January 20, 2025

Pope Francis Calls Trump a "Disgrace"

Timothy Birdnow

Pope Francis the Apostate dares to call Donald Trump's plan to mass deport the 12 plu MILLION illegal aliens in this country a "disgrace".

This from the man who has just announced he would allow openly gay priests in complete violation of Church law and the Word of God Himself.

I've gone through the multiple passages in the Bible over homosexuality before; it is referred to as "an abomination" in multiple places in the Bible, but Francis now allows open homosexuals into the priesthood because he knows better than God, apparently.

This same Pope said priests could 'bless' homosexual marriages too.

This is the guy who only assumed his position by forcing out the aged prior Pope in what can only be considered a coup in the Vatican - and has since fired any Bishop or Cardinal who opposes him or may oppose him and replacing them with lackeys. This from the guy who actually excommunicated an archbishop (Carlo Maria ViganĂ²) for opposing him.

Francis also allows for open trans people to come into the Church without repenting - and that is clearly forbidden in 1Corinthians 6:9:

"Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate...Shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."

Get it? Got it? Good!

And Francis has made his mission the "poor" and is famous for having eschewed the official mansion supplied to him by the Church in Argentina. But what did he do? Did he actually go live in a homeless shelter? No; he used Church money to get a swank apartment in a wealthy neighborhood in Buenos Aires. He didn't live in a hovel.

Who is shameful? Hey Francis, maybe you should reread John 8:7-11, you know, that part about not casting stones.

God Himself created nations and made it quite clear He intended them to exist. We have every right to control our borders and kick out those who have come here in violation of our laws.

Jesus said in John 10:1:

"Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber."

Seems to me Jesus was giving the very perfect argument against illegal immigration and that makes it quite clear we have no moral responsibility to take in anyone who just happens to walk across our border, any more than a person must allow someone to just walk into their home and start living there rent-free.

I notice Francis doesn't have illegal aliens living with him in the Vatican.

The man is a total disgrace and an Antipope who cannot leave soon enough. He has done irreparable harm to the Church and the whole world.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:59 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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1 Trump is too much the gentleman to reciprocate and call Francis a disgrace, though I (and you) would not castigate him if he did.

Did you hear Cardinal Dolan's invocation at the inauguration today? Absolutely wonderful!

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at January 20, 2025 05:12 PM (6r44G)

2 Yeah; I caught Dolan's invocation. Yeah; pretty good.

Trump won't call this Pope out - especially since he isn't Catholic (Trump, not the Pope although the way this guy operates I'm not so sure.) But you and I are Catholic and I will not remain silent when I witness open apostacy from what is clearly an antipope. We have a duty to speak up over this.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at January 21, 2025 08:29 AM (8ixGE)

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