November 18, 2023

New Email Shows Fauci Adviser Suggesting He Destroyed Records

Diane Kimura

A stunning email uncovers Dr. David Morens, Deputy to Dr. Anthony Fauci, deliberately avoiding record-keeping of sensitive COVID-19 issues:

• Morens confessed in a 2021 email to keeping minimal emails or documents on COVID-related matters.

• He asked for sensitive correspondence to be sent to his personal Gmail, circumventing official channels.

• Sen. Ron Johnson exposed this email, signaling a potential breach of federal record-keeping laws.

• The revelation followed a request for NIH documents on pandemic handling.

Why was David Morens deliberately avoiding the record-keeping process? Did Fauci tell him to do this?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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