October 08, 2024

The New World Order

A Greg Delany

I posted this Aug 2019, but still holds true. I added the last paragraph tonight. It is a long read but educational and from things I saw with my own eyes.
To understand what is happening in Ukraine and in the US Deep State, State Department and with President Trumps Planned end around, to fulfill his promise to drain the swamp. You have to go back to George Bush 41. The Globalist and their Agenda have been trying to stop Our President from Day One. He was never supposed to win the election but thank God he did! How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? Sad to say, most people want to close their eyes to things that are hard to look at and not to pay attention to things that scare them. We need to open our eyes to the Globalists Agenda. I have firsthand knowledge and it scares the hell out of me. It probably started much earlier than where I saw it begin in 1991, but I witnessed a plan implemented by Bush to bring America into the New World Order Government. The Clinton's, Bush's and and Obama found the United States Constitution is the stumbling block preventing the plan from succeeding!
I worked at the US Embassy in Moscow 1989-93. and DOD projects in Former Soviet Republics 94-97. In 1991, I was shocked when G.H. Bush, (The ex-CIA Director and probably the man responsible for the attempted assassination on President Reagan,) installed Robert Strauss, (the head of the DNC,) as Ambassador for the US to the USSR. He basically over night installed Strauss, to help encourage Gorbachev to move toward Free market reform and begin the move toward a New World Order. They put together a plan to remove some of the Hardline Communists and resistance to Gorbachev in the Politburo. Gorbachev wanted to reform the Communist Party in the USSR to be more like China and begin to implement some Free Market policies to open trade with the West. They worked together and staged the failed Coup in Moscow August of 1991, just after Bush visited Gorbachev at his Dacha outside Moscow. They hoped Gorbachev could consolidate his power and begin trade agreements with the US in Oil and Gas. Bush, Strauss and Gorbachev never imagined that Yeltsin would intervene and take control of the country after his popular role in the failed Coup. The famous speech from the top of a tank propelled him to become Russia's new President. After Gorbachev failed and he was removed, they needed a new plan. That is when Strauss left Moscow to help instruct his new disciple and student Bill Clinton after his surprise win in the 1992 election. The new plans to conquer the World involved getting oil out of Azerbaijan, and Iraq so we would not be held hostage to the Saudis. Then Part two of the Plan was to get rid of the Nukes in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. Enter Slick Willy and his anti-America, Wife Hillary. They added a supplemental to the START II treaty called "the Budapest Memorandum on security." The US would promise to protect Ukraine against Russian aggression if Ukraine would give up their nukes. The Russians would give up any rights to Crimea and not prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. The Ukraine had the third largest stockpile of weapons on the planet and a huge chip on their shoulder for past sins of Russian aggressions against Ukraine.
Once the US removed all the Nuclear weapons and handed the warheads to Russia. Russia was safe from retaliation from the Ukraine, so they marched into Crimea. Obama did nothing. Russia knowing the Obama's and Clinton's were weak and could be bought with cash, did whatever they wanted. Russia marched into territories that would aid them in building a pipeline to sell oil from Azerbaijan. They took territories in Moldova and Georgia first, saying it was protecting Russian speaking citizens from the hostile governments that were prejudice against Russian speakers. That is like saying Mexico should take parts of Texas because people speak Spanish. Needless to say, both Clinton, Bush and Obama looked the other way and spoke out strongly against these aggressions and let the Russians proceed with their pipeline projects, While the Russians looked the other way and spoke out strongly against The Western invasion of Iraq. All the areas taken by the Russians were to be areas the Russians needed to build a pipeline and make oil production and shipment routes. They took control of sovereign lands to hold control of oil sales to the World. This would help break the back of the Saudi stranglehold on the oil market. The Russians looked the other way while we went in and took control of the Iraqi Oil fields. Europe and Turkey built their own pipeline from Azerbaijan and everyone got rich. One World Order is all smoke and mirrors. They use countries and people like playing cards. They are always on the lookout for the easiest way to control countries and people and the Key to a New World Governing body is the implementation of Global Political system of Government called Socialism.
Conservatives that protect the Constitution in America are the only obstacle standing in the breech. That is why the Democrats and Globalist Elite attack Capitalism and go after the First and Second Amendment the minute they take power. I pray "Our President" President Trump will start to put things back in order and hold the Elites Accountable. These Elites play God and destroy nations to control the World. These Elites are Bureaucrats and Diplomat's and Politicians that work behind the scenes to control policy and media propaganda. . That is why the entire World is out to get President Trump. He is not a member of this Cabal. His Campaign Promised to drain the swamp, has started the hidden war on Freedom! He can and I hope he will expose them. Hillary was selling Uranium and secrets to the Russians, Chinese and Iranians. The entire Clinton, Bush and Obama Cabal have been Colluding with the Globalist Cabal for decades. Hillary allowed her personal computers and servers to be hacked. The Russians, Chinese and Iranians all hacked Top secret intelligence on trade agreements, Our Stealth Drone Program and selling Arms to ISIS in Libya. The Iranians are now using the drone stolen from us in 2012 to now bomb Saudi Oil Fields. Everyone is trying to make President Trump start the next war. He is not paying attention to this evil plan and continues to put American interest First. Peace through strength. Capitalism pushed forward to bolster the Free Market will be the rising tide that lifts all boats. Don't be fooled by the Propaganda wing of the Left and Democrat Party. The MSM and Democrat Party are actively pushing forward with any lie they can fabricate to try and remove the threat of exposure from Trump! Just like Epstein, All the members of the Deep State and the One World Order Cabal will stop and nothing to Remove Trump from Office. We have witnessed three years of false allegations, Deep State Operatives working in the Intelligence Agencies, State Department and White House to keep him from exposing their Plans for World Domination and Slavery to the Elites. Ukraine has been used by the Cabal to try and destroy President Trump. They have no desire to help the people of Ukraine or to uphold our promise to defend them against Russian Aggression. They are being used to push forward an attack and nothing more.
In my opinion, now of course they have unleashed the China Virus to derail the Trump Economy and then remove Trump from Office. If America is stupid enough to elect a single Globalist to office, she deserves whatever happens to her. Vote out Evil, vote out Democrats!

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