August 03, 2024

The Witchcraft of Transgenderism

Timothy Birdnow

Here are some thoughts of mine about the rising trannie movement and the horrible destruction being wrought by it. What happened to the female boxer is just the beginning.

We no longer recognize men at all in our modern society, and when we do it's always "toxic masculinity" and not the virtue of manliness. It's so bad men are trying to become women to get some respect.

I don't think we need to redefine anything; we need to RESTORE the celebration of masculinity.

And it was the fact that this dude was biologically male that made this grossly unfair. HE had the male hormones which gave him superior upper body strength, speed, and the aggression to pummel a girl like that.

First and foremost we need to admit men and women are not the same, and not even equal. We are COMPLEMENTARY with abilities and talents particularly suited to our sex. A man can be a good single parent but a woman generally does better because she is contitutionally better suited to it. A man is a better protector although a woman can do it. This event proves quite plainly that feminism is profoundly wrong.

And women are unhappy under the crushing spiked heel of feminism, and the feminists are the most unhappy because they are fighting against Nature and Nature's God. God made us male and female - we are the ones who deny it at our own peril. And to our societal sorrow.

I think all this discussion about "toxic masculinity" needs to be rejected by society. Yes, there are a still woman-haters around, mostly in Third World countries, and most of it stems from society abusing boys, telling them that being male is to be a scumbag and girls are inherently better. Much of the "toxic masculinity" would end if we stopped pushing boys to be more like girls.

We would have far fewer trans people around if we did that. You can't tell children they should hate their own sex and then not expect them to claim they aren't what God made them. These days a child is a fool to be "binary". Society has made it that way.

I am mindful of the sin of Lucifer "I will scale the heavens, I will set my throne above the Most High” Isaiah 14:14. That is exactly what transsexualism does - sets the throne of Man above the throne of God. It's witchcraft in no small part. The deification of Man as the final arbiter of what is real.

This rebellion will only run it's course after many, many people suffer terribly because of it.

BTW a trans volleyball player injured a teenage female player terribly and laughed about it recently.

Until our society admits it's guilty and turns away from this willful rejection of reality things will only get worse and worse. God will not be mocked.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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