February 27, 2024

The Return of the "Cold From Warmth" Meme

John Lees

I joined a pro-climate-alarm group, for some odd reason.
One of the admins posted a meme in which they promoted the theory that extreme cold in the N. Hemisphere is caused by warming. That's a now popular idea. That cold is caused by warming.
So, I posted the National Geographic illustration from the late 1970's in which it is explained that such extreme cold should be expected to result, not from warming, but from cooling.
So, that was the theory back then. That cooling causes more cold.

Tim adds:

I wrote about this some years back. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2010/12/snow_blind.html and at my own site. http://tbirdblog.blogspot.com/2012/02/its-not-cold-because-its-warm-judah.html

Climatologist Judah Cohen was the prophet of this notion, that it's "cold because it's hot".

He belleved warming is causing more snow, which is being trapped in the Himalayas and leading to dropping temperatures as the snow reflects more sunlight.

To quote myself:

"Also, if warming is causing an increase in ice in Siberia, why is the Greenland glacier not growing? Look; the AO moves water vapor in a circular pattern around the Arctic, and while this could mean more snow in Siberia, it should equally mean more snow in Greenland, in Svalbard, on Novaya Zemla. Cohen's argument is that the Himalayan peaks create a pool where snow can be deposited, but Greenland forms a similar barrier. If Siberia is gaining ice then why isn't Greenland doing likewise?

If I may quote my American Thinker piece:

"Several points to ponder here; first, Arctic sea ice has melted in the past. For example, George Ifft, the American consul at Bergen, Norway, reported in 1922 the disappearance of icebergs, seals, and glaciers in general in both the sea and on land. Hunters and fishermen reported a dearth of ice as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes, and warm waters to a depth of 3,100 meters. Strangely, we did not witness this extra cold and snow that Cohen has predicted.

One must also question the assertion that Global Warming (alias Climate Change, alias Global Climate Disruption, alias Global Climate Flatulence) is responsible for melting Arctic ice. As Roger Pielke Sr. has pointed out, if carbon dioxide were driving Arctic melt we should see changes in the thaw and freeze dates -- earlier thaws and later freezes. We see nothing of the sort. And, despite claims to the contrary by James Hansen, we have seen no statistical warming since 1995 -- and that according to Phil Jones, he of the CRU scandal at that!

Furthermore, what do we mean by unusual weather events? We have had blizzards -- many of them -- in the past, and will continue to have them in the future. What is different is that now we are studying every patch of the globe intently, using satellites (and satellite data has only been available since the end of the '70's) and other high-tech gadgets. Are these really unusual weather patterns or simply things we are only now noticing? For example, Sioux Falls, SD received 21 inches of snow in the blizzard of 1909, and 20 inches in 1917. The snowiest year on their record was 1968, when they received 96 total inches.

You will notice that the year of drastic snow melt in the Arctic -- 1922 -- did not make honorable mention there. In fact, Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover Area (SCA) in winter did rise by the end of the 1920's, not during the melt of 1921, according to the IPCC and as of 2005 was down considerably. If Arctic ice melt is causing more snow, then we should see this happen when the Arctic is ice free. The IPCC's own work shows less snow in spring and summer, I might add."

End excerpt.

And here is a graph of Northern Hemisphere snowcover since 1967.

Please note that 1978 saw a spike in snow cover in Eurasia - during a cold period, not a warm period. It does show an increase in snowfall in recent years - to early 1970's levels. Mr. Cohen's theory is predicated on increased temperatures leading to more water vapor in the atmosphere to fall as snow. But it is the cold periods that show increased snowfall historically. Also, we have been in a period without rising temperatures, a break in global warming. Why is snowfall increasing now?

The reality is Cohen is just another theoretician using computer models that do not explain reality."

End quote.

I didn't bother to go into the fact that water vapor is earth's primary GREENHOUSE GAS and as such actually warms the planet.

People who believe "it's cold because it's hot" are likely to have hidden under their beds from Martians after listening to Orson Wells.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:49 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
Post contains 792 words, total size 5 kb.

1 These are the "thunder causes lightning" people, right? Makes about as much sense. (You get extra credit if you can identify the origin of that quote.)

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at February 27, 2024 11:16 PM (X5D0l)

2 That pretty much puts it succinctly.

What is the origin Dana; I don't know and didn't want to use Google.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at February 29, 2024 08:46 AM (BaD1+)

3 None other than Lewis Carroll. I'm just not sure if it was "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" or "Through the Looking Glass."

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