So why wee there no skeptical or critical pieces about O’Rourke
when he was running for the Senate in Texas last year? Couldn’t be
media bias could it? Back then he was running against the hated Ted
Cruz, but now he doesn’t check off enough correct identity boxes and is
running against a field of much more entitled Democrats, so media
liberals have decided to trash him. Couldn’t be that, could it? You
mean it could?Vanity Fair,
which put O’Rourke on its cover a few months back to help him launch
his current ego trip, chronicles all the ways the media puffed up
O’Rourke last year, but now is treating him harshly. Along the way Vanity Fair confesses that this quick turnabout is the result of media bias
Fay Voshell adds:
and the other couple dozen candidates have already lost the nomination
because Biden, backed by the Obama/Clinton syndicate want a toady of
their own making--but one who appears jolly and harmless. Biden gives
an avuncular appearance while embracing every idea of the radical Left,
including abortion on demand throughout the entire nine months of
pregnancy and beyond.
is the current puppet of choice for the puppet masters. If he won, he
would not be president. The puppet masters would be president.