June 25, 2018

Sen. Schumer says his daughter is marrying - another woman

Jack Kemp forwards this:

Schumer announces his daughter is marrying another woman

"Sen. Chuck Schumer used the occasion of Sunday’s NYC Pride March to announce that his daughter, Alison, will be marrying her fiancée, Elizabeth Weiland. The women plan to walk down the aisle on Nov. 18.

"Marching in the #NYCPride Parade has special meaning this year as I am marching with my daughter Alison and her wonderful fiancée Biz! #HappyPride,” tweeted the politician, who wore a lavender shirt to the pride parade.

Alison, 29, is an executive at Facebook, while Weiland’s LinkedIn page says she is in her second year of an MBA program at Columbia University." End excerpt.

Remember when John Kerry was running for President in 2004 and both he and VP nominee John Edwards openly tried to shame Dick Chaney about his lesbian daughter in the debates? Even liberal college kids gasped at this crude tactic as they watched the debates on tv at the nation's college campuses. You don't have to imagine how the Left would react to a Republican with a gay child - you have this crude, arrogant and hypocritical example. Another somewhat related example was Barbara Boxer criticizing Condoleezza Rice during Rice's confirmation hearings for Sec. of State. There, "women's rights feminist" Boxer said that since Rice wasn't married with a child, she had less (or no) consideration for the future of society compared to a parent.

The Democrats believe in DEMOCRAT Women's Rights, and not anyone else's.

I also remember old Chuck Schumer ads of tv for his Senate campaign. He criticized an opponent (probably a Republican but it could have been a Dem primary opponent) who sent their kids to private school (and that might have been a religious school).
Then Chuckie Schumer stood in front of the camera and boastfully said, "My children go to public school." Yeah, and look what they learned.


A lesbian and executive at Facebook and daughter to Chuck Schumer. But there is no bias at Facebook or Google, No sir!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:47 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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