June 24, 2018

Statue of Liberty was a LEGAL Immigrant, you Dope!

Timothy Birdnow

So, Gayle King, co-host of CBS "This Morning" thinks that the statue of liberty is weeping because America is arresting people who climb over the fences at our southern border without so much as a by-your-leave.

King schlepped down to the border with other fake journalists to "report" on what is happening:
The battle over the Trump administration’s "zero tolerance” policy on immigration is intensifying, with lawmakers in both parties condemning it as cruel and inhumane.@gayleking is in McAllen, Texas, leading our team along the southern border. https://t.co/M0Xo4E8wQb pic.twitter.com/Zv18r8r6gQ

— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) June 18, 2018

King said, "After talking to the people, watching the people, listening to the people, the Statue of Liberty, I think, is weeping right now.”

End excerpt.

Perhaps Ms. King (who shares a name with an actress who played in the Manchurian Candidate - an apt description of Ms. King's role and her favored candidate in the last election) doesn't realize that the Statue of Liberty came in through a legal port of entry like a proper immigrant. It did not sneak over the border from Mexico and colonize Liberty Island.

Frankly, if it had I would have been in favor of detaining the statue and deporting it.

The article continues:

King asked, "Help us understand why families are being told that your children are going to be taken and given a bath, and then they don’t see their children. How is that OK?”

Padilla responded, "Very respectfully, Mrs. Gale, that’s misinformation that is out there. … Every family member gets a sheet with information to keep track of their child.”V

End excerpt.

And I believe Padilla over King, or at least believe Padilla over the "parents" who were speaking with King. Remember, a great many of these people who showed up at the border recently were organized and supported by these leftist NGO groups (and ultimately probably George Soros and his operation) and I have little doubt they were coached on what to say if interviewed. Also, does King speak Spanish? If not, were these parents speaking English? If so, how did a bunch of impoverished Central American laborers learn English?

Mote than likely King used an interpreter, and it was probably provided by some NGO down there, an "advocate" group. It would be like going to Ferguson and speaking with the New Black Panthers and accepting their word for it - oh wait...

Or more likely she just made this up. News these days is a subjective matter where the mainstream media is concerned.

Until we break the stranglehold of the media on the dissemination of information we are going to have lies masquerading as the truth.

Gilbert and Sullivan gave us the perfect analogy of the modern American media:

Things are seldom what they seem,
skim milk masquerades as cream,
Highlows pass as patent leathers;
Jackdaws strut in peacock's feathers.

"Nuff said!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 06:26 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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