July 18, 2024

The Clintonesque Vance

Timothy Birdnow

Listening to Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance I was reminded of Bill Clinton, another hillbilly boy made good. Like Clinton Vance came from a single mother-led household. Like Clinton, Vance was rather poor. Like Clinton, Vance came from a family with substance abuse. Like Clinton, VAnce pulled himself out of poverty and made a success of himself, attending an Ivy League lawschool. Both men seem to be very bright and very, uh, flexible where core issues are concerned.

J.D. Vance despised Donald Trump and worked against him when first elected. Now he's his Veep pick. I know; people change their minds. I certainly did about Trump. But not often, and especially not in politics. To me a quick flip like this bespeaks pure partisan opportunism.

Of course Clinton loathed the military while Vance served, and Clinton married a woman purely for her political value while Vance seems to be quite in love with his wife. And Vance talks a good conservative game. But I see great similarities between the two.

Still, Vance's long-winded discussion about his personal story was very Clintonesque.

Let us hope Mr. Vance has more character than his Arkansas doppleganger.

Oh, one more thing; I noticed Vance resembles Donald Trump Jr. Was that why Trump picked him?

I don't know why Trump chose Vance over other, better candidates. I would have gone with Sarah Huckabee Sanders, or Ramaswami, or DeSantis of Rubio (I don't trust Rubio though and both D and Rube were ineligible because they are also from Florida.) I know Trump chose Vance to get a young guy in (and thus appeal to Millenials) as well as set the stage for a successor, but there are others who would make great successors.

My sense of this is cautiously optimistic. I just don't have a lot of trust in Mr. Vance as of now. I'm from Missouri - he has to show me!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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