December 31, 2017

Half of MN wants Franken to stay...

Jack Kemp

And you thought that Sven and Ole were stupid...

Oh, Forget About It: 50 Percent Of Minnesota Voters Want Al Franken To Stay

Matt Vespa
Posted: Dec 29, 2017

Well, on January 2, Al Franken will no longer be a U.S. Senator. Multiple women have accused the comedian of sexual harassment. In the Me Too reckoning, along with Rep. John Conyers’ (D-MI) exit over allegations of sexual misconduct, his position became untenable. Also, Democrats wanted to renew attacks on Republicans on this issue without having to answer for Conyers and Franken’s conduct. Getting rid of both men allowed the Left to take out the trash and clean the attack slate. Franken obviously didn’t want to go, thinking his liberal disposition could be a life raft. It worked for Bill Clinton, who has been credibly accused of rape. This time, not so much—as Conyers exited, the dam broke. Nearly every Democrat in the Senate said it was time to go. So, he grudgingly announced his resignation after Thanksgiving, without offering an apology—with the added bonus of calling his accusers liars. It was not an introspective moment. Prior to the Thanksgiving holiday, 50 percent of Minnesota voters wanted Franken to resign. His approval rating sunk below 40 percent. And of course, there were was an op-ed saying maybe his resignation was too hastily fashioned.

Read the whole article.

Minnesotan Dana Mathewson replies:

And you all DID see that this poll was from a leftist source, of course. Which means that we all ignore it.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:49 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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