October 10, 2024

DEI Enshrined in Academia

Victoria Harris

The @AAUP has ruled that faculty can be evaluated by their advancement of DEI goals in their work & that this evaluation is compatible with free speech/research.

►American Association of University Professors @AAUP
· 9:00 AM · Oct 9, 2024
Today, the AAUP released a new statement: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Criteria for Faculty Evaluation, which holds that, when appropriately designed & implemented, DEI criteria for faculty appointment, reappointment, tenure, & promotion are compatible w/ academic freedom.

️The AAUP Continues to Discredit Itself: The new-look AAUP seems to have positioned itself as a combatant in the culture wars, defending an academy marked by intersectionali

ty and "diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) initiatives against its extramural critics.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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No, We Can't Create Hurricanes

Timothy Birdnow

On Facebook the weather control theorists are out in force and arguing the two hurricanes that struck the southeast were CIA plots. Sadly such folks just don't understand the amount of energy involved; we cannot possible create such storms. I doubt we can even move them slightly.

The winds of an average hurricane can easily pack some 1.5 trillion watts of power, which is equivalent to about half the world's entire yearly electrical generating capacity. Does anybody really think we can create such a system using radio waves or sound waves or cloud seeding? There is way too much energy involved. Even if conditions are right it is an enormous mass of rotating air that has tobe energized. We do not have the technology, nor the energy, to do it.

But most of the theorists don't understand the physics involved.

Yes, we can have a very limited impact of weather. Cut down a forest and pave it over and the temperature increases. Build a lake and the temperature decreases. Build wind breaks and you stop the wind-drive erosion of land like we had during the Dustbowl years. But to create or direct a hurricane? Fuggitaboutit.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:54 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Big CME Coming

Lyle Hancock Sr.

A fast coronal mass ejection (CME) erupted from the Sun the evening of 8 October 2024, and is likely to arrive at Earth on 10-11 October. This CME has been analyzed, and speed estimates are 1200 to 1300 km/s. There is potential to reach G4 (Severe) upon arrival of this CME and throughout its passage.

While the solar flare was an X1.8, lower than the two previous flares, the associated CME was fast and considerably more energetic. We won't know the characteristics of the CME until it reaches the DSCOVR and ACE satellites, approximately 1 million miles from Earth.

If it reaches a G4 (severe) geomagnetic storm as expected, auroras may be seen as far south as Northern California and Louisiana -- much further south than normal.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:49 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Inflated Wind Speed

Roy W. Spencer

Hurricane Milton wind speeds at landfall: Another case of exaggerated estimates? I went through all of the highest sustained wind speeds the Hurricane Center listed for several hours around landfall time: The average observed by stations was 67 mph, and the average of the NHC official value was 114 mph. That's a 47 mph difference. The best positioned station was just offshore of Venice Beach, which measured 78 mph at landfall, which was 42 mph lower than the NHC estimate (120 mph). The same thing happened with Helene: our UAH storm intercept team measured only 60 mph at landfall, whereas the NHC value was 140 mph.

Tim adds:

With precision like that is it any wonder why we doubt the temperature records as provided by NASA and NOAA? I mean, if they can so inflate the wind speed of a hurricane, why do we not think they would inflate the historical temperature record?

They always seem to round up - and sometimes WAY up - to make it more dramatic, it seems to me. Or for a more nefarious purpose (like getting carbon taxes or new government regulations of the economy).

One more reason not to trust any alphabet agency when they tell us the sky is falling if we don't pay them more money.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:29 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Mad Mothers

Diane Kimura

~50% of liberal women under 30 say they have a mental health condition. (Pew)

There’s an entire demographic who take antidepressants and go to therapy, and then think we should all listen to them on how to run the country…

May be an image of text that says 'Pew (2020): 'Has a doctor or healthcare provider EVER told you that you have a mental health condition?' % saying yes: 50 Conservatives 40 Moderates 30 Liberals Liberals Women 20 Women Women 10Men 10 Men Men Men 18- 29 30- 49 50- 64 65+ 18- 29 30- 49 50- 64 65+ 18- 29 30- 49 50- 64 65+ Figure 1. Data from Pew Research, American Trends Panel Wave 64. The survey was fielded March 19-24, 2020. Graphed by Jon Haidt.'

Tim adds:

And these women are raising children, whom they are messing up substantially. A study showed that half of the mothers of transgendered kids have mental/personality disorders. This bodes very ill for our society as these crazy gals are reproducing and making more madness.

Of course there is a desperate move to disavow this study. There are also multiple claims that "gender affirming" fixes all the problems of the kids so afflicted. I call total bullshit on that. Transgenderism is a political movement and not a medical or psychological upwelling. It is being pushed by powerful people for reasons that are somewhat unclear (although one can guess; it is destroying the fabric of society where we cannot even define a man or woman.) But it has no medical basis at all, despite what some bogus studies paid for by advocates have shown.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:20 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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October 09, 2024

Electric Chainsaws for Helena Survivors

Timothy Birdnow

Tel me this isn't a government operation.

FEMA sends hundreds of electric chainsaws to North Carolina town without power.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:55 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Let the Cheating Begin!

Timothy Birdnow

It's already begun.

7 Charged With Voter Fraud in Michigan Weeks Before Election

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:23 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Republicans Way Ahead in Registrations

Timothy Birdnow

Republicans beat the Democrats in registering voters in September in North Carolina and Pennsylvania by a margin of 2 to 1.

61,000 to 36,000 in Pennsylvania.

Of course it's not who is regisgered but who counts the votes. The Pennsylvania supreme court rejected a lawsuit by Republicans to guarantee addresses and names match on returned mail-in ballots. The sole reason for this is to make cheating easier.

We need to have a tidal wave in all these states and so overturn the power of the courts that the left has given them to help fix elections.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:19 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Tolkien's LOTR About ClimateChange?

Warner Todd Huston

Showrunner for Amazon’s Woke ‘Lord of the Rings’ Series Says Tolkien’s Masterpiece Is about ‘Climate Change’

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:14 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Evangelicals on Board with 1619Project

C Greg Carroll

Evangelical Christians today have become full fledged participants in the 1619 Project, the reorganization of society on the basis of identity and "equity.” All facts are siloed and filtered through a lens which attempts to correct injustices, real or perceived, which date back to the alleged complicity of Christianity in the arrival of slaves.

But who would have thought that Russell Moore, editor of the flagship Christian organ, Christianity Today, birthed by Billy Graham and Carl F. H. Henry, would lend his name to a Rob Reiner backed project to destroy wonderful Christian organizations? The movie, "God and Country,” in a screenshot below, expressly labels CBN and the Family Research Council "white Christian nationalists.”

"When do we consider how truth-telling in a Rob Reiner film might affect our neighbors or family or the people we sit next to in the pew every Sunday,” said religious historian John Fea in a column for Religion News Service.

Tim replies:

"white Christian nationalists.” We are ordered to be good citizens and to support the laws of our country and to love our country. The "white" part is just their way of accusing us of racism, the one unforgivable sin to the Left. But in the end "christian nationalism" is not just accepted but approved by God. Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's! If Russell Moore doesn't like that he needs to resign from his post and edit some Internationalist rag.

Greg responds:

I want to comment more on this because this morning’s Virginian Pilot has a local story on the 1619 slave arrival in Hampton Roads. Historians should mark the event but, "never wanting a serious crisis to go to waist,” the left’s new shiny object (which every Virginian discovered in 4th grade) is manipulated to reorganize society with peculiar notions of identity and "equity.” Moore is all in, even recently attributing Jackson’s terrible municipal water to racism. (Jackson’s water was just as terrible 45 years ago when the city was majority white. I know I lived there and we couldn’t drink the water.)

Tim replies:

Oh good grief!They just don't let up!

I bet they don't know that slavery only existed in American because a black man went to court to force his servant into perpetual slavery. Anthony Johnson, a free planter in Virginia, sued in colonial court to prevent his indentured servant, a man named John Casor, from being freed, arguing Casor was not his servant but his property. That made Johnson the first slaveholder in north America. He was a black man. Funny how these people simply brush that under the rug.

And records show that blacks were brought here first as indentured servants. But they were often taken unwillingly to fill a quota (sold by African warlords) and so were poor workers, hence they got longer and longer periods of indenture until those became "in perpetuity". Slavery was driven by economics, not racism. And it was hardly unique; it existed in the Caribbean, in South America, etc. Brazil had a much larger percentage of the population in slavery than the U.S. So did Haiti, and Jamaica. And slavery was ubiquitous in Africa, which is why these people were sold in the first place; usually they lost a war.

That "bad water because of racism" thing is stupid beyond words.

BTW I saw that sort of thing when Ferguson Mo. exploded; they claimed it was "majority black"and "ghetto" when in fact Ferguson had been majority white until about a year or two before it erupted. It became black because the city of Kinloch was bought out by the airport and Ferguson was next door so all the blacks moved there at once. Ferguson was actually a kind of college town with the University of Missouri St. Louis just down the street. Gentrified, with a brewery, nice restaurants, a wine garden, and wonderful stately Victorian homes. It was not an "impoverished hellhole" as it has been portrayed by the media. But they just forced it into their template as they always do.

I am sure that's what these foolish Evangelicas who believe this nonsense are doing; believing the lies told by the media.

BTW I wrote this about the adoption of the green goddess by Evangelicals some time back. It fits with this rising adoption of the 1619 Project as well. 1619 has been soundly debunked by historians since it was first dreamed up, I might add.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Green Energy; a Whiter Shade of Pale

Timothy Birdnow

Green energy is increasingly green around the gills.

McPhy abandons 24MW green hydrogen project seven days after announcing it

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:45 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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On "Good" Authority

Daniel Jupp

Probably the most succinct I have ever been in expressing my view on ‘conspiracy theories’ and those who insist on credentialism.

By all means challenge bullshit whatever its source. But do it by your own thinking and logic. NEVER do it just by an appeal to authority:

"The demand that someone should hold a degree before speaking is just about the dumbest idea imaginable. I’d rather have a thousand conspiracy theories that aren’t true than one unthinking jobsworth with the power to silence others and the sheer ignorance to think that only those with a ‘relevant degree’ can hold an opinion. Fuck that servile authority loving totalitarian bullshit.”

Tim adds:

Amen.Science and technology and most such other aspects of human progress have rarely been propelled by "authorities". In fact, Western Civilization was held back for centuries by it's obsession with experts, namely Aristotle and the other classical scholars. It wasn't until people began questioning the "experts" that the West came out of the stupor that had held it backward.

I would also point out that the obsession with formal degrees is fairly new. Many of the great scholars of history lacked a formal degree.

Galileo started working on a degree but never finished it.

Isaac Newton, had only a bachelor's degree and would be completely ignored now.

Copernicus had a doctorate - in Canon Law, not astronomy or physics.

Leonardo Da Vinci had no formal education at all.

And that wasn't just true of then. How many great inventors lacked education? Thomas Edison never even graduated high school. Alexander Graham Bell quit high school at age 15.There are others, many.

And that goes for statesmen as well. Abraham Lincoln had no formal education, for example. Nor did Patrick Henry.

In point of fact "experts" are almost always drawn from universities and are indoctrinated with group think and ossified ideas that do not allow for original thinking.

As writer Arthur C. Clark put it;

"When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is almost certainly wrong".

Or as Nicholas Butler put it:

"An expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less until finally, he knows everything about nothing."

Edwin Meese put it thus:

"An expert is somebody who is more than 50 miles from home, has no responsibility for implementing the advice he gives, and shows slides."

That is not to say expertiese isn't important in some cases. I would far prefer an engineer who is considered an expert to a DEI hire or a home handyman building the airplane I am to fly in, but by and large most "experts" are so styled by their college degrees and their self- asserted claim to expertise.

Sadly, this has become the sole determinant of all of our hiring these days. You can't get a job teaching, say, history even if you don't have a government certificate. I had a friend who had a degree in nursing but his undergraduate degree was business and, after twenty years of being an RN, he had to go back and get a bachelors in nursing! It was that or find another line of work. I have far greater faith in him than some teenie-bopper coming out of a nursing program.

At any rate it takes an expert to really foul things up. They are always reinventing the wheel, and then claiming their are far-sighted and brilliant.

BTW One of the key differences between Left and Right is that Leftists are unwilling or unable to think for themselves so venerate "experts" over the wisdom of crowds. Conservatives believe in theindividual and human reason. it's a fundamental difference and why so many liberals believe as Gospel the craziest things said by shcolars. Naturally, they fund the scholarship being done so they control the pronoouncements made by the "experts". They just ignore experts who disagree or call them sellouts.

Thomas Sowell wrote about this, so I have it on good authority!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:40 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Girls Will Be Boys

David Nabhan

Against the now-hackneyed "girls can do it" routine--which at least is a somewhat positive force nudging young women toward a good, skilled, important and necessary professional calling--society has put in the other corner a truly impressive and flat out formidable oppenent: be a slut and make tons of money that way. The explosion of female sex-based Only Fans--1.5 million now in the US--is a good barometer of the schizophrenic worldview foisted upon young women.

Tim adds:

Testosterone levels have dropped precipitously in the West. Any guess why? Women have been taught to behave like men, more and more, and men have been pressured to behave like women.

The end result is men's testosterone levels are declining and I suspect women's may be rising. Certainly many young women exhibit traits associated with higher testosterone; they are larger now, more muscular, more aggressive.

I blame this on feminism. We have turned women into men with vaginas, and men into little girly-men who want to wear summer frocks and makeup. I believe nature is altering our chemical makeups to fit with the sex roles we have chosen - with catastrophic results. Why has homosexuality increased over the last few decades? Transgenderism? Look at the fact that transgendered are now shooting up schools and the like. The Nashville shooter said in her manifesto that she was going to kill children because "God won't give me a boy's body". These people are mentally disturbed.

So many of the problems we now face in society stems from this . How many young girls suffer anxiety and depression and everything else because God made them women but Mankind told them to be men? And vice versa.

When you reject Nature and Nature's God you know it deep down and suffer for it. No amount of wishing can make a boy into a girl or a girl into a boy.

Feminism is unnatural. It rejects the roles of man and woman and demands the right to rebel against natural law out of a desire to be free of any constraints whatsoever.

Until we reject feminism our society will continue it's long slide into madness and suffering.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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October 08, 2024

Still Spending Big Bucks on Covid Relief

Diane M.. Kimura


"FEMA's Disaster Relief Fund monthly report reveals that nearly $4 BILLION was spent on "COVID-19 aid" in September of 2024, the most of any month since October 2023.

Billions of dollars are being spent on a pandemic that's been over for years while Helene victims are struggling.

See for yourself where the priorities lie in Kamala's America."

Tim adds:

I'm not surprised. We are still giving considerable amounts of foreign aid to China as a "developing country". https:// www.newsweek.com / us-still-sending -foreign-aid-ru ssia-china-figu res-show-181729 8 I guess we are just made of money!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 03:11 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Winds of Discontent

Timothy Birdnow

I visited the cardiologist today and the waiting room was fairly crowded and EVERYONE was talking about the country in horror and all of them were going to vote Trump! One Australian guy said he couldn't believe what had happened to America. So this could be a very good night for us come next month. I've never encountered anything like that in times past.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:58 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 70 words, total size 1 kb.

The New World Order

A Greg Delany

I posted this Aug 2019, but still holds true. I added the last paragraph tonight. It is a long read but educational and from things I saw with my own eyes.
To understand what is happening in Ukraine and in the US Deep State, State Department and with President Trumps Planned end around, to fulfill his promise to drain the swamp. You have to go back to George Bush 41. The Globalist and their Agenda have been trying to stop Our President from Day One. He was never supposed to win the election but thank God he did! How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? Sad to say, most people want to close their eyes to things that are hard to look at and not to pay attention to things that scare them. We need to open our eyes to the Globalists Agenda. I have firsthand knowledge and it scares the hell out of me. It probably started much earlier than where I saw it begin in 1991, but I witnessed a plan implemented by Bush to bring America into the New World Order Government. The Clinton's, Bush's and and Obama found the United States Constitution is the stumbling block preventing the plan from succeeding!
I worked at the US Embassy in Moscow 1989-93. and DOD projects in Former Soviet Republics 94-97. In 1991, I was shocked when G.H. Bush, (The ex-CIA Director and probably the man responsible for the attempted assassination on President Reagan,) installed Robert Strauss, (the head of the DNC,) as Ambassador for the US to the USSR. He basically over night installed Strauss, to help encourage Gorbachev to move toward Free market reform and begin the move toward a New World Order. They put together a plan to remove some of the Hardline Communists and resistance to Gorbachev in the Politburo. Gorbachev wanted to reform the Communist Party in the USSR to be more like China and begin to implement some Free Market policies to open trade with the West. They worked together and staged the failed Coup in Moscow August of 1991, just after Bush visited Gorbachev at his Dacha outside Moscow. They hoped Gorbachev could consolidate his power and begin trade agreements with the US in Oil and Gas. Bush, Strauss and Gorbachev never imagined that Yeltsin would intervene and take control of the country after his popular role in the failed Coup. The famous speech from the top of a tank propelled him to become Russia's new President. After Gorbachev failed and he was removed, they needed a new plan. That is when Strauss left Moscow to help instruct his new disciple and student Bill Clinton after his surprise win in the 1992 election. The new plans to conquer the World involved getting oil out of Azerbaijan, and Iraq so we would not be held hostage to the Saudis. Then Part two of the Plan was to get rid of the Nukes in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. Enter Slick Willy and his anti-America, Wife Hillary. They added a supplemental to the START II treaty called "the Budapest Memorandum on security." The US would promise to protect Ukraine against Russian aggression if Ukraine would give up their nukes. The Russians would give up any rights to Crimea and not prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. The Ukraine had the third largest stockpile of weapons on the planet and a huge chip on their shoulder for past sins of Russian aggressions against Ukraine.
Once the US removed all the Nuclear weapons and handed the warheads to Russia. Russia was safe from retaliation from the Ukraine, so they marched into Crimea. Obama did nothing. Russia knowing the Obama's and Clinton's were weak and could be bought with cash, did whatever they wanted. Russia marched into territories that would aid them in building a pipeline to sell oil from Azerbaijan. They took territories in Moldova and Georgia first, saying it was protecting Russian speaking citizens from the hostile governments that were prejudice against Russian speakers. That is like saying Mexico should take parts of Texas because people speak Spanish. Needless to say, both Clinton, Bush and Obama looked the other way and spoke out strongly against these aggressions and let the Russians proceed with their pipeline projects, While the Russians looked the other way and spoke out strongly against The Western invasion of Iraq. All the areas taken by the Russians were to be areas the Russians needed to build a pipeline and make oil production and shipment routes. They took control of sovereign lands to hold control of oil sales to the World. This would help break the back of the Saudi stranglehold on the oil market. The Russians looked the other way while we went in and took control of the Iraqi Oil fields. Europe and Turkey built their own pipeline from Azerbaijan and everyone got rich. One World Order is all smoke and mirrors. They use countries and people like playing cards. They are always on the lookout for the easiest way to control countries and people and the Key to a New World Governing body is the implementation of Global Political system of Government called Socialism.
Conservatives that protect the Constitution in America are the only obstacle standing in the breech. That is why the Democrats and Globalist Elite attack Capitalism and go after the First and Second Amendment the minute they take power. I pray "Our President" President Trump will start to put things back in order and hold the Elites Accountable. These Elites play God and destroy nations to control the World. These Elites are Bureaucrats and Diplomat's and Politicians that work behind the scenes to control policy and media propaganda. . That is why the entire World is out to get President Trump. He is not a member of this Cabal. His Campaign Promised to drain the swamp, has started the hidden war on Freedom! He can and I hope he will expose them. Hillary was selling Uranium and secrets to the Russians, Chinese and Iranians. The entire Clinton, Bush and Obama Cabal have been Colluding with the Globalist Cabal for decades. Hillary allowed her personal computers and servers to be hacked. The Russians, Chinese and Iranians all hacked Top secret intelligence on trade agreements, Our Stealth Drone Program and selling Arms to ISIS in Libya. The Iranians are now using the drone stolen from us in 2012 to now bomb Saudi Oil Fields. Everyone is trying to make President Trump start the next war. He is not paying attention to this evil plan and continues to put American interest First. Peace through strength. Capitalism pushed forward to bolster the Free Market will be the rising tide that lifts all boats. Don't be fooled by the Propaganda wing of the Left and Democrat Party. The MSM and Democrat Party are actively pushing forward with any lie they can fabricate to try and remove the threat of exposure from Trump! Just like Epstein, All the members of the Deep State and the One World Order Cabal will stop and nothing to Remove Trump from Office. We have witnessed three years of false allegations, Deep State Operatives working in the Intelligence Agencies, State Department and White House to keep him from exposing their Plans for World Domination and Slavery to the Elites. Ukraine has been used by the Cabal to try and destroy President Trump. They have no desire to help the people of Ukraine or to uphold our promise to defend them against Russian Aggression. They are being used to push forward an attack and nothing more.
In my opinion, now of course they have unleashed the China Virus to derail the Trump Economy and then remove Trump from Office. If America is stupid enough to elect a single Globalist to office, she deserves whatever happens to her. Vote out Evil, vote out Democrats!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:48 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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October 07, 2024

Griswald Fluctuations

Chester McAteer

Ever heard of the Griswald Fluctuations, there are literally hundreds of eye witness accounts of the period. Following the Medieval Warming Period the cooling period onset was rapid and between 1300-1800 was a time of drastic and very rapid global climatic change with Interesting fluctuations.

Here are just a few examples, not counting earlier accounts and evidence from the Vikings during the Medieval Warming into the Little Ice Age:

During the early portions of the 12th Century there were hurricanes that buried entire villages in Britain with sand, there are examples of extreme weather from the British isles all the way to the Ottoman Empire to the far East during that period that make modern weather events look tame.


flood killed 100,000 people.

North America—For decades in Arizona and New Mexico, rivers disappeared, crops failed, and towns declined, bringing death and destruction to that area.

England—Long periods of heavy rains ruined crops, causing death for one-tenth of the population due to malnutrition or disease.

Northern Europe—Over 1,000 people were killed when a tidal wave in the North Sea destroyed sea walls from the Netherlands to Denmark.

1596: A great famine in diverse places and in the city of Bristol all kinds of grain were very dear so that the poor was in very great want.

1603: This year upon the fourth of October was the greatest snow that ever was known by the memory of man.

1607-8: November the 20th 1607 began a freeze which lasted till February 8 following at which time the River of Severn and Wye were so hard frozen that people did pass on foot from side unto the other and played gambols and made fires to roast meat upon the ice.

1610-11: The winter proved very stormy in so much that it occasioned the greatest shipwrecks that ever was known in England.

The greatest storms in British history buried the village of Culbin on the Moray Firth near Nairn under sand.

These are just a few of the chronicle's entries, the severity of which can be corroborated from other sources. Some of the events were even illustrated in news pamphlets—the popular press of the day.

It was not just in Bristol that the weather was extreme. The Freeze of 1607-8 led to the first Frost Fair upon the Thames in London. The storms and famines discussed in the Bristol chronicle wrecked shipping and caused mass starvation across the world.

In Shakespeare's England, tempests were well known and the 'strange alterations of times and seasons' was recognized by the journalists of the day. As one 1613 news pamphlet reports: "We have within these few years, as well within this our native country of England as in foreign nations, been most grievously stricken... by dry summers, and parching heats, droughts...to cause barrenness with scarcity, then freezing and cold winters."

Four hundred years ago, England experienced some of its worst weather ever. In the depths of the Little Ice Age (1300-1800), huge volcanic eruptions, common during Minimums, in the Americas pushed dust and gases high into the atmosphere, blocking out the sun. The related cooling phase is known as the "Grindelwald Fluctuation' (1560-1630).

Crop failures, famines, great freezes, floods, unseasonal blizzards, tempests and droughts all feature in the accounts of these 'strangely altered' times where hundreds of thousands died in single weather events and entire villages were buried in sand.

The Little Ice Age was the coldest period since the start of the Holocene 11,700years ago.

In other places around the world there are examples of drastic and rapid onset extremes, in 1687 a chronicler in Istanbul, Turkey recorded: ‘This winter was severe to a degree that had not been seen in a very long time. For fifty days the roads were closed and people could not go outside. In cities and villages, the snow buried many houses. In the Golden Horn, the major urban waterway and the primary inlet of the Bosphorus in Istanbul], the snow ‘came up higher than one’s face.’

The following year, floods destroyed crops around Edirne close to Turkey's borders with Greece and Bulgaria, ruining the estates that normally supplied the imperial capital with food. In the 1640’s and 1650’s, a civil war gripped the British Empire.

This war combined with the effects of a series of failed harvest that led to famines, and plague epidemics killed approximately a quarter of a million people in England, Scotland and Wales or 7% of the population. Then later we have these:

Eastern Seaboard from North Carolina to Nova Scotia—At least 4,100 were killed during the storm called the Hurricane of Independence.

Barbados, West Indies—Hurrican e killed up to 22,000 people. This hurricane remains the strongest and deadliest hurricane on record.

China—Flooding killed 300,000 people.

India—Cyclone killed 70,000; Calcutta was the most affected.

Huang He (Yellow River), China—Flood waters killed 900,000 people.

East Coast of the United States—400 people died in the blizzard of 1888.

Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA—Flood killed more than 2,200 people.

Galveston, Texas, USA—Hurricane killed more than 6,000–8,000 people, the largest hurricane ever recorded.

1930s for 6 years
New York through the Midwest to California, USA—Drought caused the "Great Dust Bowl" of the south central plains during the mid-1930s. A period that saw the warmest temperatures in the 20th Century with 36% more days over 100° than at any time since that period.

Tim adds:

Those Grindwalds always had trouble, especially on vacation! (Oh, wait, that was Griswalds...)

Cahokia was a native American city in Illinois that was head of a powerful empire as advanced and complex as the Mayans, certainly. In the year 900 it was larger than London was at the time. By 1450 it was pretty much abandoned, and the whole moundbuilder civilization was finished. Why? Climate fluctuations led to famine and flooding and drought and they couldn't feed so many people. The city withered away. Now all that is left are the enormous earthen mounds. The culture has largely been forgotten by most people because of that. (BTW St. Louis was a suburb of Cahokia at the time and had a bunch of smaller mounds, leading to it's name "mound city". All but one of the mounds was bulldozed by developers.)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:24 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Hurricanes NOT Increasing

Gregory Wrightstone

Taking a dispassionate look at the data we find that hurricanes are NOT increasing. It may feel that way right now, but the facts tell a different story. The number of landfalling hurricanes in the U.S. and in Florida have been declining.
May be an image of tornado and text

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:08 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Ultima Thule
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Contact Tim at bgocciaatoutlook.com

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