July 15, 2024

Trump in Retreat

Timothy Birdnow

The assassination attempt is having it's desired effect; it's making Trump tone down his convention speech.

This is exactly what the Democrats want.

Trump's "give 'em hell" style and combative nature are what move many Americans. The Left via the media has always sought to tamp down Conservative enthusiasm with this "come together' notion. As it hasn't worked in recent years they have now resorted to attempted assassination and Trump is falling in line with it.

I think "unity" is a mistake. We are not in a season for unity. We are in a rebellion against rising Fascism.

Weren't calls for "unity" exaclty what Hitler wanted? Lenin? Had the opposition not sought unity over resistance perhaps the horrors of Naziism and Bolshevism would have been avoided.

But Trump is apparently being swayed by what happened.

I truly hope God is speaking to him and telling him to do this and not the other guy.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:20 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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1 Me too! The time for a unity speech is when he's inaugurated, not now.

I'm writing this on the second day of the Convention, and we heard some crackerjack speeches, including (but not limited to) DeSantis's firebreather; Vivek's good one; in the "common people's" section the black woman from New York gave a great one; Marco Rubio laid a bunch of things on the line; Sarah Huckabee Sanders gave a very sweet one; Lara Trump made a good fund-raiser; Ben Carson gave a good account of himself, and so on and so on. I seriously doubt that when it comes to the Democratic Convention, any of them will have as good to say for themselves. Although Kamala may have some new cackles for us.

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at July 17, 2024 12:02 AM (pdDZ2)

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