January 28, 2021

The Purpose of Illegal Immigration

Timothy Birdnow

In a Facebook discussion the subject of  vote fraud and the permanent rule of the Democrats came up.

Ed says:

Thr pendulum due swing.. however now the dems can control the votes. I think we are done. Can't even move to Canada.... its lib city up there

I said:

Agreed! They now have a machine in place - as they built in California - and we will never see another insurgent get into office, much less a Republican in general. They may let a RINO win the Presidency when they are in a position of power to make it look good, but he won't matter. The end result is we are now in a post-fair election world. The American Republic died.

Edd says:

I found it odd Liz Chaney lead the impeachment for Republicans a RINO George Bush left over.
So sad you just can't understand the evil in people.
Romney needs to turn Democrat becsuse thats what he is...

I wonder however I can't seem to understand the Democrats love of undocumented immigrants at first I thought it was to change the vote to their side... but now it seems they are in total control so would they be less interested in flooding our communities with non Americans. But a trajectory is hard to change I guess..

I reply:

 I think it's more than just a political position with the Democrats. I think they actually want to change America at it's core, and to do that they need to breed out the "poisoned" stock of old Americanism by bringing in a replacement people. Latin America's poor are especially docile in terms of politics, which is icing on the cake, but I suspect it is a way to root out the stiff-necked individualism of the populace. Even with power they are going to want to water down America, to divide it and weaken it. Many in the Democratic Party believe America is fundamentally flawed and evil and must be taken down a few pegs. They want a world where we don't lead so much as are one nation among many, a world run by a coterie of elites and self-styled intellectuals and that leaves no room for a patriotic America. That is why "Make America Great Again" was so controversial to them; it was a REACTIONARY attitude, the kind they have labored to rid us of for decades. Granted, not all of the rank and file of the Democratic Party think this way, but the people running things certainly do and the young bucks who have been brainwashed by the bolshevik academia and educational system do. Changing the American People is absolutely imperative if the great socialistic experiment is to go forward. It cannot be otherwise.

The Left has always believed in eugenics, and they believe in hybrid vigour. They think they can run the races together like a herd of horses to make a better Mankind. That is why we see so many interracial couples on television these days. And a big part of that involves subsuming America into an international "cuisine".

I remember talk about America turning from a melting pot into a "salad". That was a result of the "multicultural" movement which sought to balkanize us. Why? Because a bunch of competing cultures could not stop them from doing what they wanted; they would be too busy fightint amonst themselves. Is it any wonder we had race riots in America leading up to this last election? The Ruling Elites wanted us divided and fighting each-other. Eventually they want us to meld together into a new culture and post-racial society, but only after they have accomplished what they think they need to do to make the New Man.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:13 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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