March 23, 2023

Turning Off the Tap


Nearly 1 billion people in cities around the world face water scarcity today and the number is likely to reach between 1.7 billion and 2.4 billion within the next three decades, according to the UN World Water Development Report. Could it be the same people pushing suicide by EVs are going to make sure by making drinking water scarce?

Tim adds:

Now we have a true hydraulic empire. Control water and you control the people.

A hydraulic empire is a despotism where the king or Pharoah or emperor has a monopoly on water. He doles it out liberally to those who please him and cuts it off from anyone who dares to oppose him. There can be no rebellion in such an empire because the king holds the power of life and death over the citizens. Life via water or death by thirst or the drough taking their crops.

I've long argued that this is exactly what the world's elites are building. They control energy, meaning they control the things that make our civilization run. They have been sticking their fingers into agriculture, and now with plans to control water they will own it. The time will come when nobody dare buck them on anything.

That is the purpose of this U.N. report. Water is ubiquitous on Earth and fully renewable, recycling naturally. But there are efforts to restrain water usage and thus to control the public with rationing.

California is a prime example. They let much of their water run down rivers to the sea to protect bait fish in the marshlands and tidal pools and then blame Climate Change for the resultant drought. California is semi-arid. You can't grow things there without irrigation. In the past the reservoirs were filled up during the we season and then tapped as needed. Now the environmentalists won't let them do that and the result is drought. It need not be that way.

And even if it did the state sits on a huge body of water called the Pacific Ocean. They could desalinate water and use it for the crops, or even for those bait fish they so worry about.

But there is no effort to do that because they don't want to solve the "problem". They want to control the population with the water.

Nobody ever rebelled against Pharoah. And rarely against the Chinese emperor. And if they get their way there will be no resistance to the New World Order.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:01 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 416 words, total size 3 kb.

1 A hydraulic empire is a despotism where the king or Pharoah or emperor has a monopoly on water.

Posted by: Audemars Piguet Replica at May 13, 2023 02:37 AM (SUYyh)

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