June 19, 2018

Replacing the American People

Timothy Birdnow

Barack Obama seemed determined to fundamentally alter the ethnic and religious and social makeup of the United States. According to Judicial Watch:

According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the U.S. admitted 84,994 refugees during fiscal year 2016, just short of the 85,000 target set by the Obama administration. The U.S. admitted 16,370 refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo, 12,587 from Syria, 12,347 from Myanmar, 9,880 from Iraq and 9,020 from Somalia. Pew Research reports that nearly 39,000 Muslim refugees entered the U.S. in fiscal year 2016, the highest number on record, according to analysis of data from the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center.

In fiscal year 2015, the U.S. reportedly admitted 70,000 refugees. The Obama administration also proposed admitting 110,000 refugees for fiscal year 2017.

President Donald Trump on January 27, 2017 issued Executive Order 13769, which included a suspension of the USRAP for 120 days. There were 29,022 refugees reportedly admitted to the U.S. in 2017 – the lowest number since 2002.

In a July 2017 report on the refugee applicant screening process and associated fraud risks, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) noted that "Increases in the number of USRAP applicants approved for resettlement in the United States from countries where terrorists operate have raised questions about the adequacy of applicant screening.”

End excerpt.

I ask a fundamental question; what RIGHT did Obama have to decide America should be transformed into a fundamentally different place? A President, or Congress, or the Courts simply doesn't have the right to take steps to turn this country into something else. We the People own America - not the politicians, not the judges. Trying to replace us with aliens is, quite frankly, an act of treason.

Please note there was never a plebiscite on the matter. In fact, according to the liberal Brookings Institute:

"Public opinion began to shift, however, in the wake of November 13 terror attacks in Paris. Asked about the best approach to take with refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria, 53 percent of Americans said that the United States should stop accepting refugees altogether (69 percent of Republicans and 36 percent of Democrats). 11 percent of Americans, including 9 percent of Democrats and 11 percent of Republicans, reported that the United States should accept Christians only."

End excerpt.

This is the best Brookings could do, too, because the "shift" was not a shift at all; the article cited American concern for the refugees but did not ask about our actually taking them in. Americans were happy to help as long as they stayed overseas. Settling them here as colonists is a completely different matter.

And we are not just taking in minorities from Third World countries, but, well, read this from PEW:

"Nearly 39,000 Muslim refugees entered the U.S. in fiscal 2016, the highest number on record, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of data from the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center. Muslims made up nearly half (46%) of refugee admissions, a higher share than for Christians, who accounted for 44% of refugees admitted. Muslims exceeded Christians on this measure for the first time since 2006, when a large number of Somali refugees entered the U.S. From fiscal years 2002 to 2016, the U.S. admitted 399,677 Christian refugees and 279,339 Muslim refugees, meaning that 46% of all refugees who have entered the U.S. during this time have been Christian while 32% have been Muslim."

End excerpt.

Isn't it odd that so few Christians have been coming considering the persecution of Christians by ISIS? There have been crucifixions and beheadings of Christians and yet Obama let few come but plenty of Moslems. Why, it's almost as if he wanted to grow Islam in America.

Another point to ponder; The People's Republic of China accepted a grand total of 9 Syrian refugees compared to America's multitude. Oh, I hear it; China is the most populous country on Earth and can't afford to take them. But America is the third most populous country on Earth and it is about time we started acting like it. We aren't a frontier nation anymore. We have reached our occupancy limit.

Meanwhile, Syrian refugees have found little welcome in Russia, a vast country with a lot of unoccupied land and a crying need for labor. Why is that?

Well, first off, Syria is a key ally of Russia and they have been supporting the government there over the rebels. But there's another reason; Putin rightly understands the danger, as Russia has had a problem with Muslim Jihad in the past. Chechens, Turkmen, and a host of others inhabit southern Russia, and there has been a particularly ugly civil war in Chechnya, with horrendous terrorist attacks. Putin knows he cannot afford to add to the Muslim population. He paints himself as the great defender of Christianity, but he is a former top KGB guy, so it's not religious faith motivating him in this instance. He supports Christianity the way Texans supported the Union Army after the Civiil War; to keep the savages (as they saw them) in check. Putin knows that if his people profess a peaceful Christianity they won't be gunning down crowds while shouting "Allah Akbar!"

Putin is a thug but he's no fool. He knows the whole "refugee" crisis was cooked up to overrun the non-Islamic lands in the West.

But America is supposed to take everyone and anyone who wants in, no questions asked, and not just temporarily as the Russians do but on a permanent basis. Oh, and give them the vote. Yes sir.

What is a nation? It is not just a geographical location, but rather is a whole retinue of near familial ties. It is a common language, culture, traditions, generally a religious similarity at the least. It has common legends, common stories, common history. If you bring in immigrants that is fine but they have to be able to enculturate, to actually join the nation they are entering. People like Obama don't like this nation and seek to change it by bringing in alien peoples and NOT enculturating them,but rather using them to change the culture. (Consider for instance that America is the second largest Spanish speaking country on Earth, just bhind Mexico and that change has come in the last generation.) It's a tale wags the dog scenario. Obama does not have the right to do this. Neither does Congress or the Courts. If they want this they must convince the public to accept the idea, or better yet, they should go into exile and represent the new people they seek out in their own lands.

Yes, we DO have a right to decide who comes here, and who stays. It is OUR country and we decide just who is an American. We have that right. Indeed it is our duty to pass this nation along to our progeny. The notion that the elites don't like the American People much and can change them like a used tire is an act of tremendous betrayal to kin and country. It's the act that winds one up in Antenora in Dante's Inferno.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:19 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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