June 30, 2023

Weaponized SEC Going After Trump Investors

Timothy Birdnow

When you fall afoul of the Ruling Class they will destroy you utterly. In this case they are going after Trump investors so as to make everyone understand Mr. Trump is a pariah and anyone associated with him is facing the fury of the American legal system.

The Securities and Exchange Commission is going after three top investors in Truth Social, Mr Trump';s alternative to Twitter.

Anone who believes this is anything but pure spite and reprisal is a fool.

According to Yahoo Pravda:

The regulators allege that the trio—brothers Michael and Gerald Shvartsman and Bruce Garelick, who worked for Michael Shvartsman—rolled up $23 million in October 2021 thanks to non-public intel about the corporate maneuvers, violating confidentiality agreements and insider trading rules in the process.

I seriously doubt that. And I imagine the SEC does too, but they have these fellows in the crosshairs.


If they can't get Trump the man they can go after his people. The Left has done that for years. I remember when they went after Ronald Reagan's people, good people like James Watts, so as to make governing impossible for him.

Remember The Firm?  At the end the law firm was taken down - not the Mafia Dons. When asked about it the main character said "take away their lawyers and you break them". He was right, and that is exactly what they are doing to Trump. They have already made it plain that any lawyers who work for Trump face blackballing at a minimum. More likely trumped up charges and disbarment. Look at how they are now going after Rudy Guilliani, the hero of New York and former Presidential candidate; they are pushing all sorts of legal attacks against him, and will probably send him to jail before it's all over. NOBODY had better work for Trump, or anyone who bucks the system in the way that Mr. Trump did.

Now they are going after investors. We have seen this with ESG and other "woke" investment bans and with boycotts. Now we are seeing the legal weaponization of the SEC to attack any and all opposition.

America has become a Fascist state, driving headlong to Communism.

I hope the money and power soothes people like Joe Biden and Barack Obama and all of these prosecutors when they spend eternity in Hell.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:26 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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