December 30, 2024

The Triumph of Junk Science

Timothy Birdnow

When Michael Mann questions climate alarmism, you are talking about very, very bad science indeed.

Read it here.


A study published early this year found Earth is on course to reach 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius) of warming relative to preindustrial levels by the late 2020s — more than a decade earlier than current projections. Global warming of 2 C is considered a critical threshold to prevent the worst effects of climate change; warming beyond this would greatly boost the likelihood of extreme weather and other destructive impacts.

The study authors said in a news conference that their results mark "a major change to the thinking about global warming," because they bring forward the advent of human-made climate change by four decades, meaning scientists have been underestimating the level of warming all along. The United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates that global warming began around 1900, but the recent study says the start date is more likely to have been in the 1860s.

The authors based their results on climate indicators found in old skeletons of sponges from the Caribbean Sea. But other experts criticized the findings, saying the authors wrongly extrapolated from highly local data to draw conclusions about the whole world. "The study fails to support its global claims with robust evidence, and it fails by a huge margin," Jochem Marotzke, a professor of climate science and director of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Germany, told Live Science.

"Skepticism is warranted here," Michael Mann, director of the Penn Center for Science, Sustainability and the Media, told Live Science. "It honestly doesn't make sense to me."


Now, in 1860 we were just departing the Little Ice Age; the Dalton Minimum ended just around 1830, and the planet was in a warming trend. The Little Ice Age is always dated to around 1850, so it was a natural warming that was occurring during this period. Duh.

And atmospheric co2 in the late 1860's was believed to be around 285 ppm (parts per million) which was actually lower than most periods in history. It was certainly no higher; during the Medieval Warming Period atmospheric co2 was also at 285 ppm.

I would add a rise in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere generally follows a warming period - does not proceed it. And that by a good 500 to 1000 years. What was happening in 1300? The Medieval Warming Period. The MWP is generally thought to have ended around 1350, though it persisted for a time in some places. Interestingly enough, multiple civilzations collapsed when it ended - the Mound Builders in the midwest, the Mayans moved out of the Yucatan at about this time, and a number of city states in South America collapsed.

As we now enjoy the modern Holocene Warming Period we are so incredibly ungrateful we complain about the warming as though it is somehow toxic and blame ourselves for it. Crazy; warming periods have always been beneficial to humanity.

At any rate this article also has other science nonsense (such as the photo of the black hole at the galactic center, something I doubt they could take as it is covered by gas and dust - nobody has ever seen the core and probably never will.

And then there is the silly idea that space debris will weaken the Earth's magnetosphere.

It's interesting and illustrates what I have been saying for a long time; science is dead and has been replaced by a kind of false religion, much like Elmer Gantry faith healing types tried to replace Christianity. There is the "publish or perish" paradigm and scientists are so eager to make a name for themselves they concoct ridiculous ideas and then promote them -and the academics all goalong with it because nobody wants to be the first to say the emperor is nude. And of course government money has corrupted the whole thing; a novel thesis gets big bucks; good, solid research that confirms what we already knew does not.

Science is what made the Western World strong. AS it declines so too declines our whole civilization. Training more people and throwing more money at it won't help; it's been the cause of the problem in many ways. What is needed is common sense and an end to the "look at me" culture that has invaded science research.

Michael Mann is a prime example.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:55 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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