November 19, 2024

Prelude to Armageddon

Timothy Birdnow

Ukraine has started launching long range American missiles into Russia itself, leading Putin to raise the nuclear alert status and inching us closer towards the end of days.

This is a serious escalation and even a senile old fool like Joe Biden should understand the danger of what he is doing. But all he and his ilk care about is screwing Trump, leaving Trump with no option but a war.

The Russian Federation government claims they shot down many of these missiles with ABM systems.

Whether they did or did not, the fact remains that this is an act of war by the U.S. and Russia will have to respond.

Russia has been roundly criticized for attacking infrastructure in Ukraine, especially power plants. Interesting. Yet NATO completely ignores the fact that one of it's own members - Turkey - has done the exact same thing in northern Syria to the Kurds, bombing infrastructure in a drought zone. People are dying of thirst in the Kurdish area, yet the heroes of NATKO remain strangely silent on this.

Let us get Biblical for a moment, shall we. The current alignment is increasingly favorable to the Book of Ezekial and Revelation. Turkey has already tried to divert the headwaters of the Euphrates river to dry it up. Notably in 1990 when Iraq invaded Kuwait. The Euphrates river is the mother water in the Middle East, feeding endless canals in Syria and Iraq. It is the main source of fresh water and cutting it off would lead to an agricultural disaster in the region. So if the Turks are actually trying to cut off water to the Kurds by taking out infrastructure, then how far will they go? Will they actually divert the Euphrates again? That could well lead to a Russian attack from the north, something prophecied in the Bible.

The Euphrates river is a formidable boundary, I might add, and crossing it is difficult as i t is deep and swift. The Bible suggests it will miraculously dry up thus "making the way straight for the King of the East" with his 200 million man army.

Remember, Turkey is in NATO. If this war is starting to spread, as the Biden Administrtion appears eager to make happen, it could easily spread to Syria and Turkey might decide to make everyone downstream very thirsty.

Of course that assumes we don't have a full-blown nuclear exchange. That is one possible scenario. And a limited nuclear exchange may well be predicted in the Bible.

Revelation 8:7-11

7 The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down on the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up.
8The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood,
9 a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.
10 The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water—
11 the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.
12 The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them turned dark. A third of the day was without light, and also a third of the night.


This happens before the drying up of the Euphrates river and the marching on Jerusalem. In Rev. 16:12 we are told:

"The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, to prepare the way for the kings from the east."


It seems to me Turkey, a NATO member, may well dry up the Euphrates to hurt Syria and others downstream. No doubt the war is escalating, as is obvious from the above.

China, ostensibly an ally of Russia although a big competitor, may feel it necessary to move into the region to drive out Western forces and aid their floundering Russian allies and to keep the flow of oil and gas feeding their industry and war machine.

Meanwhile,they seem to meet no resistance from the Iranians nor the Iraqis; that suggests they are allied powers friendly to the Chicoms. We KNOW Iran is an ally of Russia, and the Chinese have been making inroads with them.

In 2021 China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia signed the Strategic Partnership Plan, and it is well known they cooperate in BRICKS. Much of this would never have happened had NATO been wound down after the fall of the Soviet Union rather than expanded. And of course we know the official policy of the United States over the last thirty some-odd years has been to build China into a superpower, and it has worked far, far too well. All the Ruling Class lusted after opening a billion plus consumer market and gave no thought to the terrible peril that unleashed. You may remember during the '90's when Clinton's Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, said it was not good the U.S. was the world's lone superpower. That was how the elitists thought; they wanted us to have a counterbalance, a boogeyman to move us in the direction they wanted us to move. With the fall of the Soviet Union they decided that boogeyman would be china. And like Viktor Frankenstein they created a monster.

So now once again the world is poised on a knife-edge and we are closer to the Apocalypse than ever. Lobbing American missiles into the heart of Russia pushes us that much closer to the End Times and any fool should understand that. But sadly we are not ruled by any fools - we are ruled by spectatcularly foolish fools! I'd love to have had fools in charge!

I wonder; could this Ukraine war lead to a limited nuclear exchange that does enough environmental damage that the events of Revelation are put into motion? Remember, the Bible is particularly prophecying about Israel and her environs. While the ultimate battle will be worldwide and threaten human survival as a species, much of what happens will be centered around Israel. If nukes go off in the Crimean region will fallout drop on Syria and other Middle Eastern regions? Will that poison the waters leading to a big escalation in armed conflict?

It will only be then the Antichrist will be revealed, the "son of perdition". He will make peace between Israel and the Arab world for a short time then turn on Israel, declaring himself God and triggering the Big One. We do not know who the Antichrist is at present.

I had a big argument with a dimwit who claimed Donald Trump was the Antichrist, and I am sure the near miss on Trump only bolstered his belief. But the Bible says he suffered a "mortal head wound" not an ear-nick. And Trump does not fit the description at all. The Antichrist will be the inverse of Jesus. Jesus went to the poor and working class as does Trump, while the Antichrist will undoubtedly go to the rich and powerful. Donald Trump has actually tried to reduce the scope and power of government and appears poised to do so again. The Antichrist will be a man who deifies government. Jesus did not counsel disobedience to government but He told His followers to not take it too seriously as it was but a temporary kingdom. The Antichrist will "He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he sits in God's temple, proclaiming that he himself is God" as it says in 2Thessalonians 2:4. While Trump has a healthy ego and is a vain man he also has repeatedly paid homage to God, most especially after the assassination attempt on him.

No, the Antichrist comes out of the Progressive Left. It is they who lead the charge against Christ and His Church. It is they who support abortion of God's innocents. It is they who fight for all manner of perversions.

Daniel 11:37 strongly suggests the Antichrist may be homosexual.

"37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all."

(Sounds much more like Barack Obama, doesn't it!)

Trump, on the other hand, has great regard for women and regularly surrounds himself with many strong and attractive women. Shoot; Trump owned the Miss America pageant, for crying out loud!

No, Trump is not the Antichrist. But he may well be out there waiting to emerge. Could it be Zelensky? Perhaps. Rocker Ted Nugent called him a homosexual, not that that's an official source. But the rumors have persisted since Volodomor came on the scene. And he has been promoting same sex civil unions in a very straight-laced country. Oh, and The Advocate - a homosexual activist magazine - waxes poetic about Zelensky's LGBTQ bonafides.

If Ukraine is let into NATO and perhaps the E.U. one would find that argument compelling.

But he is just one candidate. I favor a comeback by Barack Obama in some capacity. Maybe he'll wind up in charge of the United Nations? Who knows, but Obama has always set off warning bells in my mind, at least since he became President.

One thing is certain; the Antichrist will be a well educated man, a member of the Intelligentsia, a child of privilege, and unquestionably part of the Progressive movement. He will dismiss God as an anachronism. He will favor destructive but seductive policies, like socialized medicine or rfid tags for individuals, or "gender affirming care" or abortion on demand or euthenasia, or any of the other direct challenges to the Almighty God we've seen from the Left. I can even see how he can "credibly" claim to be God; he'll talk about the new "era of science" and how we are now past the superstitions of religion and that he is the leader into the new, transhuman era. It would be a small step from that to godhood.

Who has tried to strangle the churches? Tweren't the Baptists. We know how they did it during Covid, shutting down religious worship. Trump didn't stop them because that would have been a violation of Federalism and also because Trump was listening to the "experts" at the time - which was Fauci. But Trump never imposed the draconian regulations that Biden would impose as soon as he took office (like firing anyone who refused the clot shot). Certainly Trump didn't shut down religioius worship. That was the Democrats.

At any rate, things seem to be coming to a head and we are in for some very scary, perhaps horrible, times ahead. Maybe not; Trump may put a stop to it with the help of the Almighty (who put him where he is). But Mankind is on probation.

The clock is ticking.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:02 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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1 You've nailed it well, Tim. Some might, indeed, identify Biden as the Antichrist, except that the Antichrist is supposed to be greatly loved, if I'm not mistaken, and I really don't believe that definition fits Creepy Joe. Even his own sycophants doubted he could get re-elected after his debate with Trump.

This last little stunt of his, telling the Ukrainians to go ahead, shoot those long-range missiles at the Russkies, was reckless in the extreme. Does he really want to kick WW III, which is already in progress, into a nuclear conflict? Or doesn't he know any better? As Dave Dickinson loves to say, Good Pea-pickin' grief!

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at November 19, 2024 11:27 PM (j5ngG)

2 Agreed Dana. Biden was neitther popular enough nor erudite enough nor inttelligent enough.  Butt as Paul said, so there have already come many antichrists and no doubt Mr. Biden was one such. Not the big guy certainly, but a small fry guy.

Yeah; it was crazy in  the extreme letting Ukraine do that. It could well end up with us all dead.

Crazy old fool!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at November 20, 2024 07:00 AM (UQNZh)

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