June 28, 2023

War and Drugs

Nikki Grace

The spiders in any army are the drugs that seep into the troops.

The west brought opium to the east. After hundreds of years of the infection, the Chinese people chose communism to root it out as an incentive. They wanted the decadence gone. There were many purges.

Vietnam pot and hallucinogens destroyed a generation of returning vets and infected the USA.

Ganga Weed fuels much murder in some countries.

Now we see that Ukrainians use cocaine, a drug that gives a sense invincibility and high risk taking, but paranoia and mental and physical collapse comes soon.

Zelensky clearly is on it and likely many Wagner troops. Wagner will be disbanded, the clean ones will be brought into the Russian military, but expect that to be few. Wagner as the tip of the spear has lost their usefulness. Russian military has had time to build and change their character. The drug infected will be rooted out of Russian society.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:00 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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