June 29, 2022

Oh Canada, You Post a Guard on Me

Timothy Birdnow

And our friends in the Great White North are experiencing the same sort of problems as the MAGA types.

From Gerry McGuire:

So, Ottawa protest organizer Tamara Lich was arrested, should we be angry, concerned, disapointed?
A canada wide warrant issued for a girl with two mischief charges? Who does this make sense to? Not me, I'll bet something larger is going on here, got two theories. A canada wide warrant for a person found to be at home, the cops knew where she was the whole time, why not just go quietly and pick her up? Because that wouldn't help the fabricated msm stories coming from her arrest, axe murdering little bitch she must be, dangerous, this woman......

OK, so lets get to the real truth, she is labelled the "leader" of the take over the government "gang", she isn't, wasn't the leader, there were a room full of high pressure names involved, out of the original organizers, she was-is the only one arrested, figure all the people involved with press conferences, lawyers, ex cops, ex military, only a small, five foot girl is arrested. Pat King and freedom george were arrested for their own things, not related to the organizers of the party.

First theory, they are afraid of us, the movement they hadn't counted on, are trying desperately to quell the groundswell currently happening. Arrest our "leader and teach us what will happen if you dare speak up and criticise the current government, problem with that is there are no "leaders" to our movement.

Second, the gov't has gotta show msm and the canadian public they won't deal with rebel rousers, and will enforce the laws of this country. We're approaching canada day, and they can't have this dangerous woman being idolized by speaking to a crowd, infecting others minds.

The most important thing here is the fact that msm hasn't covered the protests, the average canadian joe don't know the facts.
The facts are these, the initial protest was ruled legal, nobody was found to have fault anywhere in the whole process. Police actions, the actions of the city of ottawa were overturned, the seizing of personal property ruled theft and the police force and city ordered to return the items deemed stolen.
The blocking off of the access to the center of the city ruled illegal, restricting the publics right of free access.
The seizing of vehicles by the city of ottawa after towing and all charges for towing levied against the vehicle owners reversed by the courts, leaving the city of ottawa on the hook for payment, every ruling going to the truckers, and now, an inquiry into the gov't handling of the whole affair.

In short, they arrested tamara on mischief charges, that won't stick because she broke no laws, everything she was involved in ruled legal.
BUT, somebody has to pay for embarrasing the liberal cabinet, and several ministers, a lowly five foot tall girl with no political experience shaming people who think they're the most powerful in the country.

This is turning into what it always was, a vengeful witch hunt, only, now its getting harder to hide the truth. We're at a point where msm can't ignore the convoy and all that has come of it, they have a lot of egg on their faces, the major newspapers in ontario having a field day of this thing. Soon as trudeau falls, the money msm gets dries up, they are transitioning now into honest reporting, they also have something to hide from the public. They don't want the public to know they are on the take, they all cut a deal with the devil, not understanding that eventually they'd all be found out and pay the price.

A canada wide warrant for a girl accused of mischief? They drove to her home and picked her up, sound like hype to you? They don't issue canada wide warrants for killers, one of the greatest problems with the cops is they don't have a system of communication to catch killers canada wide.
Pay attention, they're doubling down flexing muscles they no longer have, We're winning.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:24 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Posted by: Kanpur Matka at September 22, 2022 03:59 AM (zm4ix)

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