April 26, 2023

Media Malfeasance

Lance Sjogren

Glenn Greenwald discusses the sordid history of lies on behalf of the Democrats since 2016.

It is absolutely horrifying how corrupt our media and government have become.

One thing about it: The fiercest critics of Democrat corruption are leftists. Which kind of makes sense. Right wingers take it as self-evident that Democrats are corrupt. The populist left believes the Democratic Party ought to represent their views. And ought to be democratic, honest, and support civil liberties. Because they expect the Democratic Party to be a force for good, they are all the more angry that it isn't.

False CIA Letter—Lying that Hunter Laptop was "Russian Disinformation"—Initiated by Biden Campaign. Plus: Darren Beattie on Ray Epps, Tucker, & More | SYSTEM UPDATE #78

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