December 27, 2022

Methane and Warming Madness

But, but, but, it's like all carbon dioxidc Dude!

Oh, and Methane is Abiotic so global warming isn't caused by that, by and large (unless one argues methane is increasing in the atmosphere, which makes the "it's all our fault" argument untenable.

Methane is abiotic, at least to a degree. A number of years back there was a much-ballyhood announcement of methane in the Martian atmosphere as a"sign of life" See also this.

But of course we have long known there is methane in the atmospheres of the gas giant planets and no doubt that was NOT made by life there. So the obvious conclusion to draw was the methane was buried in permafrost, much as it is on Earth, and abiotic. One does not just casually assume life is the cause when no life has been found anywhere except the Earth.

Oh, and the release of that methane implicated the Sun for Martian global warming.

I took a lot of abuse for writing that AT article, but nobody could prove me wrong on it. .

So Martian methane has been rising in the atmosphere for - no reason whatsoever!  It's not like we've built factories belching out greenhouse gases there, or put fleets of cars on the Red Planet. I guess the Mars Rover caused all this?

I think in light of the above graph (kindly supplied by
Bjørn K Vottestad) we can say the warming of Barsoom and the subsequent methanization of the atmosphere is tied to solar activity.

(BTW the peak of planetary warming was in the late nineties, a time when Mars showed even more warming than the Earth. Don't expect to find this stuff in any literature today.) There is also evidence of this as late as 2016. And while there is nothing new, so too has the Earth moved into another "pause" in temperature rise. The media and big government science tries to deny there is a pause, or was, but the facts are pretty well established. And the models used to predict "climate change" cannot account for it. So they try to say it is an artifiact. But the bigger artifact is the warming. NOAA and NASA have both been caught fudging historical data to make it look warmer than it is.

This is the largest hoax in history (well, along with Covid) and they are still desperate to maintain it because it is the core of the attempt to "decarbonize" the economy which means tear the Western economy down. That economy is based on oil and gas and free markets. The Progressives want a world where we are all equal and want to give the Third World a chance to catch up by hamstringing us. They also want a socialist world system and world govenrment. All of these goodies can be gotten through climate alarmism. And they know it, which is why they desperately cling to the lie.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:07 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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