January 22, 2021

Where is All the Right Wing Violence

Warner Todd Huston

The media has been telling us for weeks that Inauguration Day was going to bring wide-spread violence not just in D.C. but in every state capital all at the hands of evil Trump supporters. There was nothing at all. Not a single thing. Not. Any. Where. And et, the media has just moved on as if they never said any of this. Who is out there to speak "truth" to the media's power?a

Tim Adds:

I saw on the news a man being interviewed who credited it with the troops in D.C. and elsewhere, claining "there would have been violence if we hadn't taken a firm hand". I guess that's the future; the iron boot to squash any conservative protest. Notice that Antifa looted the DNC headquarters in Portland, though; not much concern about THAT.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:39 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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