December 01, 2023

GOP in the Catbird Seat

Timothy Birdnow

Good news these days on the political front.

First, 21 Democrats in the House of Representatives are not seeking reelection compared to just 11 Republicans. Meanwhile in the Senate four Demcrats are retiring compared to 2 Republicans.

This on top of the fact that more Democrats are defending their Senate seats then Republicans. 20 Democrats are defending while only 10 Republicans.

And a new Gallup poll finds Joe Biden with just a puny 27% support among Independents, the demographic we are told is vital to electoral success.

Granted,we are still a year out from the election and a lot can happen. But things are looking good at this point.

Oh, and Donald Trump has won repeatedly in state courts to remain on the ballot despite efforts to call him an insurrectionist and disqualify him from public office via the 14th amendment.

AND the latest polling shows Trump cleaning Biden'sclock in every battleground state.

But fear not! The GOP can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in the most amazing fashion. I have faith in McDaniels,McConnell, and the rest of the Republican leadership to turn near-certain victory into a squeeker, or a total disaster.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:13 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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1 Yep. We just kicked a GOP rep out of Congress. We COULD have kicked at least three Donkey reps off the House for worse crimes: Rashida, Ilhan and Pencil-Neck, can you tell I'm talking about you?

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at December 01, 2023 11:55 PM (ISUTu)

2 And  Dana the GOP isn't going after the fire alarm guy. That is a felony and they could kick him out but won't. But they'll kick out one of their own.

The Republicans don't deserve an elephant for a mascot; elephants are smart. Republicans are more like cows.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at December 02, 2023 09:08 AM (lsyOS)

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