September 13, 2024

Mideast War Looming

Timothy Birdnow

The IDF has attacked Iranian forces in Syria in what can only be considered a major escalation and will likely result in open warfare with Iran.

From the article:

The Jerusalem Post reported Thursday:

Israeli ground forces targeted an Iranian missile production facility in Syria during a strike this week attributed to Israel, according to Middle East expert Eva J. Koulouriotis, who specializes in jihadist groups and cited a security source. Koulouriotis wrote on X that special Israeli forces entered the facility, removed equipment, and then destroyed the site.

On Sunday evening, reports indicated that Israel had carried out a wide-scale attack in the region, which included strikes on a scientific research center believed by Western sources to be responsible for developing non-conventional weapons.

The operation reportedly lasted about an hour. Israeli special forces successfully entered the facility, removed key equipment and documents, rigged the site with explosives, and destroyed it, all while withdrawing under air cover.

The Times of Israel added:

The opposition Syria TV network, based in Turkey, reported that Israeli helicopters did not land on Syrian soil, but instead hovered as special forces rappelled down ropes.

The report said there were violent clashes in which three Syrians were killed, and two to four Iranians were captured. The report did not give details as to what happened to the Iranians.

The outlet additionally said that a Russian communications center was among the sites targeted as part of the operation.

The increased intensity and focus of Israeli operations has come as Israeli political leaders have begun stating openly that they are preparing for war against Iran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon to stop rocket, missile, and drone attacks that have forced the evacuation of 63,500 civilians from 74 towns near the northern border of the country.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:46 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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