June 29, 2021

No Charges Against Trump

Timothy Birdnow

After promising the kooks in the Democrat Party Trump would be going to prison forever, now Cyrus Vance has to admit he's got squat.

Trump lawyer: Manhattan DA won't charge former president

This headline is misleading; Vance himself said he would not be bringing charges "for now".

From the article:

Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance has indicated he does not currently plan to charge the Trump Organization with crimes related to allegations of "hush money" payments and real estate value manipulations, according to a personal lawyer for Donald Trump.

Ronald Fischetti, a New York attorney who represents the former president, said on Monday that in a meeting last week, he asked Vance’s team for details on charges they were considering.

According to Fischetti, members of Vance’s team said they were considering bringing charges against the Trump Organization and its individual employees related to alleged failures to pay taxes on corporate benefits and perks. It has been widely reported that those perks included cars and apartments and appear to only involve a small number of executives.

"We asked, ‘Is there anything else?’” Fischetti told POLITICO. "They said, ‘No.’”

"It’s crazy that that’s all they had,” he added.

When asked if the meeting touched on allegations made by Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen and by adult film star and director Stormy Daniels, Fischetti replied, "Nothing. Not a word on that.”

Fischetti also said that Vance’s team told him they will not bring charges against Trump himself when the first indictment comes down.

How much do you want to bet he finds something to charge if Trump runs again? They won't need a conviction, just an indictment so they can say Trump is under indictment and we have never knowingly elected a criminal to office (even though an indictment does not make one a criminal.)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:44 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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1 They're hoping to destroy him with the Death of a Thousand Cuts. And, in the process, discourage any other non-Establishment types from running for President.

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at June 29, 2021 10:55 AM (X5D0l)

2 So, being a victim of blackmail and extortion is not a crime. Fancy that.

Posted by: Bill H at June 29, 2021 06:21 PM (/sW5m)

3 Apparently, not any longer, Bill. Justice is no longer blind, and we now live in two Americas -- as B. Hussein Obama said, albeit in a different context, while he was working night and day to make that happen.

But I'm not telling you anything you didn't already know.

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at June 29, 2021 11:14 PM (X5D0l)

4 That is exactly it Dana; death of a thousand paper cuts. And to discourage others from pulling what Trump did. And to make it impossible for Trump to get anyone to work for him.

That last was seen in the court challenges to the vote. Trump was unable to find any decent lawyers because they all knew working for him would be the end of their careers. He had to settle for a bunch of farm-team volunteers who had nothing to lose.

That's the power of what they are doing. Makes me think of the movie The Firm "take away their lawyers and they can't do business" was the line the hero gave the FBI at the end. (he was unwittingly working for a mafia law firm.)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at June 30, 2021 06:37 AM (4z6sM)

5 Apparently it IS a crime if you are Donald Trump, Bill!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at June 30, 2021 06:37 AM (4z6sM)


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Posted by: buy weed uk at July 08, 2021 12:56 PM (QjImP)

7 Prosecutors in New York, Georgia and Washington have active inquiries that could yield further, seriouscharges againstthe ex-president. RapidFS

Posted by: RapidFS at November 22, 2021 03:48 AM (8k05E)

8 So RapidFS why didn't they bring any of this up while Trump was in office? Hmm? Why was it not brought up during either impeachment? 

They are trying to manufacture a crime from thin air.

What party were these prosecutors from?

This is being done solely because they fear Donald Trump as a political force.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at November 22, 2021 08:14 AM (DTF5h)

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