Historical Ignorance and the Palestinians
Bob Redmond:
A letter to the Editor in today's St Louis Post Dispatch:
"I was not the least bit surprised by the letter to the editor from Gerald Greiman and Andrew Rehfeld of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis
When is the world going to recognize that the true terrorists are the Israelis? First they drove more than 750,000 innocent Palestinians from their land, stole their homes and property, and have virtually enslaved them for the past 70 years and continue to kill them almost on a daily basis.
In typical fashion, the Jewish Federation jumps to claim its anti-Semitism excuse, the standard defense of any complaint against Israel or the Jewish community. But perhaps just as appalling is that the Christian community and the media at large have not stood up and demanded a stop to such killing. For that there is no excuse.
What can be said?
Oh, the stupidity of Democrats.
The writer of the letter is probably a Democrat. She's from Imperial, a blue collar area that votes heavily Democrat. And she was probably educated in a public school, which taught her to not think for herself.
By the way, I wrote about this a few years ago (leading me to strike up a great friendship with Alan Caruba, who wrote almost the same thing at the same time.) I can't turn the article up now via Google, which suggests it's being "shadow banned" by our Googley overlords, but I argued that there were no such people as Palestinians and that they are a creation of modern Liberals to act as a counterweight to the returning Jews. Certainly most were illegal aliens, coming into British Palestine to find work.
By the way, here https://canadafreepress.com/article/why-the-liberals-hate-israel is an article where I argue the Left hates Israel because they prove their secularistic worldview wrong. You may be interested in reading it if you have extra time to kill.
I'm not getting into this in much detail. There are people who get paid to write about Israel. I will just say that most of the so called Palestinians come from other countries, such as Egypt. Yassir Arafat was an Egyptian. And on the morning after Israel declaired its independence, seven Arab countries' armies attacked it - and lost, including losing much land. There are consequences to losing a war, particularly one that you started. The same with the Six Day War which started with the Egyptian blockade of the Straights of Tiran cutting off Israeli shipping to its Asian markets. A blockade is an act of war under international law.
The Arabs also expelled a roughly equal number of Jews from Morocco, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, the West Bank, Yemen, etc. in the early years of Israel's independence while seizing their proprerty.
As for the Christian community being "required" to oppose Israel, I would say that the Christian community would do well to oppose the persecution and expulsion of Christian Arabs from places like the West Bank, notibly in Bethlehem where the Christian community population has fallen precipitously in recent decades.
Another thing I could add here. Whereas Jews had an ancient population that had lived in Israel for thousands of years, including people who never left the biblical towns of Jerusalem and Bat Galim near Haifa, there are no acient ancestral documented claims to Europeans living in the United States thousands of years ago but these European colonists displaced the Native Americans. Using the identical logic of this this St. Louis Post Dispatch reader, all Christians should pick themselves up and return to Europe because they have no right to be in North America. And what the letter writer fails to address is that Islam not only considers Israel "occupied country" but Islam also considers Des Moines, Iowa and Edina, Minnesota "occupied territory" that rightfully belongs to Islam.
I have seen churches in the U.S. with signs saying "Antioch Baptist Church." Antioch, a town in modern Turkey, was, according to Wikipedia:
Antioch was called "the cradle of Christianity" as a result of its longevity and the pivotal role that it played in the emergence of both Hellenistic Judaism and early Christianity.[2] The Christian New Testament asserts that the name "Christian" first emerged in Antioch.[3] It was one of the four cities of the Syrian tetrapolis, and its residents were known as Antiochenes. The city was a metropolis of half a million people during Augustan times, but it declined to relative insignificance during the Middle Ages because of warfare, repeated earthquakes, and a change in trade routes, which no longer passed through Antioch from the far east following the Mongol conquests.
So the Muslims forced the Christians out of Antioch and I don't understand why this St. Louis Post Dispatch reader is not angry about that fact. Unless their opinion is the selective outrage of antisemites and leftist self-hating Jews.
The St. Louis Post Dispatch is a liberal rag newspaper which is about as outrageous in its opinions as the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
In the previous note, I mentioned the small town Antioch in Turkey near the Syrian border that is very important to Christian history. The subject brings up two related themes.
This letter writer to the St. Louis Post Dispatch doesn't seem to care to mention the armed attack and takeover of the capitol of the Holy Roman Empire, namely Constantinople and the death and destruction that followed. And I could throw in the murder of over one million Armenian Christians by the Turks int he early part of the Twentieth Century. Why is this person only concerned - without going into specifics - about events in Israel? Why is this person not concerned or angry at all about destruction of a Christain country on the Anatolian Peninsula and its recreation as a Muslim enclave known today as Turkey? How many million Christians were murdered by Turks and this doesn't raise the ire of the letter writer to the St. Louis Post Dispatch?
Tim Again:
And let us not forget what they did to Lebanon, a model of peace and prosperity with a mixed- religious heritage until the "Palestinians" came and destroyed it. It suffered a horrible civil war after allowing in "refugees" and is now a dictatorship/Islamic hellhole. Why are not tears flowing from her for them?
Or for the people victimized by ISIS, the traditional Christians and Jews who inhabited the areas?
I'll bet she isn't even aware of any of this. As they say, for many history begins when they were born. And even then if it ain't in the Post Dispatch it ain't news!