September 20, 2024

Israel Alone

Timothy Birdnow

The United Nations just ruled in the Gerneral Assembly that Israel may not defend herself in any of the territory she captured since the 1967 war, including East Jerusalem.

Yes, they are demanding that Israel surrender.


The resolution refers to a ruling earlier this year by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) — led by a judge from Lebanon, which is in a state of war with Israel — in which it declared Israel’s presence in Gaza, Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), and eastern Jerusalem to be illegal under international law. (Israel angrily rejected the ruling, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declaring: "The Jewish people are not occupiers in their own land.”)

The UNGA resolution demands that Israel withdraw all of its settlements from the West Bank within a year– including from towns that were Jewish before the Jordanian military expelled local residents in Israel’s independence war in 1948. It demands that Israel cease military activity in Judea and Samaria, and even demands that Israel get rid of passive measures, such as the "wall” (a fence, for most of its length) that keeps suicide bombers out of Israel.

End excerpt.

You know, if the U.N. can kick Israel out of the West Bank and all this territory after over fifty years, they can kick the U.S. out of much of the "Indian lands" we now possess. Will we leave the Black Hills to the Sioux? Give Manhattan back to the Indians? Hand Texas to the Comanche?

The article continues:

As the Jerusalem Post noted, the resolution also calls for an arms embargo against Israel regarding any weapons that would be used in Gaza, the West Bank, or eastern Jerusalem, and calls for a boycott of Israeli goods from those areas.


While this is a non-binding resolution, it does illustrate how isolated Israel is becoming as the West has changed sides in the eternal war by Islam against all mankind. Increasingly Israel stands alone - precisely as the Bible predicted it would in the end.

Question; if Israel is not allowed to annex territory and settle it then doesn't that suggest Western counttries like the U.S. can kick out the invading illegal aliens who are currently attempting to colonize our country? I mean, if it's bad when Israel does it isn't it just as bad when other nations do it to us?

Just asking.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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