January 27, 2021

Road to Serfdom

James Doogue

'Other than the lesson that fascists and communists are substantially the same kind of creature, what else can we learn? One lesson emphatically should be that we continue to travel along Hayek’s Road to Serfdom at our supreme peril. The more we depend on the government to solve our problems, the more we must surrender our personal freedoms to the whims of government officials. Better to depend on ourselves and on private organizations such as companies, charities, and other organizations formed to solve specific social problems.

In addition, more government control over society, particularly the economy, is increasingly destructive to the economy. Therefore more government control would cause less economic growth than otherwise we would have had, more economic inequality as measured by the Gini index, and less quality of life as measured by the UN Human Development Index.'

https://www.adividedworld.com/political-ideas/are-fascists-and-communists-really-different/?fbclid=IwAR1XSG4E7nbSYW90I8Gp8u-QQc5k9ADJMLyFUnohTJ8QIZHIj5K1Qdz_Puc]Are Fascist and Communists Really Different?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:08 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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