

Some time back I posted an essay about how the Trump Administration could end all the nuisance lawsuits against his Administration by simply requiring a security deposit in every case (as is applicable by current law). I do not remember the name of the author nor have the link, alas,but I thought it a good idea at the time - make these endless legal challenges expensive and difficult to file and a lot of them will stop.

Well, by gosh by golly, Mr. Trump gone and done just that.

Now if they want to sue they will have to pony up and file lots of paperwork to boot.

Fromthe Wokespy article:

The order requires department heads to work with the Attorney General in requesting federal courts to demand a security deposit from petitioners as required by FRCP 65(c). The court can use the security deposit to cover its costs or compensate the restrained party if it determines that the injunction was wrongly issued. Additionally, the amount must be sufficient to cover potential costs and damages if the court determines that the activists abused the judicial process to the detriment of the restrained party. Additionally, the enjoined party can argue for a higher bond, while the mover can also request a lower amount.

The executive order lamented that the activists face no consequences when their requests for frivolous injunctions were rejected. This regrettable situation encourages radical left activists to request more temporary injunctions, essentially crippling government policy. Using this tactic, activist organizations and judges insert themselves into the executive policy-making process, undermining the federal government’s democratically-issued mandate.

"This anti-democratic takeover is orchestrated by forum-shopping organizations that repeatedly bring meritless suits, used for fundraising and political grandstanding, without any repercussions when they fail,” the lawsuit stated.

The order highlighted the negative impacts of unnecessary TRO requests. It warned that taxpayers bear the cost of the litigation process and must wait for government services before the issues are resolved. The Department of Justice also dedicates substantial resources to fighting frivolous lawsuits instead of defending public safety.

"The effective administration of justice in the Federal courts depends on mechanisms that deter frivolous litigation, protect parties from unwarranted costs, and streamline judicial processes.”

Subsequently, the security deposit ensures that taxpayers do not pay the costs of litigation or damages if activist judges wrongly issue preliminary injunctions. The risk of the injunctions being reversed should also deter activists from requesting them and judges from issuing them.

Under the current rules any Tom, Dick, or Harry can file multiple lawsuits and they all must go to court. In addition, they judge shop so often wind up with temporary victories that slow or stop the policy initiatives of the Administration. But if this rule is implemented (and it will no doubt be challenged and some judge-shopping activist with a gavel will stay the rule) it will make many of these lawsuits go away.

For instance, as of March 6 Trump had already been hit with over a hundred lawsuits, just 17 days after taking office.

The President of El Salvador had a similar problem and he solved it by impeaching judges who were simply obstructing. But that won't work so well in the U.S. with our coequal branches of government.

So this is the next best thing and it should help.

The Democrats and their NGO buddies are pulling out all the stops in using lawfare to circumvent the Will of the People and there must be consequences for that.The Law can indeed be a two-edged sword. I've argued for some time that the only solution to lawfare is mutual assured destruction, and that is where we need to go. I don't like it at all but the aggressors in any type of warfare set the rules of engagement. They wanted to play it this way.

This also illustrates the importance of getting good Constitutional judges on the bench. The Democrats have always understood the importance of the judiciary and sought to infest it with activists. We were content to put in guys who would follow the law, even when the law was completely idiotic. Sadly many of them have wound up carrying the water for Liberals because they do NOT think ideologically. We need more Scalias and Thomases and fewer Amy Coney Barretts or John Roberts.

At any rate this is a welcome development. Trump really seems to know what he is doing this time around!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Columbia Fellow and Civil Rights Activist Judge is a Slaver

Timothy Birdnow

This guy is a fellow at Columbia U. Is it any wonder they are so nuts?

Former Columbia University fellow, a current UN judge, found guilty of forcing young woman into slavery

From the Blaze:

An African U.N. Criminal Tribunal judge who was a fellow at Columbia University and has written extensively about human rights has been convicted of slavery.

Lydia Mugambe, a 49-year-old Ugandan living in Kidlington, England, was found guilty Thursday by a unanimous Oxford Crown Court jury of conspiring to violate U.K. immigration law; "requiring a person to perform force or compulsory labor"; conspiracy to intimidate a witness; and arranging travel for another person "with a view to exploitation."

Besides her work for the U.N., the African slaver has been a judge of the High Court of Uganda and a member of several professional associations, including the Oxford Human Rights Hub and the International Association of Women Judges.

Mugambe's virtue-signaling and judicial activism regarding "gender-based justice" earned her the so-called People's Choice Gavel Award from Women's Link Worldwide in 2017. According to a 2022 piece in Stellar Woman magazine celebrating the slaver's supposed accomplishments, Mugambe also won the Vera Chirwa human rights award of the University of Pretoria, South Africa, for her work "ensuring gender-based justice in Africa."

Columbia University, no stranger to criminals and extremists, notes on its website that the slaver was a fellow at its Institute for the Study of Human Rights in 2017.

This shows that what passes for "human rights" these days has nothing to do with rights but everything to do with a revolutionary view of society and attempt to remake the whole world. And this is the U.N. in a nutshell - slavers who seek world government and international socialism but do so by claiming to work for "social justice" and human rights. Guess that only matters where the right people are involved, eh?

This woman got her slave a passport and enticed the poor woman with the promise of a U.N. job then took her passport and other documentation and forced her into domestic servitude.

These are the kinds of people who are promoting all this leftist nonsense.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:19 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Trump Goes to SCOTUS to Implement Immigration Rule

Timothy Birdnow

Trump moves inexoribly towards ending birthright citizenship.

Trump Admin Asks Supreme Court to Allow Executive Order on Birthright Citizenship to Partially Take Effect


The order reads: "It is the policy of the United States that no department or agency of the United States government shall issue documents recognizing United States citizenship, or accept documents issued by State, local, or other governments or authorities purporting to recognize United States citizenship, to persons: (1) when that person’s mother was unlawfully present in the United States and the person’s father was not a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident at the time of said person’s birth, or (2) when that person’s mother’s presence in the United States was lawful but temporary, and the person’s father was not a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident at the time of said person’s birth.”

Trump is now asking SCOTUS to allow him partial implementation.

Birthright citizenship is both highly unusual and just plain ridiculous. You can't find other countries practicing it (there may be one or two but as far as I know the the only one) and that never happened until the Constitution was amended to protect freed black slaves. It was never intended to make citizens of invading aliens or foreign agents. And in fact the children of diplomats or others who are "subject to the jurisdiction" of a foreign power - which illegal aliens most assuredly are subject to.

It is interesting to note that the huge influx of immigrants in the late 19th century largely dovetailed with the widespread interpretation of the fourteenth Amendment to guarantee citizenship to anyone born here.

And SCOTUS has never ruled on this. Lower courts only, and none of them have ever ruled on it as a constitutional matter but primarily in practicality over specific cases.

Right now citizenship is like scoring a touchdown in football; you just have to break the plain of the end zone to win. If a pregnant woman slides feet-first to the border and her bottom breaks the plain of the boundary her kid becomes a U.S. citizen. It's just mind-blowingly ridiculous. Maybe "citizen birthing" should become the new national sport, with pregnant women racing to score and win the big prize!

At any rate if SCOTUS does not grant this I fear it signals they won't take the case or will decide against Trump.

We need to settle this once and for all.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Another Taxpayer Heist

Timothy Birdnow

Another day, another Biden money scam uncovered.

A New Beltway Mystery - Fo.low the Biden EPA Money

From the Real Clear Investigations article:

Zeldin has asked the EPA’s inspector general and the Department of Justice to investigate the unorthodox arrangement.

"I think it will be an uphill battle to recover the money, but it’s impressive to see Trump and Zeldin running with it,” said Daren Bakst of the conservative Competitive Enterprise Institute, which has labeled the Greenhouse Gas money "slush funds.”

"Even if you look past the entities that receive the money, or how they figured out how to get the money to them, this is a setup that is prone to corruption, abuse and cronyism regardless of party,” Bakst said. "The whole thing looks questionable.”

The process began before the April 4 announcement. In December 2022, Jahi Wise, an executive with the Coalition for Green Capital, joined EPA as a senior adviser. In July 2023, the EPA published a request for proposals from applicants to the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.

The Fund was broken into three parts. The two largest, the National Clean Investment Fund (NCIF) and the Clean Communities Investment Accelerator (CCIA), received huge sums, totaling $20 billion. Notably, as RCI reported last October, grants went to nonprofits that had paltry assets, had been granted their nonprofit status only the month before, or had people associated with them that had previously served various federal or state Democratic administrations. For example, the Coalition for Green Capital, Wise’s former outfit, was awarded $5.1 billion.

Three weeks later, an arrangement was made between OMB and EPA in which the money was designated "non-exchange” rather than "exchange” – a first for EPA funds, according to current officials. That label allowed for the money to be moved to recipients in lump funds rather than parceled out over the length of the deals with the nonprofits, which in most cases were slated to run until 2029, 2030, or later, records show. It also called for an outside financial institution to manage the money, in part because the agency had zero experience in handling grants of this size.

Although the language in the Inflation Reduction Act dealing with the Greenhouse Gas funds does not use "shall,” the word Congress usually employs to indicate that something is required, the law did impose a deadline of Sept. 30 – the end of the fiscal year – EPA officials and legal experts agree.

On June 27, as the EPA was making its deals with the nonprofits, Biden had his disastrous debate with Donald Trump, and on July 21 Biden ended his re-election campaign and threw his support to then-Vice President Kamala Harris. The Greenhouse Gas fund money remained unobligated at that point, according to EPA officials.

The deals were finally completed and the National Clean Investment Fund and the Clean Communities Investment Accelerator money was obligated to the nonprofits on Aug. 16, according to a timeline provided to RCI. That left $7 billion, the portion that comprised the third component of the fund, Solar For All.

At that point, the $20 billion, though obligated, remained with the Treasury, officials said. A memorandum of understanding between EPA and the Treasury Department on moving the mountain of cash was not signed until Sept. 6.

Two weeks later, the Republican-led House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee held a hearing to learn more about EPA funding oversight, calling the agency’s inspector general Sean O’Donnell to testify. O’Donnell made clear he had never seen the maneuvers the EPA was making with the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, and said neither he nor his staff would be able to stay on top of it.

"I can’t say enough about how complex this system will be,” O’Donnell testified. "It’s like they created an investment bank. It’s fantastically complex. I think it’s unusual.”

Yet it was not until Nov. 12, three working days after Trump beat Harris in the 2024 election, that the EPA began talks with Citibank about taking control of the $20 billion, Trump administration officials told RCI. During those negotiations, on Dec. 5, Project Veritas released an undercover video of an EPA official laughing about what he considered an extraordinary process, likening it to "throwing gold bars off the deck of the Titanic.”

The Citibank arrangement effectively removing direct EPA oversight, and with interest on the $20 billion going to the grant recipients, was signed on Dec. 27, agency officials told RCI. The deal thus represents a carve-out for the two aspects of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund that accounted for the $20 billion; the $7 billion comprising Solar For All remains with Treasury. The Trump administration has frozen that money, although some of it has already been distributed, according to federal records.

Critics of the spending said the timeline smacks of shady politics.

No question this is a slush fund and it's sole purpose was to avoid oversight.

Is it any wonder the country is broke?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 12, 2025

Light Blogging Continues

Dear readers,

Light blogging will continue for a time yet. My wife has been moved to a skilled care facility and still requires a lot of attention. I'll keep pecking away when time permits. I know that Friday I'll be taking the day off and will try to do some updating at that time.

Thank you for your patience.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:10 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Grime and Punishment

This from Judicial Watch courtesy of Common Sense and Wonder:

Supreme Court Asked to Review California’s Retaliation against Judicial Watch Over YouTube Election Integrity Video

(Washington, DC)– Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a petition for awrit of certiorariin the United States Supreme Court concerning a Judicial Watch lawsuit asserting that the California Secretary of State retaliated against Judicial Watch because of an accurate election integrity video posted to YouTube just before the 2020 Election (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Shirley Weber, in her official capacity as Secretary of State of the State of California(No. 2:22-cv-06894)). The California Secretary of State used its well-established working relationship with Big Tech to have YouTube remove and censor Judicial Watch’s video.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:45 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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March 10, 2025

Out of Africa

Timothy Birdnow

U.S. Marshall had to escort DOGE into the offices of the U.S. African Development Foundation and locks had to be changed. the Foundation staff was refusing entry to Musk and his team and Steve Marocco, head of international aid for the Trump Administration.

What do they have to hide?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:56 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Mexico Befouls Water to America

Timothy Birdnow

So they want to play this game, eh?

Mexico Dumps Raw Sewage into River Used by San Diego Residents

I hate to tell the Mexicans but the Colorado river runs through the U.S. before it reaches Mexico. Be a shame if anything should happen to all that water the Mexicans depend on so much...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:39 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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The Road to Jerusalem

Timothy Birdnow

Pope Urban II launched the First Crusade over not much worse.

West-Backed Jihadists In Syria Massacre Over 1000 Alawite & Christian Men, Women & Children

Urban launched the First Crusade after Muslims massacred 1400 pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem. This was the last straw; the Turks had been systematically harassing Christian pilgrims, kidnapping and ransomong them and generally abusing Christians in the area. But it wasn't much worse than what we are seeing today with the persecution of Christians in the Middle East.


"After several days of radical Sunni Islamist militants targeting religious minorities in Syria for mass killings, mainly in coastal areas, the mainstream media has belatedly begun to cover it (as the killings are growing to the point of getting too hard to ignore). Some correspondents estimated that there are thousands dead and wounded, mostly Alawites but also Syrian Christians among them, as post-Assad Syria unravels under Hayat Tahrir al-Sham's (HTS) Jolani.

"The death toll from two days of clashes between Syrian security forces and loyalists of ousted President Bashar Assad and revenge killings that followed has risen to more than 1,000, a war monitoring group said Saturday, making it one of the deadliest acts of violence since Syria’s conflict began 14 years ago," The Associated Press reports.

The jihadists, which include foreign fighters as well as ruling HTS members, in some cases are simply going into the homes of non-Sunnis and massacring whole families. The terrorists haven't been shy about uploading their killings on the internet as well as in livestreams. Men, women, children, and even babies are being brutally murdered.

Where is Richard the Lion-Hearted when you need him?

Oh, the Crusades are usually blamed on the Christians these days but the reality is they were a response to centuries of aggression against Christendom on all fronts and while there were excesses and very bad things done by some of the western armies by and large the Crusades were not about conquest nor were they any more cruel than the Turks had been. The Crusades primary goal was to reopen the pilgrimage roads to Jerusalem.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:31 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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