April 25, 2023

Letting the Insane Use the Oppose Sex's bathrooms

Willis Eschenbach

It is TRULY BIZARRE that the only men that liberals are pushing to let into women's private showers, changing rooms, jails, and sports are men claiming to have a recognized mental illness [DSM-5 302.85 (F64.9)]

Here's the crazy part. 84% of trans people have not had an operation. And 61% are not taking hormones.

This means the majority are just cross-dressers who now claim that putting on the opposite sex's clothes magically changes their actual sex to match.


Yeah, that's totally legit.

Weird times, friends. Mondo weird.

Tim adds:

And it never occurs to the geniuses running this country that this is based on SELF IDENTIFICATION. There is no official medical diagnosis that results in a special permit or anything. So a rapist gets to use a shower if he claims to feel transgendered that day.

And here is psychobabble about "gender dysphoria" and how it is a psychological norm that must be treated as a norm and not as a pathology.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:50 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 170 words, total size 1 kb.

1 Here's the crazy part. 84% of trans people have not had an operation. And 61% are not taking hormones.

Posted by: Replica Watches at May 09, 2023 07:13 AM (MjvTm)

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