July 30, 2017

The War We Are In

Understanding the Enemy: The Statist Media :

Part 1Part 1Part 1Part 1 Part 1

Joseph Dalton Leatherwood

The American "news media” must take direct responsibility for the current state of affairs the nation finds itself today, a state of affairs presenting us with a darkness known as socialism and a nation engaged in what can only be described as an uncivil civil war.

Now, I must point out at the beginning, the bulk of the responsibility for the current state of affairs lies at the feet of "We the People,” ourselves. As a people, we have demonstrated, through a growing apathy, an unwillingness to govern our own nation. That is to say, the republican form of government gifted to us by our forefathers requires we (a) become a well-informed citizen (citizenry) and (b) give consent to the government to take actions. As a people, we have failed to fulfill those responsibilities, reflecting an engulfing political apostasy.1

While "We the People,” must take the bulk of the blame, it is, nonetheless, the news media and other forms of media (The Great Stereopticon) that have systematically undermined the foundations of this nation. The Great Stereopticon has been able to do this because of their ability to permeate what we read, the airwaves and what we watch. Through their strategies of deception and manipulation, they have created enough confusion and complacency among the people to bring about the apathy and ignorance now reigning o’er the nation.

As a group, they have purposely looked the other way or directly aided and abetted the rise of socialism, the cheap (Fabian) socialist politician, and the corruption gripping the United States government. They have served as little more than the propaganda arm of the State (government and its administrators) in manipulating or trying to purposely beguile the American public about (a) the establishmentarian ruling class and (b) the actions of the State.

1 Assigning blame is a dangerous thing because there are many individuals and entities besides the press and ‘We the People’ to include in bringing about the current state of affairs in the United States. Major institutions have been penetrated and taken over by the Fabians. They include the education establishment (at all levels), the law profession, government, entertainment, many corporations and businesses, many charitable organizations, large business associations and other organizations where Fabians have used stealth and deception to "push through their socialists objectives.” [Keynes at Harvard: Economic Deception as a Political Credo, (New York, New York: Veritas foundation, 1962), page 17.]

When the "media” and the government’s agenda and objectives are the same; then the nation has a real problem. A problem because the "media”, such as it is, is no longer a free press or institution but an auxiliary of the government (State). It has become an agent of the State and its administrators and an enemy of ‘We the People.’

As an auxiliary, the "media” becomes little more than a Ministry of Enlightenment and Propaganda. It is no longer a purveyor of news; rather it becomes a processor and propagator (mouthpiece) of (a) "news” of and for the State or (b) "news” to call for, substantiate and support State actions or (c) "news” to manipulate the population in accepting Statism. The modern day "media” have become little more than the public relations arm of the State charged with running the marketing campaign for its administrators (socialists) and their statist agenda.

Both in the United States and around the world, The Great Stereopticon has become little more than beatificators for the State and its governors. At every opportunity, we observe they are the loudest chorus line singing the praises of the State and calling for its empowerment over individuals, institutions,

businesses and the people. Furthermore, they have become bootlickers for every statist socialists around the world. Even the most repugnant of these statists are ignored and even celebrated by these sycophants.

The Great Stereopticon has become the mouthpiece for statism. Through their actions they seek to create and induce actions pointed toward a predetermined end. That "predetermined end” is the empowerment of the State, protection and exaltation of Statist administrators and maintaining, consolidating and extending the political power of the State (and its administrators).

The Great Stereopticon is nothing more than the statist media – the ministry of propaganda – assuming the role as mouthpiece to curry favor with every statist socialist politician. The statist media has increasingly allied itself with one political party and become its principal propagators and defenders. The statist media have become the central drivers of the statist agenda because of its faith in socialist ideals, opinions and policies. They have become the guardians of socialist orthodoxy and its principle apologists.

Instead of being a watchdog taking government and the ruling class to task, they have effectively joined forces with the State and the establishment ignoring the absolute failure of government policies and programs (socialist in nature) over the past 100 years.

Socialism has arrived in America thanks to what is commonly termed the "media” because of its failure to inform the American people about what has been going on in this nation. Richard M. Weaver foretold of this coming corruption in his book Ideas Have Consequences. Weaver warned the nation of the "media’s” impact on the individual, culture and the nation. He clumped the news media into an all-encompassing phrase "The Great Stereopticon” which included all forms of media from the written word to the talkers to the hypocrites on celluloid.2

2 Richard M. Weaver, Ideas Have Consequences, (Chicago, Illinois: The University of Chicago Press, 1984), p. 92.

The Great Stereopticon is this conglomerate used to persuade and manipulate the collective activity of the people. Its purpose is "… the systematic indoctrination from day to day of the whole citizenry through channels of information and entertainment.” The function of this machine is to "…project selected pictures of life in the hope that what is seen will be imitated.” As weaver wrote, "We are told the time to laugh and the time to cry, and signs are not wanting that the audience grows ever more responsive to its cues.”3
We have corruption running rampant in Washington and across this nation. Yet, the "media” have failed in their responsibility to inform the American people about this corruption. They have failed in their jobs, their professions, because they have become an integral part of the establishment ruling class.
Over the past 100 years, the "media” have slowly abandoned their responsibility of holding government and politicians accountable and joined with the ruling class and what we basically have today is a State-Media complex that is geared toward persuasion and manipulation of the American public.

In his 1961 farewell address to the nation, President Eisenhower warned the nation about the Military-Industrial Complex; instead, he should have taken the time to warn us about a far more sinister threat the State – Media Complex that has been far more insidious in its actions and its results.
We now have a giant public relations complex spewing out twisted logic; analyses, newspeak and Fake news to justify (protect) the actions of the State, its administrators and supporters. Not only have they abandoned their primary responsibility, they have become highly partisan in their actions. It is obvious they have stopped reporting and uncovering corruption when it involves fellow travelers. They are little more than repeaters of government news releases and reports as truth while engaging in interpreting (justifying) what the administrators of the State desire.

As a partisan arm of the state, they seek to present the side of the administrators glorifying their actions and championing their every policy and program in the most favorable light.4 There is little difference in the efforts of the so-called news media and the wishes of the administrators of the state - they [the "media”] dutifully conform to the unconstrained vision put forth by the administrators and ruling class and they are committed to furthering the state’s objectives over the people. The media have become little more than a propaganda arm of the State and an enemy of ‘We the People.’
3 Richard M. Weaver, Ideas Have Consequences, (Chicago, Illinois: The University of Chicago Press, 1984), p. 93.

4 When speaking of the actions of the administrators what we are talking about are those who manage the government, those who manage the apparatus of power - the government. Their actions take the form of executive orders, legislative mechanisms, judicial fiats, and bureaucratic rulings. So long as the actions taken by the administrators is to expand the scope and role of government, the so-called media will go along with that action but will oppose in the most virulent manner any persons or administrators who seek to limit or roll back government intervention

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:24 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Posted by: Terry Radford at April 21, 2020 01:32 AM (v88lq)

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