August 28, 2019

NY Times Discovers Desert Summer Is Hot, Blames Climate Change

Dana Mathewson

More of the Climate Change agenda, if you can stand it. PJMedia's excellent Stephen Kruiser shows how they do it.

Perhaps the goal of climate hysteria-mongers isn't really to save the planet at all, but to drown it in so much nonsense that rational people grow weary of fighting the New World Order they are attempting to impose upon us.

Monday's edition of The New York Times ran an article titled "Heat Deaths Jump in Southwest United States, Puzzling Officials."

The jump involved a spike in deaths over a four-year period in Arizona and Nevada, most of which occurred in Phoenix and Las Vegas. While the increase was statistically significant -- 105 in 2014 versus 374 in 2017 -- we're talking about fewer than 70 people a year in two cities with combined populations of over 5 million

In a desert.

In summertime.

Throw in the 40 million tourists that Las Vegas plays host to annually and the problem, while worth looking at, doesn't seem quite as alarming.

Where the Times goes with this is what caught my eye:

The long-term health effects of rising temperatures and heat waves are expected to be one of the most dangerous consequences of climate change, causing "tens of thousands of additional premature deaths per year across the United States by the end of this century,” according to the federal government’s Global Change Research Program. The effect could be even more severe in other parts of the world, potentially making parts of North Africa and the Middle East "uninhabitable.”

Still, the fact that deaths have already increased so rapidly in Nevada and Arizona is surprising, according to David Hondula, a professor at the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at Arizona State University. He said heat deaths have generally been declining in the United States, thanks to changes like better health care, more air-conditioning and improved weather forecasting.

I was born -- and now live again -- in the Sonoran Desert, which is where Phoenix is. It's hot here. Always has been. I live in one of the cooler parts of this desert (Tucson) and it's going to be 106 here today. At the end of August.

Because it's a desert.

It has always been hot here. I once asked my grandfather what they did here during the summer in the days before air conditioning. His terse reply, "Not much."

The article does explore more plausible explanations, like an increase in the number of homeless or elderly people in the two cities.

While the Las Vegas homeless population has decreased, the number of tourists isn't factored into the possibilities in the article. Tourists, by the way, are notoriously stupid when visiting the desert:


What follows is a Tweet, to the effect that "A group of nearly four dozen fitness coordinators from Kansas became overwhelmed while hiking in the Superstitions yesterday, and two needed to be airlifted."

Also left out of consideration is the fact that Phoenix is the fastest growing city in the United States, and Las Vegas is in the Top 15.

Again, the increase is definitely worth exploring, and I'm not diminishing the fact that people are dying. The heat in the desert is very, very dangerous. I was outside for 15 minutes one day last week when it was 109 and got lightheaded, and I handle the heat very well.

The rest of this excellent article is here:

What Mr. Kruiser implies but does not say is that since Phoenix (and neighboring Scottsdale, with which I have some experience) is the fastest-growing city in the U.S., more than a few of its new population may well be unaware of how to handle the heat, or perhaps be unequipped to do so. If a bunch of fitness instructors can be caught flat-footed by desert heat, you can certainly expect that "civilians" also will be. Take people who have spent their lives in, for example, Boston or Buffalo or Chicago, now able to retire, and saying "Let's get away from winter once and for all," and perhaps taking no account of what summer is going to be like in their chosen new heaven.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:34 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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1 Or, as the weather man in Tucson used to say when I lived there, "It's the desert. It's summer. It's supposed to be hot. Deal with it."
I liked summers in Tucson because it was easy for me to get a tee off time at 12:30-1:00pm. Usually had the golf course to ourselves.

Posted by: Bill H at August 28, 2019 05:36 PM (vMiSr)

2 That was before Global Warming, I take it, Bill? Now you'd be supposed to feel guilty about playing golf while the polar bears are... whatever the warmiacs think they are doing. Duh!
(Yes, I know there are no polar bears in Tucson.)

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at August 28, 2019 09:33 PM (XMpNi)

3 Well, it was 25 years ago, and Tucson was hot in the summer, which it still is according to my friends who still live there. It would usually be 115 or so by the time we finished the front nine, which made the beer taste really good at the turn.
I talked to my friend last month, who said that it was... Wait for it... Was 115 when he finished the front nine.

Posted by: Bill H at August 28, 2019 10:36 PM (vMiSr)

4 Also, how many illegal aliens are in these cities? Many of them don't have air conditioning or whatnot. I think so much of the rise in Third World problems (like heat deaths) stems from the illegal population. Granted, they are used to hot weather in Central America, but that is not desert weather but humid tropical weather, by and large. This is different and it may surprise many of them.

I'd like to see these numbers broken down by demographics.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at August 29, 2019 06:37 AM (c7rU9)

5 Good point, Tim. But when confronting an agenda, facts are useless, as we all know.

And as you ran into when you tried to talk sense into those idiots talking about the rain forest fires. What a bunch of "maroons!"

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at August 29, 2019 12:52 PM (wp4a2)

6 Your article has brought a lot of valuable information to me. douchebag workout

Posted by: hana at August 29, 2019 10:30 PM (vIKAF)

7 Amen to that Dana!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at August 30, 2019 06:11 AM (7PahS)

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